DTC Su(4)

10 years ago by hps in DTC

AGTSP (paoho) . . . Here we sit in Tiqueplaya, in Ashrama of Mathuresa Das. We attach a picture down below of the vista from our window. We're in the country, the cocks greet the sun and the smell of the wet earth and flowers hover in the air.

The third day of the National Festival is underway, its 6.15 in the morning.

Mathuresa Das spoke of the GBC and we spoke of MOE. Later we presented "Our Philosophy of Education".

Today we'll speak on the basic principles of Bhakti-yoga: 16/4 - FMP... and tomorrow we leave at  5AM for two flights that will take us to Lima.

Our basic work is just the same: MoE, BhVai, Sankirtan w/ CGJ etc.
As explained we are deleting all the mail except Nama-acharya, Patrak, Nikunjabihari and Jiva Goswami Das and Candra Mukhi D D. You can reach us through them.

Hare Krsna!  Hare Rama!

DTC Fr(2)

10 years ago by hps in DTC

hAre kRsna, haRe krSna ! AgtSP. Paoho.

Ooof!      Are we every tired. It is 9.32PM. We are in Mathuresha Das' home, hacienda, temple, in Tiqueplaya, Bolivia. Since we left Murfreesboro at 6AM the 31st December with Abbhaya Ji we have taken 8-car trips, 4-plane trips and passed both nights in the airplanes. Several programs with devotees, UNESCO, and ISKCON education groups.

ink! Our energy is pretty good!
Our service appears to be of some benefit.

Here in Bolivia it is the National Annual Festival with so, so, many nice devotees.
Krsna seems to be keeping the level of stress in hand so that we don't get sick and die.
              Good internet here.
Will not even look at the Letters to this Blog, not Annual Reports, but you can reach us through Patraka Das in Peru, Nikunja-bihari Das in Argentina and Jagat-guru Das in Chile.
Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna!
So wholesome life.
Now we will read the Tattva-sandarbha that we found here and take rest!!!!
Very best of wishes for your Sankirtan.
We hope to hear all about it when we get back to USA!!!!
Kapi Dhvaja on Sunday. <img alt="smiley" height="23" src="http://www.hps.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/regular_smile.png" title="smiley" width="23" />

Annual Reports 3

10 years ago by hps in DTC, Special Category A

Aaaaaaa! All the Annual Reports read and answered!

Gaura kishora Das Babaji only had one disciple.

(Prabhupada had ove a thousand, no?)
It is hard work, Sankirtan, but we feel that it is mercy too. We can contribute a little bit to the Yatra. You, readers, many, are doing much much more sacrifice for Srila Prabhupada than we are.

So we try to improve.

Grateful that we can do something.
O.K. No more reports accepted. Whoop!  Whoop!     If you didn't report them maybe you should return your Japa beads and revert to your secular name.

Oink! Oink! (Unless they repent and are sincere!).

3.56PM  Sun is heading for the horizon. Tomorrrow is New Year's eve day. We leave at 6AM for the air-port. We start the trip tonight so we don't have to begin it on Ekadasi. Now we go do some last minute shopping etc. for the trip.

Thank you. Hari Bolo!

Annual Reports 2

10 years ago by hps in DTC, Special Category A

Various fall-downs. Eg. not getting up for Mangala arati. Various. General Idea: Get association. Make a pact with someone else to wake each other up. Make a report in the Blog of your Mangala arati score.
Sangat sanjayate kamah: Our desires and ambitions develop from the company we keep.
We take some Chocolate covered P-nuts sometimes when in stress, traveling. Ramanuja Das asked Prabhupada if Insia pickles were in the mode of goodness, and Srila Prabhupada said, "No, but we take a little". Our Sankirtan life sometimes puts us in the association of passion and ignorance.
So maybe a little pickle.

But... are you addicted? Are you doing it for sense gratification or as a result of your austerity to do Sankirtan? How o find out? Give it up for a month.
So, along with one Pujari we are going to renounce all chocolate for one year.
If we are failure or success we will report next year.

Anybody else have new year's vows! <img alt="smiley" height="23" src="http://www.hps.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/regular_smile.png" title="smiley" width="23" />

Reportajes Annual

10 years ago by hps in DTC, Special Category A


Pfanrh & BQ

Estamos casi terminando revisar los Reportajes Annuales. Ano pasado no era posible. Pero estamos aprendiendo constantamente y mejorando nuestra serivico. Buena noticia es que podemos llevar nuestra mejoraciones a la proxima vida!
Muchos siguien todo bien. 35% con problemas con los principios y su Japa. (Claro eso es de los ~55 reportajes de 355 iniciados. Pensamos es peor entres no reportando). Un desafio. Pero de todos maneras hay progreso para casi TODOS. Es lento o es rapido, acercandose a ISKCON hay advanza, eterno.
Un devoto escribiendo de su caida con su esposa y sigue nuestra respuesta por que es problema muy comun y si podemos presentar nuestra respuesta una vez no tenemos que escribir 45-veces. Es un muy buen devoto.


Si, sexo illicto es como entar en un infierno. Aparece muy, muy muy dulce en el momento, pero despues tan muchos problemas.   P A S S I O N  y ignorancia.   Por que?    No se...   Srimad Bhagavatam es una coleccion de caidas. Muchos en sexo illicito?  Esta razon, esta razon. Ajamila una razon. Saubhara Muni, otro. Kunti con el dios de sol otro.....
Yo no podía ayudar porque yo estaba tan estrechamente relacionado con usted. En cierto modo que es natural debido a la separación física. Devotos mayores, miembros de la familia, las buenas personas que viven cercanos deben ser nuestros Gurus local.
Así que yo diría que eso puede ser una gran parte de la problem. Necesita mas "gurús" locales. Si puede hacerlo, el blog es un buen lugar para poner algunas ideas y obtener alguna asociación.
¿Vale?  Nuestras sugernecias son al punto?
Tenemos muchas otras sugerencias, pero tenemos que saber más acerca de su situación antes de que podamos ofrecer lo que podemos pensar es la sugerencia correcta.
Gracias por todo el esfuerzo que hiciste este año y ha hecho usted. Es eterno.

DTC Sa(27)

10 years ago by hps in DTC

Jaya, Srila Prabhupada!

What does that mean? It means practical engagement for the senses. We pray to him to engage our sense (and get us into the higher fun). We used the tools we have been gradually accumulating over the last few months and took the broken heater apart today and it started working again.

We baked four potatoes for Lord Nrsmha deva's breakfast and made a soup of  three tablespoons of channa dahl, 1 tablespoon butter, lots of carrots and some salt and one apple.

We answered like 12-annual reports, 12-letters and had a medium long talk with Rama giridhari Das about the Ministry work.

We are sitting at NGD house now. It is dark, cold, mild raining, miserable outside. Another typical depressing day in hell. Unless I guess if you are fungus, then it migh be a good day.

Hare Krsna!   If we chant it gives us perspective.

Hare Krsna!!  Smile!  Its all we need.  Hare Krsna, and we are back on track: On to the next sacrifice!
Lord Caitanya will use all of our stupid little efforts to get the Big Result!