Manipur Visit

12 years, 1 month ago by harsh_horse in Calendar Development

Hare Krsna Maharaj, PAMHO,AGTSP
we wish we knew spanish and were in San Marcos program, we seriously want to attend such academic programs. Due to such events our desire to learn espanol becomes stronger....

coming to main point, we have booked our to arrive at Manipur on 9th March , your grace would arrive on 4th March. We were thinking to accompany you in different trips you will be making in Manipur. Our family wont come there. Will it be possible to give us contact details of person whom horse should contact for his stable.

Your inbound and out bound flights from Brussles, are from Bombay. If there is any change of plan in flights were you need to stay for some time, please bless our stable. and briddle this horse....

we would start hidden dimension by ET hall, he has also written ,any books....we also found a book time in Bhagavata Purana by Rick Jarrow. would be intresting to see authors contributions..

over and our senor,
Hare ram
horse of northen plains of india

    HpS - AGTSP  pamho.   Thank you for the news.  We have a letter from Manipur but haven't opened it yet...   I hope their confirmation of the dates is there.  We are still trying to contact Dr. Samaresh, but the proposed dates seem good.   We have your association in our pencil and will keep you (all) informed.

HPS visit to ISKCON Barcelona 2013

12 years, 2 months ago by Nimai Pandita Raja dasa in Calendar Development


Dear Hanumatpresak Swami

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Jayanta Prabhu called me and asked to me what was my thinking about you comming back to Barcelona, Due to your reply it seemed to him that you were not favourable to go to new places like Malaga.

             HpS - ASA -  AGTSP.   Paoho.     We lament, lament, lament that we can't expand to include places like Malaga!!    But, yes, seems we have to concentrate.

Tradition   Referring Barcelona I must say that for some reason or another it's one of the main temples in Spain were your preaching it's been steady since 1995, actually, it was the first spaniard temple that you ever visited and I was the first devotee to be fortunate enough to offer you a personal service at that time. Long time coming here and long time relations. Please do come to Barcelona. Don't stop it now. We love you. We need you.

Convenience On the other hand I think that, if it is your desire, you should come to Barcelona in first place from Belgium, then go to Madrid and New Vrajamandala, then continue with your preaching tour to the new ksetra. That will make it three places to visit in Spain. instead of 4 or 5.

HpS -  ASA   -   We can fly direct from Belgium to Barcelona???     I hope Jayanta sees this.



Need of preachers   For Gundica Prabhu and myself is important to let you know that there is almost no preachers coming here to Barcelona on a regular basis, you are the one more steady, wereas there are many, many preachers going continuously to NVM and more available to Madrid devotees due to the Yadunandana Swami and Devashekara management with them.

                HpS -  Hmmm.       Maybe we should focus on Barcelona then and make NvM and Madrid quick visits.. ?        We just want to help your Sankirtana if we can.





Need of Support   In Barcelona we've been facing in the last period of time lots of Narayana Maharaja ritvik disciples giving new initiations (with poor standard for the candidates) to some of our congregational devotees, also we had the same activities done by caste Goswamis from Radha Ramana temple, so we are not very prominent in ISKCON preacher's visits , we are having losts with other vaisnava groups, etc. We need ISKCON senior devotees support. If we have one and the one goes, what can we expect?

              HpS - Jaya!

Beloved Disciples Another key point to come to Barcelona is that you have commited disciples here like Varuthapa, Madhumangala, Sharad Bihari, Jharikhanda Gaura (now living in Barcelona temple), Prananatha, all of them are doing some kind of devotional service to Gaura Nitai and ISKCON Barcelona temple.

