URGENT ¡¡¡ DTC South America Calendar
Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva
I hope this meets U in really good health
Thank U for sharing with us your full morning program it helps a lot, just one thing when U use your cellphone and chant japa we can't barely hear You, but it is nectar anyway
Gurudeva devotees in cordova are saying that U have confirmed that U will be there from January 2nd to January 12th is this accurate?? many devotees are asking me and I do not know what to say
Thank in advance
Yulan yatra ki jaya
HpS - ASA - Oooof! AGTSP paoho. We feel horrible that we cannot be on a Japa Joe program. This North American tour and the Bhakti-vedanta College classes have made it so, so difficult. Seems that Twitter is our one way to inform people of what is happening with us! Yes, the cell phone volume is low at times.
We are discussing this itenarary:
week 1 - Cordoba Camping with Parama padam Prabhu et al.
2- BsAs
3 - Mar de Plata
4 (& 1st Feb) - Chile
Feb rest in Peru - Ecuador - Bolivia. The main ISKCON Education Symposium would be in Chile then.
What do you think? NOw 3.54 AM we are squeezing in this letter before Mangala arati.