Kardama Muni and Devahuti ,cap 21, textos:7,8,9

9 years, 9 months ago by Radha Japa in Special Category B

Amado Guru Maharaja please acepte mis humildes reverencias a sus pies de loto [loco], todas las glorias a srila prabhupada, todas las glorias a sri sri Radha MADHANA vIHARI!!

Espero haya pasado hermosas fiestas trascendentales de sri balarama y sri krsna janmastami!! aqui le envio los comentarios.

HpS - ASA - Jaya Prabhupada, Jaya Prabhupada, Jaya Prabhupada, Jaya Prabhupada!  Pasando Balarama Purnima en Boise. Era muy bien! Orando para poder ser buen devotos!!!

Espersando lo encuentro bien  yt feliz; 

Tratando de complacerlo:, su discipula:  japa prati jalpa Radha dd.

SB 3.21.7 — Durante ese período de penitencia, adorando por medio de servicio devocional en trance a la Personalidad de Dios, que otorga rápidamente toda bendición a aquellos que recurren a Él en busca de protección, el sabio Kardama logró Su favor.


Kardama Muni adoro a Sri Krsna por medio de la meditación, que en esa Era, Satya Yuga, era el proceso recomendado para alcanzar el amor puro, el servicio devocional amoroso a Sri Krsna. Srila Prabhupada explica que en esta Era, Kali Yuga, no podemos siquiera sentarnos a meditar por una hora sin que la mente se distraiga. Es por eso que el canto del santo nombre del Señor es el método en esta Era. Se dice en el verso que El señor nos otorgara toda bendición a  aquellos que recurrimos a El en busca de protección. Como Krsna mismo dice en el Bhagavad Gita 18.66 “Abandona toda clase de religión y sencillamente, entrégate a Mí. Yo te libraré de toda reacción pecaminosa. No temas”. Aquí vemos que  nuestro Señor Krsna nos promete que El nos protegerá de todas las reacciones pecaminosas, sencillamente tenemos que entregarnos a El, dejando que El guíe nuestras vidas, convirtiéndolo en el conductor de nuestra vida. Como decía el señor Jesucristo  “que se haga Tu voluntad y no la mía.”

Maharajá Bhakti Thirta [Tirtha] Swami decía también una frase muy linda: Mi querido Señor todo lo que me acerque a tu servicio amoroso deja que se manifieste y venga a nosotros y todo lo que me aleje de tu servicio, permite que sea quitado. En una clase nuestro querido Guru Maharaja explica: nosotros podemos hacer planes para servir a Krsna, pero el mejor plan es cantar Hare Krsna; Pero debido a que aun no estamos en ese nivel, podemos planear servirlo con la ocupación  que tenemos de acuerdo con nuestra condición psico- fisica y si realmente queremos complacer al Señor, El nos va ir mostrando el plan que tiene con nosotros”. 
Aquí se confirma que el sabio Kardama Muni logro el favor de Govinda.

SB 3.21.8 — Entonces, en Satya-yuga, la Suprema Personalidad de Dios de ojos de loto, complacido, Se manifestó ante Kardama Muni y le reveló Su forma trascendental, que sólo por medio de los Vedas se puede entender.


La suprema Personalidad de Dios Sri Krsna, aquel que posee ojos como pétalos de una flor de loto, se complace mucho cuando un alma rendida como Sri Kardama se entrega completamente a El. En realidad como explica Srila Prabhupada, el señor Krsna esta mas ansioso de llevarnos con El que lo que estamos nosotros mismos. Y de una u otra manera, nos muestra Su misericordia de acuerdo con el esfuerzo y avance que tenga el devoto. Así que, mostrando Su misericordia con su devoto, el sabio Kardama Muni, se Le presento en su forma trascendental. Se explica en el Néctar de la Devoción, Pág. 45: “De las muchas clases de devotos de la suprema personalidad de Dios, el que se siente atraído a la forma original del señor, la de Krsna en Vrndavana, se considera que es el principal, o el devoto de primera clase. Un devoto de esa categoría nunca se siente atraído a las opulencias de Vaikuntha, y ni siquiera a las de Dwaraka, la ciudad real en donde gobernó Krsna. La conclusión de Sri Rupa Gosvami es que los devotos que se sienten atraídos  a los pasatiempos del señor Krsna en Gokula o Vrndavana son los devotos mas elevados de todos”. Es muy afortunado aquel que esta apegado a la forma de dos manos de Sri Krsna, esta forma es muy difícil de entender para los filósofos mayavadis o especuladores. Las escrituras vèdicas que son como nuestra madre nos dan el conocimiento para entender los tres aspectos de la verdad absoluta. Brahman, Paramatma y Bhagavan. 

