Ratha Yatra en santiago de Chile

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada

Todas las glorias a Sri Guru y Sri Gauranga

Querido Guru Maharaja HH Hanumatpresaka Swami por favor acepte nuestras reverencias , nos es muy grato invitarlo al Festival de las Carrozas “Ratha Yatra” que tendrá lugar este viernes 9  en la Plaza Manuel Rodriguez(Comuna Santiago Centro)  y Sábado 10 de Noviembre en la Plaza Ñuñoa(Comuna Ñuñoa).

Nuestro objetivo es que más personas conozcan sobre el maravilloso proceso de Conciencia de Krishna, difundiendo el proceso de cantar y bailar el Maha Mantra, conocer las actividades de nuestro templo y demás lugares de predica y deleitarse con prasadam, teatro, danza y música.

Agradeciendo por su visita trascendental, desde ya estaremos organizando su llegada.


Equipo de Ratha Yatra, Miembros de la Junta Directiva de Santiago de Chile y devotos y devotas en general.

     ASA -  Jaya!    Si,   esta en nuestra calendario.   Llegamos en avion para participar en su Rathyatra.  Pienso las Gandharvas y   Kinnaras tambien llegan!!!     Mucho participacion de Hindues!!   El  Alcalde limpia antes del carroza con escoba!!

Hare Krsna!!!

Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada!!

Hare Krsna Guru Maharaj, por favor reciba mis humildes reverencias, nos encontramos en Chosica, haciendo servicio en la cocina del Pujari con Prabhu Padapadma,

HpS - ASA -  TlgaSP!!!!   pfanrh.   Gran misericordia recibir su carta....   Pienso si puede convertir en gran chef para Krsna puede ampliar su Sankirtana mucho!

acá estan pintando el templo, al parecer acabaran para el dia de Srila Prabhupada.

Estare viajando para el 20 de agosto a Puno, con unos 750 libros, despues ire a Bolivia para la Marathon que esta organizando Prabhu Mathuresh.

Estare encontrandome con Prabhu Advaita para realizar un Sankirtan viajero en Bolivia y probablemente Perú.

Me estoy levantando a las 4 y 30 am, leyendo el Caitanya Caritamrita,  Adi Lila, capitulo 7  "Sri Caitanya en cinco Aspectos", también cantando 16 rondas de Japa diarias, cuatro principios.

Por otro lado tengo problemas, espero se puedan solusionar pronto.

¿como esta su salud?, acá el frio es humedo, no es tan fuerte pero hace daño, estuve con gripe, ahora ya estoy mejor.

Bueno Guru Maharaj me despido, un abrazo.

Gadai Gauranga Das

HpS - ASA - -  No noticias de su vida hogarena...   Esta bien?    Claro, eso es Kali-yuga, la salud, el clime, la iglesia, la familia, el gobierno, TODOS son malos.  Pero, basado...   en Sankirtana podemos adjustar, mejorar todas estas cosas y relacionar ellos con Sankirtana.  Esto fue el exito de Srila Prabhupada, relacione todo al servicio de Sankirtana: Immprimir libros de gran cualidad, convertir gran edificios a templos...

...  Hemos llegado en Tennesse ayer, terminando nuestr gira de Norte America. Fuerte, pero haciendo bien.  Buen resultado.   Realizando cosas con mas inteligencia.  Mas luz y claro, menos humo...      Ya, en los proximos dias planificamos los proxima dos meces, hasta salimos para Peru (si aun vivimos).   Estamos basado aqui en Tennessee pero pequeno vija a Houston y Virginia.   mas noticias por favor.  So muy inspirador y importante para nosotros, todos!

Sudama sakha dasa from Mayapur

Hare Krishna Dear Guru Maharaja!

Please Accept My Humble Obeisances

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!

We hope you are doing well.

ASA - AGTSP    paoho.   We hope HpS is doing well also.  He went somewhere to do something so we thought we would answer the mail, Monkey/Piggy!

              We read with concern your last report saying that your health it's not doing well,

      ASA - That's Brother Ass, not us.  He has reaped the results of following the Doctor's advice and after two months the inflamation in the throat and mouth and tongue has gone.   Energy is SUPER, but he has to live like a 65 year old American Ass, not a 15-year old!!!

   and we felt bad because in the last years we have been neglectful of our relation, all due to our fullishness, and lazyness.

