All glories to Srila Prabhupada
All glories to Sri Sri Gaura Nitai
Dear Guru Maharaja!
First of all, I hope you are fine, your health and activities.
In this report I can tell you that I'm singing my 16 rounds of japa daily, the 4 regulative principles too.
I am doing my service on Sundays the garlands for the altar and their lordships Sri Sri Gaura Nitai in the Temple, and I'm also some days a week classes Srimad Bhagavatam and Bhagavad Gita.
I was working in the kitchen and restaurant of the temple, Monday through Friday, a few weeks of January and February.
Then complete this work and started to make sankirtana with devotees, distributed some books, 12 books per day in 3 hours each day, I hope to improve, is a service that costs me a lot, but a beautiful challenge for me, so we can assist in mission of Srila Prabhupada.
This month vacation from university and spent much time near the devotees, I am very happy
ye fought hard with them in Krishna consciousness, as you advise me in his response previous report, and this has given me very good results ( thanks to the instructions left us Srila Prabhupada and instructions of you, taught me to and improved my material and spiritual life.)
The last time we have also had many very beautiful feasts and visits to the temple as ratha yatra with Purushatraya maharaja (Brazil), Sancarsan Prabhu, later in the month of February we visited Ss Bhaktibusana Swami and Swami Maharaja Chandramukha (Brazilian, who inspired me a lot and is keen to continue visiting Chile).
Krsna has given us so much mercy and enjoyed myself every day I feel more confident to continue my life in Krsna consciousness and with the devotees.
Currently, I am enjoying every day singing my 16 rounds, followed by 4 principles, have sadhu sanga and make friends with my karma. hahahahaha :)
Well guru maharaja send my apologies for the delay in my report, and appreciate the time you used to read it. ( and apologies my bad english)
Again please accept my most humble obeisances.
Your aspiring servant
Bhaktin Carla Porras Alfaro<img alt="" src="" title="" />
(Graphic Design student)
Santiago of Chile
HpS - ASA - Srila Prabhupada is the light house that we follow to reach Krsna, to go back home. We can see that light in his books and in the results of follwoinng his instructions. For me the number one instruction, is Get up early and get your rounds done!!!
We are in Spain. Next week back to the USA. Bhaktivinode Thakura said, After lunch do light work!
You are on the right path. Now you have to begin t move faster, but with care!!