Urgent - From Pune on Sep 22, 2017

7 years, 4 months ago by Gopal C Biswas in Calendar Development

Hare Krsna Dear Gurudev,
    Please accept my humble obeisances at your lotus feet.

HpS-ASA - All glories to your lotus feet also!

    All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
    All glories to Guru parampara.

    Gurudev, We have updated / ITINERARY from HG Radheshyam Prabhuji, he would on travel from October 4 to October 9, 2017.
    He deeply regretted for his unavailability in Pune during your visit.
HpS - We also deeply regret his absence.... but maybe we can meet him some other time while we are in India. Is there a student or associate who knows his Sastric Studies perspective and technique whom we might meet?

    We also updated him that Maharaj want to publish your aspiration, view and interview on "Viplavah" (A Journal of the ISKCON Ministry of Education, Dedicated to ISKCON Founder Acharya: His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada) in 2nd volume.

    While, HG Radheshyam Prabhuji has shared with me a .PDF file with all answers of questions, which i sent to your mail.

HpS - Super! Can we discuss his answers with associate or student while in Pooh Neigh?
    Of course, HG Balagovind Prabhuji and HG Antardvip Prabhuji, would be available for more details and further discussion.

HpS - Our desires are immediately fulfilled. Please arrange meeting with them at earliest date.

    Please let me know if we are allowed to share the "Viplavah" (1st volume 1) with our temple authority and all.
ASA - "Allowed??? !    You MUST share it with EVERYONE.
    Thank you so much Gurudev.

your fallen servant,
Girivaradhari-Gopal Das

ASA -"hantayama adrir abala hair dasa varya...". You know that verse???  In CC, Lord Caityany's Trip to Braja, when he saw Giriraja-maharaja.
Thank you.

urgent delhi calendar

7 years, 4 months ago by harsh_horse in Calendar Development

Hare Krsna Maharaj,
Please accept obeisances
All Glories To Srila Prabhupada.

As talked on phone, please tell details of your delhi visit after arrival from and just befaure departure to USA.
Please also give us number of Yuddhistra govinda prabhu.

we introduced you to our Spirituality center head as Man who gives lectures on Sankhya, "Educated Mam", Synthesis of science and religion

knelling down/


HpS - Hare Krsna!    Our cell phone crashed. We had to Reset it and guess that will work.  Then our electronic key on our car ceased to function!  Took it apart and put it back together and it seems to be O.K.

Lost Yuddhisthira's number from my phone. May come later, but Sri Hari Das is in contact with everyone: +91 81716 23460.

We are scheduled to arrive at 10.45PM Thursday and go straight to the Temple to rest. Then go to BRAJA!!!  right after Mangala arati with Sri Hari Das.   We will come back the next morning. He can give you exact timeing. Then we have program in the evening with ISKCON youth. Next day Sunday Feast lecture and Dr. Kalyan now wants to change his meeting from 4PM to 3PM.

Would be very nice to meet your esteemed colleague. Just check with the Sri Hari Das. He knows everything.

Hare Krsna!!

Rodrigo Otero's Pelicula

7 years, 4 months ago by hps in Special Category A, Calendar Development

Hare Krsna,

Con Oscar hemos trabajado mucho con Rodrigo de Peru. Tiene muchas buenas cosas panteistas. Sigue en pelicula de el.


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From: rodrigo otero

Amigos queridos,

Este 21 de Setiembre tendremos el estreno mundial alternativo de nuestra película LOS OJOS DEL CAMINO.

Aquí todos los lugares donde la pueden ver, seguro que alguno estará cerca de ustedes:

Aquí la lista de lugares, fechas y horas donde podrán verla:

(Iremos actualizando algunos lugares y horas)

1. CUSCO: Teatro Municipal, 21 de setiembre 7.30pm, estarán presentes el protagonista Hipólito Peralta Ccama y el director Rodrigo Otero Heraud en el marco del festival Cine Suyu Cinesuyu. HD.

2. HUANCAVELICA: Auditorio MAnchego Muñoz de la Municipalidad Provincial de Huancavelica, organizado por el Municipio y la Dirección Desconcentrada de Cultura de Huancavelica, 21 de setiembre

3. LAMBAYEQUE: Cineclub de Lambayeque, 21 de setiembre 7.30pm, Colegio de médicos de Chiclayo

4. LA LIBERTAD: Auditorio Antenor Orrego en Trujillo, 21 de setiembre 8pm

5. LIMA: Ventana Indiscreta - Cine Arte ULima - Cine Arte ULima, 21 de Setiembre 7.30pm, 22 de setiembre 7.30pm, 25 de setiembre 4.30pm, 26 de setiembre 1pm, 27 de setiembre 4.30pm, 28 de setiembre 7.30pm, 29 de setiembre 1pm. Proyección en DCP.