Initiations It's very important that the local congregational members of ISKCON can become also inspired seeing new devotees getting initiated by ISKCON gurus. Otherwise due course of time if more new devotees and Krishna's friends are coming to ISKCON temples but no gurus are coming, no preachers are coming, no intiations are to be seen by the whole congregation. And no senior support is there, other Vaisnava groups will take advantage of it. And to the most unripe it will be an urge to become initiated at whatever cost. But if new devotees aproaching ISKCON are witnessing that new devotees like them are doing favourable devotional service in the temple, they are learning, geting some basic training, and finally they are getting blessed with initiations by ISKCON Gurus, the mesage in their minds and hearts will be: Well is possible! I can also do it! my friend has done it, why not me? (Sadhu sanga and bhajana-kriya will take place in a natural way) on the contrary the plant will be dried up.  Now days we have a nice lady devotee ready to get first initiation, she has shown a steady and comited service attitude, and a will for learn. She has approached us asking for recommendation letter. We all are happy to recommend her to be initiated by you and we understand is super important that she becomes intiated here in Barcelona enfront of Sri Sri Gaura Nitai, enfront of all her friends from the congregation, totally supported by her local senior devotees and bless. Again we are asking these austerities from you to come to Barcelona and give your blessings to all of us. 

Your humble servant

Nimai Pandita Raja dasa

ISKCON Barcelona temple secretary


HpS -  AGTSP    pamho.  So, we visit Barcelona.   What exact times do you suggest?  Look at and you can see how much time we have after we get to Brussels before we have to get to Radha desa for the meetings.    How much time in each place?


12 years, 2 months ago by jayanta in Calendar Development

Querido Gurudev: PAMHO. TGSP

Espero que se encuenre bien de salud cuando reciba este mensaje.

Gracias por su carta y por su disposición para venir a Madrid-NVM.

Todos estamos muy contentos.

He hablado con Nimai acerca del itinerario; parece que él va a hablar con usted. En mi opinión (no se si vale de mucho) la prioridad principal debe ser una combinación de la prédica y su propio bienestar personal, sin separlas.

Pienso que NVMandala y Madrid sería la mejor opción. Una opción mas  tranquila y aprovechable para todos. Tanto para sus discipulos como para usted.

La última decisión será suya. Hablando con Tirtha Kirti y Laksmana (que ahora viven en mi casa de madera cerca de Navalakunda) y otros devotos de Madrid, todos pensamos que lo mejor es que no viaje tanto. Cuando forzamos el cuerpo, aunque nos convirtamos en heroes y nos hagamos mas famosos, bajan las defensas que son necesarias para la lucha efectiva.

Cuando se concreten las fechas y el itinerario empezaremos a mirar lo de los tikets.

Sin mas y esperando mejore se calidad de vida se despide

su sirviente


                   ..................... .................. ...............  TlgaSP.   TlgaSP!       TTTTTTT  lg a SP!         Y los recipientes de su misericordia com Vds....            Si, esperamos noticias de Nimai.         Basicamente la unica manera que cosas va a pasar bien es si Srimati Radharana occupanos en servicio potente a Govinda Candra!!!  Como esta Murari?????   Hari, Hari, Bolo!     Esperamos de Nimai o otros de Barcelona.  Posible solamente fin de semana en Barcelona.  Algo simple!

Hare Krsna Respected Guru Maharaj

12 years, 2 months ago by Gopal C Biswas in Calendar Development

Hare Krsna Respected Guru Maharaj,
    Please accept my humble obeisances at your lotus feet.
    All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
    All glories to Guru parampara.

    Guru Dev, Thank you so much for India calanlder 2013.
    As per letter, Your will arrive Kolkata on 19 Feb 2012 at 5:30 AM.
    And you will attend "ISKCON Guru, Sannyasi, Governing Body Secretary Sanga" from 26 February to 2nd
    March 2012.

    So, I need some more clarity!! What would be your schedule for 19 Feb 2013 to 25 Feb 2013!?
    I mean, during these dates, will you be in Mayapur! or Kolkata!

your fallen servant,
Girivaradhari-Gopal Das

         ASA -  Jaya!  AGTSP!!!                   paoho.     It is so, so, so, so nice to get your association, Girivara dhari Das.  So nice.    We can only think of India.

We don't know yet about the dates.    We are waiting to hear from Dr. Samaresh.  I think we would be in Kolkata and then go to Mayapura just before the SGGSanga.    We will inform as soon as information available. 

Hare Krsna Respected Guru Maharaj

12 years, 2 months ago by Gopal C Biswas in Calendar Development

Hare Krsna Respected Guru Maharaj,
    Please accept my humble obeisances at your lotus feet.
    All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
    All glories to Guru parampara.

