en la espera de su dulce misericordia

11 years, 4 months ago by jambavati dd in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

NitayGouraPremanande!!! querido y siempre recordado Gurudev,

por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias, 

              HpS - ASA -  TlgaSP.    Pfanrh....     muy,   muy,    muy bien oir de Vd.


                                          Muy triste de saber que todavia no hay una fecha concreta de su visita a este lugar del mundo llamado Mexico, me siento como un perro sin su amo, que lo unico que hace es dar aullidos de tristeza, y cuando me quedo dormida puedo soñar haciendo un hermoso Bhajan para ud....algun dia no esperaré mas y lo buscare en donde ud. esté, si, eso es lo que haré, con la distribución de libros llegaré donde ud. esté, y recibir el amparo del Darsham que compasivamente ud. me otorgue será la fuerza para seguir en la batalla que me toca vivir.......  

                en estado de separación buscando la manera de incrementar el Sankirtam, adorando los pies de Loto de Gouranga, orando siempre para que su salud mejore,hace unas semanas salimos en Sankirtam viajero con m. Mauna Valambini estuvimos en Oaxaca una ciudad a 7 horas de la ciudad de Mexico, pudimos dar cerca de 600 libros en pocos dias, apesar de no tener buena salud nuevamente por su misericordia pude realizar que no hay excusa  en el servicio a Dios!!! ...ahora en el Templo estoy encargada de las Ofrendas de Janmastami y Srila Prabhupada!!!  pero extrañandolo mucho!!! por favor querido Gurudev, perdone nuestras ofensas, y denos la oportunidad de volver a verlo!!!

                                                                          Radhe, Radhe, Radhe......

su inútil y torpe sirvienta


         ....  TlgaSP.  Tiene que proteger su cuerpo como como heramiento de Krsna, no? Es muy bien oir de Vd.  Siempre podemos serjuntos realizando proyectos de Sankirtan juntos. Ya llegamos minutos detras en Richmond, Virginia. Hace 5-semanas estamos en Tennessee, pero esta fin de semana estamos 1-hora este en Virginia para Janmastami, todo. Despues de volver a Tennessee esperamos enviar unos copias del libro audio de su biografia a Asta-sakhi Devi Dasi, todos y podemos investigar difundir su mensaje a todo el mundo latino por medio del industria de cine de Mexico.

Mas noticias!

Archetypes in Greek fashion

11 years, 4 months ago by jaynityananda in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Hare Krishna gurumaharaja, please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. The books on archetypes based on Greek mythology are written by Jean Shinoda Bolen. Perhaps this information will serve your purpose.

I hope this meets you in good spirits.

Your servant,
Raghava Pandit Das

HpS - ASA --  AGTSP......   paoho..... thank you so much..  This is very useful. We will start a bibliography of Jung.    We are waiting for some interesting news about your work situation.  You have to network with friends and aquaintances. Do bother them but be enthusiastic.  Probably Krsna will send something interesting.

The august chapter

11 years, 4 months ago by jaynityananda in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports, Other

Dear Guru-maharaja,
Please accept my humble obeisances.      All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

First of all i wish to say that i feel neglectful because of not keeping up with writing, and then have to put in too much in one letter.


               ASA - AGTSP...  paoho....   Yes, yes...   WHoop!         Whoooop...

In previous letter you requested info on Dutch yatra, and we had a discussion on Japa Joe regarding Bg 6.7. Unfortunately my tendency is to not communicate properly. We had a good speaker in Amsterdam recently, Isha Prakash (GGS), who spoke about opening the heart, and as i learned, not communicating properly is a symptom of a closed heart. In stead of being introvert, better to be introspective.

                       ASA - Aaaah!    Nice   contrast.

Dutch Yatra. It seems to be improving. This year so far 6 new initiated ISKCON devotees, and one Gaudiya math. Also new initiation guidelines, more strict. There is one temple (Amsterdam), three preaching centers (2x The Hague, 1x Rotterdam) and about fifteen Nama-hatta's. Some devotees from Rotterdam regularly invite prabhu's, like Madhavananada, and this month Deena Bandhu was here. Financially there is still a lot lacking, the project for new temple in The Hague is lacking funds, and Amsterdam was struggling for RY.

                         ASA - Ha!    Ha!     Ha!    Whole world is bankrupt, no?    I guess we are actually doing O.K., no?

In the last week, still only half of the expenses were there. Still unsure whether or not Amsterdam temple will have to move, the owner of the building probably can't get his way legally.

I checked back on your class on e-sanga, and the talk on the supersoul with 6.7. At the time i was reflecting on the wonderful name you have given me, Raghava Pandit das, and verse 5.18 specifically. The name has many dimensions. One is, besides knowing the purport of the vedas, that a pandit has equal vision. This is a perfect thing to strive for! 6.7 is also nice in this regard, for i presume it is safe to say a real pandit has reached the supersoul. A nice connection between 6.7 and 5.18 i find that 6.7 works from outside in, and 5.18 works from inside out. Another thing i reflected on after i came back from Spain, after you accepted me as your disciple, i believe it was proper to ask you, what do you want me to do now? So, i ask you now.

