Urgent-all is ready for your visit, etc.

7 years, 7 months ago by kalindidevi dasi in Calendar Development

qHHHH06/05/17     HARE KRSNA DEAR GURU MAHARAJA!      pamho     AGTSP!!!!

Just letting you know all is prertty much set for your visit.  Sri Sri Radha-Gopinatha anticipating your arrival as are we!

Good attendance expected for your two programs on Wed 06/07 and Thurs 06/08, especially considering it is mid-week.  Sending reminder to Dr. Little today per his request.

Dave P. will contact you himself Wed morning to confirm that you have arrived.  He will meet you where the tram exits.  Pls call our cell number if there is flight change.

Heading to grocery store today for boga - "O" fruits, carrots, milk, rice, split peas, oats, per your last letter. Do you eat lentils?  Do you have favorite "O" veggies?  Any last-minute changes to your diet?  What time are you taking your primary prasadam?  Shall I have that ready for you when you arrive at our home on Wed?

I have been making "O", raw spinach, carrot, yogurt, almond smoothies for many months.  They are a staple in my diet and, of course, Radha-Gopinatha LOVE them!!  Thought I'de show you how to make them when you're here if you like.

Only one question:  A dear friend and devotee, Nina Mataji, has offered to arrive at our house at 2pm on Thurs. the 8th to help me cook for that night's program.   I could use her help. Will that interfere with your daytime schedule too much?  We will be as quiet as possible.   And, you will have full access to the living room/temple room combo, plus the furnished patio and your own bedroom.

HpS - ASA --- AGTSP. Really, we are just gathering Prasadam in the morning and honoring it once a day in the afternoon or evening. Thank you.
I don't see any reason why Nina Prabhu and you should bother us!?? We have a lot of like writing work to do. It will be nice if we can use your computer. Have you got Power Point on it??

As always for so many years, your presence, your instructions are eagerly awaited as is Monsoon after the Summer drought.

ASA - Maybe more like weeds after the Monsoon.

May Lord Narasimadeva grant you traveling mercies!

Your Servant,  Kalindi Devi Dasi

HpS - Hare Krsna. See you in a few hours. Let's look at the next letter. Thank you all!!

If you have NOIs at the programs we can distribute.


Hare Krishna Gurudeva, please accept my humble obeisances.

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!!

All Glories to Hanumatpresaka Swami!!

THE SECOND INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM PSYCHOLOGY AND THE SACRED / Bridges between east and west, it’s going well, we already have the program to 95% (It’s missing the name of the presentation of three speakers). In the beginning of the week, Bhaktin Rukmini will translate the entire program to post it here on the blog. Now a brief summary:

MONDAY, JUNE 26th from 6 to 9 p.m.

6:50-7:10        1st Presentation: THE PSYCHE IN THE PSYCHOLOGY AND THE SACRED. Ramón Mujica.

7:10-7:30        2nd Presentation: VEHICLES. Hanumatpresaka Swami

8:00-8:15        3rd Presentation: THE DESIRE IN EXILE: The conditions in which the saint emerges. Rafael Fernández Hart.

8:15-8:30        4th Presentation: LOSS AND RECOVERY:The sacred and the digital <<Pharmakon>>. Víctor J. Krebs.

TUESDAY, JUNE 27th from 9.30 to 1.30 p.m. SUM (Multipurpose room) of the National Library of Peru (BNP). Av. de la Poesía 160, San Borja

1st DISCUSSION GROUP / Speakers.


Luis Ernesto FodaleTopic: ……………….

2nd DISCUSSION GROUP / Speakers.

Dolores Chávez. Topic: Three dimensions of spirituality in crisis: The systemic unsustainability.

Walter OjedaTopic: The Genealogical Tree of Jesus as a model of spiritual evolution.

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 28th from 9.30 to 1.30 p.m. Auditorium of the Faculty of Letters and Human Sciences of the UNMSM. Universitaria Avenue, University City.

1st DISCUSSION GROUP / Speakers.

Nureddin Cueva. Topic: The World and the others in the spiritual realization of Islamic Sufism.

Erick Devoto. Topic: The rebirth of the spiritual in the postmodern age.

2nd DISCUSSION GROUP / Speakers.

Miguel Polo. Topic: ……………………………………

Cesar Farias Aseng. Topic: …………………………….

