Spain Trip Confirmed

7 months ago by hps in Hot Topics, Calendar Development

'ibero-banco' and 'bank of america' finally resolved their protocols, and our credit card shows that the ticket for spain visit has been confirmed.

sep 11 - dec 3.

expect to be in spain, 'nvm', at least until the start of kartika, 17 october. then, if KRSNA, or the Yamaduttas, personally drag us to radha kunda, we will have the extreme honor of the visit.

for any accommodations, service to RADHA GOVINDA-CHANDRA, contact Their servants, Yadu Swami et al!

Thank you!

paoho... !

MOE Symposium

Hare Krsna. Maharaja!! Pamho, agtsp, I am planning to do a virtual viplavah on June 21st 6-9 pm CST !! Hopefully you can give a session of 25 mins !!

Your servant, balimardana das

HpS/ASA - Thank you! AgtSP! Paoho. Too long no hear from you...

That is Friday, no?

Who will be participating?

What will others contribute?

How are Balarama and Abhaya?

That you!

ASA / Full Morning Service - Current Kirtan Leader Schedule

Hare Krishna, Gurudeva 🙏🏻

Please, accept my humble obeisances!

All glories to Srila Prabhupada! 🌷

This is the fortnightly schedule of devotees for leading kirtan on ASA / Full Morning Service :

● MONDAY: H. H. Hanumatpresaka Swami.

● TUESDAY: Govardhana das, Mitravinda devi dasi.

● WEDNESDAY: Yugala Kishora dasi, Jagad Guru das.

● THURSDAY: Caturatma Goura das, Jagadisvara das.

● FRIDAY: Abhinanda das, Deva Vrata das.

● SATURDAY: Isvari Radha devi dasi, Karuna Sakti devi dasi, Guru Govinda Dasi.

● SUNDAY: Candramukhi devi dasi, Parasurama Avatara das, Vrsabhanu Nandini devi dasi.

Thank you 🙏🏻

Trying to be in service:

Mitravinda dd.

Reporte y contacto

7 months, 1 week ago by bhaktadamian in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Gurudev

Please accept my humble and respectful obeisances

All glories be to Srila Prabhupada

All glories to you Gurudev

Hello Gurudev, I have wanted (and must) write to you for a long, long time to give you a small report of sadhana and service.

Sadhana good. (because of your mercy).

Distribution of books by His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada. In April fully dedicated. (around 500 books). Argentina is in a great economic crisis, it complicates things a bit. But equally everything flows through the mercy of you and Srila Prabhupada.

Online preaching programs:

* "Bhagavad Gita as a family": every day reading of 1 verse of the Bhagavad Gita with comments from a devotee. Several devoted speakers. Around 250 people receive the audios via WhatsApp (I assume approximately 50 listen).

* Weekly “Bhagavad Gita with family” Zoom program for more personal contact. With the people.

* Daily program “The daily drop of Srimad Bhagavatam”: sharing a 15-minute reading of Srimad Bhagavatam via WhatsApp. Let's go for the song 1 chapter 8. It is also shared on YouTube and Telegram.

*"Sankirtana ki jay" program to cultivate new book distributors: together with a devotee from Buenos Aires (bhakta Gustavo) we are going to start a program to try to motivate new people to distribute books.

I am (finally) finishing Bhakti Sastri (it took me a long time)… I have already started Bhakti Vaibhava.

Attending mangala Arati at the local “Radha-Krsna mandir” (Wednesday and Sunday).

Personal life:

I wanted to tell you Gurudev that I feel better.

I am beginning to desire devotional service and not personal satisfaction. I just read the story of Pingala (from canto 11), I find it very instructive. We must abandon material desires. That “hope” causes us distress and anxiety. Pingala became frustrated by waiting, waiting, waiting, and realized that “not waiting” gave him happiness… detachment…

A question Gurudev: Should we go through the experience of frustration to truly learn (internal certainty), or can we become detached just by hearing that material life has no true substance?

Please Gurudev, give me your blessings to eradicate all hope of being happy in this world through worldly enjoyment (friendship, society, love, family, sex, prestige)... Param drstva nivartate.

I was always waiting for something to happen in this world so I could be happy. I don't want this mentality anymore. Lately I'm more resigned, but not completely... boo. I must continue to move forward… by your mercy and that of Srila Prabhupada.

