Travel Partner Needed

2 years, 3 months ago by hps in Calendar Development

AgtSP. Paoho.

Our donkey is too old to travel alone. At least international.

Anyone like to be our travel partner Delhi to Madrid, 25 January.

Maybe someone coming from Spain could go back with us that date.

We are traveling on Etihad.

NIOS should be able to give some help with the cost of the ticket.

Thank you.

January Travel

2 years, 3 months ago by hps in Calendar Development

Hare Krsna!!!



[10/11, 9:15 AM] Hp Swami: We leave Bharata 25 January. 

Before we leave we should visit Northeast? 

Govardhana Eco-village?

When?  What places?

If we start 11 January then it is just three days from now. So, we should buy tickets now, no?

India Visit and Vyasapuja

2 years, 3 months ago by srinath in DTC, Personal Sadhana Reports, Calendar Development

Dear Guru Maharaja.

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! All glories to you!

We hope you have settled down in your ashram in Radhakunda and all you travels were successful. We saw some pictures of your welcoming in the Delhi temple and they were fantastic.

We will be traveling to India in November and will be there till end of February. Divya is leaving on 9-Nov and I am planning to arrive closer to thanksgiving. Her health is fine. She has been engaged in lots of services, especially dressing our deities here and she is getting good at it by your mercy.

There are lots of things happening in India during our visit this time. It has been 3 years since we went back. Divya’s sister in law is expecting and her due date is around 20-Nov. This would be the first child in Divya’s side. On 1-Jan, we are celebrating a function for my father’s 70th birthday called Bhimaratha Shanthi. On 18-Jan is our visa appointment and on 27-Jan, Srirama is getting married. It is taking a few weeks for the passports to come back from the consulate. So we will return at the end of February once we get our passports back.

ASA - You are going to India in November but you are getting your Visas in February? Do you mean that you will leave India with your Indian passports and then get your USA work Visas renewed from the Indian consulate after you get there and then be able to come back to USA on a work Visa?

One mataji here has been behind me to be her “mentor/siksha guru”. I don’t know how to deal with it Guru Maharaja because she is not just asking her questions on just Shastric understanding but also on people and situations here. I have told her many times that I don’t feel comfortable nor qualified doing it but she is relentless. Because since I am running the educational initiatives here and give many classes, many ppl think of me for more than who I am. I am honest with them about my position and yet they keep looking at me at a higher position . How should I deal with the situation Gurudeva?

Tom Brown - Drink Coca Cola during the Sunday Feast. Ha! Ha! Ha! ASA - This is a problem as old as the moon. People trying to push you into artificial positions. An Uttama adhikari reacts to it effectively in a spontaneous manner. Doesn't have to work on it. A Madhyama adhikari becomes expert at avoiding the materialistic tendency of people to make artificial Gurus so they can become "intimate associates" of a GREAT guru.

Work on it. It is a problem for everyone. It is like learning to be a husband. Takes time.

We are planning to book our tickets to Vrindavan closer to your Vyasapuja and wanted to confirm the dates so that we can book the tickets and accommodation soon.

ASA - Our Vyasapuja, effort to glorify the Parampara from Krsna to you, to your disciples, is on the Appearance day of Locan Das Thakura. I think that is 24th December. We can plan various events around that time.

We don't even want to thnk about it unless Srila Prabhupada is clearly illuminated as accepted by any of our disciples as their principle Uttama adhikari guru.

Please bless us that we may gain entrance into Vraja to meet you.

Your servant

Srinatha Krsna dasa

HpS - Thank you on behalf of everyone for nice letter.

It is 8.20PM.

Got up at 1.15AM. Started DTC and Japa.

Takes us about 10-minutes or even more for each round now. Our voice is weak.

Went for the Diksa ceremony for four disciple. Read about it in the Kapi Dhvaja.

We will try to post it after we send then letter.

That was from 8Am to 1PM.

Had to do it in the Goshala and cow urinated on our Yajnashal!

Back. Ate a little too much Banana bread. Learning.


Sorting correspondences.

Gaura arati with Vipin Bihari Das and Tungavidya Devi Dasi and another Mataji whom we are ashamed we can't remember her names (!!).

Now this letter.

Try to post Kapi Dhvaja

and our eyes are getting strained.

Hare Krsna!

Ccd-Subra DD India visit

2 years, 3 months ago by hps in Calendar Development

Hare Krishna Maharaj, 

Paoho! AGTSP! We booked our tickets Dec 18th - Jan 1st… via Orlando- Dubai… Delhi… 🙏🙇🏽‍♀️see u soon.