                      ASA -  Ha!    Ha!     You too, huh?!

We are very sorry and postrate ourself at your lotus feet and beg your forgiveness.

                                   ASA - Well we can't do much but pass it on the Srila Prabhupada if there is any worth coming from us.   We did nothing to deserve.  Maybe    .01%

                                                    During this last 3 months we were working for the first 2 in Canada, and on the 3rd we went with our family to Thailand, in (on)  vacation. This is our 2nd visit there,  and we were able to participate in the Ratha Yatra in Bkk. After that we went to the south, to a place called Krabi, were we have some friends devotees we made last year. We went to their sundays programs, and then we encouraged them and did 2 harinams in the streets. We had great reply from the people, they approached us, and in the 2nd time we distributed like 20 books in few minutes. We think that there are good opportunities for preaching there.

                                                                            ASA - "You have discovered the preaching is good there because you made the endeavor there.  Wherever you make the endeavor you will discover, the preaching is good", Srila Prabhupada.

    We returned to Mayapur on the first of this month, and hope to stay here for the next 4 months.

We are chanting 20 rounds daily, and would like to offer 4 daily rounds more for your well being.  Attending morning programs regularly.

                      ASA - That's cool.  HpS offers nine extra for his disciples each day since 1999.

That's all for now

                                     ASA - Hey, Dude, that's a lot!!!!      Keep your hand on the throttle and not on the bottle and the next stop is Goloka in just a few moments!

your aspirant to servant
sudama sakha dasa

                                                          Thank you.   AGTSP    More news as it ensues!

Lalita Madhava Das (Concrete Man)

Jay Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada !!
Jay Sri Goura NItay !!
Jay Sri Radhe Syam !!

Dandavats and pranams Dear Guruji.
Here we are  in Kolkata, concrete Jungle.

HpS - ASA - Yes, but a lot of fungus, cockroaches, plants, and flower (smiles and anger) creep through it all.  Such a nice city in many ways.

The sadhana is going good, morning and evening (until 7:45 pm) program.
Music practice is going more hard, many hour setting, my knee and mind constantly demanding a rest. This time i realized many people here is diverted from the philosophy, and impersonalism is a hard problem, Srila Prabhupada brought us out of the darkness...Harinam Sankirtan is the mission.
Balaram purnima and Janmastami will be in Mayapur and then i will be on way to Vraja.
Continue with service from here (12 horas kirtan Stgo Mandir) and trying to serve you.
Japajoe is good medicine in my days, great mercy and bless, Bahut Dhanya Vad gurudeva (thank you very much)
Im aware of your advice guruji
Grateful and your service
Lalita Madhava Das

HpS - Jaya!!!   Such mercy you have.   Send us some news about devotees, Temple, whom you meet!


12 years, 5 months ago by bhaktanicasio in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Hare Krsna!!

Dear Gurudeva,
Please accept my humble obeisances,
All glories to Srila Prabhupada,

Many wonderful things are going on here in Mar del Plata. We feel like the pracetas being blessed by the lord because of their friendly relations to serve him (SB 4.30.8).

I would like to tell you about the preaching perspective for Mar del Plataour local yatra. The vision is developing the Sankirtan movement in the city and the 4th wave varnaasram dharma based in cow protection and brahminical culture in the rural area. For our project in the city we have rented a real loft 8 time bigger than the present one (which is not a loft but a house) in downtown mar delplata, amazing location. There we are going to install beautiful and big neem gaura nitai deities and also SP murti (later we will take him to our rural community). We are going to have bramachari ashram, Sunday school for children, literary coffee, temple room, small conference place and a professional kitchen to deliver lots of prasadam.

Programs to be held there are going to be morning program, Sunday feast, vasinava feasts, SP`s night, reading club (devotees gather every Wednesday to read the small SP books), Bhaktas course held by mahajan das prabhu, krsna deli (prasadam distribution), yoga club (hatha yoga lessons with different teachers), dojo of judo (oriented in the philosophy), and all of SP`s book accessible in the literary coffee. The place is huge, we are going to be able to hold our interfaith meetings there (the place is even bigger than the hotel where we did it last time). The price for the location is half of the one for the present loft with 3 months free to fix the place to our needs.

