DTC Fr(23)
Here we are in the "Guru" room in the B'cari ashrama in the Santiago, ISKCON Temple. Many good things. Nothing bad except our own weakness of will. Eg. we probably should have taken a bath and put on tilak and chanted noon gayatri before taking our lunch (which we save from breakfast), but prayed to God to help us considering the work load and had Prasadam.
Last night was the BIG Jung Program at the National Libaray. It was P+A+C+K+E+D one girl with a friend and a crutch we stand up. All 160 sears full, stairs, floor, members of the Indian Embassy. The local devotee classical music back was better than anything I have heard in India. Lalita, from Chile, studied for about 4-years total in Varanasai.
By the time we got on stage we were with knots in our stomach and dizzy in our intelligence, but a lot of preparation and the program was about 70% of what we hoped for. The 30% lacking was the fact that we ran out of time, and really only presented the Jung side of the bridge, not the Prabhupada side.
Even still the audience gave us a 1-minute applause, afterwards President of Jung Society and a psychologists said that they both want to help organize the next event and that they both have Master's degree programs in universities where they want us to present a series of lectures.
Ooooof. AgtSP. Next is the Latin American Congress on Education which is building up beyond belief also. Four Sannyasis, two PhDs, Latin American Sankirtan Director, many devotees from many countries arrving for the weekend.
Now it is 2.15 PM. We have answered the technical mail, called Dr. Samaresh in India, met with our BhVai study partner and at 5.30PM we go on Hari-nama and back by 6.00PM for The Night of the Living Prabhupada. We continue to erase all the letters to the Blog except those from the "Secretarys" mentioned in the KDh.
Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna.
AGTSP!!!!!!! We will see you in Sankirtan!!!!!