DTC Saturday/27

13 years, 6 months ago by hps

Hare Krsna, Prabhus, AGTSP    paoho.
Here we are in Cusco (TB, Monkey, PIggy, UG, HpS, Blue Baboon et al).

It's 10,000 feet so can't stand up quickly or you vomit and die.

Lot's of tourists from everywhere.  Very simple - cold, clean, mystical, ancient town, palace.

Here are the Branch Reports from KRSNA KIDS in San Jose, SATTVA and VEDAS and a super surprise from Tirtha kirti in Spain!


From: Balimardana Dasa - Krsna Kids
Dear Hanumatpreshak Maharaj,
Please accept our humble obesainces, All glories to Srila Prabhupada,

 I would like to give you an update on the recent activities in Lil' Krishna Kidz program. We have succesfully completed 2 Session at San Jose & Cupertino. Next sessions are planned on Sept 1st week onwards. In addition to this, Lil Krishna Kidz (LKK) presented in the SFO Golden Gate Ratha Yatra - Dance program and we also set up a booth in the Festival of India (Aug 15th) that generated lot of interest...

 and met with lot of interesting members and partners. It was a good success.

 Please find the Facebook page details





 **** Krsna matir astu ****
Please visit my site: http://mykrsna.com/

HpS- ASA - AgtSP   Pamho.   We are in Cusco.  It is 10,000 feet.  We have to be very careful with every minute!  So much to do!    Tonight program at the Chapel of Jesus and Maria, 200 years old, Light of the Bhagavata.

Personally we can't get to Face book too easily, but we try.

In super summary what are the programs that Little Krsna Kids does?!

We will post all of this at the Blog.  You can write there also. Even better than this address.

We get to USA 31st August so we can call you then.

Thank you so so sososo    much for including us in your Sankirtana!


Please accept our humble obeisances
 All glories to Srila Prabhupada
 1. Our last activity was the CineForum at Derrama Magisterial, the 23th August. We presented the film (The Light of bhagavata, peruvian reflexions), commentaries, then outsite we had our table with books and movies (20 books distributed, and 7dvds), and at last prasadam while visiting the art exihibition about LOB. The public was pleased and enthuciastic, they left very nice comments, and we felt very pleased.
2. Our last encounter was with your presence, we discussed important points as:
-A necessary thing to grow is to make important questions as: who am I? (my skills, what I like to do, what I am ready to do...) Then together: who we are? Then based on that: what kind of plans we can do? And how to do it? Is very important to be honest in order to make practical plans.
-We can use a traditional program for our meetings: kirtan, lecture/discution, kirtan, prasadam
In that way we can chant Hare Krsna together and have a very nice association.
-It was also discussed about how to take care of the members of the group in a personal and spiritual way. An example is a kind of system where a person A calls person B to wake up for brahma muhurta, then person B to person C, and so on.
3. Our meeting moved to Wenesday at 7pm, and it will be in a new place at Magdalena, provided for free. The next time, we plan to do a feedback about our last project to analize: what was positive to be used in the futur, and what can be improved. A new idea was to make a notebook with notations about the essencial points discused each time. On that notebook, maybe everyone can make a brief personal report of the week in terms of sadhana, service... This will be useful to make our report also.

An other idea: every week a person is in charge to make a prasadam to share at the end of the meeting!
Hare Krsna
Your servants, SATTVA

HpS - ASA - AGTSP   paoho.  Such a nice report, but you didn't mention that there were serious technical dificulties with the production in Derrama! We learn from our mistakes.   Better to have a wise man for an enemy than a fool for a friend.
Such a nice report.
An example to everyone.
Sattva seems to be just sprouting, so we are eager to hear about next meeting, new location, new participants.
Thank you so much.
Please write report to the Blog  with title of "SATTVA Reporting", no?  Then we can get it out much better!!!
We will post this at the Blog!.


 Hare Krsna
Dear Gurudeva, all V.E.D.A.S spent a great Janmastami, Krsna received the best gift the premier of Radha madana bihari The movie, thanks to the effort of Oscar, Rodrigo, LAD, and Gaura gadadhara dd and specially Hanumatpresaka Swim. This film was unforgetable we were really touched.