Brahman.- son como los rayos de sol que emanan del Sol. Es decir en la naturaleza material podemos ver un breve destello del mundo espiritual como las flores cuando brotan, el mar, la naturaleza. Toda la naturaleza en conjunto es parte del gran cuerpo trascendental del Señor.

Paramatma.- es el aspecto localizado del Señor Krsna que esta situado en el corazón de toda las entidades vivientes. Esta es la forma en la que meditan los Yoguis. Podemos escucharla cuando sentimos una “corazonada” para realizar o dejar alguna actividad. Nos esta guiando siempre y al purificarnos  podemos escucharla y no confundirla con nuestra mente cuando emite sus deseos.

Bhagavan.- Es el aspecto Personal de Sri Krsna. Esta forma es maravillosa y es la forma original que se manifiesta eternamente en el mundo espiritual: Goloka Vrndavana, es la forma con la que apareció en Gokula, Vraja; para realizar sus pasatiempos trascendentales y llenar de placer a sus devotos.

SB 3.21.9 — Kardama Muni vio a la Suprema Personalidad de Dios, que está libre de contaminación material, en Su forma eterna, refulgente como el Sol. Llevaba un collar de lotos blancos y de nenúfares. El Señor iba vestido de inmaculadas sedas amarillas, y las oscuras ondas de Su sedoso cabello embellecían Su rostro de loto.


A la suprema personalidad de Dios no la tocan las modalidades materiales (bondad, pasión e ignorancia). Los devotos puros como Srila Prabhupada tampoco son tocados por la energía marginal de Sri Krsna. Si los devotos seguimos las instrucciones de los devotos puros y obtenemos Su misericordia, podemos llegar a alcanzar el nivel de devoción pura y podemos vivir en este mundo sin ser contaminados por el, sino al contrario, podemos ayudar a otras almas a que también logren el objetivo de la vida humana.

HPS - Jaya! Super. Meditacion por medio de Hare Krsna Mantra!!!!  Cada vez cantamos estamos mas atraido cantar mas!!!

Kardama Muni And Devahuti:siguientes tres versos en iingles

9 years, 9 months ago by Radha Japa in Special Category B

SB 3.21.4 - 

How many children fathered the great yogi in the princess, who was endowed with the eight yogic perfections?!, Oh please let me say this, as I am eager to hear it. 


The Wise Vidura asks, with interest, to Rsi Maitreya, few Kardama Muni begot sons who appoints as a great Yogi. This interest of Sri Vidura is very representative, because the more there is in the public interest, he feels more inspired. In chapter thirteen of the book Krishna 1 Srila Prabhupada explains that Sukadeva Goswami Maharaja Pariksit much encouraged when asked why the cowherd did not discuss the death of Aghasura until after he had been a year. He explained thus: "My dear King, because your curiosity, do most refreshing theme of the transcendental pastimes of Krsna" Here we can see how important it is that the listening public is really interested in the exhibition of the speaker, this causes both public and speaker mutually benefit. 