HpS-ASA - - Just 9-weeks from today.

19th is Ekadasi.

AgtSP. Paoho.

Urgent / MKW / Hanuman - This is just to keep you informed

Hare Krsna Dear Gurudev,

  Please accept my humble obeisances at your lotus feet.

  All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

  All glories to Guru parampara.

  Thanks you so much Gurudev for your confirmation about meeting in Vrndavan.

  we will reach in Vrndavan on October 09, 2022. HG Jibesh Das also.

 URL for HG Jibesh Das initiation & recommendation letter -

  As not aware what would be your India cell number so sharing my cell number so 

  that we can contact you once we reach in Vrandavan. It is +91 976....

  Please advise if any need to take care.

Your dependent,

Girivaradhari-Gopal Das

HpS - Thank you G V Dh Gopal Das. Our regular WhatsApp number is working pretty well.

Hari Bolo!!!

Urgente desarrollo de calendario México

2 years, 4 months ago by Asta Sakhi Devi Dasi in Calendar Development

Querido Gurumaharaja

Por favor acepte nuestras respetuosas reverencias.

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada! 

Estuvimos atentos a sus reportes desde España, muchas gracias por enseñarnos a servir a Krsna en medio de las dificultades del cuerpo. Nuestras humildes oraciones al Señor Nrisimhadeva para que lo proteja y por favor perdone nuestra carga pecaminosa. 

A través de varios devotos nos llegan fotos con noticias del viaje por India, todo parece una fuente inagotable de esfuerzos y éxitos por la misericordia de Śrīla Prabhupada.

Respecto a la visita a México (Monterrey)

1ero al 26 de Marzo 2023 

(Aún no tenemos datos de vuelo).

HpS - ASA --- Hare Krsna!!! Gracias su atencion a nuestra humilde servicio a Srila Prabhupada. Nos anima mucho.

Espero el suyo es similar.

Pienso es bueno comprar boleto Houston-Mejico-Houston como cinco meces antes, como fin de Noviembre.

Vamos a ver si hay un guerra nuclear antes.

•Ceremonia de iniciación

Entendemos que algunos vaisnavas de otros países vendrán a verlo con el deseo de recibir primera o segunda iniciación, nos gustaría poder servirles proporcionando fechas aproximada de una ceremonia de fuego para que tramiten sus permisos y vuelos con tiempo. 

Una ceremonia en el festival de Gourpurnima es una gran oportunidad pero talves haga que el festival sea más intenso en actividades, si Usted no tiene inconveniente y lo propone está muy bien.

HpS - Si, aparece bien. Solamente devotos de Chile estan pidiendo Diksa, como yo entiendo.

También podría ser el Miércoles 15 (aparición de Srinivasacarya)

HpS - Ambos bueno para nosotros.

•Calendario de visitantes:

Estamos trabajando en una plataforma de inscripción para los visitantes, que nos permita hacer una buena planeación y atención a los vaisnavas. En los próximos días la estaremos publicando por este medio, si Usted nos permite.

ASA - Si, desculpa ser lento hacer cosas. Muy occupado cada dia con esta viaje y grabaciones, pero esperamos muy buen resultado de mucho materia en cine.

•Asimismo estamos analizando algunas propuestas de predica para poder presentarlas durante su estadía en el Radhakunda, entendemos que el Sankirtana viajero es intenso.

•Las películas DTC, todas tienen un contenido de motivación, la de India siempre será de gran impacto, ojalá pueda estar lista para proyectar en México.

•Construcción y desarrollo ecológico de la Finca Nueva Govardhana:

Prabhu Gadhadara Gosai y familia están trabajando entusiastamente con el apoyo de un grupo de jóvenes que se están formando en la vida espiritual y cuidado con un sadhana completo y servicios en la agricultura vedica y bio construcción y un día a la semana Sankirtana, porsupuesto es una experiencia que se puede compartir con los vaisnavas interesados en unirse al equipo para un aprendizaje personal e institucional. Pueden contactar a prabhu Gadhadara Gosai por favor.

Se enviará un reporte más completo y fotos en Octubre.

Quedamos atentos a sus instrucciones. 

Que el Señor Nrisimhadeva proteja su Sankirtana y a los viajeros.

Vuestra aspirante a sirviente

Asta Sakhi dd

HpS - Aqui somos con Govinda y su esposo y Vrajendra y su estimada esposa Rusa de Mexico.