¡Radhe Radhe! From Chile

10 years, 1 month ago by Bhaktin Camila R. in Personal Sadhana Reports

All Glories to Sri Sri Radha and Krsna!
All Glories to Sri Sri Gour Nitay!
All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!

All Glories to H.H Hanumatpresaka Swami!

I hope you are well (: ! Where is his holiness now? Mexico?

               HpS - ASA -- AGTSP. paoho. Our body is in complete pain and suffering. I guess like everyone in the material world, like you, but we tolerate it and consider less suffering to be happiness.

Camila, Santiago-Chile, Social work Student, 20 years old. 

16 rounds ! 
4 principles strictly ! 
(thank you!) 

Well, we decided to go to Traveler Sankirtan for febreuary to the south of Chile, it was REALLY NICE, people is waiting for books! they all want Krsna!, we should go more often to those places, because people are so interested! More than 800 books were distribuited! :)  ...We have been in Pucon, Puerto Montt, Chiloé (an island), and Puerto Varas. (: I really loved the experience, always talking about Krsna, thinking about Srila Prabhupada, and Praying to Lord Nityananda! Sri Sri Radha and Krsna are so mercifull to us. 
Also we were in the 3erd version of the Ratha Yatra in the city of Pucon! :) MANY people come! <3 

Now, I'm back in Santiago, trying to retake service, and waking up early (is hard for me, i have to try hardly!) .  Trying to read also, Upadesamrta, and Vaisnava Compassion of Satvarupa Das Goswami :) Veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeery nice! I'm trying to take those teachings, and be more tolerant, and compasive with others.  Please give us your blessings to be more nice devotee, and leess proud selfish envy dummie donkey . 

Also, we were in Pichilemu (Beach of Chile), to celebrate Goura Purnima there, is a program of preaching, we went there with many devotees  like Oscar, Abhimanyu Das, Adi Yajña Prabhu, and other new devotees ( veeeery nice devotees, with a lot of enthusiasm!) . IT was amazing, many people come, a lot of yoga professors :) !!!! and people of that city ! Very nice preaching (: Im so happy! . 

And then!!  Celebration of Gour Purnima Here!!!!!!!! In Santiago Mandir! Wow! Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu is SO mercifull!!!!!!!!!!!! With all of us!  We are such a fortunate souls! We have the opportunity to be with God himself! :))))))))))  All by the mercy of Srila Prabhupada! 

Here I send you some pictures, of the Yajña in Pichilemu, Jagannatha Baladeva y Subhadra of Ratha Yatra of Pucon, Sri Sri Gour Nitay of Santiago in the Gour Purnima Festival, and one of me and my friend Kona doing Sankirtan in Puerto Montt ! 

Please forgive my bad english, I tried to do the letter short but i couldn't please excuse my poor inteligence. 
I hope you had a nice Gour Purnima ! 
Please accept my sincere obeisances at your lotus feet. 
Thanks for reading this. 

Radhe Radhe! 

HpS - AGTSP. Is nice news. We just started to scan the letter, the many city names, as the letter got longer. It's O.K. You can summarize things to make it shorter or assume that we will slide lightly past the many details.

800 books! So nice. People very interested! Soon the world will change. It already has. No genocide in South America and many vegetarians. All from Srila Prabhupada's effort.

Bhaktin Patricia México

10 years, 1 month ago by sarahii in Personal Sadhana Reports

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada!!!

Todas las glorias a usted S.S.Hanumat Presaka Swami!!!

Acepte por favor mis  humildes reverencias a sus pies de loto!!!

HpS - ASA - TlgaSP. Nuestras pies de loco.

