7 years, 11 months ago by Sananda in Hot Topics, Calendar Development






HpS - ASA --- Jaya.    AGTSP.  Now they are 3.30PM.  We are sitting at Srila Prabhupada's lotus feet in the Temple Room in New Vraja Mandala.   Antonio, the cowherd, got us an adapter at the Brihuega Chinese store, then another devotee said that Jayanta had sent two types. Well, I guess we can keep them for use by visiting USA devotees that Krsna seems to be arranging to send!

Editorial Siruela??  Podemo visitar?

So, sad that we cannot meet anybody for these interviews!   Such a great loss for them that they cannot apprecate, enter,  the KRSNA book!!    We continue to try to meet new people, no?



Australia September

7 years, 11 months ago by Dhruvānanda DAS in Calendar Development

Dear Maharaja,

PAMHO, AGTSP, All glories to your service.

HpS - AGTSP, Mate!!!    Paoho....    Thank you so much for the letter.  We have been looking for tickets. Seems best flight to Hawaii is from San Francisco and from Hawaii to Sidney via Jetstar.  Is it and O.K?  airlines?

Jetstar is fine. Quality budget airline. Please give us your desired flight details so we can arrange ticket for you.

HpS - Preaching programs will depend on our contacts there also. Like last time Dr. Samaresh arranged a strong program with Dr. Mabbett.

Great! I remember visiting Dr Mabbett at Monash University last time you came. Krishna willing, mercy will be distributed. 

While recollecting your recollection of Raktak prabhu I was walking down the street and caught myself as one of the young flag raisers. 


Dhruvananda Das

HpS - Jaya!   We are in the airport in Atlanta. They are starting to load Delta Flight 108!!   Guess this is an authorized trip.   We are moving ahead with the Sankirtan army!!!  India, Peru, Murfressboro, Hawaii, Kolkatta!!!!         Looking at the calendar again and again. We get back from Peru 26th July. Then we would be traveling again about one month or even three weeks later!    Ooof!        Food for thought!
We hope to refine more and more our Sankirtan focus so we can take a really effective place in this Orchestra. What is your position?  Position of your friends and family?

Netherlands - Spain

Hare Krishna Maharaja,
Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

I was very happy to have received your reply to my letter,

ASA - We were more happy to receive that and this letter, thank you for your association and saving our life during our transit in Amsterday to Spain.

..and thank you very much for the advice; distinguish reality from illusion for the welfare of all, in the wellfare of Krishna.

Unfortunately i will not be able to make it to Spain, but i will certainly use your offer of the Tele - Phone. You suggest to write a letter to send to Madrid Temple. Is calling all right?

HpS - PRAY to Lord God, that you can visit, your work will send you to Spain, but if not, then Call, Call, Call!  

Our daughters are four and a bit (elementary school) and 19 months. I'm not exactly sure how much they weigh, but the youngest is like a little giant. Very strong physically, resourceful, and naughty too. The eldest is a little dancer, and she likes Hare Krishna music and Pippi Longstocking. Affection is plenty.

HpS - These children are usually gods and goddesses taking birth in this movement.

Please inform me about when its best to call and to which number.

Your aspiring servant,
Raghava-pandita dasa

HpS - We have international texting, so you can text us when we arrive. We will go straight to the Farm but think it works there. +1 209 505 3219. 3-6 in the New Vraja Mandala, then Madrid.

Seattle Symposium

7 years, 11 months ago by hps in Special Category B, Calendar Development

From: David Aguilera. Vsvambara Das - bhaktischool.org
To: HpS (HHR) <[email protected]
Sent: Sunday, March 26, 2017 5:25 PM

Dear Maharaja,

Please accept my humble obeisances.  All glories to Srila Prabhupada. 

Apologies for being out of communication. You have caught me at an incredibly busy time as we prepare for our International Baccalaureate authorization visit this coming week. This is the culmination of 4 years of work that will determine if Bhaktivedanta Academy becomes an International Baccalaureate World School. 

I look forward to participating in the conference this year. The June date is much better. Let’s connect after April 1 to discuss how I can best be of service. 

I think Alachua is a natural location for the 2018 conference. Our students perform Shakespeare yearly, so we will plan on putting on a show for you. :-)

Yours in service, 
Visvambhara Dasa
Head of School
Bhaktivedanta Academy
386-462-2886 x1 (office)


Esteemed Visva-ambara Das et al,
Hare Krsna!!!        AgtSP!!!!     paoho.....      Thank you for the letter.     We hope the accreditation work is very successful.  The Symposium is developing very well as far as we can see.  Again, the dates are Thursday, 15th June to Sunday, 18th June, at the Seattle ISKCON.

