Cakori Radha Devi dasi, Vrindavana Dham.

14 years, 1 month ago

Guru Maharaja please accept our obeisances

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Dear Guru Maharaja, Im totally lost in this new communicational system I have so many things to tell you. We are, by the incredible mercy of the Lord back in Vrindavana, we could stay here for the last week of kartika, we are traveling alone, and that in a way allow us to have some nice realizations about association and the kindness and mercy of Vrindavana.  We are still living in Chennai, with Hari Bhakta and the children. we got married, but not in paper, I have to wait a month or a little bit more for the divorce papers from Chile. So I can have an X visa, that allows me to stay in India as a resident. Another news is that our family is getting bigger, we are expecting a baby. My family is happy, and I can prove some of my educational theories on the field. Varuthapa is coming to Chennai in 2 more weeks so I hope I can have his nectarean association, How is everything... I heard about the whole Brazil thing, and we got sooooo angry, we were thinking in your ears and the plane pressure, hope you are well.  During Parikrama we thought of you so much and that help in the meditation, we thought in our friends and walk with them. I will try to call you I will try to speak not that much too :)

Hope all your programs are working amazingly, like they always do. We miss the association of our Guru Maharaja so much. we keep the worshipping of our Narasinhadeva, we found a nice and cute Prahlada just the right size, he looks happier.

Hope to be able to have your association, thank you for been our teacher.

At your feet, 

Cakori Radha Devi dasi.

HpS   -     A G T S P ! ! !        paoho.   Thank you so much for your letter. We were wondering what had happened to you?!

Congratualtions on your situation, Ashrama. Our respects to Hari-bhakti Prabhu and if we can be of any service ask him to please contact us.

This system is developing pretty well.  85% of the letters from devotees discuss the same things.  If it is super confidential then ask us to arrange a special interchange, but usually we can see that most of the letters are things that everyone else wants to hear also.  We really are confronting very common problems in our individual way.

It is Thursday after noon.    We have the Brazil Visa!    We go to the airport again at 9PM to check-in. Then weekened Seminar on Education!

We heard that you tried to call but we didn't connect. Maybe in Argentina we can get more stable connection!

Basic thing again and again, in happiness or distress, alone or in a group, rich or poor, is get up early and get your rounds done!

Oooof!     It's a fact, no?    I have to beat it into my brains again and again.  I have 24 of my 25 rounds done. Always praying to Hara to pray to Krsna and Rama to engage us in Their Sankirtana as dust under the lotus feet of Srila Prabhupada.

Please write about Chenai, Temple, H. H. Banu Swami and who else is there!

Super success with your educational efforts.

Your marriage as service to Sri Sri Radha Shyamasundar!

You are so lucky to be in Vrndavana!!!


14 years, 1 month ago by mittalga

My dear Maharaja,

Dandavat pranams. Ram Ram.

Krishna is within me and within everyone. He loves me and everyone and He is everyone's eternal well wisher and He gives us knowledge and wisdom. He is giving life to all of us etc.. This fact is very important part of my bhakti.

For me, initiation strengthens my acceptance of my eternal relationship with Krishna. Same Krishna resides in my and your heart. Therefore, He should tell you to initiatiate me. It should not be based on recommendation or contract. 

For me, initiation is acceptance that everything belongs to Krishna. I belong to Krishna and my body, house, family etc belongs to Krishna. I am supposed to use Krishna's objects in Krishna's service. As Krishna is in everyone, I am supposed to use His objects in service of everyone.

When we act with understanding that everyone belongs to Krishna, then all our actions automatically become bhakti. This understanding is above all actions i.e. sadhana. Actually, the purpose of external sadhana is to realize that everyone belongs to Krishna.

If Krishna cannot come and tell you to initiate me, then He want me to be patient and wants me to deepen my acceptance that everyone belongs to Him.

Your servant,

Gaurav Mittal

HpS - Jaya.  AGTSP.  pamho

The problem with listening to Krsna in the heart is that we also have competing voices from our stomach, etc.

Besides that there is the contamination that material desires since time immemorial are in the heart and it is so easy to listen to those as well as the supersour.

So we follow BG 4.34 and Srila Prabhupada's purport.

A boy and girl have some knowlegde in their hearts, the wedding is a formality, but not a meaningless formality.

Is, O.K?

Hare Krishna! Your friend from Boise! Bhakta Jeff!

14 years, 1 month ago by RadhaFlute

My email is [email protected] was greatly inspired by talking with you and

after long deliberation and inspiration I am also formally aspiring to get initiated from you and take specific instructions. Only before I met you was I informally aspiring for initiation by Indradyumna Swami. Please contact as soon as possible. I also have Very specific questions regarding my personal situation in devotional service. All glories to you! Your reply will be highly appreciated! 

