Boise calendar development
Hare Krsna Guru Maharaj,
Please accept our humble obeisances.
All glories to Srila Prabhupada!
In advance Gurudev we want to thankyou for being willing to tolerate us and our deficiencies. We notice that we have some organizational abilities but we can also see Krsna engages us in services for which we feel we lack skills in at times. Krsna has a great sense of humor (we were asked to give the Krsna Lounge talk on patience! Ha! Vaisheshika Prabhu gave a class on patience and referenced the Japanese art of Shankankan: focusing on cultivating one value at a time) Please help us refine this schedule Guru Maharaj. We learn a lot by watching your ability to prioritize and organize preaching endeavors first and foremost.
We have been trying to coordinate with Radhika Raman Prabhu, BSU events center, and other Boise devotees about schedule possibilities. Here are our notes on possible festivals, seminars, wisdom talks, and smaller SB/BG/ Sunday feast preaching opportunities thus far. We remember you had mentioned online seminar/meetings, needing time to interview/film so if the events mentioned below seem to extraneous (we could opt out Friday BG classes for example) please refine.
Murari prabhu would like to know the ideal grocery and supply list (raw milk,l potatoes, for Lord Nirsimha? Any butter, spices, etc) Possibly you can send us a Bhoga/supply list so we are not deficient in any items. Please let us know Gurudev how we can best serve you. Your happiness is our happiness. 🙏
Buck White - ASA - AgtSP!!! Potatoes for baking (white and sweet), carrots, sweet oranges and apples, split peas, salt, butter, black pepper, Oats, some nuts and milk....
Jaya Madan bihari Bhoga.
We would like to advertise the Thursday Krsna Lounge program lecture series (May 19th, 26th, June 2nd and 9th). Please let us know what title would work best for the series and any relevant description. Guru Maharaj you previously discussed CG Jung’s little red book as a focus for these nights or Light of Bhagavat: White cloud wandering monk visits Boise Krsna Lounge. We will make advertisements for the lecture series this weekend.
HpS - With Jaya Hari Das we caught Nitisara Das and also had some discussion with him.
Krsna lounge can be Floating White Cloud Monk visits Boise. [ ttd ] We will send you the soft file.
Title can be Science, Psyche and Spirituality - The Encounter of Carl Gustav Jung with the Bhaktisiddhanta of Traditional Inda.
What is the self beyond the body
What is the self as a body!
Go back to the world of 19th century Bengali mysticism and the formation of modern psychology with Jung and Freud.
Also we have asked BSU events about lecture hall rentals as well as a professor we know that should be able to secure the event for us l. We are looking at the first week Radhika Raman will be here since school will still be in session. Would Wednesday the 18th of May or Friday May 20th be too soon for a lecture?
Fine, same as above.
Should it be accompanied with a short cultural program before the event?
Always. 10-minutes of energetic Sumo wrestling.
Another option is to schedule the lecture the last week of May or second week of June when Radhika Raman returns.
Too many other things by then. Invite Lounge and BSU folk to visit each others programs.
The only drawback to a June event is Attendance would be lower due to summer school. Please also let us know the title of the lecture and short descriptions for the event Guru Maharaj. We would like to know more details about how long the lecture may be. Is this an event you are interested in Guru Maharaj? If not, we apologize for misunderstanding this outreach program.
All topics above. We will adapt to the audience once we see them.
Another highlighted event is Snana Yathra on May 22nd and bringing Jaganatha and company on the Rathayathra Paluquin through BSU to Julia Davis park on June 5th. We wanted to ask you Guru Maharaj what an appropriate name would be for the event. Festival of India, Boise Bhakti Festival, Festival of Peace or Chant for Peace Festival?
I think you already got some name. We would suggest - The Terrible Jaggernaut Rolls Again - For Five Thousand Years the Festival has been attended by thousands of ecstatic devotees of the Supreme Lord, Master of the Universe, and His beautiful festival rolls over the demons within and outside of crushing them into composte.
HpS - The NitiSara Das is looking, has he mentioned it? For two brothers to do professional video and picture recording of the event. Lot of thoughts about how to organize the parade.
Here is a series of proposed events for your approval:
Arrival 16th of May
16th: Monday evening Spanish class
17th Tuesday Morning SB class @ 8:30 (Or 7:30?) - What is best for you all?
18th Wednesday Morning SB class
(Possibility of BSU evening program on the 18th or 20th)
19th Thursday evening First Krsna Lounge wisdom talk at KCC
20th Friday BG Class/lecture
21st Saturday Afternoon Temple Vision Meeting/Retreat (time to be announced)
22nd Snana Yathra Preparation lecture and festival
23rd Monday evening Spanish class
24th Tuesday morning SB class
25th Wednesday morning SB class (we are also available on Wednesday evenings to go on outings that you would like Guru Maharaj to stores, parks, art/office supply places)
26th Thursday evening 2nd Krsna Lounge program
(Some Boise devotees are traveling to SadhuSanga on the 27th)
27th BG Friday evening off or devotional movie night!
28th Saturday devotee hike/picnic to foothills learning center or Faery tunnel
29th 11:30 am Sunday school kids meet and greet with Hanumat Presak Swami to discuss history with traveling sankirtan puppet show , the kids will have a puppetshow and tell, and ask questions (in the temple)
30th Monday Spanish class
31st Tuesday SB morning class
1st Wednesday SB morning class
2nd Thursday 3rd Krsna Lounge program and wisdom talk
3rd Friday BG class at the temple
4th Saturday Upendra’s home?
5th Sunday Festival of Chariots/India at Julia Davis
6th Monday Spanish class
7th Tuesday SB class in morning
8th Wednesday class in morning
9th Thursday 4th Krsna Lounge program and Wisdom Talk
10th Friday BG class at the temple
11th Saturday Balabhadra’s home ?
12th Sunday Feast lecture
13th Monday Spanish\English program at Murari and Kamagayatri’s
14th Tuesday departure
HpS - Looks good. For the classes we would like to do a NoI seminar over the one month. We are sending a PDF of our TPP, NoI commentary and we could just read it over the month.
People can formally register (?) and get certificates.
Sending a copy of the PDF to NSD now. Need your's and Murari Das whats app numbers.
WOn't publish.
Please make adjustments/deletions and additions Guru Maharaj. Please excuse our amateur attempts. These are just proposals but everything and anything can be changed. We look forward to your edits. 🙏🙏
Sankirtan ki jai!
Your servant,
Kamagayatri devi dasi and Murari das
Hare Krsna!!