Srila Prabhupada says in the text, the nature of a devotee is to consistently apply your mind, your energy, your words, your ears, etc., in hearing and chanting about Krsna. This is called Krsna consciousness, and to one who is absorbed in hearing and chanting about Krsna, the issue never becomes trite or old. In this statement we can see how Vidura was interested in knowing the details of the pastimes of Lord Kapila and his devotees. Srila Prabhupada explains that the important topics have this contrast material issues. Materials issues become stale, and no one can hear a particular topic for a long time, a change is needed. But when it comes to the transcendental subject, is called Nitya-Navyamana, which means you can continue singing and listening and never feel tired, rather, it will stay fresh and eager to hear more and more. 

In the SB (3.20.6) tells Saunaka Rsi Suta Goswami: Oh, Suta Gosvami !, all good fortune be with you! Please nárranos activities of the Lord, which are completely magnanimous and worthy of glorification. What kind of devotee should feel full of nectarine pastimes of the Lord? We see this same mood in Sri Vidura when Maitreya Rsi Question by topic. 

In the Bhagavad Gita (4.34) Srila Prabhupada explains the qualities required for a disciple: ask questions, be submissive and serve, the combination of these three qualities one can make spiritual realization. When the student is submissive and is always ready to render service, the reciprocation of knowledge and inquiries becomes perfect. Here we can see the example in Sri Vidura addresses Maitreya Rsi. Likewise, when the spiritual master is pleased, blesses the disciple with genuine spiritual understanding, then we see that the secret is to please the bona fide spiritual master. 

Sri Devahuti, Kardama Muni's wife was a princess who had the same innumerable virtues and perfections yogic her husband. One of the mystic perfections of Kardama was that he could understand the feelings, because he could study the heart of anyone. Refers to the wise Vidura Kardama Muni as a great yogi and Devahuti that was equipped with eight yogic perfections. In the third canto of Srimad Bhagavatam (3.21.15) Srila Prabhupada explains in his purport about the need for husband and wife have equal and similar natures provisions because they will be happy to join. Kardama Muni and Devahuti are the perfect example. 

SB 3.21.5 - 

Oh, tell me how holy sage !, generated Ruci adorable children and Daksha, son of Brahma, after obtaining the other two wives daughters Svāyambhuva Manu. 


In the fourth canto of SB (1.1) Srila Prabhupada explains that Svayambhuva Manu was the son of Brahma. Brahma had many more children, but the name of Manu is especially mentioned first because he was a great devotee of the Lord. Manu was a prajapati Svayambhuva, who's mission is to bear children; one following the instruction of Brahma, developed this manifested universe. 

He had three daughters: Akuti, Devahuti and Prasuti. Devahuti married Kardama Muni as her husband, took Akuti Ruci and Prasuti Daksa. Manu Svayambhuva addition to the three daughters mentioned, also had two children. It is an example to see how Manu did his duty by marrying their daughters with suitable husbands at the right age. 

SB 3.21.6 - 

  The great saint Maitreya replied: Appointed by Lord Brahma to populate worlds with their descendants, the lovable Kardama Muni practiced penance on the banks of Sarasvati River for ten thousand years. 


Four Eras that rotate as the seasons, these are: 

-Satya Yuga, the golden era, where life lasted 100,000 years. Meditation is practiced to develop love for Krsna. 

-tetra Yuga, the age of silver, where life lasted 10,000 years. 

-Dvapara Yuga, the age of copper, where life lasted 1000 years. 

Kali Yuga, the age of iron, the current era, where life lasts 100 years and even that at present, is very little. This was the only way to achieve pure love of Krsna is the chanting of His holy names, Hare Krishna maha mantra. 

As the verse says: 

harer nama nama harer 

harer namaiva kevalam 

kalau nasty eva nasty eva 

gatir nasty eva anyatha 

"In this age of quarrel and hypocrisy, the only means of deliverance is chanting the holy name of the Lord. No other way. No other way. There is no other way "(Brhan-naradiya Purana 38.126). 

