DC calander - sunday talk

Hare Krishna Maharaj,

Pamho. AgtSP.

 So the temple president of DC has a few points that are outlined for Sunday talks. She likes to gear the speakers toward more unfamiliar audiences (we have a pretty big yoga community here). I was going to email this to you because she and VrajVihari would like to be cc’d on it. But I explained and gave her a brief synopsis of Psyhology and the Sacred and she was thrilled to hear it.

The talk is limited to 30 min with an additional 15-20 min Q&A period.

She did say that the Saturday prior will be open if you would like to host a workshop or lecture of any sort? Please let me know if this is something you’d like to consider.

HpS - You me and NGD just talked about this. "From Cradle to Cambridge - Education in ISKCON. Hanumatpresaka Swami has a long history of working int the area education in ISKCON which include deep involvement with H. H. B. S. Damodara Swami and the Bhaktivedanta Institute, Ranga-niketana - Manipuri Troupe. He is on the Executive Committe of the ISKCON Ministry of Education, and with his own ISKCON institution, NIOS, he has just participated in a profound, intercontinental symposium on Psychology and the Sacred with the National Library of Peru.

He will also report on Sunday school commercialy successful ISKCON Pre and Primary Schools etc. Come for general overview and opportunity to get involved in very practical programs.

Currently we have UMD lined up for 11/11. I’m not familiar with the school but they have a strong bhakti club and I’ll reach out to profs who may try to stage something bigger.

HpS - Let him see our youtube.com clip of  "Psychology and the Sacred 2016", then we can talk with him personally and design a custom program.

Awaiting to get contact of hindu chaplain from Georgetown. He himself has a doctorate in theology so may be a good source of reaching out to dept.

HpS - Again, follow up NGD suggestion of contacting his friend, Dr. Shaligram Shukla in Sanskrit.

Will keep you updated!

*just to clarify—when I send a group text, you can see them right? Cause subala prabhu hasn’t responded either.*

HpS - When you send a group Text we only see your name and when we respond it only shows you as a recipient.  Hmmm.    Robots for Rama.
Thank you so much for your effort.