
AGTSP pamho  Dear Maharaja  i hope this letter find you ok . I'm bhaktina Lali, i spoke to you on your visit to Bs As to take shelter from you ,( i already did the disciples curse and i have Maha Hari Das recommendation) 4 principles OK  16 daily rounds (all do sometimes its difficult to get it done)and with a fix service on the temple reception and coops My family is being very supportive , they weren't interested before ; but now my mom its reading Prabhupadas books . That is helping me to go forward and want to top myself every day . sorry that it took me so long to write you , the next letter will be soon . Bna Lali 

             HpS - AGTSP "Disciples course". "Disciples curse" means Maldicion de Discipulos. Of course, maybe you didn't like the course and considered it a curse. I have little remembering of you. Can you please write a bio-graphy of yourself and send it? IN general if there is a letter of recommendation and you are following the standard as described in our www.jayarama.us/kd/guru-tattva.txt then certainly you can be initiated. That means you start your formal secondary school studies!!!

Graduation means you play with Krsna.

DTC - Su(13)

10 years ago by hps in DTC

A G T S P !
Here we are 8.39PM in NGD living room Abiseka, Manjari and Mataji are in other rooms. We feel little sick, but that is not surprising considering it is the material world. Seven out of the eleven BIG nails that hold the rain gutter on our roof have come loose from the wind. We found an old ladder in the garage, a hammer and climbed up and pounded two of them back in.

The second rose bush is about 90% dead, so after giving it two weeks of chance to come back we trimmed of the 90% and left the two per cent. With hard work and digging holes for our News Box we are getting good exercise. Then we only do so many hours a day of computer work for the eyes.

We also talked with Abhirama Das in Lima for 1/2-hour. It was so nice to talk with him after about two months. All the university programs are going ahead, but we are both getting a deeper foundation estabilished for our lives.

We did Bhakti vaibahva work with Sri Hari Das.

We are making an appointment to look at a free space in the Global Mall that an Indian friend is offering for a regular Sunday program here.

We are always doing TPP-Composition Book writing.

Then we

came to

NGD Ashrama

about 6PM

and did

some cor e spond dences. Especially we have been having a series of letter exchanges with Prahlada-nrsmha Das from the USA, Bhakta Phillip, after many months of no communication. He is continuing with his determination to distribute pre-1977 BBT books but our relation as Diksa guru is not working at all, so we are wishing him well and certainly accepting that we have not been perfect in the relationship and hoping to be a Vartmana-pradarsika Guru if we can and also hope to get his mercy if possible.

Ultimately Radharani is more powerful, clever, than Durga, and so the tendency is for us to return to Krsna, and as much as we can help things will speed up, and that's good for Krsna!

Letters caught up to 5-days ago. Now we start to work on the Annual Reports.

O.K. Hare Krsna!

See you in Cyber space, Heart Space.

Tomorrow Kapi Dhvaja!

Bhakta Marco de Monterrey

10 years ago by marco in Personal Sadhana Reports

Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada! 

Todas las Glorias a Usted Maharaj!

Mi nombre es Marco y he estado viviendo en el templo de Monterrey (México) desde Mayo del 2013. Canto 16 rondas diariamente y sigo los 4 principios. No he tenido la misericordia de conocerlo en persona pero he escuchado mucho de Usted y Sus pasatiempos me inspiran a servir al movimiento. Gadadhar Gosai y los demás devotos me han ayudado enormemente pero siento que es momento de un cambio. 

Es por eso que he tomado la decisión de servir en la finca Prabhupada Seva con Maha Sankarshan y hacer unos días de Sankirtan cuando me encuentre en la ciudad. 

Espero pueda complacerlo de esta forma y tener Su misericordia cuando esté en México.

Su humilde aspirante,

Bhakta Marco.

                     HpS - Jaya!   Muy bien, y ya que pasa!???

Todas Las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada!!!

Hare Krishna!

TODAS las glorias al eterno Sankirtan de Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu.

TODAS las Glorias a USTED Gurumaharaja

Primero Que Nada espero sí encuentre bien gracias a la misericordia de Sri Krishna.

Ahora ESTAMOS Mucho Mejor, un levantandonos las 5:30 am párr cantar rondas, asistiendo a los Programas y tratando de SERVIR a los Vaisnavas, SEGUIMOS 4 Principios Fijos Y Con El Servicio De Cocinar el boga Los Domingos párr ogrecer un Nitai Gauracandra. 

