Humble Prayer to Gurudev(Urgent)

Hare Krsna Guru Maharaj.

Dandavat Pranam unto your lotus feet.

HpS - All Glories to Srila Prabhupada.   It is so, so nice to hear from you. I think we have lettuce feet but just like you, working toward lotus feet.

PAMHAO. All glories to Srila Prabhupada and Sri Gouranga Mahaprabhu.

As I am not very skilled in e- communication, i feel much difficulty in having correspondence with you.

HpS - Yes, it is more natural to live in the village and all see each other personally, but this media is working pretty well.

Daily, by your mercy, I am able to chant 32 rounds and read Vedanta book for 1 hour with regular mangal arati and sandhya arati. After professional duty, I get very less time so i keep only one or two house preaching programs.

Guru Maharaj, although you are too far way, I have full faith that you must have received my daily bhakti and worship unto your lotus feet as my relationship with you is transcendental.

HpS - I am like the village post-man for Srila Prabhupada, and yes Krsna keeps confidential connection through the heart for regular devotees, formally like second initiated devotees.

Guru Maharaj, urgently please grace me by informing the following:

1. Date of vyasa puja(your day of appearance for 2016-2017)

HpS - It is always the day before Jiva Goswami's disappearance day. Possibly he calculated that with our advent things were hopeless and went to do some work where it was more practical.  This year it is 30th December here.

2.Your mobile number where I can send sms.

HpS - +1 209 505 3219 and yours (we will not publish it)

3.Please teach me the way how I can send money sometimes for the Lord's service.

HpS - I guess best is to deal with that when we visit India.

Guru Maharaj forgive me. There may be fault in me as I am the most fallen with no spiritual knowledge. Again dandavat pranam unto your lotus feet. Your most fallen servant

Krsna Swarup Das


HpS - Thank you so much for your effort. It is having lasting result for you and eveyone.

What is your work now?    Do you have a Study Partner?   That is so important, to be able to read and discuss with another devotee. It can be by telephone or even exchanging some letters etc.

With what other devotees are you in contact?

Are you able to read the Kapi Dhvaja each fortnight. We struggle to get it out. Of course, it is available at "News" at our web-page,, and information about how to receive it regularly through e-mail is at the same web-page under "Hello".

We will be in India from 1 January to 15 February. The first week or two will be in Tirupati and Chennai for university symposium and then the last week in Mayapur. We are trying to take everyone's requests and visit Mumbai, Kolkatta, Vraja, North East during the interveening days. What do you suggest?

Can you become President of the United States?  I think you would do a better job than the two candidates that are now running.a

Educators in DC/Richmond Area

8 years, 4 months ago by sarita108 in Calendar Development

Hare Krishna Maharaj,

 Pamho. AgtSP.

You mentioned in the earlier letters about potentially meeting some educators while you are in DC/Richmond.

I have compiled a few contacts (chairs of religious departments) and think they may be points to potentially get something in the works. I’m not really sure of what we are trying to accomplish (reached out to Radhika Raman Pr. Have yet to hear back from him)…otherwise I would type up an introduction. Would you like to just discuss options for vedic culture in educational curriculums? Forums and panels? Something more reserved like Goswami academy?

Devaprastha and his wife Padma Malani mataji have a wonderful club they are running at UMD (Maryland). I reached out to them in hopes of connecting to a professor - they are going to contact a few people. They admire your work immensely.

But this is what I have so far…I hope it is of some use. OH and the last contact is for this new Hindu chaplain at Georgetown Univ. who was at our temple for Janamastami! Really nice and humble person. I sent him an email to see if he could possibly connect us with someone. There is a link to the article posted by the WashingtonPost commemorating his arrival. **

 Thank you for an opportunity of service Gurudev!

Your fumbling aspiring servant,

HpS - AGTSP.  Thank you very much.   We are getting overloaded. We just got the Houston <> Mexico travel fixed!       Your research looks great.     May thing is that we sent a letter to you, Chicago, Richmond and Raleigh with suggestions about themes and content.  Did you get that?   You can answer it here.