Siguiendo los cuatro principios y cantando las 16 rondas diariamente, he tomado un nuevo servicio, dejando  a un lado la alergia en mis manos, estoy ayudando los miércoles en la cocina para las 2 últimas ofrendas en el templo.  En cuanto al estudio de los vedas, no estoy leyendo diariamente y he parado con los resúmenes del B.g. que tenía que entregar a Prabhu Vanamali. Estaré Tratando de mejorar mi sadhana para que pueda estudiar cada día.  Me encuentro mucho mejor y trato de dejar a un lado todas las impurezas que se encuentran dentro de mi corazón. Me siento muy contenta por estar de nuevo haciendo un servicio en el templo!

Deceando poder servirle algún día, esperamos poder volver a tener su infinita  misericordia  aquí en México!!!

HpS - So, we saw you when were in Mexico, no?

personal report de Bhakta Rodrigo Hernández Piceros

10 years, 1 month ago by rodrigo hernandez piceros in Personal Sadhana Reports

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada

Querido Gurudeva
por favor acepte mis más humildes reverencias

             HpS - ASA --- AGTSP paoho. Esteemed, BR, so nice to hear from you. Please use Google Translate to translate this letter. It is so, so nice to hear from you. At last a letter from a sane man, a surrealist!

Espero que Usted se encuentre muy bien.

Acá Bhakta Rodrigo de Santiago de Chile.

Yo no he podido escribir a Usted al blog monkey warrior después de su visita a Chile, pero sí yo envié dos correos para usted a: [email protected] pero no sé si Usted recibió mis cartas.

    HpS - If we did not respond we did not get them.

Muchas gracias por su visita, muchas gracias por darme la oportunidad para hacer servicio devocional para Usted y muchísimas gracias por todos sus regalos! Gracias Gurudeva.

¿Cómo estoy yo? En realidad no muy bien. Con varios problemas de salud (problemas del cuerpo, pero que también influyen en mi mente). Mañana espero visitar al médico y hacer varios exámenes. Nuestra energía del cuerpo está baja. Otro problema más: Bajar de peso!  25 Kilos!!!

    HpS - ASA -- Don't worry. Krsna is taking you to your next body one kilo at a time. Really if you leave your body you will get a much, much better one. Maybe even in Gokula.

Nuestro peores enemigos siguen siendo nuestra mente y nuestro cuerpo.

            HpS - http://vedabase.com/es/bg/6/6 You can use your body to honor Prasad. Definitely diet is one of the best medicines. Then you can breath and chant, Pranayama, and that is also super purifying. We also sufer bodily distress and then we regulate the breathing very much. For example, we will take a deep breath and chant as many mantras as we can, and then repeat that several times, you can even go until you have no more air, but you are still moving your lips and tongue to pronounce the mantra, it gives a DEEP regulated squeeze to your body and you can stimulate dis-eased parts very deeply. You can die a happy death.

We you dedicate yourself to chanting nicely for Krsna it may be that it kills you very quickly. It may be that your destiny in Krsna consciousness is to die today.

Cada día estamos luchando contra maya y mis anarthas.  Mis principales anarthas se resumen en: Comer más de lo necesario, dormir más de lo necesario y lujuria.

HpS - It is exactly the same for me, today. I try to exam carefully if I need what I am eating. If I am eating to try to feel good in my muscles but this will cause pain for my liver. Many times we eat improperly because there is not the exact proper food. We have to make the best use of a bad bargain. You see even Prabhupada could not get exactly what he wanted and would even be vomiting as a result, but it was the best available. Also, we lead passionate lives so we eat passionately. If we weren't going out for preaching we could live and eat more simply. But if we don't preach we will be in Maya.

También nos sentimos tristes y muy solos. Nuestra familia (padres, hermanos, tíos, primos, etc) no están interesados en vida espiritual, no están interesados en ser vegetarianos, mucho menos interesados en Conciencia de Krishna.

HpS - Get some association from Temple devotees. Do projects together. 

A veces me siento como la oveja negra de la familia: Ser poeta, ser surrealista, ser vegetariano, intentando ser devoto. Todo esto es muy raro para mi familia.

