NIMSAR New stage report
We are really happy that U are with us in Peru.... really HAPPY <img alt="" src="" title="" />...
Today we have a very nice meeting with U and almost all.....Here is our new board:
MENTOR: HH Hanumatpresaka Swami <img alt="" src="" title="" />
President: Laksman Agraja das <img alt="" src="" title="" />
Development of Curriculum: M Rohini and M Anangamanjari <img alt="" src="" title="" />
Treasurer: Patrada Das <img alt="" src="" title="" />
Secretary: Candramukhi dd <img alt="" src="" title="" />
The period is from Gaura purnima till Janmastami jayyyyyy ¡¡¡¡
We are going to work in a more organize way for instance the department of secretary is going to have a regular Book of the Minutes of the Meetings.
We are still struggling with the legalization issue.. Hope Krsna helps us....
The treasurer is going to talk to different people and then he will come to a conclusion and know how to administrate the money.
In chosica every saturdays some of us are going to start a Pada padma course after govinda we will start on March 11th.... the study never ends is unlimited... we must study this two cantos our whole life. So please we will be very happy if U come each saturday and join us.... jay ¡¡¡
Also as before we all together are going to continue studying our Bhakti Vaibhava Course, Canto Three. We will start on Friday 10th and OUr mentor HH Hanumatpresaka Swami will act as a counselor or special guests in our meetings...
Then we had a very nice lunch along with Oscar and Ana.... our dear friends....
This is like a summary of the meetings the details will be put on the minutes we will also send them to U...
SO see U soon Gurudeva have a very nice trip to Argentina ....
Thank U very much for your association
Your eternal servants
ASA - HpS - Yes, the three nights in Peru was super intense, after a very, very hard trip from Miami, but as you can see was super, super, productive. We don't see anybody on the planet doing more essential work. All we have to do is make a systematic study of Srimad Bhagavatam and the whole world can become ne in peace, friendship and prosperity with a common cause!a