Manipur Program Developement & Bh. Sastri

7 years, 4 months ago by Sarada Gaurangi Devi Dasi in Calendar Development

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!! All Glories to Guru Maharaja HpS!

All glories to the sweet, lotus feet of Guru Maharaja. PAMHO....

Hare Krishna,

Dear Guru Maharaj,

Thank you so much.....for everything!! You are so merciful. We shall be starting Bhakti Shastri course from today with Haridas Swami. Its a miracle so sweet that I am finding so hard to comprehend....what with my limited vocabulary!!

We will send the modified programme as soon as possible. Prof Samaresh suggested the beautiful topic on science and the psyche.....thought it would be very relevant to our Medical students...all of them would be brushing through Carl Jung in their Psychiatry classes....we have few Clinical Psychology students too...who literally worship Carl Jung!!!

Peruvian reflections would be a better choice for them....still have to discuss with Prof Samaresh. Waiting for him to be back from Delhi.

Will accomodate all our devotees from NE and serve all of them with the best of what we can offer....seeking Nityananda Prabhu's mercy...

I remain,

Your most fallen servant,

Sarada Gaurangi DD

Developing Manipuri Program

7 years, 4 months ago by Sarada Gaurangi Devi Dasi in Calendar Development

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!! All glories to Guru Maharaj HpS.

Hare Krishna.

PAMHO. At your Lotus feet.

ASA - Medium larcenous feet.

Dear Guru Maharaj,

Thank you so much for the sweet reply. Talked to Prof Samaresh and invited him to be a part of the programme here. With Guruji's mercy, hopefully he will be here with us.

HpS - Gotta fix who else wants to join us. Then it is easy. Only two other people will be enough. Publish the proceedings.

The themes are just what Manipuris need. The first theme ,' Science,psyche and spirituality' would cater to a crowd of any kind. Initially , was thinking about just our Medical students....Carl Jung would appeal to a lot of them.As part of MBBS training we learn psychiatry (includes Clinical Psychology too), so was thinking of organizing a students's programme . Anyway, because of the time constraints we will just go for a lecture catering to a mixed crowd of different ages and different streams.

HpS - Get a Chief Guest at least to listen to the program and them make a comment.

Will contact Prof Samaresh again, while we wait for Haridas swami for the final temple programme.

Your most fallen servant,

Sarada Gaurangi DD

HpS - We will look at your other letters and Yamunesvara's next.

URGENT Australia 2017 Brisbane Ticket Confirmed

7 years, 4 months ago by Dhruvānanda DAS in Calendar Development

Dear Maharaja,


All glories to Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura, the father of Krishna West.

Melbourne to Brisbane tickets booked. Tuesday 17th. Flight leaves 12pm(daylight savings) to arrive at 1:10pm. Below is flight details.

Currently finalising  northern end schedule, then posters. 

I have been writing to academics. No replies as of yet.

Ys Dhruvananda Das

HpS - We can always do Cultivation of the Human Spirit - Light of the Bhagavata, Three Minutes with a Genius - The Upadesamrta of Srila Rupa Goswami, Science, Psyche and Spirituality - The Encounter of Prof. C. G. Jung with the Mysticism of Ancient India. If strong demand, Vastu, Hamlet and Arjuna. Pada-padma - Cantos One and Two of the Bhagavaa Purana. . . . GET FULL SET ORDERS FOR THE BBT.

URGENT Australia 2017 Brisbane Ticket

7 years, 4 months ago by Dhruvānanda DAS in Calendar Development

Dear Maharaja


Thank you for the meal plan.

I have booked my ticket from Brisbane to Melbourne, arriving at 5:35pm on the 12th Oct. I will be waiting for you in the airport. Devotees from the temple will pick us up. I’m leaving my car parked at Brisbane airport so we can drive away when we fly to Brisbane from Melbourne. If you are settled on the dates I can book two seats on the 17th? My wife tells me that maybe Adi Adri mataji will be with us so even 3 seats, or even more!

What time would you like to fly on Tuesday 17th

HpS - ASA -- Hare Krsna. The 16th is Ekadasi, no?    Don't want to fly on Ekadasi.  Anytime is fine with us.

Below is an example ticket. This is a very good price for 2:45pm, with a good airline. Normally close to $100 and below are only early morning or late evening flights.

HpS - Again, we are flexible. Seems nice to go after morning program and get there in time for evening program.   Fix everything ASAP then others can adjust their schedules also. Pujari Madhumanjari Devi Dasi, Raktak Das friends and relatives, universities, Malcom.

URGENT Australia 2017 Melbourne

7 years, 4 months ago by Dhruvānanda DAS in Calendar Development

Dear Maharaja,


Yes harinam is Friday evenings. We can attend Harinam instead of the Radhe Chai Bar. I have spoken with the owner and he says "As you please". I think harinam is better idea for a few reasons.

1. Radhe Chai Bar normally has yoga class on Friday evening,

2. It's not a temple connection so hard to find people to promote the event and

3. KKS will do program there on Sunday evening so all efforst will be assined to KKS program there.

Harinam Melbourne is a must see. Maybe KKS will join the harinam also. Epic.

Can I please have you meal requirments and times?

ASA - Prasadam!    We offer Lord Nrsmhadeva Fruit and milk in the morning, maybe nutz, and then Peas-porridge ie. oatmeal, splitpeas or pnuts, few almonds, carrots, salt and pepper for lunch, and hot milk and maybe banana or potatoe or carrot after everything (4.30PM?   8.30PM??).

For sure flags,   f l a g s in the Hari-nama, no?


Dhruvananda Das

Urgent Manipur Calendar Update

7 years, 4 months ago by Sarada Gaurangi Devi Dasi in Calendar Development

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!     All glories to Guru Maharaj HpS!!

PAMHO at your lotus feet.

HpS - We are still struggling to keep lettuce feet. AGTSP

Dear Guru Maharaj,

We had a detailed discussion with Haridas Swami , Yamuneswara Prabhu and Nandalal Prabhu today at Manimandir. There was a slight miscommunication yesterday as I had to rush to my workplace just after the SB class. Today we sorted out everything and we would like  to slightly modify the programme if Maharaj would permit us to do so. We had not included the NOI workshop as suggested by Guru Maharaj. We would like to fit the workshop with recordings, comment , questions etc . as part of the temple programme.

Would it be possible for Maharaj to stay at Manimandir on 1st and 2nd Nov? That way it would be easier for Guru Maharaj to conduct the external programme as suggested by Prof Samaresh. Personally requested Prof Samresh to visit Manipur during this time. Otherwise as per the programme submitted yesterday, we would have to shuttle long distances daily from Thoubal to Imphal and that would be very inconvenient.

HpS - I was thinking the same thing, but thought that maybe the university contact was in Thoubal the Glorious.

The topic decided with Prof Samresh remains the same....we would like to screen the movie at our hospital after the lecture. But that would be possible only after 4pm, not at 2pm. So probably, we might have to change the timings. Will call up Prof Samresh today.  

Yamuneshwar Prabhu will send the modified programme as soon as possible.

Seeking forgiveness for all the inconveniences caused.

Your most fallen servant,

Sarada Gaurangi Devi Dasi

HpS -  Hmmm!    He had suggested to us the topic of Jung and the Bhagavata. Did he suggest the same to you?      Which movie?      Light of the Bhagavata, Peruvian Reflections?