    Guru Dev, As per your letter on 04th October 2012, you will be in Mayapur after 18 Feb 2013.
    It will be nice, if you share your India schedule with us so that I will be able to book my tickets and  accommodation arrangements!!

your servant,
Girivaradhari-Gopal Das

            HpS - ASA -   Girivaradhari-Gopal!!!!         (DAS)         I have sent a copy to you of the India Calendar Development letter that we just sent 2-hours ago. I will include a copy here, now!              We hope your Sankirtana effort a your place of work is advancing so that you can also teach others how to do it!  We hope to see your ecstatic smiling face in just a few weeks!

Jaya Sri Krsna!
Esteemed Professor Samaresh Bandyopadhyay, Raktaka and Madhu-manjari Devi Dasas, Yamunesvara and Yugala kishor Das,
We hope this meets your well. We are in Arrequipa (Hari-krpa), Peru for the weekend. It is rather high and we and Patraka Das are a little dizzy. We leave for a very nice Art University in just a few moments for a program on Vedic Ideal of Art.
1) ITENARARY: We HAVE our ticket for India. We arrive in Kolkatta 5.30AM, 19 February.
Then we are 90% committed to attend an "ISKCON Guru, Sannyasi, Governing Body Secretary Sanga" 26 February to 2nd March.
After that, per the suggestion of Yamunesvara Das, we could go to Manipur on Monday, 4th March.
Then we could return to Kolkata and continue straight to Australia on the 24th or 25th.
This would mean we spend three weeks working in Manipur and then Gaura-purnima in Australia. Yamuna suggests returning to Mayapura with them, but it seems too difficult.
Then we could spend four weeks in Australia, 25th March - 22 April and then another week in India, Kolkata, before we return to the West.
What do your good selves think of this. Professor, is it enough time in Kolkatta?
Raktaka, Madhum. et al... The problem is that we have an Indian Visa that is Entry "MULTIPLE", Type "T", ...  and from what I understand, if we leave to go to Australia we won't be able to re-enter India for three months. Of course this is impossible because we want to come back within one month. Nitai-gaurasundara Das suggests that you go to the Indian Embassy in Australia and explain what you are trying to do and then get approval from them for us to re-enter on the specficied dates. He says that it is not diffcult.
In general, we leave it to you in Manipur and Australia to make the plans and arrangements for the tickets and Visas.
In Australia we suggest that we can organize a "International Symposium on Cultivation of the Human Spirit". Professor Bandyopadhyay and I can of course participate, but local people, indigineous people can also contribute. One section can be, "Cultivation of the Human Spirit, Light of the Bhagavata", another, "The Contribution of Ancient Indian Culture Toward Making a Better World".
You should form an Organizing Committee. Have a Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer. Get ISKCON involved and communicate with us in the Blog!      Jaya Sri Krsna!
This is our million dollar letter. Now we wait for your 2-million dollar answers.
Your fallen servant,
HpSwami (Prof. H. H. Robinson)

Europe to Mumbai

12 years, 3 months ago by harsh_horse in Calendar Development

Hare Krsna Maharaj
 This letter is regarding only your Calender Development. Will it be possible to come to Mumbai from Europe and then goto Kolkata. We invite you to stay at our house. Girivardhari Gopal Prabhu from Pune can come easily to Mumbai as compared to Delhi. We are sorry for this audacity but we still will invite you.
We dont know your plans to go to Vraj this time therefore we think you can come to Mumbai, we dont know of your flights from Europe to India (they generally come to Delhi or Mumbai).
 We are not very well versed in reception, but stil we wish if you can spend some time in Mumbai. We understand we have selfish reason in inviting you, but we think on Sankirtan front IIT Bombay boys will also benefit from your Scientific Preaching. We know the Professor who is handling the preaching inside IIT quite well.
please give a thought
Aspiring to be disciplined by you,
bhakta caballo

               HpS --  ASA   --   AgtSP    paoho.   We had not thought of this but now that you suggested it we can investigate....       We take your request very seriously, a good horse is hard to find.