Calendar Development _ Vrajdham

2 years, 4 months ago by purushottam in Calendar Development

Respected Maharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisances.

Its just amazing to see your wonderful services in mission of Srila Prabhupada. I wrote a letter which wasn't addressed for some reason beyond my understanding. After that I was unable to communicate with you.

I hope and beg for some of your valuable time during your stay at Vrajdham. May you kindly grant me this favour?

Your aspiring servant,

Purushottam Keshav Das

HpS - AGTSP!!! paoho. We will be in Braja from 25th September until maybe 25th January. I think we should be able to meet during that time, no_

ASA - Calendar

2 years, 5 months ago by hps in Calendar Development

Hare Krsna!


paoho... -[;0]/\___

We won't get Word on our computer until ArtDas arrives, September 1st, so we cannot up-date www.JayaRama.US/kd/cal.htm but the basic stuff is good eg. Vaisnava Calendar.

Other details here:



29th = Amavasya, New Moon.

30th = Raul and ArtDas arrive Jayanta Das Ashrama, Madrid.

31st/Wed = HpS give SB class at 8AM NVM time, at (


1st = Raul. ArtDas, Prof. Claudia and Hector et al come to New Vraja Mandala, ISKCON Brihuega, Spain.

ASA - "Cultivation of the Human Spirit Symposium" begins. Pandava Sena devotees (70+) return to Eng Land. Appearance of Thakurani, Advaita Sita.

2nd = Appearance of Thakurani, Lalita Devi and Sripad Hector Behar.

3rd/Sat = HpS give SB class at 8AM NVM time, at (

4th = Radha-astami. 1st and 2nd initiations for Maria Rosa Canchucaja and Mathura mani Devi Dasi respectively (If we get the letters from ISKCON administrators[ ]).


1st, 2nd, 4th are all "Ladies Days" and at least 11-birthdays!

For the ASA LOB symposium we are working with the NIOS and University of Madrid symposia. The very public, live and online program will be Friday 9th, 16-20 hours, and Saturday 10th, 10-13.30 hours.

We are begging for the link for the announcement and registration access from NIOS Peru, University of Madrid ASAP. We will Blog it and Tweet it. Basic language will be English, but with lots of translation. This is looking for Sita Devi, the innocent souls, and giving Her Rama's ring, NoI, and returning with report for the invasion by the army, SB.

From the 1st through 8th we suggest more informal dialogs on these topics with the Delegates and others NVM, with on line access, and nice visits to cultural cites and cultural programs.

5th = Yadu nandana Swami Birthday.

6th = Vamana Deva, Jiva Goswami, Claudia Lira birthday!

8th = Bhaktivinode Th. birthday.

9th = Hari das Thakura birthday. Claudia leave for Chile.

10th/ Saturday = Hrsikesa Purnima (10.2), Full moon. Next 'Kapi Dhvaja'. Birthday of NoI, TPP and Srila Prabhupada's Sannyasa. Proposed NOIS Annual Board of Directors Meeting.[ ]

11th/ Sunday = Leave for Madrid Airport about 4AM (order wheel chairs for HpS/HB [ ] and FMPL). Etihad flight at 8.10AM to Malaga, Abudabi, Delhi (3.15AM).

12th/ Monday = Arrive Temple about 5AM. Bathe and rest in guest house, formal reception and lunch with Central Government Advocate, Sasi Prash and Ambassador of Peru [ ]. Raul et al take some pictures of Tour of Glory of India temple, and Raul look at Temple video archives.

3PM leave for airport. Check in, fly to Kolkata, received by Sumanta Rudra of Bhaktivedanta Research Center. Tucked into bed by 12am.

13th - 17th = Kolkata. Smell, see, feel, Srila Prabhupada et al Viceroy India. Dialogs with Prof. Samaresh Bandhyopadyay, Kalyana Kumar Chakravarty et al.

17th - 23rd = Mayapura. 18th = Show DTC-UT Peru in Srila Prabhupada's Samashi Auditorium. 19th = Offer a symposium on Jung etc. for any local scholars. Other days more informal. Rest and refreshment. Visit (?) Elefant, Hysipanic Community, Temple of Understanding, Ganges . . .

