DTC Friday/26

13 years, 6 months ago by hps

Diary of a Travelin Creature.
Hare Krsna. Dudes.   AGTSP   pfanrh.  Aqui estamos escriviendo esta por la luz se la luna.   We are writinng this by the moonshine.  No electricity here.
We are sorry we didn't answer the Branch reports int he last KDh.   Aqui son respuesta a los Reportajes de Ramas de la ultima KDh desxulpa.


Hare Krsna dear Guru Maharaj
Please accept our humble obeisances <img src="http://us.mg2.mail.yahoo.com/ya/download?mid=1%5f3765%5fABVXiGIAAOajTkAVWQWxLn8JpN0&pid=2&fid=ASA%2520Branches&inline=1" style="margin: 0pt 0.2ex; vertical-align: middle;" />

How are you? how about your health? It's nice to write you and tell you that yesterday it was a great day. 12 hours Kirtan at temple. Despite it was a rainy day there was many people singing the Lord's Names. <img src="http://us.mg2.mail.yahoo.com/ya/download?mid=1%5f3765%5fABVXiGIAAOajTkAVWQWxLn8JpN0&pid=6&fid=ASA%2520Branches&inline=1" style="margin: 0pt 0.2ex; vertical-align: middle;" />
Also, we had a meeting yesterday at Arjuna's appartment. We talked about the steps to follow now in order to create the Centro Cultural ASA Chile. We discussed about what legal form is the most convinient for our purposes. As we talked in our last meeting the main purposes of our Cultural Centre will be -at least at the begining - organizing conferences and publishing books, bulletins, magazines, etc.

Arjuna will be in charge of all the legal formalities in the municipality, Rodrigo Hernandez will be in charge of Department of Publications and Nadia Villar is creating a departament of Translations with the help of another devotee. Rodrigo will contact some foundations and companies in order to get some sponsorship and laksmi through donations and advertising sale. Om Kesavaya will help him in this task.

The first projects for this ASA Branch will be publishing Utsaha II and organizing the LOB simposium in Federico Santa María University. We think that good dates would be May, September, October or November. May be in November it would be great, because Ratha Yatra is in that month and would be very auspicious count on your visit.

Because we are still inspired by your last visit, we send you a link with some photos of conferences and programs. Thank you very much! <img src="http://us.mg2.mail.yahoo.com/ya/download?mid=1%5f3765%5fABVXiGIAAOajTkAVWQWxLn8JpN0&pid=7&fid=ASA%2520Branches&inline=1" style="margin: 0pt 0.2ex; vertical-align: middle;" />


Expecting your answer and trying to serve you <img src="http://us.mg2.mail.yahoo.com/ya/download?mid=1%5f3765%5fABVXiGIAAOajTkAVWQWxLn8JpN0&pid=5&fid=ASA%2520Branches&inline=1" style="margin: 0pt 0.2ex; vertical-align: middle;" /><img src="http://us.mg2.mail.yahoo.com/ya/download?mid=1%5f3765%5fABVXiGIAAOajTkAVWQWxLn8JpN0&pid=3&fid=ASA%2520Branches&inline=1" style="margin: 0pt 0.2ex; vertical-align: middle;" />

ASA Branch Chile (we are still discussing about the name <img src="http://us.mg2.mail.yahoo.com/ya/download?mid=1%5f3765%5fABVXiGIAAOajTkAVWQWxLn8JpN0&pid=4&fid=ASA%2520Branches&inline=1" style="margin: 0pt 0.2ex; vertical-align: middle;" />)

ASA - Such a nice letter. SOrry we could not ahnswer sooner.  We have to get more organized and more austere!      We have a first bulletin tranlsted by the Department of Translation. We try to read it.   If Santa Universidad is still in strike then maybe organize some other venue and invite the students to an alternative education.
We hope you send you next report.  Getting up early.  Doing Deity service in the Temple is very important for Arjuna and the Brahmanas, no?!   What is the suggested content of Uasaha II?    What does the NOI say is Utssaha??

Hare Krsna


Dear Gurudeva we are waiting for U like the peacok in the LOB this sunday 14th in Miraflores- peru.

The NOI II course headed by HpS will start after janmastami, You just have to pay something minimum for the handouts.The conference will be in English and Spanish, all the sessions will be recorded as well.

In Janmastami is the Big Premiere: Radha Madana bihari THE MOVIE. from Oscar Natters and Rodrigo Ottero, they are already famous in the 3 worlds for all their service.Also there will be the deliver of the Diplomas from Bhakti sastri 2010 the Diplomas had already come from India

The Bhakti Vaibhava test will be on August 17 at 11:00amEach tutor will evaluate their students after this date. En Janmastami we will present the biodatas and by the Radhastami the rest with open book Y el 8 de Agosto empieza el Segundo Semestre del BhS con el BG.Candramukhi dd will check the 25 short questions.

