Best way to preach trhu the scientific method?? (B.Manuel, Chile)

13 years, 11 months ago by Ananda Shyam das JPS


[Hare Krsna.  AGTSP.  Some few glories to Hanumatpresaka Swami and you too!] Pamho, recently i wrote you in the blog, my name is Manuel Poblete Morán, I live in Stgo, Chile, I do service in Temple. I attach my pic. I work with many scientist, where only believe in" scientific method", 

What´s the best way to preach Krsna Conciousness  thru the scientific method??

waiting for yours instructions, your aspirant to servant
Bhakta Manuel (Chile)

 [Every case is individual. My humble idea is that you have to listen to people with your ears, head and heart.  What is it they are saying?     Most case we are people before we are scientists or managers or mothers, so we have to listen to people's real questions, desires.
Then....  people are on different levels: Vikarmi, Karmis, Jnanis, Bhaktas ... so you have to learn to classify them and give the medicine proper to their level.

Basically, just get you own self fixed the daily rituals to cleanse you consciousness and then explain to people in your own natural way, what is this material world.   They must be a little sincere. Patient to listen. If you are scientific the words will come out in their language.  If it must be more specific that we can discuss later.  Now just keep clean, expect Krsna to send patient people and explain what is this world.]

Greeting and All glories to Srila Prabhupada

13 years, 11 months ago by Cynthia24

I hope  you accept  my bow  of a polluted soul.
I am in Argentina in La Plata of Buenos Aires, everything was very difficult, in society between love and hate there is only  one gap .Life  hits  us  and takes  us to many  circumstances. I wish  to know something  beyond  all, meditate  on mantras, and  some stregth and feel  god´s protection.

I do not Know if it´s a gift  but  anyway i have  this link  that  i did in music  to  different  forms of God...

Thanks you gor you life ..hope to see you in Buenos Aires  or in Chile...forgive my sins and low emotional...hare krishna   ...Cynthia !! of Chile

[Hare Krsna, Cynthia.  Here we are Tom Brown, Monkey, and Piggy.  HpS is letting us write for a little.   So nice to hear from you.   Just keep chanting!    Yes, it is a hurricane that we have got our selves into.  Just keep chanting and reading a little bit EVERY DAY, and write to us every few weeks with some news!!!  We will look at the link!]

Reporte del Jungle del Brazil

13 years, 11 months ago by Adi Badri Dasi

 Hare Krsna querido Gurudeva
Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada
Todas las glorias a Parama karuna Sri Sri Gaura Nitay
Espero que la presente lo encuentre bién de salud y siempre con Srila prabhupada en su corazón, disculpe por demorar en escribir, confiezo que estaba pasando pruebas muy dificiles   [AGTSP  pamho.  Ooof!  Vd. tambien!   No siento tan solo mas. Gracias] estaba queriendo salir del barco de Srila Prabhupada y quedar en el vacio,   [Lo trate. Es muy aburrido]  estaba muy confundida en querer seguir en la conciencia de Krsna y una frustración muy grande por no tener el deseo de cantar Hare Krsna ni de convivir con los devotos,   [Reporter pregunto a Srila Prabhupada:  Hay problemas en sus Templos.  Srila Prabhupada laughed y dijo. Eso es el mundo material.   Hay problemas en todos partes. - Pero podemos decir que los devotos son mitad loco, pero afuera son 85% loco!]    durante todos esos dias que parecia estar en el infierno, soñaba constantemente con ud. y por ahí una pequeña luz despertó nuevamente mi deseo de estar en Vrndavana solo eso acalmaba mi corazón, tube un sueño bastante especial donde usted me daba la instrucción de hacer Bhakti sastri entonces tube una pelea muy fuerte con mi mente, ella me golpeaba mucho pero finalmente cogí mi arma secreta, un hilo de su Dhoti y me aseguré fuerte y entonces mandé un mail para Chandramukhi y pedí hacer BS con ella este año, entonces todo comenzó a quedar más claro, no habia más oscuridad, Srila Prabhupada me tomó en sus brazos y me llamaron del BBT-Brasil, para trabajar  en  Sankirtana Shop en español......huauuuuuuuuuu, esa fué la batalla ahora viene la guerra cuando será el dia que coja mi Japa y la cante con amor???? maya aun respira .... No puedo olvidar de decir que mi buen esposo siempre se mantubo fuerte y cantando Japa para que yo pueda regresar, y cada dia que pasaba yo veia su esfuerzo y me sentia como " El hijo Prodigo "....