23rd - 25th = Manipura. Pung cholam/Rasa lila. B. S. Damodara University of Bhagavata Culture.

25th - 2nd October = Braja.


2nd = 9pm Raul/ ArtDas / Hector, Del :>> Mad. HpS/ASA to New Azokavan, Radha Kunda. Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna.


25th = Del :>> Madrid


22nd = Mad :>> Houston


1st = Hou to ASA Camp - Monterey. Mexico. Gaura-purnima Festival

26th = Monterey :>> Hou. Ramanavami.

. . . Nashville, Radha Natabara.

. . . India . . . Next body. (= little speck of dust in the Sankirtan party near the lotus feet of Srila Prabhupada?)

Urgente KD - Enlace clases españa

2 years, 5 months ago by asacarnaval in Special Category A, Calendar Development

Hare Krsna querido Guru Maharaja

Por favor acepte mis rendidas reverencias

Todas las Glorias a sus Señorías Sri Sri Radha Govindacandra!  

Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada

Todas las Glorias a usted y a todos los residentes de Nueva Vrajamandala. 

Muchas gracias por mantenernos comunicados con usted, extrañamos mucho FMP con su muy misericordiosa asociación y la de nuestros hermanos. Estamos siguiéndole tanto como nos es posible y escuchando con atención los valiosos mensajes que nos brinda durante las clases. Consideramos que todas las clases que han habido en Nueva Vrajamandala son de un nivel muy elevado. 

Atendiendo su petición en el Kapi Dhvaja, escribo para enviar,

El enlace de transmisión de las clases de Nueva Vrajamandala;

La página oficial

Además pueden encontrarlas en el facebook de ASA Carnaval,

Lo hacemos de este modo para concentrar todas vuestras clases, facilitar la consulta y evitar que se pierdan.  

Únicamente nos perdimos una clase en la que no hubo Internet, solicitamos la grabación a Prabhu Ambarisa, quien amablemente nos la compartirá en cuanto le sea posible. 

HpS - ASA -- O.K. We do one soon. Of course, this will all relate to the symposium at the end of the month.

Aprovecho la ocasión para rogarle que, si es posible, comparta con sus sirvientes las grabaciones de las clases de Prabhu Upendra (julio 30 y agosto 6) 🙇🏻‍♀️

julio 30:

agosto 6:

It took us about 15-minutes to understand how the new GoTo control panel works. If the above links are not correct then contact us!

Gurudeva, muchas gracias por ser una fuente inagotable de inspiración al servicio de nuestro divino comandante Srila Prabhupada, esperamos ser útiles de algún modo.

A sus órdenes

Su aspirante a sirviente

Karuna-Sakti Devi Dasi

HpS - ASA- Thank you. I guess we will talk with your good self tomorrow, Wednesday, with Yadunandana Swami.

Jung x Bh. Siddhanta Symposium

2 years, 5 months ago by hps in Special Category A, Calendar Development

Hare Krsna. Hare Rama.

We are working on the Jung x Bh. Siddhanta symposium for end of Aug - start September. We read the abstract by Lalita gopis Devi Dasi and posted the following comments on the Whatsapp group for the participants.

"[4:07 PM, 8/15/2022] Hp Swami: We opened in Microsoft XML the article by Prof. Dolores Chaves and found it an extremely profitable reading and commentary adventure. Please, others read and comment.  We finished with this comment "HpS - Wonderful abstract. We feel that it has been well worth our time reading this. We feel it relates well to the ambitions discussed in the other papers. We hope as a group we can draw the Philemon Foundation and ISKCON members into this illumination of BSS and CGJ for the benefit of modern humanity."    Except for Dr. R. M. Gupta's short comments, we only see our comments in this Group. 🙂  Is that because everyone feels our comments so definitive that no further words are possible?  🤣

[4:14 PM, 8/15/2022] Hp Swami: We feel that the Subject: Masters and Disciples, was pretty much exhausted in the first meetings, and now we would look at these meetings under our favorite topic of "Cultivation of the Human Spirit". That is just the attitude of we humanoids at the Anjana Suta Academy, but it gives us a perspective to go ahead with great vigour into the next two months: Spain and India.  Hoping to hear from you all. Thank you, HpSwami - ASA. 👳🏻‍♂️ 🐵  🐷 🦍🦧  🤖"

ASA - TB. Hare Krsna.

india calendar - good news reception delhi

2 years, 5 months ago by hps in Calendar Development

Hare Krsna!! !

