DTC Fr(23)

9 years, 12 months ago by hps in DTC



Here we are in the "Guru" room in the B'cari ashrama in the Santiago, ISKCON Temple. Many good things. Nothing bad except our own weakness of will. Eg. we probably should have taken a bath and put on tilak and chanted noon gayatri before taking our lunch (which we save from breakfast), but prayed to God to help us considering the work load and had Prasadam.

Last night was the BIG Jung Program at the National Libaray. It was    P+A+C+K+E+D  one girl with a friend and a crutch we stand up. All 160 sears full, stairs, floor, members of the Indian Embassy. The local devotee classical music back was better than anything I have heard in India. Lalita, from Chile, studied for about 4-years total in Varanasai.

By the time we got on stage we were with knots in our stomach and dizzy in our intelligence, but a lot of preparation and the program was about 70% of what we hoped for. The 30% lacking was the fact that we ran out of time, and really only presented the Jung side of the bridge, not the Prabhupada side.

Even still the audience gave us a 1-minute applause, afterwards President of Jung Society and a psychologists said that they both want to help organize the next event and that they both have Master's degree programs in universities where they want us to present a series of lectures.

Ooooof.   AgtSP.   Next is the Latin American Congress on Education which is building up beyond belief also. Four Sannyasis, two PhDs, Latin American Sankirtan Director, many devotees from many countries arrving for the weekend.

Now it is 2.15 PM. We have answered the technical mail, called Dr. Samaresh in India, met with our BhVai study partner and at 5.30PM we go on Hari-nama and back by 6.00PM for The Night of the Living Prabhupada. We continue to erase all the letters to the Blog except those from the "Secretarys" mentioned in the KDh.

Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna.

AGTSP!!!!!!!                 We will see you in Sankirtan!!!!!

DTC Tu(13)

10 years ago by hps in DTC

  A G T S P !
(paoho/bw) . . . . Still alive!   Flew from Cordoba to Buenos Aires (BsAs) this morning with Pancha-tattva Das. Went to LAN Baggage as instructed, but they could not find the credit card that we dropped on the outbound flight and they had said they were keeping for us. However, Agent said that someone who was more informed would be there soon and he would call Pancha-t-Das by 2PM, but 2PM has passed and no call.

Logged on to USB and no weird charges on the card so far.

                                                                   Hmmm.  Hare Hare!!   <img alt="smiley" height="23" src="http://www.hps.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/regular_smile.png" title="smiley" width="23" />

Has been as hot as hell here the last few days, but today was rain so cooled it down.  Did we tell you, The Jungian Society of Cordoba started to post pictures of the event. They titled it, "A Dream Come True". This is funny since Jungian analysis depends so much on dreams.

We got to the Temple on Cuidad de la Paz street (City of Peace [Santi-pur?!]) with a rip-roaring, reception Kirtan going on. Mangala-ananda, Nanda-raja, Narayana-para, Rati-manjari devi Dassss all received us. (The set of kaupins we left here we still here). Bath, brunch, write the "Trash" tha follows, nap, adjust the electricity point, altar, work space.... Calendar Session, letter to NAD, USB, check Yahoo-mail, erased three letters from the Blog.

We will be sitting in the same place for 8-days!!!!
        Now its 3.48PM.

Planning for Krsna (Manasa krodha vegam)
3.45-5.00 - Review and close TPP  CB/17
5.00 - Milk (banana)
5.30-6.30PM - Temple room for conversations with anyone, Japa.
6.30-8.00 - Gaura-arati and BG class.

Hare Krsna, Hare Rama.




There once was a cat named Caruthers,

   Who was personally known to five others.

He performed concerts and hymns.

   The public adored his whiskers and limbs,

And he bathed with flea-soap

Each morning.

“Come with-th-th-th me up the Nile.

 Let us see the Sun god smile.

5,000 years ago,

The sights and forests,

Now you would not know.

“Yes, the world always degrades to rot,

   Because that is what we sought.

In a land where there is no snow,

   We must create it from what we know.

Bad is the price of good,

And asphalt covers the ground,

   Where as children, barefoot, we once stood.”

