Penúltimo viaje a India

2 years, 7 months ago by jayanta in Calendar Development

Querido Gurudev : Pamho. Toda gloria a Srila Prabhupada y sus seguidores fieles.

Espero que esta carta lo encuentre bien de ánimo.

Bueno, ya falta poco para que comience su aventura en España. Espero ser de alguna utilidad como chófer.

Quiero comentarle acerca del viaje a India, en el que ha habido algún mal entendido. Por mal entendimiento o por mala comunicación nosotros pensamos que este era su último viaje y , en definitiva, aunque venían algunos académicos, en realidad entendimos que era una especie de parikrama-sankirtana yajña.

Al principio yo tenía decidido no ir (por motivos personales), pero después un devoto me dijo que era una oportunidad única y también saqué mi pasaje. También se unieron algunos devotos más de España.

Ahora estoy entendiendo que el viaje es una especie de sankirtana de y por los académicos.

Así que la situación creada es algo incomoda.

HpS - Es para todos quien quieren asociar con nosotros en el Sankirtan de Senyor Gauranga. Buscamos Sita para presentar a Ella el mensaje de Rama! Jaya!

Pienso que el grupo de España podemos organizarnos nosotros mismos e irnos, primero a Mayapur y después a Vrindavan. Podemos coincidir en esos dos lugares y unirnos al grupo allí.

Eso podría facilitar la organización y a nosotros no nos causa un gran inconveniente.

Espero su opinión al respecto. 


Su sirviente 

Jayanta das 

HpS - Otra vez, tenemos mas y mas claro nuestra calendario para India:

Braja como cinco dias, Kolkata/Mayapura para como 8-dias y Manipura como tres dias, con unos dias de transito. Despues basado en Braja hasta regresa a Espanya.

Ya esperando contesta de Sumanta Rudra del BRC para finar viajes y programs interior.

Arisudana Das - Un Clase??

2 years, 7 months ago by hps in Calendar Development

Del Whatsapp:

[12:55 PM, 6/29/2022] Arisudana Dasa: Hare Krishna 


Jaya Srila Prabhupada 

Espero que se encuentre bien 

Le escribo para preguntarle si sería posible que nos diera una clase a cerca del “ Néctar de la Instrucción “ verso 3 para el miércoles 20 de Julio ?

Por favor confirmar 

Muchas gracias 🙏

[7:52 PM, 6/29/2022] Hp Swami: No, somos 110% ocupado con la programa de Houston etc!! Pero cada lunes a las 7.30PM tenemos una programa de Tava Pache Pache, nuestra recien commentio en NoI!

Personal News, India Calendar, Pausing the Wifi in the Boro While you are away

2 years, 7 months ago by sriram in Personal Sadhana Reports, Calendar Development

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

My personal sadhana is going well Guru Maharaj, especially after Sadhu Sanga kirtan retreat. I feel a boost. I also spent a day with at Radhika Raman Prabhu's and it was wonderful.

I am chanting 16 rounds and following the 4 regulative principles. I am doing the FMP on most days and trying to make it so that i dont miss.

Thank you so much for giving me and my parents your association in April. It was a blissful afternoon and my parents were overjoyed that you could spend that time with us.

HpS/ASA - The feeling was very mutual. We spent about 1/2-hour preparing. Decorating!

Was very nice.

Hope they are realizing Lord Chaitanya's vani.

We had Rath Yatra and Panihati festival in Atlanta last week and it was ecstatic.

I saw in the Kapi Dhvaja that you'll be in India from September to January. Thats great news Guru Maharaj. I am also visiting India for my Visa stamping at the end of October and will be there till end of December.

If you'll be there in Vrindavan during Kartik, i'll also plan to be there for at least a week during my trip so that i can have the good fortune of participating in parikrama with you.

HpS - We can coordinate a calendar. We may be able to accomodate some guests in Radha kunda for a few days!

Also, with regards to your travel Guru Maharaj, i wanted to ask if there will be someone at the ashram in Boro while you are out of the US for the better part of a year? If its going to be empty, can we put the Wi-fi on hold like we did during your South America trip last year?

Your humble servant

Srirama Krishna Das

HpS - Jaya! paoho.... No one will be in the Ashrama, so maybe best to terminate and restart again when we are back from India (?) next Februrary, March? Whatever is best.

If we terminate, then they have to come before we leave town, because there is stuff to pick up for them.

We can always us the hot spot on our AT&T service.

Your Brother and Sister in law are here. They are a wonderful example to everyone.

Focus in becoming purified so that you can help Krsna in His Sankirtan. Everything else will follow automatically like the sun rising every day.

Thank you.

Houston Calendar

2 years, 7 months ago by hps in Calendar Development

Hare Krishna Maharaja & obeisances!


The Jung center has agreed for your program.

It will be presentation plus dinner.

They’re thinking to do it donation based. Are you okay with this? Please let me know so w can respond to them.

Thank you!



HpS/ASA - AgtSP! Paoho.... 🐒 🐒 🦍🐒 What day and time is the program? Can we video tape the presentation and edit a copy for them and us?

Here is the link to promo for DTC-1 that show the quality of our work:

Id it to far removed from the theme of the lecture?


Nayanamrta Das has us scheduled for morning SB classes 23rd, 25th, 28th and 30th of June. July is not yet scheduled.

Of course, we want to consider with Raula, Pablo et all about using these in our DTC video.


GBDD - Also Devender Krishna & Sumitra Radha Prabhus would like to do a program at their home. Would you be okay doing it on a Fri evening?

