Sankirtan report
Hare Krsna Gurudeva,
Please accept our humble obeisances,
All glories to Srila Prabhupada!
I am back in Mexico DF! For one week, Maharaja Bhakti Busan is here.
We were in Guadalajara one month and one week. We distributed around 7000 books (the group of 5 devotees: Prabhu Radha Raman, b. Carlos, Ekayani, b. Tania, and me). The most wonderfull is that many persons came to the temple because of the book distribution, and they had a good impression, I think they can become devotees one day, not so far. We should pray for them, it will help?
It was very nice, we learned a lot from m. Radhika, she is a very nice asrama guru, she help me a lot to understand about desires and who to balance, to see that devotional service as a life time project, and we should learn to balance ourselves, about seeing our desires in conexion to Krsna in a healthy way, to ask for advice when we cannot alone (I will stay in contact with her)...
I felt very tired while in Guadalajara, it was very difficult for me to wake up to Japa joe. One day I arranged to wake up, but just that day, there was not Japa joe... I think is because I don't eat in the right way, so I don't have energy. I need little more taking care of the body, to serve Krsna better and more focused. I am doing some improvement in this area (eating better and little yoga and walking), and I feel better! Today I woke up at 2:30am alone :) but the matajis asrama here is outside the temple, and there is no internet, and the temple was closed until 3:15am...
Prabhu Aravinda told us (4matajis) to go one month to El Salvador, to help with sankirtan! My parents are worried because they think is a dangerous place! I would like to go, but I don't like they are worried, we will try to make some arrangement.
I have my mind fixed in the idea to go to the Bhaktivedanta College the next year to study education!
Maybe my family will come to visit me here to Mexico in November...
Your insignificant servant,
Nitya Kisori dd
Gurudeva I feel you are not pleased with me, maybe Krsna told you something, ... or is my speculation?
HpS - ASA ---- AGTSP pamho. Speculation. I never even began to think ill of you. Honestly we would like to be as advanced a devotee as you. Is joking and not joking. We are so happy to hear your results. Yes, is life long, eternal project. Most essential is 16 enthusiastic rounds daily in the foreground of 4-principles srictly helping Lord Caitanya in His Sankirtana, book distribution. However, sooooo many ways to participate. If we give devotees nice Prasadam and they stay to hear the class and take some books to distribute then many people have participated in the Sankirtana!
O.K. We wait for more news.