In these weeks we had many meetings, lunch with His Grace Deena Bandhu prabhu for the closing of the semester, the evaluator board is looking the criteria for grading the second semester.

V.E.D.A.S is evaluating the posibility to have an agreement with CEMUL. Multinational Literature Center, It is bound with the Ricardo Palma University Which is going to open many posibilities of preaching in high levels.

In Radhastami ends our evaluation open book. Two weeks of vacations and then we start the second semester, actually there is no vacations we are working in our essays, each of us has its topic. Despite any adversity we are still working forward, please kindly forgive all our offenses. And thanks for doing great proyects in Peru.

Trying to touch your lotus feet:
Your servants V.E.D.A.S

HpS - ASA -  Jaya    AGTSP    paoho.  Super report.  Can you also include some of the content of what VEDAS is studying in BhVai and BhSastri?   This is all so new, trying to establish a nice system for studying Srila Prabhupada's books.  The real result is then distributing the books, their words. You, M. Yugala and M. Maria and Rupa and everyone are really doing that.   Srila Prabhupada said that we should take a PhD from Lord Caitanya!
O.K.   More news.
CEMUL means, Centro Multicultural. It is not formally affilited with Ricardo Palma University, but some of the members are!
Please write the Reports to the Blog with "VEDAS Reporting" as the Subject.  We will post this to the Blog.

From: Tomas Rundquist Subject: Haribol from Tirtha kirti & family.
Hare Krishna Guru maharaja.!!!!
Pamho.. Agtsp!!!! All glories to HPS!!!
Here we are at the farm waiting for your visit..

Everything is ok here and the warm nice summer is endless.!! Laksmana gave bith to a little boy here in our house at the farm the day before Balaram..!!! The prosses was long and tuff but very nice as the devotees came and made a long kirtan outside when he was born.

Newvrajamandala bhasi ki jaya!!!

Goranga boy wanted to name him Shyam and so we did..

Hours later big Shyam clouds gathered and it started to rain a little in the heavy heat. Auspicious.

Here my rounds are good in brahma muhurta so im happy..!!  Thanks for your help..

All the festivals were very nice with lots of nice devotees all through the summer.

Hare krishna!!!!

Shyamasundara das ki jaya.

 HpS - ASA -  Jaya    AGTSP    paoho.  Super report.  Can you also include some of the content of what VEDAS is studying in BhVai and BhSastri?   This is all so new, trying to establish a nice system for studying Srila Prabhupada's books.  The real result is then distributing the books, their words. You, M. Yugala and M. Maria and Rupa and everyone are really doing that.   Srila Prabhupada said that we should take a PhD from Lord Caitanya!
O.K.   More news.
CEMUL means, Centro Multicultural. It is not formally affilited with Ricardo Palma University, but some of the members are!
Please write the Reports to the Blog with "VEDAS Reporting" as the Subject.  We will post this to the Blog.



13 years, 6 months ago by giannina_dasi


Hare krishna Maharaja por favor acepte mis mas humildes reverencias!!

 Maharaja espero que se encuentre  muy feliz en compañia permanente de Krishna Mukunda!! le escribo para hacer el reporte de sadhana y pedirle su misericordia!

ASA - AGTSP   pamho.  Es Giannina la Peruana de Barcelona quien es alumno de biologia, no?

Mi sadhana aqui en el templo es super todas las ronditas cantando feliz y sintiendo a krishna en el corazon aunque en algunos momentos me distraigo un rato pensando en el servicio o porque mi mente vuela pero intento volver rapidamente a mi meditacion. 4 principios ok programa de la mañana y de la tarde ok

ASA - !!!!!!!

servicio al señor Hari ok lectura de krishna book un poco floja porque tenia otros libros que leer  o que estudiar para los examenes del curso de bhaktas, tambien recibimos un usper seminario de Upadesamrta con Maharaja Kadamba Karana fue increible bueno el Upadesamrta es increible. 

ASA - Unos pienso no necesita mas que estudiar esta libro y todos sus enlaces en profuncidad!

