Urgenteeeeeeee! Latinoamérica en Congreso de Seattle!

7 years, 8 months ago by laksmana-agraja in Hot Topics, Calendar Development

Hare Krishna, estimado Gurumaharaj y devotos de habla hispana.

Por favor reciban mis reverencias!

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada!

SS Hanumatpresaka Swami me ha pedido ayudar en la coordinación de esfuerzos, juntamente con P. Jagad guru, para la posible participación de devotos involucrados en temas educativos en el Simposio de Educación que se realizará en Seattle (USA) del 15 al 18 de Junio. Les recuerdo que Maharaja es miembro importante del comité ejecutivo del MOE (ISKCON Ministry of  Education) cuyo presidente es Sesa das.

Este evento fue anunciado con anterioridad en este blog. Maharaj nos invitó a particiapar on-line, primero como audiencia, pero hay la posibilidad de tener una partcipación más activa dependiendo de la disposición de nosotros, los educadores de Latinoamérica.

Maharaj mencionó a Baladeva, Param padam, Jagad guru, Aravinda, Abhinanda, Jiva sakti, Gandharva y Laksmana-agraja prabhus, entre otros. También a Matajis interesadas en el tema como Madres Priya saki, Candra Mukhi, Yugala kisore, Isvari, por nombrar algunas.

ASA - Also from Mexico and Brazil!

Por favor envíen sus ideas, aunque por la premura del tiempo no podremos hacer algo muy espectacular. Maharaj sugiere que intervengamos dando la visión de latinoamérica cuando se trate del tema de la educación  en ISKCON en occidente el día sábado como el tema 3. Yo le comenté que Latinoamérica es muy diversa y la visión, digamos, de Argentina es diferente a la de Perú, etc. Pero hay cierta unidad, por ejemplo entre Perú, Bolivia y Ecuador, y no se, de repente entre Chile y Argentina, etc. Pero podemos trabajar el tema.

Hay detalles como el hecho de que el simposio es en Inglés y se pueda arreglar una traducción simultánea. Pero creo que entonces habría un costo de inscripción para aplicar esto, etc. Aunque en principio la transmisión será abierta por startmeeting. Ojalá podamos hacer algo. Por lo menos participar como audiencia y nutrirnos de la sabiduría de SS HpS y otros devotos, en el campo educativo, para adquirir más experiencia.

En Perú venimos trabajando mucho el tema y ahora con el nombramiento de Mathures Prabhu como supervisor regional del GBC para Perú y Bolivia las cosas se ven muy auspiciosas. P. Karuna krsna, nuestro flamante coordinación de educación para Perú ayudará a coordinar todos los esfuerzos educativos en  Perú. Espero que estén ocurriendo cosas buenas también en todos nuestro spaíses.

Finalmente, supongo que Maharaja enviará muy pronto el cronograma más específico para ver detalles.

Muchas gracias por su atención.

Su sirviente,


HpS - ASA -- Tambien mientras estamos pasando por Mexico, Peru, Chile, Bolivia despues del reunion en Seattle podemos trabajar mas en esta area con Vds. BG es un "clase" entre Profesor y Alumno. La aula es un cuadrigo, no?

Aqui les envío el calendario del evento que se publicó en el blog.

Submitted by hps on Sat, 05/06/2017 - 17:27

15th - 18th June 2017

Thursday Evening - Reception: Temple Hosts (Eg. President, Harivilasa Das), Sesa Das (Rama-giridhari Das) Ministry of Education, Protocol Officer.

Friday Morning - Srimad Bhagavatam Class (???), Topic 1 - Chairman: HpSwami, "Philosophy and Strategy of Education with ISKCON" (Presentation about 20-minutes, Contribution Discussion from Everyone. Chairman and others can make the Presentation)

Topic 2 - Chairman: Visvambara Das (And one other?!), Early Education (Pre, Primary, Secondary)

Topic 3 - Chariman: Partha Das / Uttama Devi Dasi (Grhastha Vision Team), "Varna-ashrama Education, Preparing for Marriage, Preparing for Sannyasa" 

Friday - Afternoon - Gay and Delightful Workshops to be decided. These of course can be topical groups such as Early Education, but they can also invite expert contributions eg. Early Education can Invite Sastric Education for 15-minutes.

Friday - Evening - Cultural - Entertainment. Suggested: "The Taming of the Shrew" with Richard Burton and Elizabeth Taylor, with short intro by HpS on Teaching and Shakespeare in the Guru-kula



Srimad Bhagavatam (???  Maybe Vaisesika Das on line)

Topic 1 - Chairman: Radhika Raman Das - "Studying and Preaching in the University and Academic Environment". This will include reports of the incredible results. Orienting Early Education to send students on this route etc.