The Egyptians used cats to guard the doorways to the underworld. It works. This is the world of dualities because we have turned away from the Absolute Truth as so we can only experience youth if we experience old-age etc.

DTC Mo(12)

10 years ago by hps in DTC

paoho . . .

Hare Krsna!

Esteemed Professor.

It is Monday the 12th herein Cordoba, Argentina. It is little hot and we are resting after the Jung symposium last night. It was very, very intense. The audience was about 70-professional psychologists, university faculty and graduate students. They were extremely attentive, the questions very intense and often requiring rather profound technical psychological knowledge and Vedic knowledge to make the bridge.

The Vice-president said that he did not have words to express the change in heart that he felt from the evening, and the President is pushing us to come back in June or July for a series of accredited courses at the University.

We dustributed about 25-books: TLC, BG, NOI, LOB

We are always presenting ourselves as members of ISKCON, but with the comment that the "Hare Krsna movement" has had its evangelic aspect like the Jesuit branch of the Roman Catholic Church but we are more like the Franciscan Monks, and then as faculty of Ricardo Palma Universities Institute for Oriental and Occidental Classical Studies (IECOO) and NIOS. Of course, we are burning up energy in trying to always get the most strategic results from this work and not just tactical successes. In this perspective everyone's advice is very essential. We have seen Dr. Samaresh give it repeatedly. He has the broad view of a historian.

The work that the devotees, Ambaris, Vrsabhanu, Madhavendra, Pancha. . . . . are doing is supremely professional.

Nanda-gopal and Mother Sushila are hosting all of us.

Our body is really exhausted but at heart  our energy is well and we see that the schedule has sufficient rest opportunities if we take it!

Tomorrow we are off to The Capitol, Buenos Aires, and we stay in the same residential suites for 10-days.

. . .

DTC Su(11)

10 years ago by hps in DTC

AGTSP . Paoho . 10.34PM . Cordoba, Argentina . We returned from the Jung lecture at 10.00PM but the house was locked so we waited outside until the owner came with the key . Our body is exhausted but we are quite satisfied. The lecture with 3,000 hours of preparation went quite well. The hall was full of people, psychologists etc. Now we must rest Brother Ass and begin our daily chanting again at 1.15AM or so.

[Why did the chicken cross the road?]
[Because it was to far to go around.]

We sold about 20-NOI, TLC, LOB, BG. The organizers asked us very strongly to come again in June or July so that they could organize a series of accredited classes at their university. Hare Krsna!

DTC Th(8)

10 years ago by hps in DTC

AGTSP paoho. Here we are in Buenos Aires, 4.11AM.

Got here are 3Pm Yesterday. Nice association with Kesava Swami and all the devotees. Now we are running to the airport and from Cordoba to the rural educational retreat with Param-padam Das et al. Don't know if there will be internet there.

AGTSP!!!!   Paoho.  Sankirtana!

DTC We(7)

10 years ago by hps in DTC

Jaya Sri Krsna!

Esteemed Professor et al,

We are being called to he car to go to the airport for our next country, Argentina. It is 5.53AM. We are leaving at 6.00AM. We are feeling mild heart agitation, so should be little more tranquil. Have 13 of 16 daily malas done.

Tried to call you last two days but an Indian voice says, "Cannot be connected now, try later". Will try again.

Yesterday we arranged a Very nice lunch with.

Alejandro Salazaar - Director of "Sattva" and very intelligent social-political fellow here in Peru,

Miguel Polo - Head of Philosophy at San Marcos University. We gave him a copy of his entry in our Muesum book and the recent university of Chicago, 4-volume translation of "Journey to the West". He was very happy.

Walter Leon - Senior Professor of Achitecture at Ricardo Palma Univeristy

Oscar Natars - Director of Integro, one of the most famous avant garde theater groups in Peru.

All our collaborators for years.

We set 5th February for a big NIOS event - ""Science, Psyche and Spirituality - The Encoutner of Carl Jung with the Peruvian Collective Sub-conscious". We plan to have a publication and short movie out of it.