Gurudeva estos son los acontecimientos en mi vida estos ultimos meses....por favor mandeme sus bendiciones para hacer un buen servicio para Srila Prabhupada ahora que el me a colocado en el corazón El....

Perdone mi falta de inteligencia y reciba mis reverencias eternas a sus pies de loto. 

Siempre intentando hija
Adi Badri Dasi

 [Entusiasmo es mas importante que paciencia.  Entonces, busca cambios. Busca nuevo musica, nuevo gente. Hay muchas buenas personas en el mundo y si tiene la pequeno disicplina de su japa, 4-principios puede encontrar gran munco de servicio nueve.  Y   . Como yo entiendo tiene muchas cosa buenas, buen familia, no cancer!] 

HARE KRSNA - Cristina Zavala

13 years, 11 months ago by Cristina Zavala

Please accept mis mas humildes y respetuosas reverencias.
Dear Gurudeva, I already talked with my sister Ana, ang give to her this direction, to Oscar or her write to you. They are working in their proyects always, and say to me give to you them "reverencias" and send "saludos" to you.

My book is in spanish of course, but, who knows? maybe if it is a succces it could be translated in english, chinesem russian.....jaja!! no, really dony tihnk that is a very simple book, but very nice. If you want I can give to you a transalted version....

How is the temple in Madrid??  [Jaya, Srila Prabhu, We are in the preaching center in Madrid. Here are nice little Gaura Nitai in the basement, so that the Kirtana doesn't irritate the other's in the building.  They are nice.  Program is nice, but has to get super!  Sunday we go to Barcelona and then the following week we go to the farm and see Radha Govinda Chandra]

Beautifull " deidades " Radha-Krsna, Goura Nitai, Sita Rama Laksman Hanuman?? JAYA!!! good devotees?? full shakti and lovely service?? JAYA!!!

I hope someday travel with you around the world, I want to visit all the temples in this world!! JAYA!!!

What about my japa?? Im chanting 2 rounds, maybe I can chant 3?? with your blessings of course.   [Is best to fix a number that you are sure you can do for some time, and then do it no matter what your mind says. Eventually should come to the magic number of 16 and see how it is 100% useful]

How is your health?? well?? Im sure it is ok.   [Is O.K.  Always struggle to keep this body fit and useful until the last moments] 

Dear Gurudeva, thank you very much to answer my letters, please dont stop do that, I need your mercy very much, because sometimes doubts came to me, I believe in the Suprerme Lord, of course, but Maya is very strong you know, the mind, especulations about the real trought, whay I have to do??....   [Keep association with Acharya, Srila Prabhupada, and regular devotees on the path, and get some practical standard of rules that you can follow.   Then very quickly you will come to a higher platform] 


Kamagayatri dd letter of intent

13 years, 11 months ago by Kamagayatri

Dear Maharaj,
Please accept my humble obeisances and all glories to His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada.
It is so nice to see this forum and so many sincere disciples and followers leading by their steadfastness, always trying to improve their service and ask honest questions.  I feel very meek in their presence and yours.  This is a good feeling, to feel like a dog in the presence of great souls.  Hopefully with devotees mercy and yours I can be pitied and still be able to associate.

Mother Aruddha and Radhika Prabhu just came to Portland [OREGON, USA] and led a very important seminar on homeschooling which has been a great educational basis for starting a co-op in Portland.  I have tried to assist the community by maintaining a google group for Vaisnava Portland Homeschoolers to stay motivated, exchange ideas, and arrange further meetings.  This week I have helped organize our second Vaisnavi gathering that has focused on simple kirtan, prasadam, and exchanging ideas.  I am excited that Nick Prabhu and I will have our first home program, where Vaisnavi Prabhupada disciples will be speak on Krsna Conscious motherhood.  We are also humbly asking blessings for the coming of our child in three weeks from these devotees and you Maharaj.   [AGTSP paoho. We can only hope that you go on improving more and more an already auspicious situation!] 