On the other hand, we have aquired 5 has of land in a beautiful place 30 min outside mar del plata, with small hills sorroundings. The project is called Sri Govardhan “Tierra de Krishna”, there the isthadevas are going to be Sri Sri Radhika Giridhari (who has been installed a few months ago and are know being cared by prabhu mahajan das and his good wife Kamyavana devi dasi), there we are going to build a temple for the presiding deities, bramachari ashram (bramacharis are now in brasil collecting for this purpose), goshala, natural health center, elder devotees house (I will be personally in charge of this 2 areas), matajis house, conference center, school (paramatma level), 7 condos for rent and bungalows for guests and 15 plots for grhastas. We are in the process of presenting the project to the local government in order to be approved, after that we are going to convert the land in what we call here “propiedad horizontal” which will be like an apartment building where one can buy his apartment and you share the common places like temple, gurukula, etc. Many of us had committed to this project for the rest of our lifes. We are going to sell 13 plots of land to finance the main develop of the land.

Once you asked me what you can do to help this project so I humbly request you consider please this proposal. You can establish here for the time you consider convenient to develop an education program for bhaktishastri and bhaktivaibhava, similar to the one HH Dhanvantari maharaj has in northern brasil.

Noticing your present condition, having health challenges due to excessive travelling, and your willingness to improve and set a higher standard for education within ISKCON, maybe is a good idea you settle for a while in a place and work to develop an education program. We can work together with NIOS to establish nice facilities, classrooms, first class internet connexion to broadcast lectures and make Sri Govardhan a pilgrimage place where devotees mostly from latin America can come to study sastra the way you want to establish it.

I see this as a very nice opportunity, we have the land, very good relations with local government, good relations with main religious groups, we have a good leader, community is growing nicely, politics free, we have a radio show for more than one year from now and having perspectives to start a tv show which will bring many sources of funding.

Of course this is the shallow vision of a conditioned soul like me so if you think this idea is nonsense I apologize for that, but if your good intelligence consider it could be possible I will be more than happy to cooperate for this come to reality.

Thank you gurudeva for your constant inspiration. My desire is only to serve you. I Hope your health is improving.

Aspiring to become your servant.

Bhakta Nicasio.

HpS - ASA -  Wow!    AGTSP   paoho.        Wow!   You must a Congregation of 5,000 devotees and 50-full time people living the Ashrama to be focusing on so many programs.  Is it a fact?      How many devotees living in the Ashrama!

Desde Chile

Todas las Glorias a Sri sri Caitanya y Nityananda!!

Todas Gloria a Srila Prabhupada!

Porfavor acepte mis humildes reverencias a Ud.....

(16r, 4p)

Hare Krsna querido Gurudev, espero Ud se encuentre bien en todos los aspectos, y Su salud tambien.

Bueno escribo para contarle noticias del sankirtna por estos lados, ya no salgo sola a distribuir libros, Krsna a enviado un equipo para salir a las calles, estoy saliendo con mis compañeras de ashram, Veronica, Fresia y madre Anadi, estoy muy contenta por eso, nos damos fuerzas mutuamente. Hay más devotos que se van inspirando a distribuir libros en la congregación.

Además han continuado realizandose los festivales de sankirtan que le hablé, cada sábado por medio, el pasado sábado 21 de julio, tuvimos la compañía trascendental de Maharaja BhaktiBusana S. que nos acompañó al programa, y fueron muchos devotos estaban muy entusiastas todos, se distribuyeron 259 libros pequeños y 4 Bhagavad Gitas gracias a Sus bendiciones y  la particxipación de tantos devotos. 

Bueno aqui le enviaré algunas fotos, de los ultimos eventos. Gracias Guru Maharaja por ser siempre tan Comprensivo y Misericordioso conmigo, por tomarse la molestia quizas de responder las cartas que le envío, a pesar de su ocupada agenda, Gracias infinitas por todo,. 

Sin más que decir se despide su aspirante a discipula y sirvienta, Bhaktin Fernanda,

HpS - ASA  -   !!! ! ! !      !                        !              tlgaSp.    Calle es su casa si distribuir es su esfuerza!                COnvertiendo la gente que enceutran en sankirtaneros.                Por favor mucha animacion por sus esuferzas.  Adelante!        Hay moo, moo, mooochas mas cosas aprender.....     Moochas.  Ensenas inconsebibles en relacion de nuestra cultural actual.