Guruji visit of North East Inia (Manipur), 1-4 Nov. 2017

7 years, 4 months ago by mukta singh in Calendar Development

All Glories to Sri Guruji Maharaja, Sripada Maharaja and A.C. Prabhupada

All Grories to Sri Gouranga Mahaprabhu and Goura Bhakta Vrnda Ki Jay

Radha Krsna Ki Jay,

Dandavat Pranam Guruji Maharaja!

Please accept my humble obeisances unto Guruji’s padmacharan that I am so so much happy to get Guruji’s amritavani in such a busy period of international tour.

Today we went to Manimandir, Imphal ISKCON and met Haridasa Swami, Banamali Prabhu, Sarada-gaurangi Devi Dasi after mangal arati of our Thoubal Mandir and decided Guruji’s Manipur visit and sending for Guruji’s advice.

1.       1st Nov. 2017 :  After Gurujis Arrival to Imphal Airport go to Thoubal Mandir directly and take rest up to 3.00 p.m.

          From 4.00 Nagar Kirtan (for one hour) and Food for All (Distribution on the street).

          6.00 p.m. Sandhya Arati

          7.00. Guruji’s prabachan (on any topic)

          8.00 Prasadam

2.      2nd Nov. 2017 :

          4.30 a.m. Mangal Arati, Narasingha Arati, Tulsi Arati

          6.00 : Guru Bandana and Pujah

          7.00 : Bhagavat Class

          2.00 p.m. Outside mandir Programme at Manipur University, Canchipur or RIMS, Imphal (Please suggest the topic).

HpS - ASA -- We already sent BIG topic list to The Sarad Garaungi Devi Dasi and Dr. Samaresh. He suggested "Science, Psyche and Spirituality: The Encounter of Prof. C. G. Jung with the Mysticism of Ancient India and the Bhagavata".

          6.00 p.m. Sandhya Arati

          7.00. Guruji’s prabachan (on any topic)

          8.00 Prasadam

3.      3rd  Nov. 2017 :

          4.30 a.m. Mangal Arati, Narasingha Arati, Tulsi Arati

          6.00 a.m. : Thoubal to Imphal ISKCON Mandir

8.00 a.m. : Bhakta, Beisnavas, Matajis Sanmelan start on the topic of NOI – Distribution of    Upadesamrta (Manipuri and English) approcimately 100 or more.

          12.00 Noon : Prasadan


4.      4th  Nov. 2017 :

          4.30 a.m. Mangal Arati, Narasingha Arati, Tulsi Arati

          6.00 : Guru Bandana and Pujah

          7.00 : Bhagavat Class

          8.00 : Breakfast

          9.00 : Mandir to Imphal Airport.

·         After Guruji’s reply we will circulate the information for all and arrangements of the programme.


Yours fallen servant

Yamunesvara Das

HpS - Wonderful. Let us do all the SB classes on Light of the Bhagavata. Do you have it in Manipuri language?  It is Chapter Twenty of SB:

If not available in Manipuri language maybe we can start to print it with pictures. We have the funds.

URGENT Australia 2017 Melbourne

7 years, 4 months ago by Dhruvānanda DAS in Calendar Development

Dear Maharaja,


The Melbourne devotees really want you to visit and they have worked out a tentitive schedule for you.

Thurs 12

Arrival 8 15pm

Fri 13 

*8am SB class

*6pm: Radhey Chai Bar yoga audience

Sat 14 (Sri Virabhadra Appearance) 

*8am - SB class

*7:30pm - Bhakta Bhavan Indian university students program

Sun 15

*7:30am - SB/initiation by Kadamba Kanana Swami

*11am – Invite to combined (KKS, HPS) Bhakti Vrksha south eastern suburbs 

*5pm - Sunday Feast class

Mon 16 (Ekadasi)

*8am SB class

Fly to Brisbane Tuesday 17th.

Ys Dhruvananda Das

HpS - ASA - Looks good. The "Radhey Chai Bar yoga audience" will be mostly Yogiinis?

Any interesting poets, filmmakers, cultural anthropologists, scientists in Melbourne? For SB class we could do a series like Light of the Bhagavata or Jung and the Bhagavata. People for interfaith dialog.

Street Sankirtan?

URGENT Australia 2017 Update

7 years, 4 months ago by Dhruvānanda DAS in Calendar Development

Dear Maharaja,


Thank you for your reply. Your calmness on the situation has given me a sense of patience and purpose

ASA - Enthusiasm is more important than patience! We admire you.

This morning I received a message from one of the program organizers apologizing and asking for some time  to see if they can rearrange things to accommodate us. They really want you to visit.  I think what you have said is good. We should still arrive in Melbourne and let’s see what Krishna does with us. I will keep you updated.