In terms of the budgets for this event, this once, the BNP and the universities give us the auditoriums and we take charge of the advertising, decoration and prasadam. So, we have:

Advertising: 2000 full color hand programs + 1000 personal invitations + 1000 envelopes for the 1000 invitations + 100 posters + 3000 one color handbills: $ 800.

Decoration for the three days: $ 200 (100 the first day, 50 for the second y 50 for the third).

Prasadam for the first day: $ 180

Prasadam for the second and third day: considering that it will be a lunch for about 20 people per day (the Jesuit university is sponsor if it’s coordinated at the the beginning of the year, in the case of San Marcos, they don’t have budgets): $ 250

Transport, photocopies and incidental expenses (that there are always): $ 100

Production of two videos (bilingual) one short (2 or 3 minutes) and other (6 or 9 minutes): $ 300

HpS - So, that is a total of $1830, no?   Of course, this is just 4-weeks before the event and we should have made a Budget before this, but also can understand that you are under great stress due to doing a lot of this work alone.
We will consult with NGD about the Budget, but...  NIOS has already been blessed to make an investment in this excellent project, no?  It was $800 on December 24th through Caturatma - Palika DD. Before the next money can be released then the accounting for that needs to be received.

Thank you so much for you efforts in these areas. We are very grateful that you still deal with us inspite of all of our faults. Except for you and your crew there is no one els doing all this.

In terms of managements with the National Director of the BNP for THE ART and THE SACRED for June and July 2018, before an agreement with many details, the first thing I have proposed is that he accept to reserve the rooms for the following dates:

- From June 14th to July 12th in the exhibition hall a SAMPLE OF SACRED ART of Perú, India and China (there is a consensus that the person indicated to direct this is Ramon Mujica, he agrees).

- From June 21st to July 12th in the HALL of entrance a PHOTOGRAPHIC EXPOSITION OF SACRED ARCHITECTURE.

- From July 2nd to July 6th THE INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM OF ART AND THE SACRED in Mario Vargas Llosa Auditorium.

I’m working on the documents they ask for; his secretary and his Director of Image are collaborating. Our aim is that in the June 5th reunion he officially accepts with a letter that the BNP will be the host of the ART AND THE SACRED, so we will know in which other things he will collaborate or if he will only give us the venues.

That is all for now. Hare Krishna Gurudeva, forgive my limitations, your servant, Abhiram Thakur das.


Hare Krishna Gurudeva, por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias.

Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada!!

Todas las Glorias a Hanumatpresaka Swami!!

El II SIMPOSIO INTERNACIONAL LA PSICOLOGÍA Y LO SAGRADO / Puentes entre oriente y occidente viene avanzando bien, ya tenemos el programa listo al 95% (falta el nombre de la ponencia de tres expositores). Comenzando la semana, la madre Rukmini va a traducir todo el programa para publicarlo aquí en el blog. Ahora un breve resumen:

LUNES 26 DE JUNIO de 6 a 9 p.m.

6:50-7:10        1ra Ponencia: LA PSIQUE EN LA PSICOLOGÍA Y LO SAGRADO. Ramón Mujica.

7:10-7:30        2da Ponencia: VEHÍCULOS. Hanumatpresaka Swami.

8:00-8:15        3ra Ponencia: EL DESEO EN EXILIO: Las condiciones en que emerge lo santo.Rafael Fernández Hart.

8:15-8:30        4ta Ponencia: PÉRDIDA Y RECUPERACIÓN. Lo sagrado y el <<Pharmakon>> digital. Víctor J. Krebs.

MARTES 27 DE JUNIO de 9.30 a 1.30 p.m. SUM (Sala de Usos Múltiples) de la Biblioteca Nacional del Perú-BNP. Av. De la Poesía 160, San Borja.

1er CONVERSATORIO / Expositores.

Héctor Béjar. Tema: Visión Universalista de la Solidaridad Humana.

Luis Ernesto FodaleTema: ……………….

2do CONVERSATORIO / Expositores.

Dolores Chávez. Tema: Tres dimensiones de la espiritualidad en crisis:  la insostenibilidad sistémica.

Walter OjedaTema: El Árbol Genealógico de Jesús como modelo de evolución espiritual.