We continue with the legalization of VEDAS this time LAD will investigate all the things related to the municipallity and Patraka Das will investigate with Walter León. We are still accepting proposals for our new name, the only proposal until now is NIMSA, the current name of Naimisaranya

The conversations with Yadhunanda Swami are advancing little by little. It seems that V.E.D.A.S. is the only hope for the education in ISKCON

Trying to touch your lotus feet

Your servants


 ASA - SUper Report.  Thank you so much!!!   The NOI II Seminar is delayed. We have to get our work more organized and set practical deadlines for our selves. Seems that this is very hard work, but the center is always to work with Srila Prabhupada's standard.  Book distribution is the most important program.  That is why should be studying BhSastr etceter!  More response and commentary in the next Kapi Dhavaja iin just two days.  Thank you.  Please excuse our offenses!

Hare Krsna Guru Maharaj

13 years, 6 months ago by Gadai

Todas las Glorias al Sankirtan eterno de Sri Caitanya Maha Prabhu

Hare Krsna Guru Maharaj, por favor reciba mis humildes reverencias,  solo para agradecerle por todo lo que hace por nosotros, va ser inolvidable el festibal de Balarama que se tubo acá en La Paz,  y los programas que hubo de la Luz del Bhagavatam,  y aunque no estuvimos en Cochabamba me imagino que todo fue un Nectar.

Muchas gracias por darnos tanta misericordia, solo deseo servirlo haciendo Sankirtan por el resto de mi vida, muchas gracias guru Maharaj y que Krsna lo proteja mucho....<img alt="" height="18" src="http://hps-d6.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/01.gif" title="" width="18" /><img alt="" height="18" src="http://hps-d6.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/01.gif" title="" width="18" /><img alt="" height="18" src="http://hps-d6.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/01.gif" title="" width="18" />.

Muy Pronto Sankirtan en Perú con Prabhu Janardana y probablemente Prabhu Tattva Vit.

Hare Krsna Guru Maharaj.

Gadai Gauranga Das


HpS - ASA - Hare Krsna.   Experimento que Vd. esta advanzzndo muy bien en Bondad y todo.  Esta movimento es un MILAGRO!!!!   Podemos convertir mas piados que Indra, el rey del cielo!

Entonces podemos utilizar esta inteligencia advanzada para servir a Krsna.

Super buena suerte con su meta de hacer Sankirtana, vida tras vida en los peise de loto de Srila Prabhuada!


13 years, 6 months ago by Bhakta.PabloA.B

All Glories to Sri Sri Gouranitay, Srila Prabhupada and You Maharaja, My name is Pablo, from santiago-Chile, I have 24 years old, I live with my parents and my younger brother. I studied graphic design for 5 years, I'm Sorry for not writing this email before, I know it was hard to tell about me. What I can tell is that in this time I tried to be a good devotee. I try to get up as early as possible is almost always between 6 and 7 in the morning, singing my Japa during the day. During the last 6 or 7 years I have participated in the "Fiesta Prabhupada" cooking, have not been straight, but in these last three years I have remained fixed . This year I worked with Trivikrama Das in the restaurant of the temple, but a month ago we stopped doing it, for the problems that exist in the country with students and government. In my free time I try to do things like write songs or poems, tattoos, make paintings or visit to my friends from the temple. waiting to serve you, Bhakta Pablo. (attached photographs of some of the things I do...)

HPS - ASA ---- AgtSP    Thank you so much for meeting you.  It is so great that you can participate in the sankirtana movement of Lord Chaitanya.  This will certainly give you immortal character and then you can understand who you are! Are you the devotee who made the DVDs for us??

Private: Request for siksa

13 years, 6 months ago by Fallenservant
    Your Holiness Hanumat Presaka Maharaj,

  • Hare Krishna! Dandavats!

    Please accept my most humble obesences.
    All glories to Srila Prabhupda! All glories to Nitai-Gauranga and His sankirtan mission!

    I am writing to you today to ask for your most needed blessings and most kind help in bringing me up from the material existence into the light of Krishna consciousness. I have been reading Srila Prahbupda's books for approximately one year now, attending temple and rising early for japa around 4am also (16 rounds daily). I have been strictly observing the four regulatory principles and am currently heading up the book distribution efforts here in Houston since July. I have had many challenges but Krishna has always been beside me to push me onwards.

    I most desire to find a spiritual master to aspire to in the next year, and wish to request from a few of Prabhupada's learned disciples to have mercy on me, a fallen servant. Thus I am would sincerely request from you, Maharaj, to accept my request to formally take you as my siksa guru.

    I have enjoyed the classes you have given throughout this year here in Houston. Also, I have been listening to you speak on Skpe on The Nectar of Instruction, Srimad Bhagavatam and watched or listened to many lectures and classes online. Your teachings are vey clear to me and I take a wonderful example from your devotion to the Supreme Lord. Please contact the Houston temple president Syamsundara Das Prabhuji for any reference at: [email protected] or 713-459-4327.