Jai Srimati Radharani!!!


Dhruvananda Das

ASA - We will look at your next letter!

Hare Krsna Guru Dev - Update from Pune on Aug 17, 2017

Hare Krsna Dear Gurudev,
    Please accept my humble obeisances at your lotus feet.

ASA - Hare Krsna/ Hare Rama

    All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
    All glories to Guru parampara.

    Gurudev, i am in talk with a NGO for your preaching program. Trying to get details
    like - how it could be useful for you & ISKCON Education Ministry.

    As the talk is in very initial stage so would keep you posted as we get details.

    Thank you so much.

your fallen servant,
Girivaradhari-Gopal Das

ASA - We just sent the suggestions for travel and visiting dates. Very late, but that's the best we rate. Where are Krsna, where are the Gopis, where is Vraja dhama?  We must all talk to people who can push these songs along.

URGENT Australia 2017 Update

7 years, 4 months ago by Dhruvānanda DAS in Calendar Development




We had our second Daughter Sarasvati, born on 20 October. We spent some time settling in after her epic arrival.

HpS - Ooof!     Wonderful.   Wonderful!   Sankirtan!

Melbourne: A let down to me, the temple president in Melbourne did not alert all his staff and they have double booked for the time that we want to be there. I communicated directly with TP to arrange this visit and he gave his word. On seeing the new events booked for the same time, I conducted some inquiry and discovered that no one, or not the right people new about us coming. This is unfortunate but maybe also fortunate. I don’t know.

I think we should consider going to Sydney instead of Melbourne, unless you have any particular wishes to be in Melbourne. HH Kadamba Kanana Swami has quite the following in Melbourne and will be there from 13th-22nd October and his schedule is busy. Please let me know what you think. You have some disciples in Sydney, Canberra. Maybe between them, the temple and Govindas kirtan restaurant, we could arrange some nice programs there. I was talking with one devotee who does some very small preaching at a University there so maybe we could do something with them also.

If you like this idea we could simply change you Mumbai flight to land in Sydney on the evening of the 12th, leave Sydney on the 17th, then carry on with the rest of the schedule as normal.

Waiting to hear from you.

Your impotent servant

Dhruvananda Da

HpS -    'are Krsna, Mate!     Interesting.       Trying to change these international flights six weeks before the travel can be super, super, super expensive and difficult (but not impossible (if you can do the Krsna-kaliya step)).

What if we just keep the Australia arrivals and departures the same and just spend a day with Maharaja and his program and then move on with our internal travel?

Thank you so much for your efforts. From our experience this is tough work and in the end Krsna arranges where He wants us to go and whom He wants us to meet.

Our respects to Dhanesvari Devi Dasi and everyone!  We will also see if anyone offers suggestions here in the Blog.

India Calendar - Kolkata

7 years, 4 months ago by hps in Calendar Development
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From: Purushottama Keshava Das <[email protected]>

Respected Hanumatprekshak Swami Maharaja,

Please accept my humble obeisances.

Hare Krishna.

We are very happy to hear your preaching programs and success stories. We are specially happy about your upcoming India and Kolkata visit.

There is some confusion regarding the dates of stay at Kolkata. In your mail, you have mentioned 26th to 30th November. I feel it is actually 26th- 30thOctober? Please confirm if it is 26th to 30th October.

Should I book room on these dates?
HH Radhanath Swami will be conducting Annual Kartik Yatra at that period in Mayapur and Kolkata. It is scheduled from

19 to 27 October in Mayapur 
and 28 to 31 October in Kolkata.

So most of Kolkata devotees will be busy in that from 18th October to 1st November.

Please let us know how can we serve you.

Your aspiring servant, 
Purushottama Keshava Das
ISKCON Kolkata

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HpS - ASA - Hare Krsna!  So, very nice to hear from you.

Yes, we are scheduled to be in Kolkata from 26th to 31st OCTOBER.

We arrive at Kolkatta airport from Australia about 1AM. Very, very early in the morning after about 20-hours of travel. It is the best ticket we could get!

So, if you can arrange transportation from the airport that will be greatly appreciated by our body, and accommodation in Temple Complex for 26th to 31st night.

Then 1st Nov we have a flight from Kolkata to Imphal at 9AM.

It will be very nice to get association of Radhanatha Swami and the whole Yatra. We will in many ways just be recovering from the Australia travel and working with Dr. Samaresh, but as much as we can be of service to you and Kolkata Yatra in the kinds of preaching that we are doing that is also 100% fine. It is kind of like finding our place in the Rasa-lila, no?

Your phone is still +91 842 xxx xxxx?

Please do not burden your self with our passions but as there is time let us know about everyone: Acaryaratna, Doyal, Mukunda...