MIÉRCOLES 28 DE JUNIO de 9.30 a 1.30 p.m. Auditorio de la Facultad de letras de y Ciencias Humanas de la UNMSM. Av. Universitaria S/N, Ciudad Universitaria.

1er CONVERSATORIO / Expositores.

Nureddin Cueva. Tema: El mundo y los otros en la realización espiritual del sufismo islámico.

Erick Devoto. Tema: El renacimiento de lo espiritual en la era Posmoderna

2do CONVERSATORIO / Expositores.

Miguel Polo. Tema: ……………………………………

Cesar Farias Aseng. Tema: …………………………….

En cuanto a los presupuestos para este evento, esta vez, la BNP y las universidades ponen los auditorios y nosotros ponemos la publicidad, la decoración y el prasadam. Entonces tenemos:

Publicidad: 2000 programas de mano a todo color + 1000 invitaciones personales + 1000 sobres para las 1000 invitaciones + 100 afiches + 3000 volantes a un color:  $ 800.

Decoración para los tres días: $ 200 (100 el primer día, 50 para el 2do y 50 para el 3ero).

Prasadam para el primer día: $ 180

Prasadam para el 2do y 3er día: considerando que van a ser un almuerzo para unas 20 personas cada día (para que la universidad jesuita sea sponsor eso se ve al comienzo de año, en el caso de San Marcos ellos no tienen presupuesto): $ 250

Transporte, fotocopias, gastos imprevistos (que siempre hay): $ 100

Producción de dos videos (Bilingüe) uno corto de (2 a 3 minutos) y otro de (6 a 9) minutos: $ 300

En cuanto a las gestiones con el Director Nacional de la BNP para El ARTE y lo SAGRADO para junio y julio de 2018, antes que un convenio con muchos detalles lo primero que le he propuesto es que acepte reservar los ambientes para las siguientes fechas:

- Del 14 de junio al 12 de julio en la sala de exhibiciones una MUESTRA DE ARTE SAGRADO de Perú, India y China (hay consenso que la persona indicada para dirigir esa curación sea Ramón Mujica, él está de acuerdo)

- Del 21 de junio al 12 de julio en el HALL de ingreso una EXPOSICIÓN FOTOGRÁFICA DE ARQUITECTURA SAGRADA.

- Del 2 al 6 de julio SIMPOSIO INTERNACIONAL EL ARTE Y LO SAGRADO en el Auditorio Mario Vargas Llosa.

Estoy avanzando con los documentos que piden, su secretaria y su Director de Imagen están colaborando, nuestra meta es que en la reunión del 5 de junio acepte oficialmente con una carta que la BNP sea la sede de EL ARTE Y LO SAGRADO, luego veremos qué otra cosa pone o si solo pone los locales.

Esto es todo por ahora. Hare Krishna Gurudeva, disculpe mis limitaciones, su sirviente, Abhiram Thakur das.

HpS - ASA - NIOS --- Muchas gracias Senyor!  Somos todos llena de faultas. Muy bien. Minimizando y adelantanda nuestras buen cualidades.  Cart a ido a NGD con presupueto. Necesita reportaje del inversion anterior.  Gran evento. Todo el mundo puede participar.

Invitation to shillong

Hare krsna gurudev

Dandavat pranam at your lotus feet.

HpS - ASA -- We ate too much today to have lotus feet. Maybe potato feet.

All glories to H.D.G. Srila Prabhupada 

Hare krsna. 

Hope you are in good health. Since last time Many things have changed. Sadhana and my conduct(including the regs)  had deteriorated but again is becoming better. I have left Kerala and am back to Shillong. Got a temporary job as a junior doctor and have shifted to the Iskcon temple. Live in ashram and go for job. My father has also started to chant on beads but irregularly.

HpS - Wow!!

Gurudev, the devotees in shillong and the temple management is requesting you to kindly visit shillong during your India visit. (temple president had requested me to ask you this many times). At least for 3 days if you could kindly visit.
Awaiting your reply. 

Your servant. 

Rturaj krsna dasa.

HpS - ASA --- Very, very, very nice to hear from you!   Very sad you have been having trouble with weak Sadhana. Of course, that means you have been suffering. Krsna only gives us these things to be happy.

If you are fixed in Sadhana then we shall meet again!

So far yours is the only request we have for visit. We are still waiting for Kolkata, Australia etc.