We have a very balanced crew now with representation from Pre, Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Schooling. Educational perspective of ISKCON Ministry of Education. Temple Presidents. Grhasta Vision Team. University and Government Educational Preaching. Sastric Education.

Harivilasa Das has taken the post of Anchor-man for the Seattle Temple as we start off and says that they can accomodate about 15-devotees in private homes. Also, the Temple can supply Prasada for a small fee to cover their costs, and the meeting space is perfect.

We need to know soon who is going to be coming in their physical body (and who will be participating on line). Now, physical presence, we have confirmed:

Partha Das and Uttama Devi Dasi (Accomodate Two)
Nitya-ananda Das (Accomodate One)
Sesa Das (Accomodate One)
Kartamasan Das (Accomodate One)
Rama-giri-dari Das (One)
Hari-lila Das (One)
Subra Devi Dasi (One)
Ananda-vrndava Devi Dasi (One)
TOTAL T/D - Accomodate Nine

See if you can travel with another local person. For example, Myself, Rama-giri-dhari and Hari-lila Das will all be coming on the same flight from San Jose. Maybe Ananda-vrndavana Mataji would like to join us. Temple is about 45-minutes from the Seattle-Tacoma airport.

Now we are roughly planning:

Thursday - 6-8.30PM - Supper, Reception and Orientation. Possible presenters: Sesa, Harivilasa,
Nityananda, Temple President Seattle, Rama-giri-dhari Das.

Friday/Saturday -  Full-morning Program (SB class), Breakfast, Three lecture and discussion programs each morning, lunch/rest, Workshops in individual interest areas each afternoon, supper and cultural program each evening.

Possible presenters (Theme):

  1.   Partha-Uttama (Educating in VAD, Grhastha-ashrama, how it should be implemented in our Primary, Secondary schools etc.),
  2.   HpSwami-Harivilasa (Philosophy, Strategy for Education),
  3.   Vaisesika Das (Education for Book Distribution in Primary, Bhakti-sastri etc.),
  4.   Visvambara Das-Synergy School Leader (Primary+ ISKCON Schools in North America)
  5.   Sastric Education (Hari-lila Das, HpS, Srivasa Pandita Das, Govardana Das), University Level Studying and Preaching (HpS, Radhika-ramana Das).
  6.   Poster Session (Many people get three minutes to introduce themselves, then can stand by their "Poster Display" which will all be up for the entire symposium so attendees can pass from display to display to ask questions.

Each Lecture Discussion Program would be about one hour with no more than 25-minutes in the first pass and then discussions. Presenters can submit Abstracts by end of April and a full document by end of May. PLEASE add subtract adjust this list, workshop list!

Sunday - Breakfast, Closure, Fixing Final Action Items, Fixing Standing Committees.

We are also expecting physical confirmation and on-line participation from Ananta-rupa Das, Boise, M. Arrudha Devi Das, Srivasa Pandita Das, educators from Mexico, Peru, Chile, Argentina. Maybe 75-local Seattle devotees and 85-on-line. Everything will be well recorded.

O.K. That's our news now. The result depends on everyone making personal commitment. We will be in Spain from 1-12th of April, but should have some communication. We will be in Boise and San Jose for one week each before Seattle and we expect to be working on all these themes there, so the fun starts now!   Ten weeks of communication, demonstration, integration and Spifibivication for The Witch.
ISKCON Ministry of Education, Ki Jai!    ISKCON's cutting edge Sankirtan team.
Radha-Nila-madhava, ISKCON Seattle, Ki Jai!

HpS - Mnistry of Education, Anjana Suta Academy, NIOS

P.S. Grhastha Vision Team et al: What do you think of the video of The Taming of the Shrew with Richard Burton and Elizabeth Taylor for the Cultural Program one evening?  Let's have fun. Let's see rapid progress.

HpSwami - 209 505-3219. [We get texting even while in Spain.]
Harivilasa Das - 425 499-6408.

Australia September

7 years, 11 months ago by Dhruvānanda DAS in Calendar Development

Dear Maharaja,

PAMHO. AGTSP. All glories to your service.