Topic 2 - Chairman: Hari-lila Das (HpS) - "Sastric Education". Report of Results in USA and World. Discussion of how this fits with other topics eg. Early Education.

Topic 3 - Chairman: Rama-giri-dhari Das (Ananta-rupa Das). "Education in with ISKCON in the Western Hemisphere - Building a Global System". This will include Latin American Devotees who will be involved with Tele-conferencing and a Simultaneous Translator.

Saturday Night - Cultural Program (???)


Srimad Bhagavatam (??)

Breakfast of Fraternal Felicity

Closure Session with Summation and Action Items

NOTES: You can see that this is going to be a tight, intense, powerful program. We will need the Chairpeople to start collecting input, discussingn topics, so that this meeting is just a moderate part of the pre and post work.

We are available. We will be in Boise and San Jose the weeks before.

As an action item we would very much like to see the selection of an Editor for a Periodical: Education with ISKCON in the Western Hemisphere.

news from Arequipa

Hare Krishna

AGtSP, Por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias!

Dear Gurudeva,

I have some news from Arequipa, I comment that yesterday May 11, we have gathered all the devotees and aspirants of you Guru Maharaja, to coordinate your coming to our city. We also prepared a draft of the program of activities.

Is the next:

1. Reception at the Airport on Saturday, July 15, starting at 7:00 am.

2. Arrival at the temple in the Hunter district 8:00 am.

3. Gurupuja from 8:30 to 9:00. HpS - ASA -- Should be Reception not Guru-puja. <img alt="smiley" height="23" src="http://hps.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/regular_smile.png" title="smiley" width="23" />

4. Breakfast from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.

5. Break from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

6. Interview with aspiring disciples and other devotees from 12:00 to 1:30 p.m.

7. Take Prasadam from 1:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.

8. Break from 2:30 to 3:00.

9. Fellowship meeting with all devotees and friends from 3:00 to 4:30.

10. Ceremony of Initiation from 4:30 to 7:00.

HpS - ASA -- We don't have letters from any ISKCON authorities approving anyone for any intiations, nor even anyone being "Refugiados"!  Who are the devotees?  Your good self?

11. Goura Arati at 7:00 at night.

12. Sunday 16, Mangala Arati at 4:30 in the morning and Srimad Bhagavatam class.

13. Departure to the airport 6:30 in the morning.

14. Flight scheduled to the city of Lima from 8:00 am.

This program is at your disposal, for the changes that you saw convenient.

It should be noted that there is an increase of people interested in Krishna Consciousness in Arequipa, although the temple is a little far away, we are more and more present in the activities and festivities that we perform. We are also using Facebook Messenger to communicate among devotees, our group is called Om namó bhagavaté vasudeva jay.

Indeed, we are now improving in kirtan and increased cooperation among devotees; This translates into emotive congregational songs. Surely, much more is needed to move forward, but there is willingness in most of the devotees, to do things right.

Personally, I feel that I am improving a little more each day in Krishna Consciousness, but it really is very difficult to advance consciously and sincerely. Actually I am very fallen and I alone, I do not have the necessary forces to face Maya, so I ask you to please come to our aid. We need it a lot!

HpS - Here we are!   What is your regular work??

You, also asked me if I followed the ISKCON Discipleship Course, the answer is yes, it was a very important and sobering course, highlighting the figure of Srila Prabhupada as Siksa Guru preeminent, among other subjects.

HpS - O.K!      NOI-3, "In this Kṛṣṇa consciousness movement we require everyone to rise early in the morning, by four A.M., and attend maṅgala-ārati, or morning worship, then read Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam, perform kīrtana, and so forth." In Spanish it say, "pedimos" but in English, "require".   How is your Morning Program now. Up before 10AM?? <img alt="smiley" height="23" src="http://hps.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/regular_smile.png" title="smiley" width="23" />

With regard to who is the best cook, he could hardly respond, there mothers do wonders in the kitchen, and prepare true banquets offered at the lotus feet of Lord Krishna and associates. The Arequipeño is sybarite by tradition.

I bid you farewell, hoping that you will always remain strong and healthy Guru Maharaja.

Your humble servant,

Bhakta Renato.

HpS - ASA -- We wait with great enthusiasm for your answers to our questions. We may have some Professors, Artists, Poets to meet while we are there also. We can all go and meet them.

Got TLC in Spanish and brief news

Hare Krishna Dear Guru Maharaja,
Please accept my humble obeisances.
All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

I received file of TLC in Spanish from BBT.  Once it will be ready imported I will put in online and let you know.