HpS - It was the same for Jesus, no?

Sinceramente me gustaría poder tener mi propia familia devota (esposa e hijos) y así juntos avanzar en Conciencia de Krishna.

HpS - Best place to do that is in Goloka.

En cuanto al trabajo: Ocupamos demasiadas horas trabajando pero siempre el dinero es poco. Hacemos muchas cosas por amor y sin fines de lucro. Mi maestra de Poesía Stella Díaz Varín vivió enferma, vivió  muy pobre y murió  alcohólica. En general la gran mayoría de los poetas chilenos tienen dificultad para generar dinero.

HpS - Hmmm. You can enter into the music industry a little with the poetry?

El año pasado yo le pregunté a usted porqué sucedía esto y usted me dijo:

 "Laksmi and Sarasvati don't bless the same people" HpS.

Seguimos con nuestra productora “Dharma Comunicaciones”. Este año tenemos proyecto importante junto a la Biblioteca Nacional de Chile, Embajada de Portugal, Instituto Camoes y otras instituciones. Pero lo más difícil es conseguir auspiciadores ($$$$).

Volviendo a Conciencia de Krishna: Se encuentra en Santiago Su Gracia NIRANTARA  dasa  de Nueva York que es discípulo de Srila Prabhupada y nuestro Guru instructor.  Él dio una maravillosa clase para GOURA PURNIMA.    Con Dharma Comunicaciones organizamos conferencia y concierto para ÉL.  Fueron 65 personas muy entusiastas, TODOS ellos cantaron el Maha Mantra.

Ayer Gurudeva Nirantara me dió varias instrucciones para mejorar mi sadhana, mis actividades espirituales. Espero poder cumplir sus instrucciones. En  febrero y marzo muchos problemas para poder cantar mis rondas, tal vez cantamos sólo 8 rondas!!

Querido Gurudeva disculpe esta carta tan larga.

Pd:Van adjuntos fotos de de Usted y profesor Humberto Maturana. fotografías tomadas por Sebastián Riveros Herrera de Dharma Comunicaciones.

“Mi único deseo es tener mi conciencia purificada por las palabras que emanan de su boca de loto… Él abre mis ojos oscurecidos y llena mi corazón con conocimiento trascendental… Él es mi Señor nacimiento tras sentimiento… Por ÉL la ignorancia es destruída… las Escrituras Védicas cantan acerca de su carácter..."

Su aspirante a discípulo,

Bhakta Rodrigo

HpS - ASA - - Whatever austerity you do is going to have an eternal result. Maybe Krsna wants you to leave this current body very quickly! Please send our respects to Nirantara Das!

Send more news in a few days of your progress.

Maharaja reciba mis más humildes y respetuosas reverencias

10 years, 1 month ago by Juan Espejo Thorndike in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Maharaja Srila Swami Hanumatpresaka:

Mi nombre es Bhakta Juan Espejo, nep CONOCEMOS dede HACE UNOS Jahr, me Dedico cols Servicio De Distribuir prasadam (alfajores), junto a mi querida muy Bhaktina Lourdes, Conozco la Conciencia de Krihna from Hace algunos Jahr, él Seguido el Curso de Bhakti Yoga Que dicto Jivasakti Prabhu Durante la ONU Año y le manifeste mi Más sincero Deseo de Estar en contacto Con el usted, ya Que el usted from Siempre me ha inspirado Lo Que es servicio REALMENTE UN devoto y goswami perfecto. 

¿Que Debo HACER párrafo mantenerma Fijo Siempre en Conciencia de Krishna pecado caer en las garras de maya?

Reciba De Todo Corazón mis MAS Humildes Y respetuosas reverencias.

TODAS las Glorias a Srila Prabupada!

TODAS las Glorias a Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu y Su Movimiento de Sankirtan!

HpS - Jaya! AGTSP paoho. Aparece que hay un error en su robot por que muchas errores en su carta no? O es una forma de Espano esoterico no conocido por nosotros.

