South America / Bolivia

7 years, 10 months ago by hps in Calendar Development

From: Mathuresh Dasa,  Re: HpS Visit Bolivia
Dear Maharaja:
Pamho, agtSP
July is a good month to visit us here in Bolivia. What about from the 19th to the 24. We can have a nice sadhu sanga in Cochabamba with all the bolivian bhaktas on the weekend. And on the 20 or 21 some public preaching program. 

Please confirm to start preparing for your visit.




HpS - ASA -- AGTSP. Sounds perfect. We have penciled it into our Calendar. Now we start looking for details. Talk to Ramon and everyone about their contacts in Bolivia.

Urgente Specific Dates for visit to Chile 2017 (and Bolivia and Peru)

7 years, 10 months ago by in Calendar Development

Dear gurudev, 

I didn't receive any notification about your replay [reply] from December. I don't why. Robots always are complicated. But I will replay it in another post.

HpS - ASA -- AGTSP!   Paoho.  Thank you for this letter and your Skype letter. We probably didn't reply to the December post because we took off to Mexico and India. Yes, please send again.

Today, my concern now is Japa Nama Radha das, who is  coming from Panama to Santiago and he really need to know the specific dates of your visit here, because he had payed already one ticket so now he should change it and the penalty fee to the airline is increasing every day.

HpS - What are his dates?? 

Regarding  this question about the dates, I just want to add that would be nice if you come as early as possible due the universitites star to finish its semester since second Part of July, so students and teacher are in other frequency, very intense time.

Of course, if you already planned the whole trip it doesn't matter, is just in case.

Our secretary, Priyasakhi d.d. will write you about our last meeting about your visit, some place to hace conferences,  programs outside the temple to Indians, congregational meetings,  etc.

I like put myself in this preaching mood with my friends and God-brothers Arjuna and Rodrigo to serve you. So nice Ideas comes. 

This year my idea is that the topic "Art and the Sacred" 2018 is included in talks. However, I would like to know your perspective. 

Sometimes, I want to write you about personal things but when I'm going to do it I realize that I already took a lot of your time with the post like now. 

​​​​​​In general, now I just want to say you that I'm thankful to Krsna because such a wonderful mentor he sent me, you. Your service to give spiritual guidance and give encouragement always is so well done, from personal perspective you are a magnific spiritual master. 

Thank you Guru maharaja, 

Mis reverencias. 

Hare Krishna 

And see you in the winter.

HpS - We were thinking about getting to details of the South America trip just about now. We have been working on Spain and then the West coast of USA June 1-21.

We arrive Lima 11PM 21st, so we could stay in Peru until the 28th, no?  One week. Then we could go to Santiago and stay two weeks: 28th June - 12th July. Is O.K?  Then back to Lima the 12th and then we have two more weeks for Lima, Hari-kripa and Bolivia.

What do you think?

I will send this directly to Mathuresa to se about his thoughts about Bolivia.

Krsna is conquered by the love of one who has conquered his senses!  We are struggling.

Visit to Spain

7 years, 10 months ago by purnamasidevidasi in Calendar Development

Dear Gurudeva:

Please, accept my humble obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

I hope your health is ok when you receive this message.

ASA - As we hope the same for you all, but know that this body is always a struggle. Trying to honor Prasadam better and better.

First of all, thank you so much for coming to Spain. It is a fantastic news! I fell [felt] very very happy and fortunate because I have no school from the 7th (Easter Holidays), so, if Krishna wants, I will have the opportunity to see you and listen to your instructions.

I am doing as in the last report (16 rounds, Gayatri mantras and gurukula service) and always needing the help of the devotees to go on.

Again, thank you very much for being so merciful.

Your servant,

Purnamasi devi dasi

HpS - Are the children going to do a drama for Rama-navami?  !!!


Si Gurudeva, de ida tendría que pasar por New York por una semana, aún no compramos el ticket de regreso de India a México,  la idea es ya no pasar por USA.  Es poco tiempo tres semanas en India como usted menciona, el punto es que me dieron la visa de India solo por un mes. Talvés podría ajustar las fechas de regreso y quedarme solo una semana más en Vrindaban?

HpS - AGTSP. Paoho No entendiendo las logisticas, pero haz lo que vd piensa correcta para utilizar el tiempo bueno. Es mejor quedar mas en un sition que pasar much tiempo en vehiculos pasando a muchos y no experimentar nada de Vrndavana or Mayapura, en vez el interior de trenes or coches. Vrndavana - Mayapura, guiado por buen devotos.