In Satya yuga practiced meditation to reach awaken pure love for Krsna. As the era lasted 100,000 years, it is understood that Kardama Muni practiced penance for ten thousand years of the 100,000 years that lasted a life in that era. He is said, practiced his penance on the banks of River Sarasvati. The sacred rivers are ideal places where sages performed austerities because when bathing them, purify us from all past sinful activities. In the mantra: Gange ca yamune caiva, godavari sarasvati narmade sindho kaveri yale sanidhim Kurum smin, using the second initiation devotees to convert ordinary water into water of Ganges, the most important sacred rivers are named: Ganges, Yamuna, Godavari, Sarasvati, Narmada, and Kaveri Sindho. Therefore the Sarasvati River there since that time and is considered a holy river. 

Dear Gurudev, I have a question here. I have understood that the worship of the deity and the realization of sacrificial ceremonies were methods to achieve pure love of Krsna, but I could not find that it was practiced each of these, which was practiced in Tetra yuga and Dvapara Yuga . Please could we indicate this? 

ASA - Fire Sacrifice in Treta yuga and Deity worship is for Dvapara yuga, but if we become purified by Hari-nama Sankirtan we can do both even in the Kali yuga!

I thank Him for His help and ask for His blessings continue these comentarios.Si you see any errors on them, please correct me can I ask in order to better understand the meanings of Srila Prabhupada. 

Thank you very much for your loving support and understanding. 

Trying to be your servant: Radha dd jalpa prati japa.

ASA - These are very purifying for us. Maybe you can involve more people in the discussion, reading. We are sure to have incredible results from doing this. Our respects to Swami Franco!

Is remarriage O.K?

9 years, 9 months ago by hps in Special Category B, Hot Topics

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Please accept our humble obeisances and well wishes.

Question is, can a girl get remarried?

"Actually the qualified brāhmaṇas are meant to give direction to the kings for proper administration in terms of the scriptures like the Manu-saṁhitā and Dharma-śāstras of Parāśara." [http://vedabase.com/en/sb/1/9/27]


"Parasara Dharma Sastra - CHAPTER IV

28. When her husband is missing, or is dead, or has renounced the world, or is impotent, or has been degraded by sin, — on any of the said five calamities befalling a woman, law has ordained another husband for her. 

29. If a woman has led a continent life, after her lord 
departed this life, she wins a region of bliss after her death, 
like to the well-known male observers of a celebate life. 

30. If a woman follows her departed lord, by burning 
herself on the same funeral pile, she will 'dwell in heaven " for as many years as there are hairs on the human frame, —
which reach the number of three crores and a half. 
31. As a snake-catcher seizes a venomous serpent by 
force, and from within its hole lifts it up; so does a wife 
deliver her lord from the torments of hell, and then rejoices 
[in heaven] with him. "       [http://bhati.org/archives/nios-pds090904.pdf]


We read another translation where is said that 1st class is to follow her departed husband in the same fire of sacrifice. If he takes Sannyasa she becomes a Sannyasini like Visnu-priya followed Lord Caitanya. This is like 30-31 in the translation above.

2nd class is like text 29. She doesn't take sannyasa or sati, but doesn't get remarried, follows Brahmacaria.

3rd class is that she gets remarried, but in the other translation it said six years.

We went through this in our life. In some ways we basically took Sannyasa. We became Hare Krsna's. Of course, our wife could have followed us more strictly and then it would have gradually adjusted, but she got remarried instead. I don't belittle her at all. She was a VERY, VERY nice person. It was just too tough for her or me to solve the problems. I never got remarried.
But she got remarried after like six years, and intuitively before I had read this it seemed correct.


SB 7.11.25-27 Srila Prabhupada gives very detailed advice. Read it all! For example:
"If her husband is fallen, it is recommended that she give up his association. Giving up the association of her husband does not mean, however, that a woman should marry again and thus indulge in prostitution. If a chaste woman unfortunately marries a husband who is fallen, she should live separately from him. Similarly, a husband can separate himself from a woman who is not chaste according to the description of the śāstra. The conclusion is that a husband should be a pure Vaiṣṇava and that a woman should be a chaste wife with all the symptoms described in this regard. Then both of them will be happy and make spiritual progress in Kṛṣṇa consciousness."