             HpS - ASA -- Of course, I want you to love Radha and Krsna under the direction of Srila Prabhupada...  and help us all to do the same.  Specific of course is the basic rules and regulations, mangala-arati etc.   Beyond, that, getting involved in ASA would mean just to read these posts, the Kapi-dhvaja and then get involved, help, take charge! !

One thing i like your thoughts on. A recurring theme in my life is about regression/reincarnation therapy. There are a few traits in my psyche that block me, which seem to be substantial threats. I have ran into them for many years. I ask myself whether or not i should take therapy, or that i should just go deep into the holy name, and leave it to Krishna. Srila Prabhupada spoke on it, to not bother improving material circumstances. Now i can argue for both ways, wherein the holy name would be the most beneficial, but probably also more time consuming. A combination could be there. But after all, i wouldn't be able to wholeheartedly preach that the holy name (surrender) can solve everything. Maharaja, what would be the proper way to look at this?

                     ASA - Ask a few more devotees who maybe know you in action a little more than we do, but if it is deep and persistent then, yeah, look for a specialist. Taking regular prasadam is usually fine, but if someone  is diabetic he may have to make some adjustment.  Prabhupada approved that.  Find a speciallist, psychologist, who is a devotee of the Supreme Lord.

Another thing i feel i have to share is that in my personal life i ran into a big challenge. Since i came back from Radhadesh i still haven't been able to find a lasting job. Three months ago i ran out of unemployment benefits, and normally i should apply for welfare, but because me wife got a greencard, i am not able to, because then the state will take her card away. I have tried to accept work on all sides, but it is still fruitless. Both my background and the mood of this country, together with the high unemployment rates, are detrimental. I work only parttime, and i make far from enough to pay for everything. Ofcourse, because of my limited vision i can't see why Krishna is holding things off, and surely He is helping me transcend many old ways of thinking. This is where it becomes real to keep on praising Him in adversaries, as Lord Brahma suggested. Other than that, it is a ridiculous situation.

                   HpS - I also don't know. Maybe he wants you and your family to come back to Him right away. Give up these NASTY material bodies.   I don't know.   Poverty cannot stay where there is constant endeavor, says Canakhya Pandita.

Despite difficulties, things are going okay (by mercy), trying to go deeper. From following DTC, i generally get a positive impression of your situation. Jay! I wish you feel the same way. May you be making progress with your writing and the preparations, and that your body cooperates nicely. Your staying in Tennessee during caturmasya, is that coincidental?

                      ASA - Uh, huh.   [Yes]

I know you don't like long letters, i hope this was still acceptable. I wish to ask forgiveness for any offences and stupidities i have made.

Kind regards, your attempting servant,

Raghava Pandit das.

              ASA - Super best wishes to go ahead on all fronts!!!!!     Thank you so much Raghava-pandita Das....   Respects to your good wife also...

sound of color

11 years, 4 months ago by harsh_horse in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Hare krsna maahraj, pamho agtsp.

we would try to be quick. this is regarding sankhya.
there is from a paper, it says
--general conclusion is that red and blue are associated with vowel "a",
white and yellow with e and i, and blue,brown and black with o and u.-----

these are derived from following papers
Marks, Lawrence E. "On colored-hearing synesthesia: cross-modal translations of sensory dimensions." Psychological bulletin 82.3 (1975): 303.

Jakobson, Roman, and Linda R. Waugh. The sound shape of language. Walter de Gruyter, 2002.

hope it helps... may we learn art of sound and carve beautfiul deity..
u want more info please tell us
hare ram

                    HpS - Very nice....    Please keep the links and we will talk with you as our work progresses.  Now we are jumping right in and explaining our Bhakti-vaibhava work to Dr. Jung.  So far it is working well, but of course, it requires that we go back from the "mythical thinking" and get back to the Sankhya in the earlier cantos to make a more firm ground for it, but is nice to taste the higher thing first.

From the house of Sri Sri Kishore Kishori!!!

Hare Krishna AGTSP, PAMHO
Dear Gurudeva. I still here in Chicago. I'm trapped in this material body, but also I have the shelter of your lotus feet and that gives me hope to go on.
              AGTSP - paoho...  So nice to hear from you.
  I'm teaching Mrdanga and devotional music to 12 students, some devotees and new ones, there are three Latino children too. Probably they will be come devotees. I'm trying to fulfill the purpose for which the authorities brought me here. Many Latinos cannot read, so it becomes difficult book distribution, but I'm cooking and distributing prasadam and promoting programs that way.
Sadhana is so natural, strong and steady.
Studies I'm giving BG class in english and it's like a challenge. For SB class one must be sinior before sitting on the vyasasana<img alt="" src="http://www.hps.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/52.gif" title="" />
Parampadam Prabhu is giving BVai course. I'm doing it. SB and Prabhupad's porports are very deep.
So ,Sometimes, I cook berfis to Kishore Kishori only when the brahmanas are very very busy. A lot of mercy.<img alt="" src="http://www.hps.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/01.gif" title="" />
I see many Sannyasis and Disciples of SP. I'm learning a lot as devotees organized in this yatra.<img alt="" src="http://www.hps.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/a11.gif" style="font-size: 20px; line-height: 1.6;" title="" />
At what time it is better to call you Gurudeva???
Well,I hope to hear and serve you before it starts a world tour!
Wherever you tell me, I go. I must to ask to Nityananda Prana permition to travel. Probably when summer ends I hope. I really dont know. But I'll call you Gurudeva!!!
your inignificant servent, Etasa-Krsna Das
              HpS - AGTSP....  !  Thanks for the news.   Do you have Bhakti-sastri Diploma???   Is best to do that before Bhakti-vaibhava, no?        Your program sounds great...   If you look at the Kapi Dhvaja you can see when we have different programs.  Other times call us as you like!!!  Phone number in Kapi-Dhvaja!!!  Kishor-Kishori Ki Jai!