Queria preguntarle Maharaja si es adecuado que yo reciba de ud su pranama mantra, en el encuentro que tuve con Usted me dijo que el estandar era cantar durante seis meses el pranama mantra de Prabhupada y luego cuando Usted me aceptara como discipula seria podia cantar su pranama mantra. Ya pasaron seis meses y yo estoy muy entusiasta de recibir iniciación de Usted, con lo cual queria saber si le parece correcto que cante su pranama mantra o tal vez Usted desea hablar de esos temas cuando este en barcelona o esperar un poco mas de tiempo donde usted pueda ver mejor mi avance y me acepte como su aspirante formal. 

Muchas gracias maharaja por su increible asociación que krishna que esta apunto de nacer lo llene de bendiciones y disfrute siempre de su compañia.


Su aspirante a sirvienta 


ASA - AGTSP.  Puede ser una Aspirante formal si esta siguendo esta estandard para seis meces, no hay duda.     Necesita, solamente una carta de recomendacin del templo!    Nuestra idea es que continua cantando Pranams a nuestra Guru, Srila Prabhupada, y solamente aumentando con mantra de nosotros como un miembro pequeno de Srila Prabhupada!

STA teresa de avila ;)

13 years, 6 months ago by bhaktina teresa

  TLGSP!!!! aceppt my humble obeisances,¿how are you? if i´m from argentina buenos aires,oh the natural life to me is the temple maharaja, iwould love to live in the temple but  i have to finish studying uuuuuuuuu...i feel that my home is here with gaura nitai and srila prabhupada to make service in the temple is different  from that in my house, leads me to a spiritual progress very mere or at least what happens to me in my, yes maharaja i was read "las moradas de sta teresa de avila" "sta teresita de liseux" sta teresa de los andes(chile) i like i have many books and i love a san francisco he was a saint person!!!! maharaja i feel confidence in you since the day i had met you, can you tell me what  can i do now some service? My dear maharaja once again accept my humble obeisances and forgiveme my trespasses

                                                       HARIBOL!   teresa


ASA - TlgaSP.  Cual Santa Teresa es Vd. Mataji?    Es bueno leer el SB y otros y hacer contrastes con los Santos Kristianos y enviando sus escritos para publicacion en diferente revistas.


Otro carta hoy dia de Candrarekha dd, la misma comentario, que el templo no es para todos, todo el templo.  P'pada dijo el templo es para los Sannyasis, pero claro e super obtener la asociacin de ellos por pasando fines de semana, dias santos en el templo como podemos tomar apoyo de la programa mas formal!!!  Jaya!      Como podemos distinguir Vd. de todos las otras Santa Teresas.   Somos burros, monos, puercos, mayavadi sannyasis, cientificos.    Ayuda nos!

mi reporte.........

13 years, 6 months ago by Jambavan Ram Das



HpS - ASA - Senor Jambavan Rama!    AGTSP   pfanrhhhh.  Estamos pensando mucho en que ha pasado con Vd?



ASA -  Su Su Super!   Si todos los Grhastha hace como esto va a ser Vaikuntha el mundo material.  Muchas Gracias!


ASA - Y la musica y distrbtn de Prasadam???   Y su pasion en la C.Krsna??

Hare Krsna Dear Guru Maharaja :)

13 years, 6 months ago by Candrarekha Devi Dasi

All glories to Sri Sri Gaura Nitai

All glories to Srila Prabhupada


first of all I hope you're well and your activities well too.

In this report I can tell, I'm sing 16 rounds of japa, I am following the 4 regulative principles, doing my service garlands for the altar on Tuesdays,reading, Krsna book for of night and upadesamrita.

Again, return to college fter 2 weeks of vacation of winter.

This time, after taking first initiation has been very special, my life is very calm.

I have some questions for you maharaja!!

1. My question is that most of the time, I see that a deity of Lord Hanuman is adored by devotees  for "men", women can  service do to Lord Hanuman  as a protector of us, as well as protecting of he to sita ??  devotees "Woman" can worship the Lord Hanuman too?