                  So... it is a rather robust topic. The general principle is: Follow the four principles and chant 16 nice rounds daily in the association of devotees. Then practical details of Dharma will become clear.
How can we consider our actions good if they hurt anyone. We should try to do austerities for the benefit of everyone and Krsna will give a solution to our ashrama situation.

Whatever we do we should take some time to see the situtation clearly with good advice.

If a girl separates from her husband because he is chronically lax in the regulative principles, then at least give it a year of strict brahmacarini life in association of devotees before making any other decisions about looking for a new partner, no?

Any questions, comments complaints?

TKG book reflections (part 2: ch. 4 to the end)

9 years, 10 months ago by Namacarya das in Special Category B

Hare Krsna dear Guru Maharaja <img alt="smiley" height="23" src="http://hps-d6.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/regular_smile.png" title="smiley" width="23" />. Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!<img alt="heart" height="23" src="http://hps-d6.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/heart.png" title="heart" width="23" />

Chapters 4 to the end

Wow! I am impressed greatly by the given text. Such a nice summary of KC which although a summary is very profound – having and sharing intellectual penetration and emotional depth. 

(In a way) it was an easier reading then starting chapter which was dealing with different studies of ISKCON.  Maybe because the content was more familiar.

 I could highlight all the text from these chapters. It would be a one big note of KC, about KC. It is nicely presented, I guess also scholarly (that I cannot comment as do not have much experience with academic texts). I was shaken to the bones (tears) by reading the explanation about Krsna’s love calling. This book gives a strong impetus to read, study and apply SP’s books in one’s own life. With respect I proclaim my gratitude to TKG and Garuda Prabhu for such a wonderful work.

As all this said let me share some points and questions:

  • Paribhasa sutra of SB not only controls all other SB texts but also other Puranas (Does it for other Vedic texts?).
    HpS - ASA - I would guess so. All the Vedas are looking for God and of all the incarnations the best one to find is Nanda nandanan!
  • Seva is said (by whom?) to be the meaning of bhaj, bhakti’s root.
    I don't know. The Nirukti and Amara kosa are two dictionarys that Srila Prabhupada quotes.
  • TKG:”Srila Prabhupada, how many are there pure devotees in the world?”. SP: ”75 (which was number of ISKCON members [initiated or not] at the time)”.
  • Followed the texts of two footnotes:
    1. SP lecture :”Spiritual aesthetics”, where SP depreciates the need for musical expertise and knowledge of Sanskrit pronunciation to chant HK and kirtan,
    2. Kesava Bharati Goswami’s story of his mother taking to bhakti yoga on the end of her life after a life of disapproval.
  • Question: What is SP's final order about association with his godbrothers and their organizations ? Can ISKCON devotees get inspiration from them or will  get confused?
    Of course, even in the NoI there is the comment that he was surrounded by neophyte Godbrothers who nothing about spreading Krsna consciousness and rather tried to pull the preachers down to their level. Besides that I don't remember anything very specific in his books that Prabhupada said. I think there is the general discrimination of identitfying people in any tradition according to their advancement, NOI 4-6, and then associating according to that principle, no?

I am going to recommend this book heartily to everyone (who is ready to deal with academic wordings).

Thank you Guru Maharaja.

Your servant Namacarya das

HpS - ASA - We are about half way through the book. It is hard for us to read because of the small type, but we also find it very delightful. I think the earlier parts are more stimulating to us becuase we lived through the cult-contoversy era and have personal experience of the academic things he cites. The thing that has been the most stimulating to us to far has been in the section on Pramana, evidential sources, where TKG lists all the specific books that Prabhupada was using to write his purports. Also, we are impressed with the volume of reading that he has done. Knowing Maharaja as I did a little bit I think that he may have had many research assitants reading and reporting for him also.
The book does seem essential to our academic preaching, establishing Prabhupada as a Theologian, not just a clever hippy cult leader.