Viaje a Mexico

8 years, 4 months ago by Asta Sakhi Devi Dasi in Hot Topics, Calendar Development

Querido Gurumaharaja:

Por favor acepte nuestras respetuosas reverencias!

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada! 

Muchas gracias por Su respuesta.

Hemos platicado con varios hermanos espirituales de forma virtual, DF. Guadalajara, Uruapan y Monterrey y personalmente con la autoridad del Templo, Prabhu Dharmaraja. 

A) Estamos muy agradecidos de que Usted considere visitar México en Diciembre, todo lo contrario a ser un disturbio, resultaría ser un gran apoyo para el grupo de sankirtaneros del DF. debido a que la última semana de Diciembre resulta ser la más dificil, la mente y el cuerpo se cansan por el rirmo de marathon e incluso cuesta hacer el sadhana y mantener una buena conciencia. 

Considerando este importante punto, Prabhu Dharmaraja y el líder de Sankirtana de este grupo, Vrajendra  Kumara Dasa le piden a Usted que nos visite por favor en esas fechas, ya que sería una gran inspiración para los sankirtaneros jóvenes y todos justamente en estos últimos días de Diciembre. 

 -Podemos organizar una reunión con los sankirtaneros el 25 de Diciembre, ese día la mayoría de sankirtaneros descansan. 

- Buen mangala arati para entusiasmar.

-Podemos crear estrategias de distribución de libros como sastra dana para Navidad , etc etc. 

- Podemos seguir trabajando en mejores ideas. 

* Prabhu Dharmaraja enviará una carta de invitación formal. 

B) Sus discípulos coincidimos en que lo más importante para nosotros es Su salud y dar apoyo a la prédica ya agendada para India. 

Por tal motivo y por el largo viaje a India también opinaron que la visita en Febrero sería lo más indicado.

Querido Gurumaharaja, Usted es nuestra vida y alma, estamos para intentar servirle y no para ser servidos. Su visita en cualquiera de las dos fechas será muy auspiciosa para todos, en esto estamos de acuerdo con la autoridad del Templo.

Nosotros quedamos  rendidos a Sus sagrados Pies, atentos a tomar Su misericordia. 

Lo que Usted decida estará muy bien para todos .

Muchas gracias por Su paciencia y tanta misericordia. 

 Por favor disculpe nuestras ofensas.

Su eterna aspirante a sirviente 

Asta Sakhi dd. 

HpS - Pies de loco.  TlgaSP.      Ya compramos el boleto:  Llegamos a Mexico, DF, 1.59PM, 24 Deciembre, United 1088.  Salimos 10.55AM, 30 Deciembre, United 1025

Hare Krsna.    Nos vemos pronto!     Gracias....

urgente México

Querido Gurumaharaja: 

Por favor acepte mis respetuosas reverencias!

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada!

Gurumaharaja, nosotros no merecemos,  pero si necesitamos muchísimo Su asociación vapuh. 

Entendemos que hubo una gran diferencia de $$$ en los precios de ticket para el viaje a India y surgieron cambios de fecha para México. 

Seremos muy afortunados si aún existe la posibilidad de tomar su asociación vapuh en las fechas de Navidad de este año. 

Prabhu Radhika Raman también vendría con Usted a México ? 

Esto sería increíble, porque de esa manera podriamos hacer el reporte oficial de " Psicología y lo Sagrado" junto con madre Lalita Gopi y podemos hacer algo de tours por Tulansingo también.

Marathon termina 31 de Diciembre y la mayoría de sankirtaneros regresan la primera semana de Enero para hacer la fiesta de Sankirtana. 

Muchas gracias Gurumaharaja, porsupuesto,  primeramente deseamos no sobrecargar Su agenda de viajes dando prioridad a Su importante prédica. 

