PP --- Miercoles/21

Estamos en Santiago todavía... Tiene un dolor de cabeza de la vida... pero estamos aún vivos y lucha en el ejército de Srila Prabhupada! Aquí está una carta que escribió sólo al profesor Samaresh.


De: Samaresh Bandyopadhyay
Enviado: Sábado, 17 de noviembre de 2012 14:21
Asunto: Re: urgentes Noticias Nice

Maharaj venerado,
¿Cómo estás ahora?
Han visto copia de mi carta al Prof. Mabbett por la esperanza
me.IAM esperando una llamada de mañana a las 9 30 pm mañana de usted.¿Qué es
el progreso en relación con el anuncio hecho en el seminario de la
¿Museo del indio?
HpS - 21 de noviembre de 2012
Santiago, Chile
Estimado profesor. Es tan lindo que su asociación. Cada vez que lo hago hace me parece de Kolkatta y nuestra vida. Creo que es un participante en los pasatiempos eternos de Sri Gauranga y todos sus asociados.
Acabamos de terminar todas las cartas, papel, bio-datas, que envié a usted a Harsh de reenvío. Luego por disposición Superior me llamó por Skype como yo apenas estaba enviando la última ponencia. Ha sido tan, tan, tan frustrante para comunicarse desde aquí. La Internet se congela una y otra vez o no repsond en absoluto. Así que tomó una hora para reenviar todo pero parece que ha todos llegado intacta. Él ya abrir el papel de Dora Bazan.

Hablamos de cómo mantenerse en contacto para la edición. Como ya he mencionado todavía tenemos papel y Miguel Polo Rubén Devoto. Vamos a trabajar sobre ellos, pero los seis enviados son muy importantes.

También recibí la copia de su carta al Dr. Mabbett y he escrito esta información y perspectiva a nuestros discípulos y autoridades ISKCON en Australia para fijar nuestro horario de viaje ahora. Parece que estaremos en todo el país por lo que podremos conocer a gente muy responsable, y quizás incluso hacer pubishable entrevistas con ellos sobre temas útiles. Hemos hecho esto antes y los resultados es muy agradable.

Nuestra salud es funcional. Mitad de la ciudad sufre de alergia. Aquí es primavera y por supuesto esto es un gran problema para nosotros. Estamos siguiendo una dieta estricta y ha reducido a un nivel manejable!!

Aquí tenemos tres presentaciones principales así como muchos otros menores. Los principales son Hamlet y Arjuna, la luz de la Bhagavata y Sócrates y Parikshit Maharaja. La primera fue en la Universidad Fedorico Santa Maria. Todo el mundo comenta que es la primera escuela de Ciencia e ingeniería en el país y como era de esperar su programa de Humanidades es muy primera clase y orientados a la aplicación práctica. Tales estudiantes brillantes.

Querían la introducción a Sócrates y la muerte de Maharaja Pariksit. Ahora está desarrollando que todos están muy entusiasmados con la idea de organizar un gran simposio aquí y Perú y Estados Unidos en el cantar de los Cantares en la Biblia y la literatura de Rasa de Rupa Goswami el año próximo. Hamlet, Sócrates, Salomón. Hemos pasado a través del Karma yoga con Arjuna y Hamlet, hemos logrado la liberación de Sócrates y M. Pariksit, pero muy prácticamente es la pregunta, "¿Qué hacemos después de la liberación?" Esto no fue duda a los Santos de la Biblia ni a Sri Rupa. Aquí llegamos a la vida esotérica del alma en Bhava y Beatific Estados de conciencia. La respuesta ha sido muy fuerte entre los estudiantes, profesores y administradores.

Como nuestro principal consejero, ¿qué parece?

El lunes tenemos una presentación privada en el Museo Nacional con el Embajador de la India y otros, y allí presentaremos esta idea para el próximo año con un Comité Internacional.

Supongo que es la comunicación básica. Estamos ganando la batalla para sobrevivir. Como siempre estamos muy ocupados con la asesoría individual para discípulos y devotos, internet es infernal, nuestro libro de Museo está avanzando por su de y misericordia de Harsh, planes para el trabajo prácticos NIOS progresan...

... estamos muy implicados como miembros del Comité Ejecutivo para el Ministerio de Educación de ISKCON. Es tan desorganizado como otra cosa que muchos programas de gran éxito se están desarrollando en todo el mundo. Una estimación realista es que ISKCON ahora tiene que servir a las necesidades educativas de unos 25.000 niños y jóvenes, solos.

... nuestro calendario es que estaremos en Santiago hasta 28. Luego de dos noches en Lima, Perú. A continuación, 5 días en Ecuador, el pequeño país del Norte. Entonces un día en Lima otra vez y luego en Tennessee desde el 8 de diciembre al 8 de enero.

... Vamos a intentar fijar un día exacto para tratar de alcanzar el cero-kamal o su celular a 9.30 PM.

..... Cuando conseguimos volver a Lima planeamos tomar la letra del respeto de la Universidad de San Marcos en la mano y luego tratamos con él prácticamente desde Estados Unidos.