Gracias a la misericordia de Sri Nityananda ESTAMOS Saliendo un HACER sankirtan los miercoles Con Los Devotos de la Congregación, siguen Aun los Conflictos Pero el centro de la ciudad es Seguro, Vigilancia mucha heno. Ademas iniciamos el Programa de Alimentos para la vida Los Domingos, La Respuesta de las Personas ha Sido muy Positiva, ESTAMOS YENDO un tienguis ONU, tambien TENEMOS Una mesa de libros, sí van Pocos Pero invitamos a las Personas a Los Programas.

Gracias a misericordia do El Deseo de cantar y levantarnos Más Temprano ha Vuelto :) 

ESTAMOS muy entuciasmados Por El alimento para la vida, en las Naciones Unidas del lo ibamos a Principio CADA HACER 15 dias però lo pasamos A Semana Cada, ya Hasta los Encargados del tianguis nos apartan Lugar, estafa sos Bendiciones seguiremos Adelanta tratando de de Me congragación cresca, muy somos caidos y descualificados Pero de Tenemos el gran Deseo de SERVIR una Prabhupada Srila. 

ESTAMOS muy Felices de do pronta visita en Gaura Purnima, GRACIAS POR Ser tan misericordioso y permitirnos servi do sirviente.

Le Ruego disculpe Las ofensas 

do aspirante a sirviente

Bhaktin Linda Janeth

    HpS - ASA ---  TlgaSP. Era feliz visitar a Vds. para Gaura purnima. Ya que pasa. Su carta es escrito en idioma poco raro, no? Es Portugues???

Nitya Kisori reporting

Dear Gurudeva,

Please accept my humble obeisance

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

I am studying a module called "Encountering World Religion". The previous module was about Philosophy of Education. I have to write a paper on the contribution of Montessori schools. My marks are good, I am happy [about] that although English is not perfect, it doesn't affect so much my ability to express my ideas in my writings.
I like the College, and I really like the career, however I am not completely satisfied, the quality of the modules is not constant, and the atmosphere is often charged with different challenges (administrative, social). I am considering of continuing the same career in UK. I think it may be more consistent. I feel afraid, because that option will be much more expensive, and changes is always challenging. I think I will need to work in parallel or even take a loan. I am trying to get enough information to take a mature [decision] information.

I also feel very challenged in my spiritual life. I am more critical, in the way that I [am] questioning myself in the deepness of my believes [beliefs]. How I can make my blind faith become realized faith. But I feel confused about that.

As I told you previously, I am having problems with my rounds. Sometimes I felt that there is not real connection, thus it doesn't make a big difference to not finish my rounds.

        HpS - ASA ---- AGTSP paoho. It makes a BIG difference. Even if we don't have an intellectual connection what to speak of a meditation or emotional connection, doing our rounds in Karma yoga. By Karma yoga we come to Jnana, Dhyana and Bhakti yoga. Just do them because God wants you to do them.

Although, now I see I have more doubts, but I don't know if it is [a] result of a weakened practice or the weakened practice is result of the doubts.

   HpS - It is a cycle. So you can improve it at any point and the other part will improve.

I am sorry I was not enough and sincere to identify my level before taking my commitments. However, my spirit remains surrendered and willing to take shelter in Krsna Consciousness as my dearest way to understand life.

Krsna Consciousness makes completely sense for me, just I need to deepen my realization to be able to be a successful practitioner, and not just maintain a superficial understanding. However I remember you told me that it will help me to practice even in a mechanical way. I accept that, but it is hard to do it as a daily practice. Please forgive my lack of maturity.

Your servant, Nitya Kisori dd

HpS - ASA -- It seems that we should have answered this letter immediately, but we could not, because of our own sinful nature and because of the actual circumstances of our service. In any case here is our answer. How are you now?

Are you chanting 16-rounds a day, even if they are not with attention?


10 years ago by kitri das in Other

AGTSP HARE KRISHNA Maharaj. Accept My respectful obeisances at the dust of your lotus feet.

           HpS - ASA - - - Locos feet.

My name is Camilo I'm from. Buenos Aires. I have decided to write this letter because I feel the need to ask you about spiritual refugee. I'm Living in Sydney since two weeks ago, going to the temple and getting association from the monks and looking for the way to serve properly at the sankirtana movement. I'm looking forward to submit you a Recommendation letter from maha-hari prabhu. I have been connected through startmeeting few times and I liked very much. Maybe you don't Remember me, but in the last initiations you did in Buenos Aires, I remembered that you sweetly knocked my back on the circumambulation of the kunda . I haven't more. Time to write now, sorry. I hope you are okay. Thank u for your time and service. AGTSP HARE Krishna maharaja At your service, Camilo.

             HpS - No I don't, AGTSP, remember you!!  Hmmm! We are so unfotunate. Look at www.jayarama.us/kd/guru-tattva.txt!