HpS -  Hare Krsna.  AGTSP   paoho.  Thank you for your letter and the phone call few daze ago.

As a Siksa guru, giviing specific instructions we have serious limits, because we don't know the detail of situations often.

For that kind of advice we have to develop our group of local counselors.

In this Bulletin we try to give some news and answer some questions.

The link in the Guru-tattva section of th Bulletin gives some ideas about initation etc.

Thank you!!


14 years, 1 month ago by Bhaktina Romi

All glories to Srila Prabhupada
All glories to Sri Sri Radha Krishna
All glories to you

Please acept my humple obeisances.

Dear Guru Maharaja;

              I write on this occasion to tell you about this last time my spiritual life has taken an unexpected turn, but positive. My brother had a serious car accident on October 31, where his friend died. Eleven days ago, he is fighting for his life. Because of my relationship with him, this last time I suffer a lot. But thanks to the mercy of Krishna, his health is improving slowly and I change my point of view.
This traumatic experience has made me see my position with more clarity. I'm really learning to appreciate each day, take advantage and do not waste my time, I experienced that in the desperation only Krishna is calm.
For some reason I could not communicate with you.

I write to thank you for teaching me the value of small everyday things, and give me force without knowing it, at the worst time of my life.
Thanks for enlighten me with Krishna consciousness.
Surrendered to your lotus feet.


-Bhaktina Romi-

HpS - ASA -  Hare Krsna.  Fuerte carta!!!   But yes, Krsna is so much present in his Name! It is Lord Caitanya's gift.

If we keep with our dialy Japa then when problems come we can take shelter of Krsna and He will give us real intelligence how to deal with these things!!


14 years, 1 month ago by Priya Sakhi dd

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaja!

Por favor acepte mis mas respetuosas reverencias.

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada!

Mi reporte es el siguiente:

16 rondas diariamente.

4 principios.

Lectura del BG, SB, Y Krishna Book.


Cocina Deidad.

Cursos: Bhakti Sastri y Bhaktas.

Mangal-arati; 2 o 3 veces por semana.

Buenas relaciones Vaishnavas con Cynthia Mataji, y demás devotos.

Preparando su Vyasa Puja.

Muchas gracias por Su Eterna Misericordia.

Esperando se encuentre bien de salud.

Su Sirviente

Priya Sakhi dd

HpS -  AGTSP  pfanr.    Ayyyeeeee!  Hace meces no oir de Vd.  Tuvimos en mucho ansiedad.

Pero est abien.  Pero donde esta la PASSION ser una devota.  Ha  Ha!    Ha!

Su plan para conquistar el mundo!

Querido Gurudeva

14 years, 1 month ago by purnamasidevidasi

Por favor, acepte mis humildes reverencias.

Todas las glorias sean para Srila Prabhupada.

¿Cómo se encuentra?. Gracias por el anjana-suta que, sin falta, nos trae noticias suyas y un montón de instrucciones. Espero que sea aquí a dónde tengo que escribirle. Si no, lo siento, pero es que llevo mucho tiempo queriendo hacerlo y no me quedaba claro a qué email debía hacerlo.

Mi saddana sigue como antes: seis rondas antes de irme a trabajar, cuatro en el viaje de ida y las otras seis en la hora y media que tengo libre después de comer. Leo el libro de Krisna por las noches y el Bhagavad-gita alguna mañana.

El trabajo OK, aunque este curso tengo algunos problemas con los padres. Cada vez es más difícil la educación ya que los profesores no tenemos el respeto de muchos padres y se molestan si les dices que el niño tiene que mejorar su conducta o trabajar en casa con la lectura porque "no va muy bien", etc. Pero bueno, yo sigo hablándoles a los niños del vegetarianosmo, escuchamos y bailamos canciones de Krisna y despertamos los muñecos de Radha-Krisna por las mañanas.

A Jayanta no le han dado todavía el traslado, así que sigo con mis padres. Tengo que aceptarlo, pero me cuesta mucho porque con mis padres, la vida espiritual me resulta mucho más difícil ya que ellos no son muy favorables (me respetan pero no les gusta). Está siendo una prueba dura!

Bueno, no le entretengo más. Espero que se encuentre bien de salud cuando lea este mensaje.

Su humilde sirvienta,Purnamasi devi dasi

HpS -  AGTSP  paoho.  No hablamos Castellano muy bien. Entonces is puede enviar en Engles ews super.   Honestamente entre milles de gente solamente uno

tiene interes en immortalidad.

Y entre ellos solamente uno milles ha logrado.

Vd. esta en el sendero correcto!

Lucha resolver las problemas per no le olvida cual es la mas grande!!