HpS - ASA -- Radhika says enough. (With regards to you not appearing in the YouTube video)

I think everyone here will agree we can never have enough HPS.

HpS - ASA -- Durga Puja is Sept 26th.
Rama-vijaya is 30th.
Bengal is on holiday until 30th, I think.
So, 29th August, Radhastami in Hawaii, 3rd September in Australia, Vamana-dvadasi and three more BIG holidays.    Hmmmm?????  Any comments from anyone????

The 3rd is good. What’s your current itinerary/preferences if any? Last time you visited Brisbane/Gold Coast/Murwillumbah, Sydney, Melbourne and Perth. Are you planning same again? How long would you like to stay in each location? As soon as we have an idea of locations and dates we can fix dates for programs.

<sub>HpS-ASA -- If possible just meet some people personally and introduce yourself, and then give them the link to the Peru conference and then if they want more we can have a conference call etc.</sub>

Yes certainly. I can arrange everything in regards to university programs from here “no worries mate” (maharaja). I’m currently touching base with Bhakti clubs at Universities in Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne. I already know most of the devotees personally so no small talk needed. Actually the only devotee I don’t know already personally says he has assisted you before in Houston. Radha Vinod prabhu(Ravi Jadhaw). He is managing the Bhakti club at University of New South Wales (top university) and is very eager to have you visit.

So if you are comfortable with Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne I will go ahead and arrange the university programs there. If you require any assistance in corresponding with local temples for accommodation, programs etc. I can certainly help there also. I’m not sure how arrangements were made for your last visit as Raktak Ji was still here making rotis then. At this point I haven’t been considering Perth in regards to University programs. Western Australia is practically another country for me so I’m not sure who or what goes on over there but if you need any assistance for Perth I can certainly try help.

Jai Hanuman!!


Dhruvananda Das


HpS - AGTSP, Mate!!!    Paoho....    Thank you so much for the letter.  We have been looking for tickets. Seems best flight to Hawaii is from San Francisco and from Hawaii to Sidney via Jetstar.  Is it and O.K?  airlines? Preaching programs will depend on our contacts there also. Like last time Dr. Samaresh arranged a strong program with Dr. Mabbett.

Recollecting Raktaka
We mentioned his recollections of being young fellow and begging at Hanuman Temple.  Another experience was when we were traveling with Nadia-rasa puri. I knew here and here parents when she was like four years old, then I met here maybe 18-years later when she was 22-years old. She wanted to go to India so her mother asked if she could go with us. Her father had left her mother and I guess here also many years earlier.

I said it was O.K. as long as we had other devotess in the party. There were several and Raktaka Das was one of them. There was interesting experience in Naimisaranya, but I will just tell what happend in Fazilka, Raktaka's home town.
We were visiting there. His family had a very, very small, house packed in on one street with other very lower class residences. During the day everyone just moved out into the street shuck peas, talk, live. Acros the street was Mr. Khuranna. He was a lawyer and landowner.

One day he took us all, maybe 8-devotees, to go the Flag Down ceremony at the Pakistan-India frontier. I think M. Rohini and Ananga-manajari and some others were with us??

Anyway, it was only like a 20-minute drive from Fazilka to the border and on the road we passed a de-militarized zone that was full of land mines, and bunker for immiate troop occupation. There was a double fence at the border and the road came down to a  big gate in the fence that could be opened up to allow traffic to go between India and Pakisthan, but never was.

On both sides of the borders there were little military barracks. Maybe twenty five Pakistani and 25-Indian soldiers on both sides.

This was a real case of Mano dharma, because even though they were ready to shoot at each other they probably were even cousins from just the other side of a chain link fence, what to speak of all spirit souls, servants of Krsna.

Well, we got there on time and the sun was setting and the Indian Captain put us in kind of a formal observation place on the roof where we could watch the ceremony and VIPS. Then they stood at attention on both sides and blew trumpets and saluted and marched and took down this flag, then that flag and then folded them in a coordinated effort.

Then we were going to go and Raktaka Das, who had been in the military, told me, "Really impressive sight, no?", and I said, "Yes", and he said, "It was a really impressive how they honor their respective countries, but, 18-25 year old soliders. Alone out here day after day, and a 22-year old chaste, pretty white girl is sitting looking at them. What do you think every single one of them is thinking about and trying to catch a glimpse of out of the corner of their eye?"

I laugher at the wisdom of Raktaka Das.   He was on the level of Jnana-maya by the mercy of Srila Prabhupada.