AgtSP, pamho.

Soy Bhakta Pablo otra vez Maharaja.

Antes de nada espero que se encuentre muy bien de salud y espiritualmente.

Se me olvido decirle que 16 rondas, 4 principios, programa de la mañana y tarde, lectura pero esta vez muy variada, y la verdad es que los dias con Varuna mi Sadhana ha sido muy muy variable, y practicamente ningun dia termine las rondas por la mañana, es culpa mia.

Aqui le pongo unas fotos de Goura_Nitay, de mis Goura Nitay, la de mis padres, espero que les guste.

HpS - ASA --  TlgaSP!!!      Muy bien.   Los Deidades son super hermosos!     Pero pertenece a sus padres??


Todas las glorias para Srila Prabhupada!

Sri Sri Goura Nitay ki!!!  Jaya!!!

Por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias Maharaja, Hare Krsna.

Soy Bhakta Pablo del Parikrama, de España.

Yo estoy aqui en Madrid Mandir. Bhakta Jose ya esta estudiando en Nueva Vrajamandala, se le echa en falta.

He estado ahora en Semana Santa unos dias con Varuna, mis padres y mi hermano pequeño. Ha sido muy bueno.

Hoy hemos empezado a salir Bhakta Jorge y yo de Sankirtana, extatico estar acompañado. Yo soy muy malo, jajaja,  en unas horas solo di uno, Fantasia Vegetariana...no soy muy bueno, pero me gusta mucho las Realizaciones de Sankirtana. Saldremos siempre que podamos, ya le daremos informes.

Estoy empezando a realizar algunas terapias aisladas aqui en Madrid, y espero que pueda ir poco a poco organizandome mejor y acabe el proyecto que me gustaria hacer aqui en Madrid sobre Terapias-Educacion-Meditacion, su nombre comercial es " Amalaki Babaji; Terapias y Enseñanzas Espirituales e Interiores ", en el que quiero incluir Rishi Technology Proyect, estoy intentando darle forma.

Ademas estoy investigando centros culturales o parecidos para hacer exposiciones o seminarios 1 vez cada mes o cada dos meses, esta poco desarrollado pero algo ya he hecho.

En Balarama Loka, con mi ausencia, va lenta, mi hermano solo no puede sacar el trabajo pero estan tranquilos y van para adelante. Hemos estado terminando estos dias las cuadras para la vaca, caballo, gallinas y gusanos. El trigo esta terminando de madurar, los arboles estan terminando la explosion de flores y todo tiene la belleza de primavera. Muy bonito.

Mi alma explota

quien sino Tu?

luces en la acera,

en los coches,

en los giros,

quien sino Tu?

Destellos en las palabras,

en las conversaciones,

quien sino Tu?

HpS - ASA . . . . . . .    Hari Bolo.   Esperamos seguir sus pasos!!!        Su sendero es maravilloso.     Esta haciendo una vida memorable!

Querido Gurudeva

Querido Gurudeva:

Por favor, acepte mis humildes reverencias.

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada.

¿Cómo está? Hace mucho que no le escribo, pero es que, la vardad, no tengo muchas cosas interesantes que contarle. Mi saddhana, para ser sencieros, no ha mejorado nada en este tiempo. Sigo cantando las 16 rondas diarias pero  no buenas, así que de poco vale.  Y me imagino que es por esto que no me "muevo" de donde estoy. Respecto a la asociación con los devotos, últimamente voy al Templo los sábado al mediodía y los domingos a la Fiesta del Domingo, pero me sigue costando encontrar amigas entre las devotas de Madrid. En fin, que poco positivo que contarle. Así que no voy a alargar mucho más esta carta. 

Le pido sus bendiciones para poder continuar siempre en la Conciencia de Krisna pero, si puede ser, dar un pasito más. Cómo me cuesta! Gracias por estar ahí para leer estas palabras.
Su humilde sirvienta,
Purnamasi devi dasi

HpS -  Jaya!    TlgaSP     Pfanrh       Gracias su carta.     Pero como pasan cosas con Jayanta y Nimai!    Son sus responsibilidades mas fuertes!


Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva:


Hope this report meets  U In very good health

Here we are in front of our deities taking our cup of hot milk and some bananas jay ¡¡¡¡¡

We have absolutely non communication with LAD .... buuu his tour must be really ecstatic ¡¡¡¡

Our NIMSAR group in LIma continues all fridays but the last 2 fridays they couldn't join it seems that just LAD can use the computer from chosica... nevertheless Yugala and I were together in chiclayo and had the meeting along with Hanuman Swami

Hanuman Swami was very responsible and while He were in the country He continued with His regular classes JAY ¡¡¡¡

The secretary (Candramukhi dd)  has corrected the BV exams from HpS, Sri Hari, Srinivas, LAD, tattva vit and vamsi govinda, but she has to correct some more ¡¡¡¡ she is also going to present the minutes in our next meeting... by the way U arrived on MOnday right?? please Gurudeva tell us the time of your arrival so we can scheduled our meeting....

That's it thanks a lot ¡¡ You are a great example and inspiration for all of us

YOur eternal servants


HpS - ASA   -  Jaya!    AGTSP   Paoho   We are trying to do so many things.   We have to keep a few priorities in line.  We get our rounds done early.  We write each morning, SB each morning and then we are doing this Blog each day in the morning (the end of our working day (we work from 1AM - 9AM)).  Then we gradually see what other things we can add in.  Is very nice.  This is going from Vaidhi bhakti to prema bhakti!

More on Guaura Purnima

12 years ago by saranga-das in Hot Topics

Dear HP Swami:

Pamho. AgtSP. Hare Krishna!

Thanks for earlier reply to my post regarding Sri Cantanya's Appearance Day. I intend to engage as many devotees as possible on this topic. I expect change will happen only slowly.

Let me please continue: the Lord was born on the full moon of Phalgun, Sakabda 1407. This means that he was born during the Sun's transit into Aquarius and on the full Moon when the Moon was in Leo. This fact never changes and each time we observe Gaura Purnima the full Moon will always be in Leo and the Sun will be in Aquarius. This point transcends astrology and is significant in Vedic astronomy. A great place of check this is at www.astroviewer.com; all the details you will ever need abount the Sun and the Moon can be found at www.timeanddate.com including dates way into the past.

The way our calendar is supposed to work, everything in the next year is predicated on the full Moon in Govinda masa. What has in fact actually happened is that everyone is following the 1957 change implemented by the Indian government that emphasizes the first new Moon following the Vernal Equinox. In this, Iskcon and others in the Vaisnava community have been entirely consistent. The problem is that the Vedic lunar calendar is built around the 27 Nakshastras and only in that way is it related to the movement of the Sun. Since we have no familiarity with the Vedic nakshastras, it is easy to miss this critical point. However, the 27 nakshastras follow the solar ecliptic which also means the standard signs of the Zodiak. Given this important relationship, one can easily understand the connection.

ASA -  AGTSP   paoho.   Maybe "One" can easily understand but We here at the ASA Commando: Uncle Gismo, Monkey/Piggy et al don't understand.  It is like giving you a 20-second class in Spanish and then expecting you to read Don Quixote.  But it is interesting!

Point: At this time at least 1/3 of three year cycle is wrong. That means ALL of the holidays are observed on the wrong days.

ASA -  But Ekadasis are correct, no?

This should matter especially to Krishna devotees; but until most of us understand the Vedic lunar calendar how can we? Remember in the Ramayana the Moon phase and nakshastra mark the appearance of Lord Ramacandra, this is also true Sri Krishna Janmastami (Rohini), as well as, other avataras of Visnu.

I'm taking time to doucment this here for all my God brother's benefit that are a part of your blog.

Yours, Gurudeva, in eternal humble service,

Saranga Thakura das

ASA - So, I guess the Ekadasi's would be correct but you are saying that they are part of a different Vedic month, no?   When did this shift of months occur?   Seems that Janmastami has been about the same time for 60-years or the father of Nitai-gaurasundara would have noticed, no?    More explanation.


12 years ago by saranga-das in Hot Topics

HpS - ASA -   AGTSP   paoho.   Your message arrived blank, although it is in the Category of Hot-topics. I guess that is the Buddhist position. The most Hot-topic in the material world, is no topic...