6. LIMA: Sala Armando Robles godoy - Ministerio de Cultura del Perú, 21 de setiembre 6pm, 24 de setiembre 6pm con presencia del director. Proyección en DCP.

7. LIMA: Centro Cultural Peruano Japonés, 21 de setiembre 7.30pm. HD.

8. LIMA: El Galpón Espacio, 21 de setiembre 7.30pm, 23 de setiembre 7.30pm.

9. LIMA: Alianza Francesa de Lima sede de Miraflores, 21 de setiembre 8pm

10. LIMA: Universidad Peruana de Arte Orval, 21 de setiembre.

11. LIMA: Biblioteca comunal del anexo de Ayas, Surco, Huarochiri, organisado por Vacas Felices el 21 de setiembre 6pm

12. LIMA: Cocachacra, Huarochiri, coorganizacion El Champal, 21 de setiembre

13. LIMA: Microcine Yuyanapaq, sector Corona Santa Rosa, Manzana C, Lote 7A, Tablada de Lurin, Villa Maria del Triunfo, 21 de setiembre 7pm

14. LIMA: Centro Cultural de España en Lima, 21 de setiembre 8pm

15. LIMA: El Último Cine Club, 23 de setiembre 6.15pm

16. LIMA: Sala de Cine EL ZORZALITO, FITECA, Comas, 23 de setiembre

17. LIMA: La Biblioteca San Isidro - El Olivar, 25 de setiembre 7pm.

18. LIMA: Universidad Catolica, 28 de setiembre, 12.30pm

19. LIMA: Cine Urban Hall, 29 de setiembre 6pm con presencia del director

20. LIMA: Casa de la Literatura Peruana, 30 de setiembre 6pm

21. LIMA: LUM - Lugar de la Memoria, la Tolerancia y la Inclusión Social, Domingo 1ro de Octubre, 6.30pm. HD

22. LIMA: ICPNA centro de Lima, 3 de octubre 7pm. HD.

23. LIMA: MALI - Museo de Arte de Lima 18 y 19 de octubre 6pm

24. LORETO: Iquitos - Auditorio Jaime Moro del IIAP - Instituto De Investigación De La Amazonia Peruana, Av. Quiñones km 2.5. Informes: Biblioteca IIAP, Tel. 265515 anexo 221, [email protected], 21 de setiembre, 11.30am

25. LORETO: Iquitos - Auditorio del COAR Loreto, Av. Cáceres con Jorge Chávez S/N sector Moronacocha. Informes: Colegio de Alto Rendimiento de Loreto, [email protected], 21 de setiembre, 8pm

26. MADRE DE DIOS: Parque Manu: Estación Biológica Cocha Cashu, 21 de setiembre, 7pm

27. PASCO: Oxapampa, 21 de setiembre

28. PIURA: Alianza Francesa de Piura, 2do patio del local, Calle Libertad 269, 21 de setiembre, 7.30pm

29. SAN MARTIN: Lamas, Comunidad Nativa de Morillo, organizado por Waman Wasi, 23 de setiembre, 4pm

30. 300 TAMBOS EN 16 REGIONES DEL PERU, 21 de setiembre. Programa Nacional de Tambos del Ministerio de Desarrollo e Inclusion Social, y Videoteca de las Culturas del Ministerio de Cultura.

Y en los siguientes Países el 21 de setiembre:

31. ALEMANIA: München, Tageszentrum der Münchner Aids-Hilfe e.V., Lindwurmstr. 71, 80337 München, 21. September 7pm

organisiert Centro Cultural del Peru e.V. - Munich

32. ALEMANIA: Freiburg, Agronauten

33. ALEMANIA: Kassel, Uni Oldenburg, Geschlossene Veranstaltung 21. September

34. ALEMANIA: Tübingen, um 20 Uhr bei Waldemar - Schlachthofstrasse 9, Tuebingen 21 September, 8pm

35. ALEMANIA: Stuttgart, 21 de setiembre

36. ALEMANIA: Hannover, Waldorschule Hannover Maschsee, 21. September 8pm

37. ARGENTINA: Salta, Universidad Nacional de Salta, Cuecna Unsa,

38. ARGENTINA: Lago Puelo Chubut, Casa de la Cultura, 21 de setiembre 7pm.

39. ARGENTINA: Buenos Aires, Casa Cuzco Espacio Cultural, https://www.facebook.com/CasaCuzco/ Domingo 1ro de Octubre 7pm

40. BRASIL: São Bernardo do Campo, SP, organisa MSTL - Movimento Sem Terra de Luta, 21 de setembro de 2017, às 17h00. Responsables: Marco Arroyo y Eduardo Cardoso