Is there nice Academic, Cultural, community in Shillong?  Could we make a movie while we are there?

Urgente! Jagad guru goes to Seattle!

Hare Krishna, dear Gurumaharaj, Pamho, AGTSP

(Here, Spanish. Down bellow, English)

Más noticias buenas sobre Seattle.

Jagad guru puede estar en el simposio!

Ayer tuvimos una muy buena reunión y es muy probable que él pueda estar participando por America latina. Hemos identificado 3 centros importantes en Sudamérica que están activos en el tema educativo (quizás hay más): 1.Brasil, 2.Argentina-Chile, 3.Perú-Bolivia-Ecuador. Por ahora, opinamos que México no podemos abarcar. Se necesita mucha coordinación y tenemos sólo 20 días.

También hay otros países que el futuro pueden entrar en el tema como la zona del caribe: Colombia, Venezuela, cuba, etc. Paraguay y Uruguay, etc.

En estos tres puntos tenemos a Dhanvantari Swami, que puede hablar español lo cual es una gran ventaja y puede dar la visión de Brasil. Para Argentina, Param padam, Baladeva, y alguien de Buenos Aires?. Para Chile: M. Priya sakhi y Jagad guru. Ahora, Jagad guru trataría de reunir la perspectiva de Argentina- Chile a través de quizás Param padam. Yo puedo muy bien presentar la visión de Perú, Bolivia y Ecuador, por ahora.

Entonces la idea es que tres personas, Dhanvantari Swami, Padam param y yo presentemos un artículo muy escueto donde desarrollemos dos puntos principales:

1. Qué está pasando ahora.

2. Perspectivas para el futuro.

Jagad guru haría un ppt resumiendo esto y lo presentaría en el simposio. Esto depende de cuánto tiempo se le asigne a Latioamérica o Sudamérica. Yo diría algo como 30 minutos.

Le daríamos los tres artículos a JG en inglés y español. JG haría los ppt en inglés y español también. Para el simposio y también para difundirlo en el blog y enviarlo a todos los interesados.

Comentábamos que una traducción en simultáneo es demasiado trabajo por ahora. Creemos que un educador con perspectivas internacionales debería poder aunque sea escuchar y entender 70% de inglés.

Esas fueron algunas ideas. Vamos a seguir conversando y tratando de participar en nuestras conversaciones educativas los lunes a las 8am hora peruana.

Por favor, Gurumaharaja denos sus bendiciones y sabias instrucciones. Yo sé que usted siempre piensa en grande, como Srila Prabhupada le enseñó. Pero, por ahora es lo que podemos ofrecer. Por favor, acepte nuestro humilde servicio de cuyes latinos.

Muchas gracias por el servicio.



Hare Krishna, dear Gurumaharaj, Pamho, AGTSP

More good news about Seattle.

Jagad guru may be at the symposium!

Yesterday we had a very nice meeting and it is very probable that he may be participating on behalf Latin America. We have identified 3 important centers in South America that are active in the educational theme (perhaps there are more): 1.Brazil, 2.Argentina-Chile, 3.Perú-Bolivia-Ecuador. For now, we think that we can’t include México in our efforts. It takes a lot of coordination and we have only 20 days.

There are also other countries that the future can particpate inarea as the Caribbean zone: Colombia, Venezuela, Cuba, etc. Paraguay and Uruguay, etc.

In these three points we have Dhanvantari Swami, who can speak Spanish which is a great advantage and can give the vision of Brazil. For Argentina, Param Padam, Baladeva, and someone from Buenos Aires. For Chile: M. Priya sakhi and Jagad guru. Now, Jagad guru would try to gather the perspective of Argentina-Chile through perhaps Param padam. I can very well present the vision of Peru, Bolivia and Ecuador, for now.

Then the idea is that three people, Dhanvantari Swami, Padam Param and I present a very brief article where we develop two main points:

1. What is happening now.

2. Perspectives for the future.

Jagad guru would do a ppt summarizing this and would present it at the symposium. This depends on how much time is allocated to Latin America or South America. I would say something like 30 minutes.

We would give all three articles to JG in English and Spanish. JG would do  theppt in English and Spanish as well. For the symposium and also to spread it on the blog and send it to all t he people interested.

We commented that a simultaneous translation is too much work for now. We believe that an educator with international perspectives should be able to even listen and understand 70% of English.