Muchas gracias. Ahora tienen 8-cartas para responder si la internet sólo cooperará. Parece realmente es mejor ser un Bobba viven en una choza en la selva a la orilla de un pueblo y trabajar desde allí!


DTC - WE/21

We are in Santiago still....  HAve a headache from life...  but we are still alive and fighting in Srila Prabhupada's army!        Here is a letter we just wrote to Professor Samaresh.


From: Samaresh Bandyopadhyay <[email protected]>
To: "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Sent: Saturday, November 17, 2012 2:21 PM
Subject: Re: Urgent Nice News

Revered Maharaj,
how are you now?
Hope you have seen copy of my letter to Prof. Mabbett forwarded by
me.Iam expecting a call tomorrow at 9-30 pm tomorrow from you.What is
the progress as regards the announcement made at the seminar of the
Indian Museum ?
Best regards,




HpS - 21 November 2012

Santiago, Chile
Esteemed Professor. It is so nice to get your association. Whenever I do it makes me think of Kolkatta and our life there. I think it is a participant in the eternal pastimes of Sri Gauranga and all his associates.
We just finished forwarding all the letters, paper, bio-datas, that I sent to you to Harsh. Then by Superior arrangement he called me by Skype as I was just sending the last paper. It has been so, so, so frustrating to communicate from here. The interent freezes again and again or doesn't repsond at all. So it took one hour to forward everything but it seems that it has all come intact. He already open Dora Bazan's paper.

We discussed how to stay in touch for the editing. As I mentioned we still have Ruben Devoto's paper and Miguel Polo's. We will work on them, but the six sent are very substantial.

I also received the copy of your letter to Dr. Mabbett and I have written with this information and perspective to our disciples and ISKCON authorities in Australia asking them to fix our travel schedule now. It seems that we will be all over the country so we will be able to meet very responsible people there, and maybe even do pubishable interviews with them on useful topics. We have done this before and the results is very nice.

Our health is functional. Half the city is suffering from allergy. It is Spring here and of course this is very great problem for us. We are following a strict diet and that has reduced it to manageable level!!

Here we have three major presentations as well as many minor ones. The major ones are Hamlet and Arjuna, the LIght of the Bhagavata, and Socrates and Maharaja Parikshit. The first one was at Universidad Fedorico Santa Maria. Everyone comments that it is the premier Science and Engineering school in the country and as you would expect their Humanities program is very first class and oriented towards practical application. Such brilliant students.

They loved the introduction to Socrates and the death of Maharaja Pariksit. Now it is developing that everyone is very enthused by the idea of next year organizing a big symposium here, and Peru, and USA on the Song of Solomon in the Bible and the Rasa literature of Rupa Goswami. Hamlet, Socrates, Solomon. We have passed through Karma yoga with Arjuna and Hamlet, we have achieved liberation from Socrates and M. Pariksit, but very practically the question is, "What do we do after liberation?" This was no doubt to the Bible Saints nor to Sri Rupa. Here we come to the esoteric life of the soul in Bhava and Beatific States of Consciousness. The response has been very strong amongst students, professors and administrators.

As our chief advisor, what do you think?

Monday we have a private presentation at the National Museum with the Ambassador of Indian and others and there we will present this idea for next year with an international committee.

I guess that is the basic communication. We are winning the battle to stay alive. We are as always very, very busy with individual consulting for disciples and devotees, internet is infernal, our Museum book is progressing by your's and Harsh's mercy, plans for practical NIOS work are progressing . . .

.... we are very involved as Member of the Executive Committee for ISKCON Ministry of Education. It is as disorganized as anything but many very successful programs are developing throughout the whole world. A realistic estimate is that ISKCON now has to serve educational needs of about 25,000 children and youths, alone.

...... our calendar is that we will be in Santiago until 28th. Then two nights in Lima, Peru. Then 5-days in Ecuador, the little country to the North. Then one day in Lima again and then in Tennessee from 8th December to 8th January.

... We will try to fix an exact day to try to reach the Nil-kamal or your cellular at 9.30PM.

..... When we get back to Lima we plan to take the letter of respect for you from San Marcos University in hand and then we deal with it practically from USA. 

Thank you so much. Now have 8-letters to answer if the internet will just co-operate. Seems really is better just to be a Bobba living in a hut in the jungle at the edge of a village and work from there!

Hare Krsna Respected Guru Maharaj

12 years, 1 month ago by Gopal C Biswas in Calendar Development

Hare Krsna Respected Guru Maharaj,
    Please accept my humble obeisances at your lotus feet.
    All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
    All glories to Guru parampara.

    Answering about our last letter/communication.

    Guru Dev, Please excuse my delay in answering. For more than last 3 week, I was going to a different
    work location so was not able to answer. I was not able to read blog.

    Guru Dev, I would like to take care of your stay in Kolkata Temple.I will be happy to server you.

    I will contact HG Harsh Prabhu to whom we have to contact in the Kolkatta temple and also will
    Write mail to him. I have his mail ID.

    we will keep updating you at [email protected].

    Next week, I am going to Vrindavan for 10 days.

your fallen servant,
Girivaradhari-Gopal Das

                     HpS --  AGTSP..    paoho..... Please excuse the problems of our delayed communication.   Programs in Chile are incredible!!!    O.K.   We look for mail in Monkey's Mail bag.                You are so fortunate to live in India, go to Vraja!!!