41. BOLIVIA: Cochabamba, Universidad Mayor de San Simon

42. BOLIVIA: La Paz, El Espejo CineClub, 21 de setiembre 7.30pm

43. COSTA RICA: Centro de agricultura orgánica

44. COLOMBIA: TDH Bogotá, Cra. 32 # 25A - 23, Bogotá, 21 de setiembre 4.30pm, confirmar asistencia al teléfono: 316 878 3701 o al email: [email protected]

45. COLOMBIA: Cauca, Comité de mujeres de la Asociación campesina del Inzá Tierraadentro, 21 de setiembre 6pm

46. CANADA: Edmonton, Alberta, Dreamspeakers Film Festival, 21 de setiembre, 9pm

47. CANADA: Toronto, Pix Film Productions, https://www.pixfilm.ca/event 21 de setiembre, 7pm

48. ECUADOR: Quito, Cinemateca, 18 de setiembre, 7.30pm

49. ECUADOR: Quito, Octaedro, 21 de setiembre, 7.30pm

50. ESPAÑA: Barcelona, campus de la Universidad Autónoma, 28 de Setiembre 11am

51. ESPAÑA: Málaga, CAC Málaga Centro de arte contemporáneo de Málaga, Calle Alemania S/N, 29001 Málaga, 26 de setiembre 8pm

52. ESTADOS UNIDOS: Nueva York, Theater in Cinema Studies Department NYU, 22 de setiembre

53. FRANCIA: Bretaña, 21 de setiembre

54. GUATEMALA: TDH Guatemala, 21 de setiembre

55. INGLATERRA: CAWR, Universidad de Coventry, 27 de setiembre

56. ITALIA: Milano, Centro Sociale Micene, Via Micene 4, Milano, 24 de Setiembre, 4pm. Associazione Promozione Sociale Tuttimondi

57. MEXICO: Ciudad de México, Universidad del Claustro de Sor Juana, en la Sala de cine Divino Narciso, Izazaga 92, Centro Histórico, 21 de setiembre, 1pm

Compartan con sus amigos si les gusta! Tambien tendremos dvds, libros y afiches para la venta!

Muchos abrazos a todas y todos!

Yeshu, Rodrigo y Maja 

Urgent II - From Pune on Sep 15, 2017

7 years, 4 months ago by Gopal C Biswas in Calendar Development

Hare Krsna Dear Gurudev,
    Please accept my humble obeisances at your lotus feet.
    All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
    All glories to Guru parampara.

    Gurudev, i had informed to HG Radheshyam Prabhuji about your Pune visit and your wish to see him for "sastric education".

    So I have as below from authority. We need your help on the same

    Can you kindly elaborate the content for discussion reg “sastric education”?

    If we know what is Maharaja’s desire or expectations, we will be better able to prepare ourselves for the meeting.

    Thank you so much Gurudev.

your fallen servant,
Girivaradhari-Gopal Das

HpS - 1. Just get his marvelous association.    2. Interview him for the Ministry of Education  new journal, Viplavah (www.jayarama.us/archives/branch/moe/Viplavah-170829.pdf).  The topics would be:

  1. What is his and his communities basic philosophy of education?
  2. What are the intellectual structuring of their education?   How are they organizing the material?  
  3. What books, resource materials, do they have?
  4. What is the history of their program?  
  5. Who are involved as teachers/students?
  6. How is their program accessible to other teachers, students around the world?
  7. How does the program deal with the problem of "creating snakes with jewels on their heads" ie. making sure that the students are advancing in character, Bhakti-yoga, as well as jnana?
  8. How does the program aid our focus on book distribution.
  9. How is the program great fun.
  10. We may also be producing a movie on this interviews from other sources also.

Is Prabhuji available on 4th - 5th October himself and even with some other associates? We will be having a Ministry of Education meeting in Ujjain then, and would like to get a few minutes of his time for a teleconference call if it is possible. What times would be convenient, inconvenient?