By the mercy of Guru-Govinda, Jayanta Das, Bhaktin Maite, Nitai-gaurasundara Das et al, we just finished talking with Sripad Sashi Prakash Singh, NGD esteemed brother.

He is a Deputy Attorney General for the Central Government of the Republic of India.

Of course, he is also most excellent representative of NIOS in India, and he has enthusiastically agreed to join the Reception for our NIOS/San Marco team when they arrive in Delhi and India.

His personal friend will be announced as the Vice-President of India within a few days.

For us it will be a very heartfelt meeting since we lived through so many intense battles to bring NIOS to where it is.

We hope to hear from ArtD and Director Raul Zeballos about progress, by Krsna's mercy in expanding the population and content of the reception.

Celebración de festivales México 2023

2 years, 5 months ago by Asta Sakhi Devi Dasi in Calendar Development

Querido Gurumaharaja

Por favor acepte nuestras respetuosas reverencias.

¡Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada! 

Estamos viendo sus clases en diferido a través de facebook, Hare Krsna Spain Nueva Vrajamandala, también de otros vaisnavas como SS. Jayaiveita Swami, etc Muchas gracias por los tweets con fotos de Sus Señorías Radha Govinda Candra, son tan hermosas con sus guirnaldas de girasol. Es una comunidad vaisnava muy linda! 

Nosotros seguimos entusiastas.

Recibimos las indicaciones de los protocolos de sanidad a través de prabhu Nikunja Bihari, él fue muy amable con nosotros. Muchas gracias Gurumaharaja por su misericordiosa atención. 

Tendremos en cuenta todos los cuidados mencionados de vacuna, aislamiento con test negativo y ventilación para seguridad de todos los vaisnavas. 

Otro punto son los protocolos en festivales ( Inauguración de Finca y Gourpurnima) 

Con invitación abierta podría ser más difícil de controlar el tema de la vacuna y aislamiento con un test negativo, porsupuesto también está la opción de celebrar moderadamente.

Sin embargo en el tema de espacios ventilados, la Finca cuenta con: 

•Sala de templo para 25 vaisnavas con sana distancia

•Tendrá un jardín con techo con capacidad para otros 25 vaisnavas.

•En los días de festival se estima que pueden acampar 30 devotos, distribuidos en 5 domos geodesicos o pueden traer su tienda de campaña individual. 

Otras opciones de hospedaje:

• Posibilidad de hospedaje en área de la finca.

•"Hotel y restaurante Hare Krsna" 

De Gadhadara Gosai das y familia. 

2 habitaciones completas

4 habitaciones compartidas.

Servicios de wifi, aire acondicionado, ventiladores. 

Áreas comunes: estancia, terraza y media cocina.

Restaurante en primer piso con área de jardín y comedor.

Precios accesibles 

Situado a 40 minutos de la Finca


•Camioneta de la Finca

• Convenio con taxis de confianza

•Transporte público 

•Podemos convenir con otros hoteles y hospedaje si hace falta. 

•Próximamente compartiremos la plataforma de inscripción. 

Sus consejos llenos de sabiduría nos ayudarán a visualizar una estancia adecuada. 

•Invitación a SS. Guruprasad Swami:

Prabhu Gadhadara Gosai le informó del proyecto de la finca e invitó personalmente durante Jala yatra (Junio), se le enviará la invitación formal por mail. 

Maharaja viene seguido a México, también esperamos tener oportunidad de reportar las demás actividades en sus próximas visitas. 

Gurumaharaja, están anunciando la inauguración de un templo bastante grande en Cueramaro en Gourpurnima 2023, es muy posible que Su Santidad Guruprasad Swami y grandes vaisnavas se encontrarán en ese festival.

Hemos escuchado comentarios, que posiblemente también le inviten a Usted, humildemente pensamos que serían más horas de estancia en los aeropuertos y vuelos. 

