Urgent? Ambarisa das - Visit Argentina-

7 years, 1 month ago by Ambarisa Maharaja Das in Calendar Development

Hare Krsna 


All Glories to You Guru dev

HPS Are the suggested dates for Argentina, O.K.?   Where should we go?? 

I think that the dates for Argentina are O.K, thank you for visit Argentina (Patala loka) i had a meeting with Prabhu Nikunja bibhari (Mardel plata), Rati manjari(buenos aires) And Prabhu Madhavendra puri (Cordoba). we were agree that you can visit Buenos Aires, Mar del plata and Cordoba and develop programs for devotees. also others program to cultivate the relations with universites, profesors, etc. The idea is not to make only a presentation is that the local devotees can cultivate the relationship and continue with the sankirtan, Thanks to your wonderful preaching and loving interest to have a better world in conection to Srila Prabhupada.

What youtube.com Search Words will take us to the two channels?    

we create two channels 

Nios Image (we can change the name ) 


and ASA Audiovisul for your esoteric sankirtan


Hare Krsna!!!!  So nice to hear from you?  Is your father chanting 16+ rounds a day??

My father does not chant Hare Krsna, but he s improving his meditation under the guidanse of Santa Ana, he said that he toke her like a guru.

and the Vrsabhanu nandini s father i really dont know but seems that he chant 16 round . he does nt have much asociation of devotees. 

thank you guru dev for engage us in service. 

hope to see you soon

your servant Ambarisa Das

HpS - Hare Krsna!   108 Thank you.  We will send the YouTube, links to Joshuar etc.

Who are the friends: Poets, cinematographers, psychologists etc. with whom we can meet? What people do you like?

What is the best ticket from Campina Grande to Argentina??
Any festivals during this time?
We can invite Chilenos to come?
Pinch your baby for us!

We look for Santa Ana!



From: Greg Stein <[email protected]>
To: 'Tapan Meshram' <[email protected]
Cc: [email protected]; 'Ramgiridhari Das Ramanan Nagarajan' <[email protected]>; 'GBC Member - Sesa Prabhu' <[email protected]>; 'Leela Weinstein' <[email protected]>
Sent: Saturday, December 2, 2017 1:26 PM
Subject: RE: URGENT - ILS Presentation

Hare Krsna, Prabhus. Lately I have missed a few emails, so if you have contacted me and I have not responded, please resend me. That being said, I do not have any further communication from you on the possible seminars you are considering. I would encourage you to put forth your plans as soon as possible as our seminar slots are filling up. Please make sure you copy Lalita Manjari Prabhu (who is cc:ed on this email) for all ILS emails. Your servant, Gopal Bhatta das




AGTSP.     Paoho.


Esteemed Gopala bhatta Prabhu et al,

I told Ramagiridhari Das this was going to happen. <img alt="*:) happy" data-id="edea667a-3df2-ffe0-5333-38529f6aee6e" id="yui_3_16_0_ym19_1_1512316522584_32020" src="https://s.yimg.com/ok/u/assets/img/emoticons/emo1.gif" title="*:) happy" />   (Told ya so!)

But nobody ever listens to me. No, Sir. <img alt="*B-) cool" data-id="c6604f5e-7863-eddd-c899-a393f4b99569" src="https://s.yimg.com/ok/u/assets/img/emoticons/emo14.gif" title="*B-) cool" />


Again ---  We were invited to give a presentation INDIVIDUALLY and we responded with our suggested presentation but it got lumped in with the MOE presentations.


INDIVIDUALLY we were planning to come back to India for the Jendal University Conference in January and the ILS program in March, but our brains, our Doctor (Nitai-gaurasundara Das), said that we would kill ourselves with so much travel unless Jendal could give us a Business Class ticket. In the end, even with that we saw that it would be too much.


  • We finished off our second MOE Journal: http://www.jayarama.us/archives/viplavah2-171129.docx,
  • Now are turning to the GBC College being organized in March in South America with Rupanuga, Bala-gopal, Kauteya,
  • And our own NIOS effort, "Art and the Sacred" in Peru. This has become a global level program also!


So, INDIVIDUALLY, we must say that we are not coming to the ILS in March. We very, very, very much want to work with you on the ILS, SGGS, GBC College etc. and are going ahead with our own efforts with the MOE etc.


In general, the Ministry is in very intense times with Sesa Prabhu totally absorbed in the New York legal case etc..


We will make a call right after this to Rama-giri-dhari Das about the MOE ILS presentation. Somebody has to do it. Without a healthy Ministry of Education NO institution is going to have ANY succession.

We are at your service,

Hp Swami

Ph. 1 209-505-3219

GBC College, March

7 years, 1 month ago by hps in Calendar Development

From: Devaki nandana Das
To: HpS (HHR), Ekanatha Gaura; Mitravinda Devi Dasi 
Sent: Friday, December 1, 2017 8:38 AM
Subject: Details of your Courses

Hare Krishna Gurumaharaja,
We have allocated 2 hours for each one of the following topics you sent us:

1. Practical Experiences in ISKCON mangement: Head Pujari, Temple President, Zonal Legal Officer, Organizing Symposia with the Universities etc.; 

2. Scriptural Perspective - Varna-Ashrama-Dharma and ISKCON Leadership - Sannyasis and Ksatriyas; 

3. IMS - Information Management Systems - How to organize your time and facts; 

4. Every Temple and Educational Center.

HpS - Change to "Every Temple an Educational Center"

Please let us know if that time (2 hours) it´s ok or if you consider you´ll need more or less time for each of the topics. 

Do you have any materials that need translation? We need to organize it as soon as possible, so if you can kindly send us all the materials you´ll need us to translate, we´ll be really thankful.