Por favor disculpe que recién escribo, gracias a Srila Prabhupada estamos bien. Si estuvimos un poco  ocupados con algunos servicios regulares de pujari, (puja y snana) 

En los festivales también nos permiten poner el vestido de flores a Sri Sri Radha y Krsna chota, tratamos de esforzarnos, entiendo que las Deidades son las principales predicadores. 

 Producciones Artísticas Natabara ( Lavanga dd, Karuna sakti dd y Asta Sakhi dd) presentó la obra " El malvado  Kamsa" en Janmahstami, enfocando básicamente el lado de la irreligiosidad y los motivos principales por lo que el Mismo Señor Supremo desciende a ejecutar Sus lilas. Parece que fue buena prédica. 

Adjunto algunas fotos. 

Por favor disculpe nuestras ofensas. 

Su eterna aspirante a sirviente 

Asta Sakhi dd

HpS - ASA --- Jaya!   Nuestra vuelo a India (como llegar para el simposio en Tirupati 2 Enero) es 30 Deciembre a las 4PM de Houston.
Entonces, vamos a ir a Mexico como 25 Deciembre, Navidad?  Va a ser un disturbio para la marathon?  Hay muchos modos distribuir libros.   Posible podemos relacionar esta visita mas de esta manera.  Otro opcion es pasar por Mexico cuando regresamos de India como 15 febero.

Gracias noticias de sus Dramas, todo!   Super.  !SANKIRTAN!

Esperamos su respuesta y commentarios de otros.

India Visit - Kolkata

8 years, 4 months ago by hps in Calendar Development

Letter to Sriman Acarya-ratna Das, President, ISKCON, Kolkatta

Hare Krsna, Prabhu,

AGTSP!    Paoho.   We have not heard much from you for a long time, but of course you have also not heard much from us either.

Dr. Samaresh tried several times and ways to call the devotee whose phone number you gave us and it was always, "Out of Reach", even on the weekends.  Lamentably I could not follow up on that any more.

We really are hoping to get the association of all of you soon.

We have continued with this academic Sankirtan and by the unlimited mercy of Srila Prabhupada there have been amazing results. The last thing we did was a Symposium on Psychology and the Sacred in partnership with the National Library of Peru. This is one of the most prestigious and interesting in the world, with many ancient manuscripts and intense areas of artistic and scholarly investigation.

Please, go to and use the keywords: psychology and the sacred 2016, to find a short and little longer, very illuminating, video extract of the event. The Ambassador of India, the scholars, everyone, wants to develop this more.

I hope very much that you and everyone can take leading effort in this Sankirtan, why else call your selves residents of Kolkatta, the City of Joy.

We got a Houston - Delhi - Houston ticket for only $785!    We will be in the glorious land of Bharata from 1st January to 15th February.  The beginning and end are tied down with 2-6 January and 7-10th in Tirupati and Madras with Radhika-raman and Krsna-ksetra for a Vaisnava-Christian Dialog and a Bhagavata Symposium, University of Madras.

Are you participating in these???

Then at the end like 10-14th February is the Guru, GBC, Sannyasi Sanga in Sri Sri Sri Dhama Maypura.

What shall we do in between. We have calls from Rama-giri-dhari Das and Goloka Education, Pune, and Manipur, but we are always very much at your service!!!

What city can be more enlivening than Kolkatta!

After India

8 years, 4 months ago by keninbali in Calendar Development

Dear Swamiji,

PAMHO, AGTSP. Anhimanu prabhi [Abhimanyu Prabhu] is still going strong at th Bhaktivedanta Academy an Bhaktivedanta Dharma School. I was wonderong og you might consider visiting Bali in February after you go to India. We are fairly close.

Your servant


HpS - ASA --- We would like to very much, but it would have to be arrangement of Krsna.   We got this very cheap ticket, $785, Houston<>Delhi, but no stop-overs possible, but keep on glorifying your Yatra and maybe it will attract the mind of Krsna in our hearts!!!

Do they do farming with mules and buffalos there?