El viaje  lo haré con el que fungió como presidente del templo de México lo ultimos meses prabhu Darmaraja Das, Sakhi Vrinda dd y Syama Priya Takhurani, hijas de prabhu Maha Sankarsana. Ellas van a encontrarse con su maestro espiritual SS Indradyuman Swami. Ellos realizaran otros viajes, así que yo me regresare sola. Mi esposo sugiere que  yo pase la mayoría del tiempo en Vrindaban y tal ves me pueda encontrar con la compañia de alguna hermana espiritual o algún devoto con el que el pueda tener contacto.

HpS - Tungavidaya Devi Dasi, la gran Mexicana esta alla muchos anos con su hijo y son-in-law in Radha kunda.  +91(India) 81 719 711 70, +91 98 9765 789 1. Muy amable devota.

Le agradezco mucho su valioso tiempo Gurudeva.

HpS - Hare Krsna. We hope you see Krsna in Vrndavana with all His friends. Respects to the Vidagdha Das and the Monkeys.

News about meeting with professor of Universidad Complutense de Madrid

7 years, 10 months ago by marcos in Calendar Development

Hare Krishna Gurudeva!! PAMHO!! Jay Srila Prabhupada!

My professor is very happy to meet with you, i will arrange some meeting with him, is a very nice person and with lot of interest in Vedic culture. He said me that he was studying sanskrit in Oxford (oriental studies), so maybe yo have some common friends. 

I will speak with him to know about what day is possible the meeting. 

Please take a look to his curriculum vitae.

Ok thats all!! Im very happy to see you again!

Hare Krishna!

HpS - Please co-ordinate with Jayanta Das and Bhadra-sunanda Devi Dasi about the dates. Now we plan to land the 3rd. Go directly to NVM and stay until the 6th. Then we can meet with people in Mad(rid) until Sunday and then go back to NVM until we fly out on the 12th, Wednesday. Hare Krsna!!!

Get Light of the Bhagavatas. Teachings of Lord Chaitanya and our Solaris magazine (from Sunanda Devi Dasi -Bhadra Das) as you can!!!

San Kirtan.

I looked at his Curriculim Vitae. It is very nice. When did he study in Oxford??????


Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada. 

Querido Gurudeva porfavor reciba mis reverencias a sus Divinos Pies.

HpS - Pies de mitad-loco. AgtSP!

Disulpe por escirbirle en calidad de urgente esta carta. El motivo es para informarle que viajare al Santo Dhama por primera vez dentro de dos semanas más o menos. Yo ya había pedido su permiso hace más de un año para poder realizar este viaje, pero hasta ahora es que se dio la oportunidad. Yo viajaré sin mi familia, mi esposo prabhu Vidagdha se quedará a cargo de nuestros hijos se que no será muy sencillo para él, pero él esta muy dispuesto a que yo realize sola este viaje. Estaré por una semana en el templo de "Sri Sri Radha Govinda" en Brooklyn y por tres semanas en India. El grupo de devotos con quienes viajaré, irán a Mayapur y despues a Sri Vrindabana Dham ¿usted piensa que esta bien? (aún podria hacer ajustes).

HpS - Aparece bien, si va con buen guias. Es corta tiempo.  Visa a Nueva Yorke y volver a EEUU entransito???  Pred. Trump puede cambiar los leyes de migracion, no?

Gurudeva para mi es esencial que usted lo supiera y disculpe por avisarle hasta ahora, pero yo no quería molestarlo antes de tener algo claro. Ruego humildemente por sus bendiciones inmerecidas para que pueda lograr llegar a Sri Vrindaban Dham y logre una apropiada apreciación de la belleza espiritual del Santo Dham. Le ruego humildemente me instruya en algo que considere que deba saber antes de hacer este viaje. Realmente me siento muy nerviosa y con temor de cometer ofensas en el Santo Dham, pero se que con sus bendiciones nada puede salir mal. Yo confío plenamente en sus palabras y son mi guía a donde quiera que vaya. 

Por favor disculpe mis ofensas.

Con todo el amor, respeto y admiración hacia su persona

Su sirviente Gopi Radha DD. 

HpS - Con quien va?