Those were some ideas. We will continue to talk and try to participate in our educational talks on Monday at 8am Peruvian time.

Please, Gurumaharaja give us your blessings and wise instructions. I know that you always think big, as Srila Prabhupada taught you. But for now is what we can offer. Please accept our humble service of Latino cuyes.

Thank you very much for the service.


HpS - ASA -- Many thanks to you ... !  ..  Fight to include Mexico!    You contact Aravinda, JgD contact Lalita-gopi dd: What is happening, what do we want to happen and how are we going there, and how to contact us!

Thank you.

Visit of SSBBS and program proposal ( 13 al 16) Urgent.

7 years, 8 months ago by Isvari devi dasi in Calendar Development

Hare Krsna Dear Maharaja.


I hope you are feeling better. I read that hay fever is only cured with antihistamines but produces sleep.

A natural remedy is to boil half orange, half toronja and half lemon in a liter of water and then take this with honey and also take infusion of chamomile.

Here hay fever is not frequent, we have no experience of this but in other countries as Spain and USA is more common.

HpS - It is just allergia in Spanish. 90% of the people in Santiago have some reaction because of the Chinese elms.   We have got so much relief from following Ayuveda.  Systemic problem not a disease.

I am very pleased to communicate to you the following: My Gm, SS Bhaktibhusana Swami will be visiting Lima from July 10 to 17. He will meet you, I very happy about this.

HpS - ASA -- Me to. We can exchange our views on Vaisnava dress.

I want to propose to you the following program (maybe there may be some changes):

-Thursday, July 13, 6:30 am You give the SB class in Wilson

1 pm lunch at Abhirama's house (we are coordinating with him), from you and SSBBS.

Friday, July 14, 6:30 am SB class would give SSBBS

8.15am breakfast in wilson, you and SSBBS (if your time allows)

5pm  Meeting on education in Wilson (organized for Lad)

7pm  Class in Wilson: Remembrances on Srila Prabhupada (both you and SSBS would ask you to share your experiences, your accomplishments as disciples of SP)

Sunday 16th at Chosica, SB class would give it SSBBS

Padayatra in Chosica.

I will send an invitation to SSBBS to participate in the Padayatra.

Sri Nrisimhadeva proctec you

with affection

ys and spiritual niece

Isvari dd

HpS - Hare Krsna!   When we get Urgent letters we have to answer them Urgently so the answers aren't always so profound!   But...   We were thinking to leave our plans flexible for the 12-14th July, when we get back from Santiago, so we can see what happens while we are in Peru in June. O.K?

We could fix details before we leave for Santiago. Except for meeting on education in Wilson like 5PM Friday, 14th July, and making comments about our reminisciences of Srila Prabhupada on education that night with Maharaja's own remenisciences. We would like to propose that now. Other days we have no conflict with anyone fixing morning and evening programs for Maharaja as is convenient and we can join in as is useful!

Hare Krsna!    Thank you for these intelligent efforts to organize the Sankirtan.

Ambarisa das

7 years, 8 months ago by Ambarisa Maharaja Das in Calendar Development

Haré Krsna

Pamho agtsp all glories to you Guru dev

Thank to write to me, was very helpful.

I m trying to get a ticket to Chile or Peru, I don't know get, because there are a difference of prices. 70% that we can meet you in Chile 30% in Peru. I will travel alone without vrsabhanu nandini and Hari vamsi dhari  so, I have to arrange many things here to help them to be fine in my absence.

HpS - Sooooooo nice to hear from you all!!    I think Chile would be the right place. Peru we will be moving all the time.  Cold in Chile!    We should also do some telecoferencing for everybody, Arjunatina, while we are in Santiago also.

We still struggling with the construction of our Asrama. Many austerity s and mental and physical distressed, but we still doing it.

HpS - The Catholic church has a book about building churches. It is call "Built of Living Stones". As it goes up, your Bhakti goes up!

We are feeling a strong separation from the dham, sadhu sanga, a fix service and your association.  Hope to see you soon.

your servant ambarisa das

HpS - Hare Krsna!  Hare Krsna.   Hope this Blog helps!!!!!  You, we, are headed to the Dhama,  fixed association. Fly your house to Goloka, like Kardama muni.   Nice photos of the Monsters.