7 years, 10 months ago by jayanta in Calendar Development

Querido Gurudev: Pamho. TgSP

Ya quedan pocos dias para su visita. Lo mas probable es que yo vaya a NVM el dia 5 por la mañana; así el dia 6 podremos ir a la Universidad desde allí. El Harinam, si Dios quiere, será el viernes por la tarde de 6,30 a 8,30. Posiblemente puedan venir algunos devotos de NVM.

La información detallada del Nama Hattha no se sabrá hasta que no sepamos el estado del tiempo. Si hace un dia muy bueno lo haremos al aire libre (posiblemente en el rio como la vez anterior) y si hace mal tiempo o frio lo haremos en mi casa. Esos detalles no cambian mucho. Lo importante es que los devotos sepan que se va  ha hacer un nama hatha y el dia y hora.

Espero que pronto podamos vernos y que su viaje sea mas agradable que la última vez que vino a España.

Su sirviente

Jayanta das

HpS - ASA - Jaya!  Sadu sanga, sadhu sanga, sarva sastra koi....  Solamente por momento de asociacion de devotos uno puede lograr el mas gran exito de la vida. 

About my first letter part 2

7 years, 10 months ago by SoleOyarce in Personal Sadhana Reports, Calendar Development

All glories to Srila Prabhupada 

My remarks Maharaja,

How is your health? 

HpS - Right now we have some pain in our Inguinal Ligaments. It comes when we eat to many sweets!

How is it found in general?

HpS - Thanks to our General, Sril Prabhupada, we are engaged in Lord Caitanya's Sankirtan!

I am Ma. Soledad from Chile again. Personally Maharaja I want to tell you that I have been somewhat unmotivated, I am very tired physically, a doctor told me that I probably have a disease called "myasthenia gravis" or "fibromyalgia" I am waiting to have laksmi and to be able to do tests ... Sometimes I think it is so difficult to internalize that we are NOT the body.

HpS - It is actually easier to be a Paramahamsa, first class devotee. Just chant Hare Krsna and and be happy. Your progress will be quickly but also without violence.

Well, the main thing of this letter Maharaja is with Abhimanyu we want to make a very very important invitation. You told me that in July he travels to Chile, therefore we want to know if it is possible that on that trip he can attend our marriage. We are going to look for it and leave it where it will be staying. The truth is that there were rumors that came in April so we wanted to do the marriage ceremony in that month, but without asking anything to you. On this occasion I sincerely write to invite you to our celebration, it will be very quiet with our families and friends.

HpS - Why quiet!   20-elephants!   You can wear a silk saree with gold from India. Abhmanyu Das can arrive with his friends on big dancing horses, sweep you off your feet and carry you away to his father's castle, along with 20-girl of your girl friends.

Do you know the dates you are traveling to our country? If so, could we share that beautiful news? And also if you can share with us the day of our marriage.

HpS - June 28th to July 12th, +/- one day.

I say goodbye and I will be attentive to your merciful answer. On this occasion use the google translator, which is very efficient !!

My obeisances dear Maharaja

Greetings from Chile

ASA - Who is Krsna?  Who are you?

Invitación a Paraguay

Haré krsna Gurudev acepte mis humildes reverencias .

Soy Rohini kumar Das reportandoce desde ciudad del este Paraguay . estoy acá ya 4 meses cocinando para el restaurante , esforzándome con el sadhana , rondas , lectura . tenemos buena asocaciacion y festival los días sábados en el templo aveces nos invitan a hacer kirtan en escuelas de yoga o eventos culturales .

Gurudev a todos los devotos acá les gustaría mucho que usted pueda visitarnos unos días  . usted podría dar quizás un seminario para los devotos , podemos organizar algo en la universidad , salir a Harinam. 

HpS - ASA - Ooof! Difícil este viaje. Ya tenemos Lima, Cochabamba (Hari-kripa), Santiago (Valparaíso) en el Calendario, pero no nos dé por vencido. ¿Estás en contacto con Maha-prabhu Das, muestra de arte?

Todas las glorias al movimiento de sankirtan de sri Caitanya Mahapraabhu y perdone mis ofensas amado Gurudev , me esfuerzo cada día por servirlo mejor . ojalá pueda visitarnos . 