Urgent - From Pune on Sep 15, 2017

7 years, 4 months ago by Gopal C Biswas in Calendar Development

Hare Krsna Dear Gurudev,
    Please accept my humble obeisances at your lotus feet.
    All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
    All glories to Guru parampara.


    Gurudev, Please help us to know your topics for Pune visit for all 4 days.

ASA - Let us use:

Light of the Bhagavata, Cultivation of the Human Spirit

H. H. Hanumatpresaka Swami (Prof. Huber Hutchin Robinson) has been a humble participant in Srila A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami's ISKCON, Sankirtan Movement, since 1972. Much of his formation has been through H. H. Bhakti-svarupa Damodara Swami and the Bhaktivedanta Institute. While in Pune for his second annual visit he will be presenting from the BBT Light of the Bhagavata, an extremely cultural and artistic presentation showing us how to reach many very enlighted audiences.
Maharaja is also a member of the ISKCON Ministry of Education and is very interested in dialog in any area of education with ISKCON. 

Is O.K.?  Look at the last post from/to Yamunesvara Das about the Manipur program and you can find the link to a big file of one of the LOB pictures to use.   This http://www.jayarama.us/archives/lob-sym-production.doc will give you a whole manual with suggestions about how to go ahead. Get lots of LOBs for sale. We can print the Table of Contents and Index. Also, lots of NOIs.   We will also write to Radha-shyama Das Prabhu with copy to you!  SANKIRTAN.    

Please help for the below also:

    How i can see Krsna at difficult time? And How i can laugh at difficult time?

ASA - Of course, SB 1.8.25. Smt. Kunti devi is asking for difficult times. You can see Krsna in difficult times if your were forcing yourself to see Him in "good times" with good Japa, good bhajan, kirtan, puja, karma-yoga. Good time is from 2-10AM. Gets more difficult as the day goes on. Do good morning programa and then ....        In any situation you can just act like Draupadi.
We did a Web search and got this nice looking link from Srila Sridhara Maharaja about Draupadi. What do you think of it?

There is another song that Dravida Das sings describing Draupadi's prayers. I wish I could find it.

Then try this for an answer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qOCcSmP_t8U

    How can i concentrate on Krsna's service at difficult time?

HpS - Prabhupada: When the problems become more intense, I chant louder.

    Thank you so much Gurudev.

your fallen servant,
Girivaradhari-Gopal Das

HpS - >> Next letter. Invite the Mayor. Vice-chancellors. <img alt="smiley" height="23" src="http://hps.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/regular_smile.png" title="smiley" width="23" />

Thank you so much Guru Maharaj

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!! All glories to Guru Maharaj HpS!!

PAMHO..at Your sweet lotus feet.

ASA - We offered too much butter to Lord Nrsmhadeva today out of stupidity. Lettuce feet.

Dear Guru Maharaj,

In all humility, I bow my head at your lotus feet for all the mercy that you have bestowed on your fallen servant.

ASA - ... and we bow our head at Srila Prabhupada's and all ISKCON devotees feet to allow us to do something even though very mean and selfish.

Surely, we would add' Psyche'. Please keep giving us instructions....and the mercy to carry them out.

The programme has been made under the guidance of Prof Samaresh and we are so grateful to Guru Maharaj and Prof Samaresh. The timings have been made in consultation with the Heads of Departments of Psychiatry and Community Medicine, RIMS.

Slightly disappointed about the movie....can we get a glimpse of Peruvian life...a documentary or something? Of course , we will screen the movie in the temple. Would the narrations be in english? Having a strong intuition that a handful of the audience of 2nd Nov would come on 3rd Nov too.....having all faith in Guru Maharaj's ability to attract crowds!!

Slight confusion here....we will have just one external programme ...that is at RIMS. The University is a different organisation.

Talked to  Tustakrishna Prabhu. The cultural programme will  include whatever has been suggested by Guru Maharaj. Will finalise with Prof Samaresh today.

New York.....Peru.....Venus.....North pole......wherever Guru Maharaj leads the caravan...let me always be there too!

I remain,

Your eternal servant,

Sarada Gaurangi DD

Thank you for your immense blessings

HpS - ASA -- LOB movie we will send. It is only with sub-titles, Spanish or English and music. So someone has to look at it several times and practice reading the subtitles with great dramatic voice as they go by.  Would be best to show it last thing in the evening when it is dark?  Do you have a BIG SCREEN.  You can rent, NIOS can make donation for cost.

See Letter from/to Yamunesvara Das for one LOB picture to use for promotion: 8MB. We can even print some of them bigger size for sale.