Your servant Devaki-nandana das.

HpS - Thank you. Talking with Rupanuga Das, everyone. "3. IMS" only needs one hour and if we can develop it with other devotees it would be nice. "4." you see the little change above.
I guess these will work fine. Mathuresa Das is supposed to coordinating our travel and even presentations. He said he will talk with you.
We will start working on the presentations and send you anything for translation ASAP.

Travel to Latino America

7 years, 1 month ago by devaki_nandana_das in Calendar Development

Hare krishna GuruMaharjaa,


Viaje America Latino

Aqui son nuestras fechas fijados y nuestras sugerencias. Sugerencias suyas?  Sankirtan! 

Lima -- March 6th-21st, Cuzco 21st, La Paz 22, Campina Grande (GBC College) 24-30
BsAs (Agentina) -- March 30 - April 20
Lima -- 20-25 (Sita Th. Appearance = 23)

The dates March 24th to March 30th are perfect for the GBC College Latino Americano program.

<img src="http://www.gbc-college.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/gbc-coll-logo.png" style="float: left;" />

If you arrive in that dates, you can be present during the Inaguration Ceremony.Will be great!!!

Your servant, Devaki-nandana das.

HpS - ASA -- We are trying to travel with Mathuresa Das from Bolivia. We will continue to work on this project if you let us!!

Recibimos fechas para México

7 years, 1 month ago by Asta Sakhi Devi Dasi in Calendar Development

Querido Gurumaharaja 

Por favor acepte nuestras respetuosas reverencias!

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada!

Muy felices por las noticias que nos favorecen infinitamente. Sabemos que el viaje a India fue exhausto, muchas gracias por Su incansable prédica y ejemplo. Estamos muy agradecidos e inspirados. 

Siempre orando a Sri Nrsimhadeva por Su protección y  orando para tener fuerzas para superar favorablemente las pruebas en nuestros servicios. 

Gurumaharajael día Domingo tuvimos reunión de hermanos espirituales para ver detalles de la celebración del Sri Vyasa-Puja y la visita del 2018 a México. 


En México celebraremos el 19 de Diciembre 

1- Queremos solicitarle humildemente  la oportunidad de conexión online con Usted ese día tan auspicioso para que nos ilumine con unas palabras acerca de Vyasa-Puja. 

Si sería posible necesitamos conocer un HORARIO APROXIMADO por favor. Iniciamos la celebración al medio día hasta 6:00 pm aproximadamente. 

ASA - Ya es abierto todo la dia. Posible podemos co-ordinar con otros paises Latino-Americanos.

Antes  o terminando el festival también nos queda bien. 

Por ahora tenemos un programa de Vyasa-Puja flexible esperando el horario de conexión.

Gurumaharaja ud estará en Nashville o Tennesse ese día? 

HpS - Tennessee es el Estado y Nashville es la Ciudad (y Murfreesbor es nuestra Pueblo).

2- Gurumaharaja alguna ofrenda de bhoga en particular que podamos ofrecer ese día? 

HpS - Puede preguntar mas tarde.

 VISITA 2018

Le agradecemos infinitamente que nos incluya en Su calendario, trataremos de esforzarnos en organizar buenos programa de prédica.

Hay algunos bhaktas esperandolo para ver la posibilidad de iniciación también.

Tenemos las fechas para México, ya enviamos este informe al presidente del Templo.  


Llegando lunes 5 

19.15 hrs

Viaje a Lima martes 6

10.05 hrs


Llegando miércoles 25  (Mohini Ekadasi)

23:30 hrs

Viaje a Houston lunes 30 

13:35 hrs 

*Sábado 28 Festival Sri Nrsimhadeva 
ASA - 27 - Festival de Jayananda Das
Estamos esperándolo para servirle. 

Disculpe nuestras ofensas por favor.

Vuestra eterna aspirante a sirviente 

Asta Sakhi dd. 
HpS  - ASA --- Gracias a todo el mundo. En ruta a Peru podemos collect regalos como CDs o otras cosas de equipaje de mano.

Latin America Viaje

7 years, 1 month ago by hps in Calendar Development

Viaje America Latino

Aqui son nuestras fechas fijados y nuestras sugerencias. Sugerencias suyas?  Sankirtan! 
Purchased: Houston > Lima > Mexico> Houston, details below.

Lima -- March 6th-21st, Cuzco 21st, La Paz 22, Campina Grande (GBC College) 24-30
BsAs (Agentina) -- March 30 - April 20
Lima -- 20-25 (Sita Th. Appearance = 23)


Houston-Lima-Mexico-Houston (Purchased)
Flight 1 of 4

Houston(IAH) to Mexico City(MEX)
Flight 4O  3989 [Interjet) 
Mar  5, 2018

Depart from Houston at 16:50 PM
Arrive in Mexico City at 19:15 PM
[Rest One night in Mexico, FMP in Mexico]


Flight 2 of 4
Mexico City(MEX) to Líma(LIM)
Flight 4O  2890 
Mar  6, 2018

Depart from Mexico City at 10:05 AM
Arrive in Líma at 17:05 PM


Flight 3 of 4
Líma(LIM) to Mexico City(MEX)
Flight 4O  2891 
Apr  25, 2018

Depart from Líma at 17:20 PM
Arrive in Mexico City at 23:30 PM
[Sita devi Appearance Day in Chosica, Jayanaanda and Lord Nrsmhadeva in MEXICO]


Flight 4 of 4
Mexico City(MEX) to Houston(IAH)
Flight 4O  3986 
Apr  30, 2018

Depart from Mexico City at 13:35 PM
Arrive in Houston at 15:50 PM

TOTAL $510 (Damn cheap, Bobba)

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