    I will be spending some time in Sri Vrindavan Dham during this Kartik. Your wonderful disciple Jiva Goswami Prabhu is a good friend and he suggested that I come in October when you are also to be there. I have booked a ticket for mid-October to be there also, along with a visit to Sri Mayapur Dham.

  • I pray this message finds you in good health and good spirits. I also pray for the kindness of your frank reply and thank you in advance for such causeless mercy.Please excuse my rude interruption in your service, but I only ask for your forgiveness and kind instruction for here forward.
  • Awaiting your honest reply, I remain always your insignificant servant,

    David Garvin
    Sugar Land, Texas
  • HpS - ASA -  Jaya.  Please forgive the one week, two day delay in answering.   We are in Peru and with a ton of work.  It is the mercy of God that this moron embecile can write to you at all.  In general, we do not take Siksa-guru role aa formality. Especially before initiation.  Then it is Vartmana pradarsika Guru.      He is a really fine link for some discussion of Guru by Srila Prabhupada.
  • I am cursed that I cannot exactly remember you, but your name sounds really familiar.  We get to USA next Wednesday, so maybe we can talk then. Our cellular should be 209 505-3219.
  • Our schedule for India etc is at our Calendar site:
  • www.JayaRama.us/kd/cal.txt
  • Basically I recommend have a clear idea of Prabhupada as the Founder Acharya for you, me and anybody else in ISKCON and then on that basis get shelter of Diksa-guru and Siksa-guru.
    Any other questions?


13 years, 6 months ago by dany_mexico


ASA - HpS - TlgaSP  Pfanrh. No vemos la "Help Help" o estamos respondiendo mas rapido!

querido gurudeva, en esta ocacion le escrivo para pedirle ayuda :( necesito de su guia y consejo,estoy pasando por una cituacion muy dificil propia del mundo material,eh recivido una gran descarga de dolor muy muy fuerte,pff ..... tres familiares muy cercanos han dejado el cuerpo y entre ellos mi hermana hace 10 dias ,la verdad me siento muy triste,quizas un poco confundido,lo que mas me a lastimado es ver el dolor tan profundo que mi madre esta experimentando,trato de estar bien y fuerte para apollarle y el refujio en el santo nombre y krsna me estan confortando y alentando a seguir adelante..es realmente imprecionante ver ala muerte  tan cerca de ti,me da miedo y ala vez refuerza mi fe en krsna y en el control supremo que el tiene sobre el universo entero.

tambien puedo decirle que experimente tantas cosas maravillosas.llenas de luz y devocion, se que todo enla vida  es una enseñansa,pero es muy duro entender el propocitode las cosas y el plan de dios

los devotos organisan un jajña para el beneficio de mi hermana y lo aremos en estos dias proximos,

por otro quiero aprobechar para pedirle millones de disculpas por mis ofensas y por no ser un buen dicipulo, pero estoy tratando y luchando por hacer las cosas bien,pero tengo temor de fallar. mi mente es mas loca que nunca,necesito de usted mi querido padre eterno.

jaya prabhupada

su tonto aspirante a sirviente Deva Dharsan Das............mexico

ASA - Ooof!   Desculpa no responder mas pronto!    Pero es uno hecho estamos muy occupado, pero tenemos que mejorar.
El dolor es dejar nuestras planes. El familiar es parte de nuestras planes para longevitud, todo. Es super oportunidad apreciar ton intimentamente estamos conectado con esta cuerpo material. Nada muere, solamente continuamos en sueno, barco del mente confundido, a otro cuerpo. Entonces cantando Japa, Kirtana, BG/SB, con foto de su hermano presente vale, mucho para s bien estar. Su Madre tiene que hacer estas cosas para la benficio de su hijo!

Guru Gauranga Jayatah

13 years, 6 months ago by GauraLilaDas

Jaya Nimai! Jaya NItai!


What's some nice advice you'd give a young man like myself on the subject of 2nd Initiation?

ys, Gaura Lila Dasa (RTS)

HpS/ASA - AGTSP  Paoho.  Here we are in Lima, Miraflores (Peru).  It's 9.29PM. We have head ache, neck ache, eyestrain and and a brain dead, but still we answer your letter because we are in human, Monkey and Piggy.

Really in doesn't matter much at all. In this age Srila Jiva Goswami says that Hari-nama diksa is sufficient, but to be fixed in goodness and make our chanting more effective it is useful. It is useful as an example ot non-devotees that the Hare Krishmas are Brahmanas, or guys fixed in ethical and moral standards.
Hari Bol (We mispelled Krishna itentionally to give the impression of the kind of dudes who know a little of Krsna, but not  too much but can appreciate honesty).