URGENTE: Latin American Congress on Education in ISKCON (02)

All Glories to Sri Sri Radha Syamasundara
All Glories to Sri Sri Gaura Nitay
All Glories to Srila Prabhupada

Please Dear Gurudev, accept my humble obeisances
First of all, this report with questions about the congress ends huge. I know that is no the idea, but, i'm sure that with your always essential answers we can do a service much better and we don't bother you too much after this.

·After your last reply we have had two god brothers meetings and the followers news came from it.

· The devotees here are very enthusiastic with the idea to manage this symposia. So, according with our talking with Param Padam and you, the final date for the “I Latin American Congress on Education in ISKCON” is Friday 30th January to Sunday 1st ,ie, your last weekend in Chile.

The updates now:

1) Name and Generals Points

Just for the time I thought quickly in a slogan to accompany the title, and even put the slogan larger than the original title, namely, I Latin American Congress on Education in ISKCON, and is:

Experiencias y Propuestas en el arte de cultivar el espíritu.”

We thought that this slogan may help to give a general guideline due is the first congress, so in that way we can at least, guide this international meeting, first of all, to the details about what`s really happening right now on the education in ISKCON in this far region of the world, sharing experiences and according these experiences; what is the general proposal for improve, and everything and always in a unity spirit.

But, now I think that it could be a little ambiguous, not too much tangible. So, what do you think about the slogan idea?, Maybe you can propose other one.

HpS - ASA --- AGTSP! O.K. Date is on our Calendar. What about ISKCON and Education: The Oldest Educational System in the World, Meets the Newest Educational Challenges in America.

2) Financial Issues:

    Due the enthusiasm of devotees like Priyasakhi, Sri Pati, Raga Sindhu and others, arise different good ideas to get money for bring here the suitable exhibitors and lecturers. For examples, music concert, festival, prasadam, and even, caps and t-shirts. Actually, Raga Sindhu did a budget already with the tickets of the speakers, is more or less USD 3000.

    On the other hand, i'm curious with one sentence of your last reply to me: “We can even get outside participation and sponsors because Education in ISKCON is a Premier Program for Global Perspectives in Education..” With outside participation you are referring to other devotees communities or to non-devotees institutions, like enterprises and foundations???? Premier Program for Global perspectives in Education... “in the world”, you say? Excuse me gurudev, I did'n understand that part. But, I agree with the idea to get sponsors.

    HpS - ASA - I am not sure exactly what I meant, but as we develop we could ask people like the GBC to suggest sponsors for some of the expenses. In Texas we charged $50 for each participant and gave Becas, Scholarships for poor people.

    Finally, in relation with this point. We could see the fees in the North American Symoposio (NAS) were $51, so, our question is: We should reply this system; to ask fees and give a CD with all conferences?. May be $40 here. My other question: Is the same price to the tele-conference participants, international visitors and local devotees? The prasada were included?

    HpS - ASA - Aaaah!  We are thinking the same way. Prasadam and accomodations were separate, so teleconference and gross presence were the same fees.

    3) Speakers:

    [Suggestions withheld until they are contacted]

    In relation to speakers we have some proposals and questions:

    • The titles and topics of their conferences should be suggest by us or is their decision?

    • Is possible to have for this Congress some of the speakers from the last NAS in Houston? With Ambarish we talked that there is a special interest in Urmila, and his [her] experience with school children. Is possible that she can visit Chile in that time?. Or Sesa Prabhu or Prana das?

    • Also, i'm starting a contact with IES (Iskcon Educational Services ies.iskcon.org) from London to other teleconference if is possible. They have a experience in formal education but, maybe the devotees from Canada also can.

    • What is your opinion, considering that the topics will cover all educational level, pre-school, et al, to Invite some leader in Education from the Adventist church, famous here for their vegetarianism and to win the chorus contests and other arts. In just one presentation we can know more deeply their success experience (www.educacionadventista.cl) and some of the legal issues to install a school here.