I feel very motivated Maharaj to help serve this group of mothers and children interested in a homeschool co-op and want to raise our child in a Krsna Conscious homeschooling household.  I pray that Mother Aruddha and you will sympathize with my efforts and guide us in this endeavor or else my independent endeavors without Krsna and guru will feel very much in vein.  Aruddha said that if the parents maintain the principles, rise early for Mangal, chant, and make prasadam the child will naturally want to follow and be like the parent, no force is involved.  This is a good motivation for me to get my act together.  Mayapur and L.A.s live web cams help me participate in mangal arati now, and stopping my work as the preschhol manager (now I am 8.5 months along) has finally given me the blessing of being able to excuses ever again!

I am fickle though Maharaj.  I remember when I was 18, moved back to Boise after being in the ashram, and you said that intellectually I am my age but emotionally I am 12.  I still act this way when I do well for a few days then break that steadiness.  How can I look at death in the face now more than ever especially as I become a Mom which makes it even more vital and important?  What Bhagavatam section can most shake me up for the better or famous saint???  I want to convince myself whole heartedly that this is it and I am at the end of the rope.  I beg for your mercy to follow through on my promises to you and Krsna.  I want Wormwood to have nothing to write to Screwtape...! I think the only way to do so is to replace his letters with my own letters to you and Krsna.

Maharaj, you are very kind to listen to this banter.  Please forgive me for my many offenses.  I hope to stay in contact and be a better devotee for you and Prabhupada and the merciful Vaisnavas.

A very fallen servant,
Kamagayatri dd

 [There is no Magic Bullet that I know. Just pick up the books of Srila Prabhupada that inspire you, KRSNA book, Caitanya-caritamrta, are fine, but main thing is association. Get some reading partners: With the family, with local devotees, with friends by telefone and internet.  Write in a few weeks how you have worked for that association. We hope to give some inspiration for people to join us wih the Kapi Dhvaja.  Tell us how is can do this more and more!  Hope our new devotees appearance day is super] 

Gaurava - Agreement

13 years, 11 months ago by mittalga

My dear Maharaja,

Dandavat pranams. Ram Ram.

Yes, basically I think we are in agreement.

Thank you. I appreciate your responses.

do you plan to continue contemplating the advice and meditations of great Saints as part of your effort to realize the presence of Lord everywhere?

Obviously yes. It is not easy. Only good thing is that I am born in Kaliyuga and have the knowledge of bhakti. Such birth is even rare for devatas. Hopefully, I will utilize this opportunity.

There are places where he makes translations that differnet groups would feel are distortions.   I can't explain all these things.

Gosvami Tulsidas accepts that his writings are full of faults. He asks the readers to fix the faults in their minds while reading his writings. I apply the same to Prabhupada. I don't have any doubts. I also don't need any explanation. If Krishna inspires from within, I fix the writing and continue reading on.

Read the whole Caitanya caritamta, and that is the best way I kow of to consider these philosophical points in depth.

yes, I continue reading on. I read pastimes of Ram and Krishna. I don't read them for philosophy. I read them for ananda (bliss). I experience ananda when I give up philosophy. There is just pastime of Ram, there is just love of Ram and there is happiness in meditating on Him. No need to analyze it. No need to go in detail. Just enjoy the beauty of His form, beauty of His lila, beauty of His love for His devotees.................. There is love, happiness and beauty everywhere.

One more thing is that I have simplified my life. I don't go into philosophical details. Actually, philosophical details seem simple. More difficult thing is to realize those concepts. I am more focussed on realizing topics. For example - "Everything belongs to Krishna." This statements contains all the philosophy. I  need to realize it. Now, I don't even need philosophical books etc.. Don't need philosophy also. I just want to realize basic principles of bhakti. Don't want to become great devotee. I am happy to be a simple devotee with simple philosophy.

Your servant,