Manipur Trip, Online Ed., Spam

Hare Krishna Dear Gurumaharaja, 
Please accept my humble obeisances.
All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
  Yes, we are looking forward to time in Kolkatta and Mayapura (and Manipur).  You coming to Manipur???  Could be nice trip.
Yes, I would like to come. 
  Your Blog ideas matches mine perfectly.  Like Yahoo Groups.  We just have to approve new members.
Manual approving of new users works well as by user names all of them are spammers now (3 to 6 attempts for new account a day).
  After SPT meetings in Tirupathi we should be able to plan the visit to Mayapura more effectively.  We hope you get to meet Tandavika and Nitai gaurasundara when they are there!!!!   What is your cell phone.  We won't publish it!
My cell phone number is: +917384458243
Many interesting things happening last days. 
Your servant Prahlad Nrsimha Das
    HpS  - AGTSP    paoho    Sorry slow to answer.  Big program after big porgram after...     Cant talk!   {:O)....          Raghupati Das is the SPT Secretary for education.   Maybe you know him. Very nice devotee.  Is doing PhD in Economics now in London.  Before he did the MI on line BhSastri program.    He would like to work with you to develop with area of on-line education in a broad way for ISKCON.   There are many programs and there should be tools that various students and teachers can use and then ways of assesment.    Then, the academic portion of learning should be integrated with the ethical aspect of learning.  Eg. we want to learn humilty along with verses.  Patience, respect...
   .............   then it is all useless unless we are advancing in adau sraddha, sadhu sanga......
                  I will write to you with copy to him.  Please remind me here if I forget.    We would like to stay in involved also.
2.    Guru Sannyasi, GBC, Sanga a  and  SPT meetings are from 26 Feb - 6 March.    We fly from Kolkatta to Manipur on the 6th of March at 10.55AM on Jet Connect Flight.              You can try to contact Ekanatha Das 91 94 360 207 63.   About accomodations and everything with the Temple.         We fly from Manipur, Imphal back to Kolkatta on the 22nd Friday on Air India 724.
           AGTSP!       Best luck in your Sankirtana, in catching all the innocent people Krsna sends, in keeping pure!!

Visit Texas / BhVai Texas

Hare Krishna Maharaja,
Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!
How is your health and how is your Kartik going?
We are doing good here in Houston but we have not heard from Bhaktarupa Prabhu regarding our Bhakti Vaibhava center approval. It is a long time for making such a simple decision no?
Do you have any other news regarding this matter?
Your servants
HpS - Jaya!!! AGTSP.... paoho... Our health, Brother Asses health, is normal. We are really Pitta so we get these allergy reactions to Poison Ivy and pollen VERY strong, but we are learning how to make a practical use of a Bad Bargain... My next Ass will be spiritual. And you al?
We are in Chile until 28th. The university programs are going very, very well. We have more and more solid contact and friendship with very nice, powerufl educators. I think the whole world is changing for the better. 28th November we go for a week in Ecuador then the 8th of December we are back in Nashville. We will stay there for a month!!! Good chance for telephone and postal contact!.
We arrive in Houston at noon on the 9th of January, Wednesday and then go on to San Jose on Friday miday also. It is short, but we cannot spend so much time traveling like before so we thought, "O.K. quick visit ot Texas while they are in vacations and longer stay in West Coast, then we can stay for few weeks in June". Is O.K? We can meet with, everyone on th 9th, 10th... January???
I tried to contact Hari lila about this but he is in India.
I would suggest just writing to Bhakta rupa again. He is very busy and the Board of Examiners only meet by internet except for their Annual Mayapura meetings. I think that that is all that it needs. Just an e-mail and even ask him for his phone number. He is a very nice person, organized, and I'm sure he would also like to have a personal relationship with you. He is American, USA.
Again, so very nice to hear from you.
We are on Schedule, finishing Canto Three. "No one dies feeling satisfied that he is leaving enough money for the family". "The material world is so designed that unless one is an expert diplomat he is guaranteed to be a failure".


12 years, 1 month ago by sarad-bihari-dasi in Calendar Development

 Hare Krsna Gurudeva ,please accept my obeisances, all glories to Srila Prabhupada, all glories to you.

 Thank you very much for answering the previous mail, this mail is  to ask a few things of your coming , I wanted to know , since you are staying one week , how many conferences would  you like to do? I have two possible locations, and yesterday Nimai said he  could talk to the radio if you want to go again , as you want, if you need a rest, please let us know, we are here to serve , thank you very much for their daily association, really is helping me a lot, I send the link of the two  possibles places   if you can take a look to see what you think. who wants to serve sarad bihari dasi  
             HpS - Jaya!   AGTSP.  paoho.     We are working on the travel every few days.  There are always problems.     More important than where is to whom we will talk.    Who can that be?    We can even visit people, professors, artists, individually and do no lectures.  We can talk with the ISKCON devotees, but who else?        WHo,  WHO,, whO?    Please meditate on that for some time.  Dont think small!