    1. Other Points

    • In relation with your question: Also, so many people can attend if it is done well by tele-conferencing. Are you familiar with that in Santiago? Honestly, we are not familiar with tele-conference system here. Just webex thank Param Padam and you, Starmeeting thank you, and the new and improved hangouts from Google, and a little ustream. Is just that.

    • I designed two ads. One of them is for webs, lika a banner to put in iskcondesiretree webpage, and other local ISKCON websides. The other one is bigger and include the faces of some speakers. (I'm sending the last one poster to your mail now because like I told you, we don't want post publicly the names and either pictures of the speakers yet. Also, I will send in that mail a tentative general program).

    • Mainly the publicity of this event will be on internet but we are thinking other methods like to send physical invitations to the congregations from other temples in the region.

    • Excuse us guru maharaj for our over dependence of you, clearly we are a third class of disciple :'( .

    Finally, and on complete other hand: in relation with the external programs (between 26-29 january). It will be two, and our dear and kind Rodrigo is responsible. We had a good interchange of ideas and information in the last meeting, the last sunday. But we will notify you about that after this Congress issues.

    Thank you very much for your patience, time and attention.

    My eternal reverences to you dear gurudev,

    Jagad Guru Das

                          HpS - AGTSP paoho. How is the Brother/Godbrother. San Carlos????
    From our Experience in doing this with BSDamodara Swami, BI et al.

    1. Make a formal Organizing Committee. I nominate you as the Working Chairman and local GBC as Honorary Chairman.

    2. Get a responsible Communications Secretary that you can work with.

    3. Get a Treasurer.

    4. Get and Advisory Board. I recommend us, Param-padam and anyone else who agrees to help.

    5. I would focus on the theme of a) Identifying who "we" are and "what are our personal passions in education", b) How we can communicate effectively eg. letters, blogs, web-page, periodicals, meetings and c) make a calendar for planning a better meeting next year.

    We only have a little time for this first event, so we should only try to do a little: Meet each other, make ways to effectively communicate. Plan the next meeting with more details.

    Friday evening - Reception. Get to know each other.

    Saturday morning - lectures

    Saturday Afternoon- Workshops

    Saturday Evening - Entertainment

    Sunday morning - Closure.   This is one model.

    We can present "Philosophy of Education: Basic Goals and Methods".

    Have summary of local, regional and international education realities in ISKCON.

    If outside people want to come or are needed then O.K. Other wise, next time.

    Next time Thurday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday.

    Is O.K?
    In Peru Laksmana agraja Das is President of NIMSAR and Candramukhi Devi Dasi is very active. Patraka Das can get you in touch with both of them.

    You need three major presenters and three workshop leaders and many people who can make short, 5-minute presentations and ask questions. Record it well. Edit it a little bit, get it out and start planning next year.

    tpp cb

    hare krisna gurudev!!

    please accept my humble obeisances,

    all glories to Srila Prabhupada!!

    if it is possible i want a copy of tpp cb 8

    now i have a new postal adress which is cordoba 3412 mar del plata, buenos aires argentina, zip code 7600.

    i moved sama our health center, now a new challenge, ayurvedic style sankirtan.

    i think that this tpp cbs are pure nectar, as you said the backbone of ASA. esoteric reading from an esoteric branch.

    we already made three copies to local devotees and are sending two copies to peru next week.

    we are asking devotees who receive the copies if it is possible to them to make two copies each to distribute.

    we would like also to know who has tpp cb 1,2,3,4 and 7 so we get the whole collection.

    your words heal. Mistic magic, supersoul. i'm keeping the pace with my rounds, UTSAHA!!

    HpS - ASA - AGTSP paoho. Japa, Japa, Japa!  Get up early and get your rounds done.
    As soon as we finish this little mail we will go for printing Tpp-Cb8 and make a copy for MDP, Lokanatha Das and anyone else we see in the few more recent letters.

    CB1-7 are in folders just across he room. We can talk with Uncle Piggy about making copies and sending to the New Govardhana, Ayurvedic Ashrama.

    At your lotus feet,

    Nikunja Bihari das.