La distancia entre Monterrey y Cueramaro es considerable, el viaje por carretera ocupa aproximadamente 8 horas, el aeropuerto más cerca a Cueramaro se encuentra a más de una hora.

En la Finca Nueva Govardhana podemos hacer un bonito festival también con sus bendiciones. 

Por otro lado nos estamos preparando para los próximos festivales del calendario vaisnava. 

Gurumaharaja por favor podría compartirnos su ofrenda de Vyasa-puja de Srila Prabhupada? Para leer en el templo en ese día tan glorioso. 

Muchas gracias por su misericordiosa tolerancia e instrucciones. 

Vuestra eterna aspirante a sirviente

Asta Sakhi dd.


Dear Gurumaharaja

Please accept our respectful obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

We are seeing your classes deferred through facebook, Hare Krsna Spain Nueva Vrajamandala, also from other Vaisnavas like SS. Jayaiveita Swami, etc. Thank you very much for the tweets with photos of Their Lordships Radha Govinda Candra, they are so beautiful with their sunflower garlands. It is a very nice Vaisnava community!

HpS - Yes, it is nice working through other media. Also, it does seem that the communities in Europe have cultural resources that we do not have in the Western hemissphere.

We remain enthusiastic.

We received the indications of the healing protocols through prabhu Nikunja Bihari, he was very kind to us. Thank you very much Gurumaharaja for his merciful attention.

HpS - Mejor morir? 🙂 Devuele a Goloka?

We will take into account all the mentioned care of vaccination, isolation with negative test and ventilation for the safety of all Vaisnavas.

Another point is the protocols in festivals (Inauguration of Farm and Gour-purnima)

With an open invitation it could be more difficult to control the issue of the vaccine and isolation with a negative test, of course there is also the option of celebrating moderately.

However, on the subject of ventilated spaces, the Finca has:

• Temple room for 25 Vaisnavas with a healthy distance

•You will have a roofed garden with capacity for another 25 Vaisnavas.

•On festival days it is estimated that 30 devotees can camp, distributed in 5 geodesic domes or they can bring their individual tent.

Other lodging options:

• Possibility of lodging in the area of ​​the farm.

• "Hare Krsna Hotel and Restaurant"

From Gadhadara Gosai das and family.

2 full rooms

4 shared rooms.

Wi-Fi services, air conditioning, fans.

Common areas: living room, terrace and half kitchen.

First floor restaurant with garden and dining area.

affordable prices

Located 40 minutes from the Finca


•Farm Truck

• Agreement with trusted taxis

•Public transport

•We can agree with other hotels and lodging if necessary.

• Soon we will share the registration platform.

His advice full of wisdom will help us visualize a suitable stay.

• Invitation to SS. Guruprasad Swami:

Prabhu Gadhadara Gosai informed you about the farm project and invited you personally during Jala yatra (June), the formal invitation will be sent to you by mail.

Maharaja often comes to Mexico, we also hope to have the opportunity to report the other activities in his next visits.

Gurumaharaja, they are announcing the inauguration of a quite large temple in Cueramaro in Gourpurnima 2023, it is quite possible that His Holiness Guruprasad Swami and great Vaisnavas will meet at that festival.

We have heard comments, which may also invite you, we humbly think that it would be more hours of stay in airports and flights.

The distance between Monterrey and Cueramaro is considerable, the road trip takes approximately 8 hours, the closest airport to Cueramaro is more than an hour away.

HpS - We think the same. Since we are in Mexico, one place for almost one month, then people can make plans to visit in smaller groups.

At Finca Nueva Govardhana we can have a nice festival also with your blessings.

On the other hand we are preparing for the upcoming festivals of the Vaisnava calendar.

Gurumaharaja could you please share with us your Vyasa-puja offering from Srila Prabhupada? To read in the temple on that glorious day.

HpS - I can't find it? Hmmm, but Abhirama Thakura Das has a copy in Spanish.

Esteemed Guru Maharaja we only aspire to be situated in the dust at your lotus feet for all eternity.

Thank you very much for your merciful tolerance and instructions.

Your eternal would-be servant

Asta Sakhi dd.