Thank you for everything Gurudev, for your presence every day in Gotometing, for having accepted me as your disciple (aspirant) despite how impure I am, and for being who you are. I am proud that you are my guide, I admire you and I love you very much. I hope to see you soon.

Your aspiring disciple

Deva vrata das

HpS - The USA government was charging us $1500 for medical insurance, and we had to pass through 2-hours of calls and waiting until it seems to be resolved. It happened because Texas stopped paying our bills and Tennessee took over!

Then we looked at our credit card bill and the charge that had been pending for the trip to Spain was not completed or pending! We tried to contact the travel agent, Iberia... and could only deal with robots. They all say we had the ticket and even a receipt for payment.

Then we used the little app for the travel agent on our phone and got a chat with Jose De Jesus and he says that as far as he could see the charge was rejected by the credit card, even though we were using it for other charges.

So we don't know if we even have a ticket to Spain and five more devotees are buy tickets to see us there.

Ha Ha Hare.

Your Sankirtan etc. sounds like you are on the right path. Just try to improve it even daily. Try to do your own individual, eternal work, service to Krsna and Srila Prabhupada, and try to develop Sankirtan relations to others, institutionally and friendly. Play you instrument in the orchestra, but try to harmonize, inspire, others in their parts.

The book scores are wonderful!

With whom are you studying Bh. Vaibhava?

Thank you.


Hare Krsna Gurudev

Por favor acepte mi humildes y respetuosas reverencias

Todas las glorias sean a Srila Prabhupada 

Todas las glorias a usted Gurudev

Hola Gurudev, hace mucho mucho tiempo que quiero (y debo) escribirte para pasarte un pequeño reporte de sadhana y servicio.

Sadhana bien. (por tu misericordia).

Distribución de libros de Su Divina Gracia Srila Prabhupada. En abril plenamente dedicado. (alrededor de 500 libros). Argentina está en una gran crisis económica, complica un poco las cosas. Pero igualmente todo fluye por misericordia tuya y de Srila Prabhupada.

Programas de prédica online:

* Bhagavad Gita en familia: todos los días lectura de 1 verso del Bhagavad Gita con comentarios de un devoto/a. Varios devotos oradores. Reciben los audios por WhatsApp alrededor de 250 personas (supongo que escuchan 50 aproximadamente).

* Programa semanal por Zoom de “Bhagavad Gita en familia” para más contacto personal. Con las personas.

* Programa diario “La gota diaria del Srimad Bhagavatam”: compartiendo por whatsApp lectura de 15 minutos del Srimad Bhagavatam. Vamos por el canto 1 capítulo 8. También se comparte por Youtube y Telegram.

*Programa "Sankirtana ki jay" para cultivo de nuevos distribuidores de libros: junto con un devoto de Buenos Aires vamos a empezar un programa para tratar de motivar a nuevas personas para distribuir libros.

Estoy (por fin) terminando el Bhakti Sastri (me demoré muchoooo)… Ya empecé el Bhakti Vaibhava…

Concurriendo a mangala Arati en el “Radha- Krsna mandir” local (miercoles y domingo).

Vida personal:

Quería contarte Gurudev que me siento mejor. Estoy empezando a desear servicio devocional y no satisfacción personal.

Recien leí la historia de Pingala (del canto 11), me parece muy instructiva. 

Debemos abandonar los deseos materiales. Esa “esperanza” nos causa aflicción y ansiedad. Pingala se frustro por esperar, esperar, esperar, y se dio cuenta que el hecho de “no esperar” le daba felicidad… desapego… 

Una pregunta Gurudev: 

¿Debemos pasar por la experiencia de frustración para aprender de verdad (internamente certeza), o podemos desapegarnos solo por oír que la vida material no tiene verdadera sustancia? 

Por favor Gurudev, dame tus bendiciones para extirpar toda esperanza de ser feliz en este mundo a través del disfrute mundano (amistad, sociedad, amor, familia, sexo, prestigio)… 

Param drstva nivartate. Siempre estuve esperando que pase algo en este mundo para poder ser feliz. Ya no quiero esta mentalidad.

Ultimamente ya estoy mas resignado, pero no del todo… buuuuu. Debo seguir avanzando… por tu misericordia y la de Srila Prabhupada.

Gracias por todo Gurudev, por tu presencia todos los días en Gotometing, por haberme aceptado como tu discípulo (aspirante) a pesear de lo impuro que soy, y por ser como eres. Estoy orgulloso de que seas mi guía, te admiro y te quiero mucho. 