Still working on new version of vedabase.com, currently finishing importing of all SP letters. And today preparing slideshow presentation for one devotee who will use it on following Sunday feast program in Turkey.

Also today we will have meeting with manager of BBT Turkey who seems to be enthusiast about having Turkish books available on vedabase.com.

New version for public will launch on day of Guru (Vyasa) Purnima / Srila Sanatana Gosvami (8th July 2017).

HpS - ASA -- Incredible!!!   Is there a good 'Hello' page for people on different levels who may know nothing about Srila Prabhupada's books and a way to buy them?

[Btw, it will be birthday of vedabase.com as it was also launch on Guru/Vyasapurnima.]

Your servant Prahlad Nrsimha das

ASA - Happy birthday Vedabase.com,    Happy birthday Veabase.com, Happy birthday Veabase.com, Happy birthday to you! !!!   !      How many candles will there be on the cake. We can have a cyber-cake competition. Cyber gifts.

[One question [little confidential [Is vedabase.com a Ghrhasta, Sannyasi, B'cari or Vanaprastha?   Is it s B'cari or a B'carini. Should we offer Saris or Dhoti's for it's birthday.  Hmmmm.]]

Dandavats!!     Any suggestions for our travel in India?????

What do you think of the Vanipedia?

artificial push vaidhi bhakti

hare krsna maharaj, PAMHO, AGTSP

its incredible to see that your grace puts so much effort to help others irrespective  of  their evolution level.

ASA - Whoop!   Whoop!    Oink!   Oink!

I am actuall mentally numb to write anything due to my own stupid behavior.

ASA - Numbki!

But SPOG arranged for circumstance leaving us no work on internet, so we thought its better to  write to Blog.

ASA - Supreme Personality of Blog-head.

It was surprising to see in node 7865  by Abhimanyu ji from Chile.

" Yes, if we artificially push Vaidhi bhakti, Japa for example, weeds can grow with the creeper and it can result in many crazy things.. I knew several cases of where people stole the tape of Prabhupada chanting the Gayatri mantra and listened to it and then went crazy."

Can you kindly tell us more  about " artificially pushing Vaidhi"...and how it can water the weeds.  Where does Srila Prabhupada write about it?

ASA - http://www.vedabase.com/en/cc/madhya/19/158   . . .   Is O.K?     Daksa worship the one true God, but he also wanted to hold the the Great King's Rod!

...till now our own assessment was we are just being little lazy/ unintelligent in pursuing Vaidhi bhakti. But your answer seems to direct about something else.

As you are our  guru (not Diksha guru) can you please tell us what rules/angas according to you are not artificial for us?

HpS - We don't live with you so much to give detailed advice, our mis-fortune, but finding a devotee who you can read and share your experiences with is one that we can all do, no?  We just read what they are reading each day at the Boise Temple and then Text our little thoughts, then look for a bigger Sanga once a week.

Of course, as much as we chant HKHKKKHHHRHRRRHH we are always making progress, First thing our of your mouth each morning HKHKKKHHHRHRHRRHH! 

horse victim upastha vegam

ASA - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pasta         One thing leads to another. Seek the root of the sin. Then you can apply the Mantra, and the whole tree will be clean again.
If we are sincere for a long time, it means that our attachments are deep. Some of them are rooted in our ontological rejection of Krsna. Those are DEEEEEEEp!      NOI 7!
Usually our sins at this stage are not, something that has to be rejected. They are attachments based upon something valid. We just have to figure our what it is.

One devotee we know. She was always agitated sexually but following the principles. Them she had one more child, the one who seemed to be waiting to be her daughter, and she was never agitated after that.

What is the real cause of our sin?

Are we suppressing a real power?

Urgente Visita a México

7 years, 8 months ago by Asta Sakhi Devi Dasi in Calendar Development

Querido Gurumaharaja
Por favor acepte nuestras respetuosas y humildes reverencias!
Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada!
Oramos a Sri Nrsimhadeva para que siempre proteja Su salud y bienestar que es tan auspicioso para el mundo entero.

HpS - ASA - Ud. es muy bondadosa!

Disculpe por favor por tardar en escribirle.

Miércoles 21 de Junio 
Entendemos que su vuelo llega 8:30 am y parte a las 5:00 pm rumbo a Perú. 

HpS - ASA --  Hare Krsna!   Entiendo la misma. Voy a llevar solamente equipaje de monje (mano) evitar las, a veces GRANDES, demurras de esperar para equipaje de bajo.

