DC update yet again!
Hare Krishna Maharaj,
Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabupad!
His Sweetness, Krishna has been teaching me some lessons which I fail to see again and again. I already told you about the GRE. And then I mentioned the house to buy for my parents. We were 3 days from settling and during the final walk through noticed a 2x2 foot hole punched in the wall that was gateway to some bigger, water-related issues. Considering that a dodged bullet, I decided to void the contract but legally, I’m tied to it unless I give up my $4000 deposit. I know money isn’t everything but this feels like a gut punch. What lesson can I see this? I’m thinking its sastric dharma about girls buying property for their parents … my father was against this from the beginning and doesn’t find it acceptable to take anything from daughters. I don’t know – I wanted to help but this has been spiraling into a massive mess. Praying to Krishna it doesn’t go to court.
I hope you are resting and recuperating but still energized. I read you had the association of HG KalaKantha Prabhu. He was the speaker at the TSI event in Chicago. Very inspiring for much of the youth. Amazing devotee. I took a pic of him there and Kishore Kishori. So much lovability. Also, wondering if you had a chance to speak with Vraja Bihari Prabhu? (Krishna arranged for him to be literally walking outside my office in DC the day you mentioned his name).
I look forward to serving you Maharaj and pray that time come soon.
balam balavatam caham
Your aspiring servant,
HpS - ASA --- Maybe Krsna is preparing you to be Draupadi in your next life. You can see that we have the tickets for D.C. Those dates are O.K? What can we do while we are there? We will see if there are any professors to meet. When shall we have initiations???
Very nice photos. Right afte Kala-kanta was here, a neighbor came by with his real estate lady and were talking about buying our mobile home property. We asked her to look for a place near the campus!