HpS/ASA - How delighful! As we mentioned in the previous post, Hari-lila Das has directed us to do a "NoI, Tava Pache Pache" seminar each Friday night.

So, Friday the 1st of July might be nice. If we get CoVid (##!) then that gives us two weeks to recover before the flight to Madrid, but should be outside in the fresh air with sufficient spacing etc, no?

Thank you!

Nrsmha Bhoga

2 years, 7 months ago by Asta Sakhi Devi Dasi in Calendar Development

Querido Gurumaharaja

Por favor acepte nuestras respetuosas reverencias. 

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada! 

Muchas gracias por su infinita misericordia día a día.

En otra carta envío mi reporte personal, por acá continuamos con el tema de la visita a México con las novedades recientes.


• Posibilidad de extender la visita por un mes

• Invitación a celebrar con nosotros el festival de Gaurapurnina, Lunes 6 de Marzo 2023

Hasta el momento tenemos la propuesta de la finca de prabhu Gadhadara Gosai y Ananda maya dd con importantes proyectos que vienen trabajando desde años pasados y que les gustaría dar más formalidad, tienen buenas propuestas que son motivo de otra carta para más detalles, en cuanto a la distancia con el aeropuerto, es una hora y media por carretera. 

Por otro lado hay inquietud de algunos hermanos espirituales por la distancia entre Monterrey y Ciudad de México en donde viven la mayoría de discipulos, surgió la propuesta de encontrar un lugar más cercano con las características para su Sankirtana. 

Por el momento no se han presentado propuestas contundentes, así que si Usted nos permite, por este medio queremos llegar a más miembros de ASA México, estamos esperando propuestas para poder avanzar en la organización con suficiente tiempo, pueden contactarnos por favor por cualquier duda.

Tratamos de valorar cada aporte y con sus bendiciones Gurumaharaja tener buena comunicación e inspirarnos unos con otros, al final del día los monos se reúnen con el resultado de Sankirtana... 

Gurumaharaja la prioridad es su salud y ser instrumentos para su Sankirtana, sabemos que los viajes son demasiado austeros, sin embargo, para despejar dudas es necesario preguntarle si su estancia en México sería en una única base o se contempla algún viaje en el interior?

Muchas gracias por ocupar nuestros pensamientos y esfuerzos en el servicio devocional. 

Vuestra eterna aspirante a sirviente

Asta Sakhi dd 


Dear Gurumaharaja

Please accept our respectful obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

HpS - ASA --

Srila Prabhupada

Thank you very much for the infinite mercy of him day by day.

In another letter I send my personal report, here we continue with the topic of the visit to Mexico with the recent news.


• Possibility of extending the visit for a month.

ASA - 27 days. Ha! Ha! Hare. Little hard to fix details so far in advance.

• Invitation to celebrate with us the Gaurapurnina festival, Monday March 6, 2023

Possible. Need ticket details from Jayanta Das.

So far we have the proposal for the farm of prabhu Gadhadara Gosai and Ananda maya dd with important projects that they have been working on for years and that they would like to give more formality, they have good proposals that are the subject of another letter for more details, in terms of the distance from the airport is an hour and a half by road.

On the other hand, some spiritual brothers are concerned about the distance between Monterrey and Mexico City, where most of the disciples live. The proposal arose to find a closer place with the characteristics for their Sankirtana.

HpS - Seems like good idea.

At the moment, no compelling proposals have been presented, so if you allow us, by this means we want to reach more members of ASA Mexico, we are waiting for proposals to be able to advance in the organization with enough time, you can contact us please for any questions.

HpS - ArtDas et al had to look so hard until Nitya-kishori Devi Dasi found opportunity for stay in hacienda de papas de su amiga.

Abajo de un arbol?

We try to value each contribution and with his blessings Gurumaharaja have good communication and inspire each other, at the end of the day the monkeys meet with the result of Sankirtana...

Gurumaharaja's priority is his health and to be instruments for his Sankirtana, we know that travel is too austere, however, to clear up any doubts, it is necessary to ask him if his stay in Mexico would be on a single base or would he contemplate a trip to the interior?

HpS - Seems single base is best. Hare Krsna village.

Thank you very much for engaging our thoughts and efforts in devotional service.

Your eternal would-be servant

Asta Sakhi dd

HpS - Krsna







of Srila



Houston Calendar

2 years, 7 months ago by hps in Calendar Development

From WhatsApp:

Hare Krsna Maharaja,

This is Nayana-amrita dasa. 

Please accept my humble obeisance. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. 

Maharaja, I understand that you will be visiting us from June 21st through July 20th. 

Please let me know which days you would like give Bhagavatam classes in June. 

For July, we will work on it after you arrive in Houston. 

Thank you very much. 


Nayanamrita dasa

HpS-ASA -- Hare Krsna, Prabhu! Brahma bhuta prasanatma... you are a Brahmana? Always happy? AgtSP!!! Paoho. Wednesday mornings we usually do SB class in Spanish. Other days are pretty much all available, but our Ayurvedic doctor caps us at one (maybe two) big classes/day. So, for example, we would need to pass on SB class in the morning, Sunday, if we do Sunday Feast class during the day. Monday evening is NoI in Spanish.

Hari-lila Das et al, have suggested that we do a General/Bhakti-vaibhava level Nectar of Instruction seminar while we are in Hugh's Town. That could be Friday nights?

So, as our calendar stands now SB for June could be 23, 25, 26, 28, 30. We can do one or all (!) as you decide.

Thank you.

We hope to see you siddha-svarupa soon.
