Guruji visit of North East Inia (Manipur), 1-4 Nov. 2017
All Glories to Sri Guruji Maharaja, Sripada Maharaja and A.C. Prabhupada
All Grories to Sri Gouranga Mahaprabhu and Goura Bhakta Vrnda Ki Jay
Radha Krsna Ki Jay,
Dandavat Pranam Guruji Maharaja!
Please accept my humble obeisances unto Guruji’s padmacharan that I am so so much happy to get Guruji’s amritavani in such a busy period of international tour.
Today we went to Manimandir, Imphal ISKCON and met Haridasa Swami, Banamali Prabhu, Sarada-gaurangi Devi Dasi after mangal arati of our Thoubal Mandir and decided Guruji’s Manipur visit and sending for Guruji’s advice.
1. 1st Nov. 2017 : After Gurujis Arrival to Imphal Airport go to Thoubal Mandir directly and take rest up to 3.00 p.m.
From 4.00 Nagar Kirtan (for one hour) and Food for All (Distribution on the street).
6.00 p.m. Sandhya Arati
7.00. Guruji’s prabachan (on any topic)
8.00 Prasadam
2. 2nd Nov. 2017 :
4.30 a.m. Mangal Arati, Narasingha Arati, Tulsi Arati
6.00 : Guru Bandana and Pujah
7.00 : Bhagavat Class
2.00 p.m. Outside mandir Programme at Manipur University, Canchipur or RIMS, Imphal (Please suggest the topic).
HpS - ASA -- We already sent BIG topic list to The Sarad Garaungi Devi Dasi and Dr. Samaresh. He suggested "Science, Psyche and Spirituality: The Encounter of Prof. C. G. Jung with the Mysticism of Ancient India and the Bhagavata".
6.00 p.m. Sandhya Arati
7.00. Guruji’s prabachan (on any topic)
8.00 Prasadam
3. 3rd Nov. 2017 :
4.30 a.m. Mangal Arati, Narasingha Arati, Tulsi Arati
6.00 a.m. : Thoubal to Imphal ISKCON Mandir
8.00 a.m. : Bhakta, Beisnavas, Matajis Sanmelan start on the topic of NOI – Distribution of Upadesamrta (Manipuri and English) approcimately 100 or more.
12.00 Noon : Prasadan
4. 4th Nov. 2017 :
4.30 a.m. Mangal Arati, Narasingha Arati, Tulsi Arati
6.00 : Guru Bandana and Pujah
7.00 : Bhagavat Class
8.00 : Breakfast
9.00 : Mandir to Imphal Airport.
· After Guruji’s reply we will circulate the information for all and arrangements of the programme.
Yours fallen servant
Yamunesvara Das
HpS - Wonderful. Let us do all the SB classes on Light of the Bhagavata. Do you have it in Manipuri language? It is Chapter Twenty of SB:
If not available in Manipuri language maybe we can start to print it with pictures. We have the funds.