I know you, yes, and Mataji!

Very nice to have contact with you. Tiene buen relacion con unos de libros de Srila Prabhupada, el libro KRSNA, Biografia de Srila Prabhupada?

Su Japa es util?


Situation mas seguro es Sankirtan, pero eso es basado en mantener buen asociacion de buen devotos y seguir los reglas prescrito por el Acharya.

O.K. Esperamos su rerspuesta con mucho entusiasmo.

Gratitude - Bad Dreams

10 years, 1 month ago by chas d lind in Personal Sadhana Reports, Hot Topics

Dear Maharaja Hanumat Presaka Swami,

Please accept my humble obeisances  All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!!

Was a great Gaura-Prnima  at ISV and we even got to help Hamsa-Priya dd in her new ashram.

A frantic note of thanks for the Prabhupada Journal book, apologies for rabid gratitude, getting closer to closing out Modesto and it’s getting to my tiny brain.

Have even been getting strange dreams, believe some of the gates to this vehicle have been compromised, regardless keep on chanting and practicing the principles. Just have to be even more aware of sense gratifications, seems the mind wants more while I need less. Years of work seem violated in some aspects.

 Anyway, steady as she goes and keep on course!

All glories to your service. Your servant in training,


HpS - ASA -- AGTSP paoho. Yes, because of the birth we have taken and the lives we have lived we will not be able to stop thinking about sense gratification and sometimes, that may spill into bad dreams. Of course, we can agitate that Karma by lots of vegetarian tacos and carmel burfi late at night, but even without that we may get night pollution.


Even more strange Prabhupada says that a devotee should not be too worried by inauspicious dreams because sometimes Krsna sees that we have material desires (have sex with your mother), but rather than having us take a gross birth to experience this (a bull) then he lets us experience it in a dream and we can reject the experience righ there without having to take another birth.

In any case, lets go forward.

Deal with moving like dealing with dying.

Take what you can, need, and leave the rest.

A Little Sankhya

10 years, 1 month ago by hps in Special Category A

On Monday, March 24, 2014 10:54 AM, Sujata Srikanteswaran <[email protected]> wrote:

Hare Krsna Dear Maharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Sri Sri Guru and Gauranga and Srila Prabhupada.

I have a question regarding this verse : What does "The embodiment seen on the eyeballs is called the adhibhautic person" mean. Can you please explain this to me.

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 2.10.8

yo 'dhyātmiko 'yaḿ puruṣaḥ

so 'sāv evādhidaivikaḥ

yas tatrobhaya-vicchedaḥ

puruṣo hy ādhibhautikaḥ


yaḥ — one who; adhyātmikaḥ — is possessed of the sense organs; ayam — this; puruṣaḥ — personality; saḥ — he; asau — that; eva — also; adhidaivikaḥ — controlling deity; yaḥ — that which; tatra — there; ubhaya — of both; vicchedaḥ — separation; puruṣaḥ — person; hi — for; ādhibhautikaḥ — the visible body or the embodied living entity.


The individual person possessing different instruments of senses is called the adhyātmic person, and the individual controlling deity of the senses is called adhidaivic. The embodiment seen on the eyeballs is called the adhibhautic person.

Thank you,



HpS - ASA - AGTSP paoho. This is a great question for our Blog: www.hps.monkeywarrior.com. I will post it all there. We get 500 letters/month without the use of the Blog, but when the questions and answers go public there we get only 150, manageable for  a lazy guy like us.

We are the Atma, we have eyes, ears etc.

The Deities who control all the eyes in the universe are the Daiva person. Like all the fire in the universe is the body of the 49-fire gods. They have a big body. As we control this big personal body made of many cells they control the Body of Fire in the universe as there body and the fire in our bodies is like cells of that.

Then there is the Bhautic or gross world. And that is the things we feel with our hands and the things we see with our eyes.
