Mr. Peanut

3 years, 5 months ago by hps in Special Category B

asa-e, mr. peanut, s/a prasadam

AgtSP! paoho/bw. We buy 1-oz. Planter's Peanuts packages in boxes of fifty. They're cheap that way. Then we Sri Visnu them! Offer them to Lord Nrsmhadeva, put on our ASA sticker and distribute them liberal as God's own crumbs!

Because they are plastic-packed and the familiar face of Mr. Peanut is there, no one doubts their purity.

Mr. Peanut was born in 1928. That's what Webster told us today.

We were out for a morning walk around our block, and he assailed us friendly. Shirt was soiled, breath was foiled, but he was all hands-on-deck for battle.

We had a pack of P-nut Prasad in our belly-sack and flacked him in a second. Later a calling card. While he held forth on the origin of the species (Mr. Peanut).

We've noticed that Mr. Peanut has:

  1. A graceful three-fold bending posture,
  2. A third-eye,
  3. A Danda.
  4. A B'cari he be, it seems to we.

We were thinking thus and then the voice of Guilty Conscience said, "Why are you always so whimsical! Can't you be serious!", and the second we thought that, on the hedge leading up to our Ranga-niketana camp was an empty Mr. P-nut wrapper!!!

Mr. Pnut is a partial incarnation of The Divine Spirit.

Also, we saw a painting once with many Mr. Peanuts with wings fly upwards titled, "Mr. Peanut Goes to Heaven".

Prasadam and Kirtan for the Masses, books for the classes.


Petición de Siksa guru

3 years, 5 months ago by bhaktapiero in Special Category B

ASA[e] guru-tattva, siks guru

Hare Krishna Grudeva

Por favor acepte mi humildes reverencias

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada

Quiero preguntarle, si es que usted me permite tomar la guía formal, siksa, de Su Santidad Yadunandana Swami.

HpS - AGTSP. Jayapataka Swami has some more formal structure in his relations with other siksa gurus and his disciples. I don't look at it in such formal way.

Anyone one who enlivens us en devotional service by citing from the presious acharyas or relevant scriptures is a Siksa guru.

The teach according to their level and natue.


I think you will be very well situated to accept Yadunandana Swami and Srila Prabhupada as tow of your Siksa gurus and me as one who has initiated you according to the scriptures. Annual report. Siksa and sisya naturally with FMP etc. etc.

Hace ya un tiempo que tenemos una comunicación de manera online y siento mucha inclinación por su prédica. Creo que el puede guiarme, para así seguir sirviendo las instrucciones que usted me ha entregado y las que nos ha dejado Srila Prabupada.

Espero su respuesta.

Su pequeño sirviente

Piyari Mohan das

Caturthi - Reading Update

3 years, 5 months ago by sugopiradha in Special Category B

Hare Krishna, guru maharaja. Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Recently, I have been reading about Jung's student years. This section broadly sheds light on the "dreams" aspect in the title "memories, dreams, and reflections." Specifically, Jung discusses his first deep reflection on life after death when his father passed away. Following his father's death, Jung focuses on his quest to determine a profession for himself.

An important thread in the major life events that Jung discussed is his reliance on dreams. After his father's passing, Jung claimed that he saw his father in a few dreams. Within the dreams, Jung's father said that he would return home. As a result of the dream, Jung felt "ashamed" for occupying his father's room and for thinking that his father no longer existed. Yet another time, when in doubt about what he should make his career, Jung dreamed of investigating intriguing creatures and digging in the wild. Through such dreams, it became clear to Jung that he should study science.

Generally, I've seen that individuals take dreams to be some sort of imagination or fantasy. However, it remains interesting to see how Jung took his dreams so seriously, to the extent that he remembered them even in his old age. He believed that they had a direct bearing on his immediate reality in the world. Consequently, he allowed his life to be shaped by them.

When I was reading Jung's book, I was trying to recollect our KC perspective on dreams. I remembered how Srila Prabhupada explained that when one sees gold and mountains in real life, those two elements amalgamate and appear as imaginary golden mountains in dreams. I have also heard from you, guru maharaja, that Krishna, showing mercy to His devotees, helps them burn their Karma by experiencing bad dreams rather than painful situations in real life. Lastly, I also remembered how various devotees mention that dreams regarding Krishna and the spiritual master should not be understood as imaginary and should be considered real.

Thank you so much for patiently tolerating me, guru maharaja. I pray for your mercy and blessings.

your insignificant servant,

Sugopi Radha Devi dasi

HpS - Yes, it is in one purport that Srila Prabhupada comments that sometimes we have inauspicious dreams so that we can pass through certain animalistic, insect, desires without having to take another birth, also, that dreams of Krsna and the Spiritual Master at not ORDINARY.

Other dreams are like experiencing the gross world. Thoughts come according to the laws of psychic nature and cities, trees, parks according to the laws of gross nature.

How do we interpret gross nature.??? Hmmm?

So interpreting dreams may be subject to the same standard.


Next year seminars at the Campus.

Caturthi - Reading Update

3 years, 5 months ago by sugopiradha in Special Category B

Hare Krishna, guru maharaja. Please accept my most humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

I have continued my reading. I read about Jung's first few trips, his reactions to the so called freedom that awaits one as one grows older in terms of being able to consume intoxicants, associate with the opposite sex, etc. He also explains his struggle in deciding what his profession would be, since he had a deep interest in both the sciences and the humanities.

What interested me the most, however, was this statement of his: "[Plants] were living beings which had meaning only so long as they were growing and flowering - a hidden, secret meaning, one of God's thoughts. They were to be regarded with awe and contemplated with philosophical wonderment" (83). Here, I feel that knowledge of the Virat Rupa would be very beneficial for Jung to deepen his "wonderment," looking at Krishna's beautiful creation. I remembered how you often say, guru maharaja, that flowers are Krishna's smile, grass is Krishna's hair, etc.

This is what has stood out to me this time, guru maharaja. I will continue reading.

Your insignificant servant,

Sugopi Radha Devi dasi

HpS - Super. I hope Prof. Harsh can collect these in ASA[e]. Yes, we feel that possible Jung's Bhava was above virat rupa and below paramatma, maybe hiranya garbha. Very high! Hope always we find a Jungian who wants to learn SB, NOD....