HpS - ASA -  AGTSP   paoho.  very nice to hear from you!  5.33AM 8/26.  We have to pack to go to the airport to fly to Cusco!   Hanuman. Yes, it seems very correct that ladies, Sita devi are offering respects to Hanuman. Yet, he is a Brahmacari so I guess it has to be done very strictly in the association of Srila Prabhupada.

2. With respect to accept our nature, and search our ashram, how we balance this, both materially and spiritually. an example:

I have a 25 years old, I'm already 3 years in university, missing 2 years more to complete my profession, took 3 years practicing bhakti yoga, and I want to study hard in Krsna consciousness, , but not  it's my nature to live in an ashram, you think there is a right age to make married life? or is it better to live one time in an ashram to be more stable in the spiritual life? ashram is also necessary for to women?

HpS - I think that if you go on with this Yoga of Japa everything as initiated devotee for at least one more year it will become clear.   For ladies it is not so necessary to stay in the Temple, but our home should be an Ashrama. It is natural for lady's Ashrama to be the home with Mother, Father, Brother, Sister, Cousin. . .     Of course, these can be Spiritual Brother, Sister etc.   Continue chanting and your Ashrama will be come more clear.   1st initiation = I am devotee.   2nd initation = I am Brahman lady, Ksatriya lady ...

3. when a person is not nice to us in their actions toward others and toward yourself, you can keep your good works, and distance ourselves from them, these associations? or is offensive to  away from devotees, who in this case are complex associations?

ASA - Madhyaman adhikari loves God, avoids the demons, makes friends with the devotees and preaches to the innocent.  When we are Uttama adhikaris then we can see everyone as devotee, but in this stage we avoid the demons. If a devotee is 50% demon we avoid that 50%, but if that 50% WANTS to change, if it is willing to accept the instructions of the spiritual master and the scriptures, then we do austerity of associating with them and helping them.

Well, thank you for your time reading this letter.

I understand if you can not answer all my questions!  :)

sorry my bad English too.

HpS - ASA -  Is nice.  Helps me a lot.     Let's do few more letters!

Your humble servant

Candrarekha Devi Dasi

(Santiago - Chile)

ASA México - Reporte de Sadhana Agosto

13 years, 6 months ago by Cruz Santa

Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada

Querido Gurudeva, por favor acepte nuestras humildes reverencias!

El pasado domingo 7 de Agosto, celebramos el programa mensual de Sadhana en México Mandir,

ASA -   TlgaSP!!!!!! ! ! ! ! ! !     !        pfanrhhhhr.      Muy bien!  4.13AM 26 Agosto.  Desculpa la demurra.  Las tres Klesas del mundo material y nuestra imadureza.   Requiere much fuerza responder a estas super cartas despues de tan mucho trabajo cada dia, pero estamos mejorando.   Super su Sadhana.  Y una carta de Asta sakhi dd de programas de Cine y todo!!   Super, Super, Super  Esperamos ser mas puro como Vds. y particpar mas!

fue un programa muy hermoso  y el programa de Mangal Aratika reunió a varios Vaisnavas que regresaban de Cueramaro, entre ellos a sus sirvientes  Asta Sakhi D.D acompañada por Prabhu Manasa  y  Bhaktin Cruz Santa acompañada por Bhakta Erick, Además Jambavan D. Acompañado de su prometida Kamalakshi D.D. y  Sacinandana D. Bramacary, estos últimos realizando servicio en el Altar. Finalizamos con una hermosa clase acerca del S.B canto 10.

ASA - Moo y Bien.   Tiene que concocer, aprender, el significado de Gruv astakam, Sansara davanala, palabra por palabra.  Entonce su mangala arati mas fuerte y puede ver los gandharvas volando en el aire entre dos meces!!

Estamos tratando de mantener este  modesto esfuerzo, inspirados por la gran misericordia que usted derrama sobre nosotros, decididos a tomar refugio de su auspiciosa asociación, ejemplo e inspiración.

Muchas Gracias

Sus sirvientes

ASA - AGTSP   no es pequeno, ni grande.  Es apropriado de su posicioan.  Por que no un formulario como cada uno puede hacer su reportaje cada reunion a que hora esta realizando mangala arati, cada dia, y cuantos rondas tiene completa antes de Mangala arati!