Los pasajes los compramos desde cualquier punto si uted decide venir Gurudev.

Su eterno sirviente Rohini Kumar Das

HpS - Al minimo podemos conversar bien de tele-conference mientras estamos en Lima - Santiago.


7 years, 10 months ago by Sananda in Personal Sadhana Reports, Calendar Development








HpS - ASA - always impressed us. We don't have to think too much about, "What we should be doing?". We just look at the postion that Krsna has arranged for us, chant HK/HR and do whatever service we can do there, then Krsna, QUICKLY, will give us intelligence how to improve our situation, service.
Can someone get a USA/Spain adapter for our computer plug?
We will post more suggestions about the visit!


Australia September and Remembrances of Dasa Raktaka.

7 years, 10 months ago by Dhruvānanda DAS in Special Category B, Calendar Development

Dear Maharaja

PAMHO. AGTSP. All glories to your service.

Firstly I must apologise. I was having trouble with my Internet connection while attempting to post my last letter (first world problems) and posted several versions of the same letter. I was not getting any conformation so I was concerned that the letter would not arrive. The last attempt I just copy-pasted the body of a word document and forgot to add formalities. I am very sorry for the disturbance.

HpS - ASA - Hain't no disturbanz, Mate!

HpS - AGTSP paoho.  Thank you! Have you seen our clip on YouTube of the last big program?

Yes. I have also subscribed to the NIOS channel. You didn’t appear in the 10 minute video?

HpS - ASA -- Radhika says enough.

HpS- When should we come? September??

I think September would be great. September takes up a good part of the second semester but we must be aware that Sat 23rd Sep – Tue 3rd Oct is mid semester break so generally Universities are rather quiet at this time. Maybe we should aim for the first 3 weeks of September?

HpS - ASA -- Durga Puja is Sept 26th.
Rama-vijaya is 30th.
Bengal is on holiday until 30th, I think.
So, 29th August, Radhastami in Hawaii, 3rd September in Australia, Vamana-dvadasi and three more BIG holidays.    Hmmmm?????  Any comments from anyone????

HpS- Once you have some Participants, Organizers, who are a little interested we can talk to them personally and see what their interests are.

Yes. I’m currently gathering contact details of the organisers and will forward them shortly<sub>. </sub>

<sub>HpS-ASA -- If possible just meet some people personally and introduce yourself, and then give them the link to the Peru conference and then if they want more we can have a conference call etc.</sub>

HpS - We could do a Tour with the same theme the whole way. Academic program and cultural program, distribute. Also, Conference on Cultivation of the Human Spirit is also good, Light of the Bhagavata.

Distribution TLC. NOI.

This all sounds great. Excitement is developing here awaiting your visit. 

HpS- Krsna has two dogs, no?

Yes I heard this twice last week. I didn’t know that before. Bonney the Bulldog is a great devotee. She does Japa with me everyday.

Your Servant

Dhruvananda Das

HpS-ASA -- As far as we can understand we have to keep ourselves pure: rounds, regs, Sadhana; the Govinda sends innocent people for us to enlighten; and they have to be patient to listen to us >>=====>SANKIRTAN.
Go to Dog Shows and WIN!

Remembrances of Das Raktaka
One time we were in Fazilka with RD, his home town. It was small. You could pass from one side to the other just by walking in 20-minutes. He took us to the Hanuman Temple. It is the biggest temple there. Maybe three stories to the flag. He told us that they were very, very poor when he was a child. Exiles from the civil war in Pakistan. He would go on Tuesday night as a little child with friends. That is the special day of worshiping Hanuman. Many people would come that night and the would beg Maha-prasad. In the morning he would have a big bag of it and his Mother and Brothers and Sisters would try to con him into sharing it with them, but he was very greedy and kept most of it for himself.

Novedades de Administracion en ISKCON Peru & Calenario Actual de Sud America

Hare Krsna!Super bien oportunidad comunicar con todos. Espera todo bien para su Sankirtan y Sadhana. Claro estamos listo ayudar en la administracion como podemos.