fortnight update-4 passionate horse

11 years, 4 months ago by harsh_horse in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Hare Krsna Maharaj, PAMHO, AGTSP,
how are you all ( Nrsingh Dev, Prahlad Maharaj,TB, UG and  BW).

            HpS - ASA - AGTSP.....    We are chanting HK/HR, what more can we want?? Jaya!

Hope you are all well. and how are feet of  HH HpS?

            HpS/ASA - Brother Ass's have less swelling.

How is the new ashrama?

              ASA - Very nice. Many challenges but very nice and think will get better.

i think Narada Muni will soon visit it and cause a great academic-devotion literature to erupt...
                       ASA - Seems like it may be so. Thank you. We hope we recognize him when he comes and don't offend him..

The report from Mum Beach...
This horse is very passionate... he likes spear, arrows, guns, bullets.
punches, swords.. he likes Nrsngdev, Varahdev.. Bheemsena for ripping  of Dushasan chest...
he behaves passionately with his son.. he punches him, does head bang.
now he realises that he wants more than one chaste wife wants, many sons, he himself wants to be very chaste no extra martial connection (thats not glory).

He likes fourth canto.. canto about Kings..so much passion.

But yet there is tinge of goodness in him, he likes to hear about God a lot, he wants to rip apart all boastfull atheist. likes to be chastised and commanded by sadhus...
what complex character he is.
he is more attracted by Raj-Rsis than ascetics. though eventually he wants to take vanprastha and sannyas also. as all kings do.

he likes to getup early in the morning and do military training like physical running, excercise etc as compared to morning program of chanting or artik.

though he has experience that chanting and artik are much more blissful in morning program.

but alas he has not been trained to be like kings. the biggest problem he has is he is not ready to die to do morning program. he is ready to die for protecting wife, sadhus, theist. he thinks its glorious to die on battle field.
he misses morning program often, even though super soul wakes him up before 430, he still goes to bed saying that he needs rest to rotate his tyre.

he is convinced also, that morning pogram is must. it make u get closer to super soul. but may be his efforts are like "trying to find god, hoping not to find him."

on the other hand minimum 16 rounds for a month, 4 rules (finally did it with help of Mother Urmila).. hopefuly will become  formal aspirant... but now need to move to morning program. as HpS said 1. 16 round 2. four rule 3. morning prog.

horse is not thinking about sankirtana till he fixes his morning program.
HpS is great sankhya expert, can he prescribe any physical/mental medicine to make this passionate horse feel , that better to die for morning program.

secondly what should he do/don't in rest of day so that his next day morning program is not affected, infact is enhanced.

HpS is the only person who reminds him of morning program, rest every body of his associates remind him of fixing tyre..

As you said ksatriya can not function without good guidance..please guide us.. we will feel happy even if u chastise us.

passionate horse
P.S. Horse did a week long regular morning program when he was with Senor HpS in North East India in 2013..

Last Report :http://hps-d6.monkeywarrior.com/node/3228

               HpS - ASA   -   Esteemed Bhakta Horse.   Ur family is all managers, business managers, no???    I think you are getting some view of your Karma, Dharma, because you are more in the mode of goodness. Thanks to Mother Urmilla Devi Dasi, servant of the wife of Laksman...   but in Kali-yuga the Dharma that works is Bhakti-yoga. So, what little I know, and M. Urmilla DD knew more than us, you can't get a clear view on your VAD until you come to the platform of second initiation.   First Sambandha, I am servant of Krsna. That means in Kali-yuga I chant Hare Krsna.  O.K. Parampara says chant Hare Krsna (16-enthusiastic rounds on beads), four principles give the basic human background, then morning program in the mode of goodness fixes our intelligence in the mode of goodness. Now your morning program is in the mode of ignorance, so your intelligence, attitude is influenced by ignoracne and you get all these bad results.

Dance for Lord Nrsmhadeva. If you find it motivating to do exercises in front of His deity, do it. Chant the Gurv-astakam to meditate on Prabhupada.  USE IT to fix your mind so you can contemplate what kind of Guru Visvanatha Cakravarti is recomending.
      Develop techniques and do it.  You will see the benefit in every sphere and then your intelligence will control you mind. Where in NOI does Prabhupada say that mangala arati is required.

Jaya.  Thank you.   Forward to clear intelligence and instruction from the Emperor.