Tenemos una humilde propuesta:
9:40 am aprox.
Desayuno y descanso en casa de Saranagati. 
1:00 pm comida con algunos invitados especiales en un salón de eventos situado a 10 minutos de casa de Saranagati.
Propuesta lista de Invitados 
Profesores y personalidades del área de psicología y arte, entre ellos colegas de madre Lalita Gopi y Aristasena Prabhu.

Dr. José Luis Valencia (danza conchera) 

Dra. Gabriela
Prof. Mauro 
Mtra. Olga 
Mtra.  Itzel Barrera 
Lic. Tanya Peláez (fotógrafa)
Francisco Galán
Francisco Castro
Alberto Soto (trabaja arte virreinal)
Prof. Francisco (participó con Usted hace algunos años atrás en una conferencia sobre Carl Jung y el SB.)
* Faltarían unos 5 invitados más. 

1:00 pm a 2:30 pm. 
-Proyección de vídeo del simposio de Psicología y lo Sagrado en la Biblioteca Nacional del Perú 2016 
-Información de 
Psicología y lo Sagrado 2017 
-Información e invitación 
El Arte y lo Sagrado 2018 
-Salir al aeropuerto 

Podemos filmar  este evento, hacer encuestas etc. 

Si a Usted le parece bien podemos trabajar en esto o hacer los ajustes que Usted nos pida. 

*Gurumaharaja por favor necesitamos los datos de vuelo. 

Por favor disculpe  nuestras ofensas y carencia de inteligencia.
Quedamos atentos a vuestras instrucciones.

Su eterna aspirante a sirviente 
Asta Sakhi dd.

HpS - Super, no tenemos nada facturar. Podemos obtener tarjeta de embarque a las 8.30AM. Entonces podemos ir para aeropuerto temprano.

Solaris, NOI, Teachings of Lord Caitanya para todos. Hay teimpo para conversar con los devotos?

26 Julio es la misma 6.3AM - 3PM.

Regalos (de equipaje de mano) para Peru, Chile, Bolivia eg. Super fotos de Radha Madan-gopal. USB con fotos, peliculas. Prasadam.

No, solamente yo, pero muchos puede relacionar con los invitados.

From Santiago de Chile (letter Soledad)

<pre data-fulltext="" data-placeholder="Traducción" dir="ltr" id="tw-target-text"> Hare Krsna Maharaja My obeisances All glories to Srila Prabhupada All glories to Sri Sri Gaura Nitay With regard to your reply in the previous letter, the date of our marriage to Abhimanyu is July 8. Apparently Prabhu Jagad Guru already made reference of our invitation to the ceremony in the calendar of activities. We hope to attend, this will be in "Dhatri", Visvanath yoga center and Gita Vali, who very lovingly agreed to lend us their yoga center for this special day. It is located about 5 minutes walking from the temple. Let's hope everything is so that you can bless us with your presence. HpS - ASA -- Sounds very nice. It is a formality but not a formality without meaning. After you make these vows in front of Krsna, the devotees, your family, if you break them, everyone is going to say: They are a pair of brainless hens. Can you put up with this rascal, Abhimanyu Das in heaven and hell for the rest of your life? If you do, then pratically speaking your return to Krsna, your real shelter is practically speaking guaranteed. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w70-1b9SCj0  good song??? On the other hand, I want to thank you for your instructions, try and try to carry them out, I await the mercy of Radhe, my spiritual master Srila Prabhupada, to allow me to advance in this path that has a response to everything and calm my anxiety every day. I am very grateful to have the opportunity to associate with you, please allow me to serve you in any way I will send my reports and continue to participate in the morning programs of Startmeeting. These days I did not do well with that because I have been very sick and I have not been able to wake up so early, since after that I have to go to work, I have Awakened with fever and very weak. I do not know if to justify with the disease of the body is well, perhaps my little spiritual advance makes me identify with the body and its symptoms and be negligent with spiritual activities, I do not know, those reflections make me confuse many times and work hard So as not to feel guilty, I know that Krishna Consciousness is not about guilt, do you understand me? ASA - Some guilt! (If we are guilty) but mostly enthusiasm eg. "I will learn from the that mistake, The Evil One shall not trick me again!" Takes time to put all the principles of Sadhana bhakti together to be always in the mode of goodness. We have heard that Srila Prabhupada said, that the only excuse for not coming to Mangala arati is an inability to crawl. The work, the health, the family, the Sankirtan, they all go better if we do Mangala arati, but it may take some time to learn that. My obeisances Maharaja I hope your health is well, that your travels also go well, preaching all over the world! Jayaaaa! </pre>

HpS - ASA -- Thank you! The blessings of a pious good lady never go in vain.