GBC College, March

7 years, 3 months ago by hps in Calendar Development
<dl role="presentation"><dt aria-hidden="true" id="hdr-to">To: Devaki nandana DasHpS (HHR)
Dear Hanumat Presaka Swami:
Pamho, agtSP
Thanks for your kind disposition to activily participate in the next first GBC College in Latin America Course.
Your involvement in the Ministry of Education and your vast experience will really highlight this important event.

Mathuresa dasa


From: Devaki nandana Das 
To: HpS (HHR) Cc: mathuresa das bolivia; Mitravinda Devi Dasi
Sent: Monday, November 20, 2017 6:48 AM
Subject: Re: GBC College Latino America

Pamho. AgtSP
Thank you for your answer gurumaharaja. You are very kind and merciful. We are very very happy that you accepted this invitation. Your presence here will be very enlightening for all of us.
We´ll try to organize the trip with devotees from Peru and Argentina. I´ll check in the blog the communication.
We would like to know, What topics/course would you like to teach or share with the students?. It's possible to give a course or a dharshan (a talk, but not formally a course). For example, Dhanvantari swami and Yamuna acarya das goswami will give dharshan about this topics:
- Dhanvantari Swami: love and trust, self-leadership, sustainability, leadership models. 
- Yamunacarya maharaja will talk about non violent communication.
We also need to know how much time you will need to give each course/topic you want to teach.
We are finishing the organization of the entire program for the first residential. I´ll send soon a list with the details.

Maturesh prabhu told me that you asked him about how to reach Campina Grande (where the Jaladuta Institute is located ). The gbc-college course will be at the Instituto Jaladuta. 
There are two main options:

- The closest international airport is Recife. It's about 4 hours by car from Campina Grande.

- Next option is to arrive in Sao Paulo Airport and from Sao Paulo take an internal flight to Campina Grande. Sao Paulo has a lot of international conectionsWe will organize to cover your ticket. Do you want us to buy it or do you prefer to buy it and then we refund you?

Soon, I will send you details of what we have been working so far in the organization of the Gbc-College for Latin America.


Your servant Devaki-nandana das.

HpS - Thank you. We will start to look for a ticket and how to co-ordinate with Argentina and Bajo and Alto Peru but please send us any ideas.

The seminar  is two weeks? Should we stay the while time or move on to other places, Argentina, Bolivia etc. What dates? Don't want to schedule Bolivia while everyone is in Brazil.

We can present: 1. Practical Experiences in ISKCON mangement: Head Pujari, Temple President, Zonal Legal Officer, Organizing Symposia with the Universities etc.; 2. Scriptural Perspective - Varna-Ashrama-Dharma and ISKCON Leadership - Sannyasis and Ksatriyas; 3. IMS - Information Management Systems - How to organize your time and facts; 4. Every Temple and Educational Center.

These could be short, all combined into one hour. They could be longer. They could be workshops with other presenters.

These are some of our first ideas.

Calendar South America - GBC College

7 years, 3 months ago by hps in Calendar Development
On Thu, 11/16/17, Devaki nandana Das wrote:
 Subject: GBC College Latino America
 To: "HpS (HHR)" 
 Date: Thursday, November 16, 2017, 11:36 AM
 Hare krishna Dear
 All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
 I would you like to tell you that we are working
 very hard to bring the GBC College to Latin America next
 year. The idea is to offer the same training for leaders
 that their are offering in India, but for Latin
 The integrants of the GBC-College Latin America
 team are: 
 swami.Rupanuga das (GBC-College
 President)Kaunteya das (Co-minister of
 congregational-developing)Bal Govinda
 das(Co-president of ISKCON
 Pune)Gauranga Das
 (Radhanath swami's
 disciple)Maturesh das
 (Bolivia)Divya Priya devi
 dasi (Ecuador)Ekanath gaura das
 (Jayapatala maharaja's servant)Prema rupa
 dasPrema Rupini devi dasiMitravinda
 devi dasi 
 and Me.
 The course will have 30 places
 available for student from all Latin-America (we are
 thinking to include Spain and Portugal too).The
 idea is to have two Residencials, and online courses. The
 first residencial will be from March 24 2018 to April 7
 2018. The second Residencial will be around March - April
 2019. In between we have on line courses.We know
 that you are one of the trusty of the GBC-
 College. We really, really, really
 want to invite you to this very important event.
 Do you have  any possibility to come to
 Brazil during that period? Could be for the first
 Residential or Second residencial or Both :-).
 Thank you very much,
 I hope to receive the mercy of having your
 personal association as soon as possible.
 Your servant Devaki-nandana das.
HpS - Hare Krsna
AgtSP. Paoho.
We have just been writing to Mathuresh Das and Balagovinda Das from Pune about this. We were scheduled to give a Keynote Address at a conference at the Jendal University in India in January but the stress to go back so soon will be too much, so we are now planning on camping here in Nashville for three months and then head South.
While in Ujjain, Gopal bhatta Das asked us if we could teach at the GBC College. and we have been in good contact with Rupanuga and Bala-Govinda Das.
We can probably attend both residential and also help you with the organization etc.
Shall we plan to be in South America from 1st week of March to 1st week of May and visit Brazil, Argentina and Peru?
Let us please correspond about this in the Blog. Copy of this letter will post there.
All respects to Maharaja and Mataji.
Bloggers - Join this!   Change ISKCON. The next revolution.