Espero poder verte pronto.

Tu aspirante a discípulo

Deva vrata das 

dtc sa/20

7 months, 1 week ago by hps in DTC

TB - Hare Krsna.


Long hard day.

Maybe too much serving The Black Witch.

Ooof! Brother Ass has acidosis.

The toe of his sandal caught on a board and fell flat on his face (arm between head and bridge) and got little scratch and blood from the face and arm.

It was o.k. up and walking with Sri hari Das again!!!

Our reflexes, endorphins, are much lower at 76 years old. We can compensate by being being more extatic in chanting and dancing while we walk etc.

Can't spend time thinking so much about organizational plans, then we may fall down!

Got a lot of letters done.

Now we join Radha Natabar Sanga!

Thank you.

Got letters up to two weeks old to answer from Piyari Das et al!!

We are getting to them.

Thank you!!


7 months, 1 week ago by Radha Japa in Other

Remembered and adored Gurudeva, please accept my respectful obeisances to Your Wonderful and Remembered Lotus Feet! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🌷🌹🌻💐

All Glories Yo Srila Prabhupada!!

All Glories To You my adored Gurudeva 🙏🏻🌷🌹🌻🌷🌻🌹

I was sensing that I should tell you that we changed numbers and I just received Your adorable response to my letter🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🌷🌻💕💗

 I remember that after my accident and in case a "death" happened to me on a bus, I wanted to listen to you and that's why I gave you my number, but it is no longer the same and that's why WhatsApp doesn't work there, please excuse the inconvenience caused 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 My new WASAP number is: 54 9 351 6434 ... and Franco's WASAP number, who recently has a number, is the following: 54 9 351 6434....

ASA/TB - We added yours. Changed Francos and deleted his older ones.

 We were testing which company had the best signal in our area. For this reason, Franco had a previous number that seems to be still his WhatsApp number and it is this:

 54 9 351 239.....

TB - Deleted

 Dear GURUDEVA I truly feel completely and eternally grateful to You.

 Now I am writing to you from a place with Wi-Fi and because they provide us with this service we have given three books by Srila Prabhupada to each of the boys who work here. I hope that at some point they reach out to the devotees!!! We gave them the address!!

HpS - SUper!!

 I hope you had a beautiful Gaura Pournima!! We celebrated a little at home. Very calm, in fact I sing every day but my devotion awakens more when I read his responses to my Gurumaharaja letters!! ! THANK YOU very much!!💗

 Here I send you a photo of Mr. Gauranga carved by Franco, he seems very beautiful to me!! Nityananda still needs to finish... Also a photo of my Krishna Balarama and Ladhu Gopal from yesterday, Monday, April 1.

 I don't consider myself a good mother or wife... I'm really missing a lot...!! I will only keep in mind that I am a good mother and wife when I can see Franco and Gopal playing with Govinda.. !!!! Only there will I say with happiness Mission accomplished!!💗💗💗

 Soon I will send you my letter informing both of my sankirtan here and the books we read... so many good things to tell you... how Srila Prabhupada knew what was going to happen... etc.

 Please forgive any offense in this message.

 Please don't worry, I am sending Your answers copied and pasted as they are to Mother Jambabati. She already received the two answers from her Gurudeva 🙏🏻💖

 Always trying to serve her and please her adorable lotus 💖:

 Radha Japa Prati Jalpa DD.

 postscript: Even if Krishna drives me crazy and whatever with me... I don't care... I can't live happily without him... Just thinking about him, seeing his Photo as soon as I wake up gives me the magic and the happiness that I need to continue day by day... without him... everything dark and empty... with him everything makes sense... thank you GURUDEV all are your unbreakable blessings 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🌷🌹💗💖

 ...He ( Govinda) is too cunning and he knows very well how to steal hearts... Very good...

. The day after the appearance of Lord Gauranga was my birthday... and the most beautiful gift that Krsna could give me was His response to my Postscript where I spoke to you about the first time I saw the photo of Krsna... That You speak to me like this Govinda, you gave me immense happiness... I really thank you very much for your mercy on this fallen soul who rises! to please you and the beautiful and cunning bluish flutist 💖🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

..I could listen to conversations like that, every second, for my entire life🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻💖

HpS // ASA - Thank you! (All). You are such valuable, valuable jewels to your entire community. Find ways to share your selves.