Ya tenemos boleto ir a Lima 21st Junio. Ya esta fijado "Segunda Symposium de Psicologia y de lo Sagrado" entre nosotros (NIOS) y la Biblioteca Nacional Peruana (BNP), 26-Junio, 6-9PM en su Auditorio Principal. 27 & 28, convocotorios con Universidad Ruiz Montoya (Jesuitas) y San Marcos 10AM - 1PM en la misma tema. 28 Junio, vuelo a Santiago y regresa a Lima 12 Julio. Entonces pensando posible ir a Arequipa, pero ya tenemos boleto, 17 Julio a Cuzco, 18 at Bolivia y regresa a Lima 24, y por la fin 26, temprano >>> (Mexico) Houston.

Oooof.  Mucho viaje. Nuestra burro tiene ~70 anyos.  Esperamos programas como Domingo todo en Chosika, SB y otros en Wilson, si es bien.

Tambien esperamos los devotos pueden personalmente o de manera formal como miembros de ISKCON participar en estas programas universitarios. El Abhirama Thakura Das hace mucho la co-ordinacion en Peru de NIOS.

Sugerencias para el calendario, todo??

Una cosa mas: Claro estamos super feliz participar con las programas educativas. Tenemos mucho sugerencias y cosas pracital para ayudar economicamente, todo, con el servicio de Radha Madhana-bihari, pero estamos fomalment envolucrado con la sisteme de certificacion de Bhakti-sastri en Peru, y nuestra rama de ASA, Nimsar, es en suspension. Trabajando solamente personalmente en esta aspecto, ycomo miembro de GBC Regional y Ministry de Educacion de ISKCON.

Reverencias a todos.

Algo de servicio para nosotros?

H. P. Swami

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From: Mathuresh Dasa
To: Jayapataka Swami
Cc: caitanya candra brahmacari; Gangamayi Dd; Caturatma ; Karuna Krsna Dasa; Omkara Krsna dasa; Nitya Kinkari Devi Dasi; jamunesvara jamunesvara; Atmanandadas jps; HpSwami
Sent: Monday, March 20, 2017 6:03 PM
Subject: Re: Supervisor Zonal

Queridos vaisnavas(vis):

Pamho, agtSP

Mediante este mensaje quiero expresarle a nuestro Secretario Zonal del GBC, SS Jayapataka Swami, mi agradecimiento por la confianza depositada en mi persona para asistirle en la responsabilidad que el tiene en Peru.

También quiero decirles a los líderes que están a cargo del mantenimiento y el desarrollo de la predica, el cuidado de los devotos y la protección y administracion de nuestras propiedades en Peru, que voy a trabajar con ustedes con todo el respeto que se merecen, como un servidor de ISKCON con la obligación de supervisar que nuestros procesos y sistemas este alineados con las políticas establecidas por nuestras autoridades del GBC. Seguramente en el camino todos tendremos que salir de nuestras zonas de confort y aceptar algún sacrificio para ir mejorando el orden de las cosas. Me considero una persona imparcial y objetiva, enfocada en alcanzar resultados. Solo con el apoyo sincero y las bendiciones de los vaisnavas, Guru y Gouranga, seremos capaces de alcanzar nuestras metas.

Las próximas 2 semanas estaré de viaje en EEUU. Antes del fin de abril, pienso visitarles en Lima para reunirnos con la Junta Nacional y encarar nuestro plan de trabajo juntos.

Adjunto la descripción de mi servicio como Supervisor Zonal.

Su sirviente,

Mathuresh dasa
El 19 de marzo de 2017, 11:44, Jayapataka Swami <[email protected]> escribió:

I don't have anyone to write the letter down in Spanish. I will dictate in Spanish but they may not have the punctuation or spelling correct. 


Queridos devotos de Peru, 

Aceptá mis bendiciones. Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada. 

Campo de domicilio: Sridhama Mayapur 

Campo de presente: ILBS Hospital, Nueva Delhi

Yo ofreció el nombre de Ekanatha Gaura Dasa como supervisor zonal de Perú y fue aceptado por el GBC. Pero para razones personales, el no quiso aceptar la posición. Hasta hace una persona de Perú qualificado para hacer supervisor zonal. Estoy presentando Mathuresa Dasa como supervisor zonal de Perú entero y Bolivia. Ojalá ustedes van cooperar con el. El va asistir los reuniones de las juntas y ayúdame en Perú y Bolivia. 

Su bienqueriente siempre, 

Jayapataka Swami 

JPS /smsdb