Hare Krsna Gurudev - Visiting India again (Jan 15, 2018 - Feb 28, 2018)

7 years, 3 months ago by Gopal C Biswas in Calendar Development

Hare Krsna Dear Gurudev,
    Please accept my humble obeisances at your lotus feet.
    All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
    All glories to Guru parampara.

    Gurudev, As you are coming back again in India (Jan 15, 2018-Feb 28, 2018), Do you have plan to
    pay a visit again in Pune. If yes, please let me know the date for Pune else we would come to meet you in Delhi.

    we also have a calander for Feb 2018 to visit Chhattisgarh for Sankirtan.
    Thank you so much Gurudev.

your fallen servant,
Girivaradhari-Gopal Das

HpS - Hare Krsna!!!  We have been making posts about this.   Did you see them.  NGD said that unless we can get a 1st class ticket back to India for January it will be too much stress for our body. So we are not going to go back them. We will rest here in USA until February and then travel to South America.  That is the plan now!

Consult about Gitajayanti (little urgent)

7 years, 3 months ago by Isvari devi dasi in Calendar Development

Hare Krsna Dear Maharaja.


I hope your spiritual energy go in increment and your body's health improves.

Thank you for giving us your assosiatión in the midst of many difficulties. Soon I will send you my report.

I want to know, how did Srila Prabhupada celebrate the Gita jayanti? and what do you recommend to celebrate Gita jayanti, which things we can do?

Thank you very much, Sri Nrsimha protect you

with affection

ys and spiritual niece

Isvari dd

HpS - ASA --- I have never heard that Srila Prabhupada had any particular celebration on Gita-jayanti. He may have, but I have not heard about it. Does not mean that we cannot have nice celebration. We can read the entire BG, Sanskrita, English (Spanish) or both. We can especially read Chapter 11, prayers by Arjuna!

We can have lectures, dramas. We can take pledges for people to organize "Gita-ashramas" during the year at special times for them. This means some special hearing and chanting and distribution of BG to their friends etc.

Hare Krsna!!!

Humble request urgent

Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva


We are so happy that U are recovering from your long trip

We had your classes, photos and videos from your trip, I was so pleased to see that U were using the green bag that I gave to U 

I am doing pujari once a month in Wilson and in Chosik

Giving BG classes, helping in pujari during festivals. I have 3 Bhakti Sastri students.. very nice

Also I am continuing giving Gem therapy and aromatherapy. I am doing cinammon, roses, etc essences

Today we have a meeting in order to coordinate your Sri Vyasa Puja. Jiva shakti d says that for Peru your VP will be on the 20th but in my calendar it says 19th... well the thing is that we were wondering if You may be so merciful with us and agree to have an internet connection with us...pleaseeee, well I guess other yatras will also want a connection.

The second request please Gurudeva come to Peru in February. We really need your association.... Please humbly forgive my offenses

Hope to see U on February 2018

Trying to be useful


HpS - ASA ---  AGTSP paoho.   The day before Jiva Goswami's disappearance anniversary. HpS effort to glorify the Parampara including him and you. No minimization, no exageration.   I think we can have internet connection.

Your bag is pretty good. We would make some design changes for the "perfect" bag. 

We told you about Gauri Das Pandita and Srila Prabhupada's aroma therapy, no?

Where from are the wonderful pictures?

urgent From Jindal Univ

7 years, 3 months ago by harsh_horse in Hot Topics, Calendar Development

Hare Krsna Mahara, Please accept my humble obeisances, All glories to Srila Prabhupada,
Prof Gupta has food poisoning, and he is burdened up with work (not everybody is Connected to SPOG as your grace does).
We called on your USA number twice, it went to voicemail.
We will try to make sure he contacts you by monday night.

by passionate horse

HpS - ASA -- Hare Krsna, Horsey!
Monkey, Piggy here. We arrived back in Nashville, finish of our India-Australia tour, at 8.15PM Saturday night. Traveled with NGD in Amita Ji's car to the 'boro. Our body is still stressed from the travel in general, material world in general, and the last push which included 45-hours from Kolkata Temple to Houston ISKCON.

We seem to have fundamental good health and now, Monday, we are greatly recovered. Our priorities are pretty clear. That's the greatest secret, no?  Having clear priorities, for eternity, this lifetime, today...

Going back to India just after two months is going to be GREAT stress. Nitai-gaurasundara Das (NGD) is like basically fobidding it unless we get a 1st class ticket. Then the stress will be about 70% less. It will still be an austerity, but the conference topic, description, sponsors, seems very nice. Very well related to all of our work, ISKCON's development.

I think it is going to be too much, but we will try to talk with Dr. Pankaj. Maybe we can submit a paper. We would like to be part of the group and its work. The ILS in Mayapura particpation also seems to be impractical in February. Will talk with Sesa Das today about it, but seems best thing is to rest here, work on the Ministry of Education Journal, and go to South America in February-March.

We can sort it all out here in the Blog!
Thank you so very many much for your association. You are very tolerant and merciful. AGTSP!!!!