AmD - April's Report - 2015

HpS - ASA -   AGTSP.  paoho.   We are sorry that we were not able to answer this letter earlier. It came just as we were leaving on this intense India, Europe tour.

Dear Gurudeva.

Accept my humble obeisances, All the glories to Srila Prabhupada.

We moved from Chosica, now we are living in Chaclacayo in a house that bought the parents in-law, last year. There they have offered us the airs (???) in the second floor, but they have to build… Karuna mayi has always desired to have something own, and Krsna Balaram have blessed her… I don’t know if we are going to stay there in the future, because Sita and Arjuna will study in Lima. So, at least, we will stay here all 2015…

HpS - Sounds very nice. Seems like it is a place with more trees and gardens. You can meet some neighbors and share your knowledge with them, no?

We are fine, getting used, we get up at 3 am, and we are doing mangal aratik with you in japa Joe and Mayapur Tv, Houston class, from 4:30 am, …

I have to keep traveling to Lima for work, everyday like 5:15 am, and I return between 5:30 and 7 pm…

Karuna and the guys, go to the temple because of their BS classes on Tuesday, with Lakshman Prabhu. And the same day Sita and Karuna do wreaths [garlands]… Sita is still in English, and with Arjuna have retaken to their classes of Violin (Sita) and Guitar (Arjuna). Also we go to the temple on Sundays, since Govinda and then we stay to help in what we can, especially in the kirtans, Bhajans, preaching and sometimes with Srimad Bhagavatam class.

Here we have internet (at home), so we will communicate with you more often.

Thank you so much for your association, we love you so much Gurudeva…

Your foolish disciple Anandamaya das

(Traducción Sita Lalita d.d.)

HpS - ASA ----  Such nice news. We hope that you can find a way to form a Hare Krsna co-operative for transportation to Lima, riding with other devotees, civilized people.   How is Krsna Consciousness changing the heart. That is the real thing. Revolution in our heart means revolution in the world.

Raktak Prasna - Delhi Symposium

9 years, 8 months ago by raktak in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Respected Guru Maharaj, Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupad. Just now I read that you have expressed your appreciations for the services offered by the different devotees in Delhi, thank you so much for that, it would act like a big booster in their devotional enthusiasm.

HpS - Hmmm!   AGTSP.  We did not express enough our gratitude for their contribution. I think their enthusiasm comes more from their Prabhupada Krpa than our efforts.

Guruji! is it possible that can you kindly put in your newsletter or in this monkey warrior blog about your movements in Delhi, how many professors came,

HpS - About 25. Several retired and active Chancellors and Vice-Chancellors from Varanasi, Delhi, Simhla etc. We paid air fares for seven from Kolkata.

Where did they stay and what was their overall thought about ISKCON, did they get any prasad-

HpS - They stayed in the ISKCON Guest house. Several were already ISKCON Life Members. Many first time at ISKCON Project in Delhi. They all found the accomodations, dinning in Govinda's Restaurant, Campus, Devotees very nice. The ISKCON devotee: Mohan rupa, Vrajendranandana, Yuddhisthira Govinda, found them very intense schilars. They said that their evaluation for our NIOS preaching programs went up by 400%.

how was Doctor Samresh Bandopadhyaya

HpS - He is very intelligent. Practical. Of course we were all a little passoinate at times. As usually he worked harder than anyone, but like us he had serious energy loss by the end of the program. He came with his good wife, Nandini Bandyppadhyaya and it we here first time in Vrndavana.

and did you actually get the opportunity to see the President of India,

HpS - No. We had to organize the program on very, very, very short term notice, but it did stimulate us to see all of our contacts with Pranabha Mukherjee, Radhanatha Singh (Home Minister), President of ICCR, USA Ambassador et al. In the end Mukundakam Sharma, former Justice Supreme Court, released the book.
Almost nobody from outside came. It was Monday at 4.30PM.  No other hall was available at that time. We advertised as best we could. Temple expected better crowd from our efforts, but is very special subject and short notice etc. I was very happy. We did your best and hall had nice decorations, boquets and nice souvenirs for all, nice Progamme and pamphlet. Everyone was very, very impressed with the book and made nice academic presentations.

Did you give any Bhagvatam class in Delhi or Vrindavan

HpS - Class in Delhi first day we arrived. They asked us later but it was just too much. Every minute was needed to organize the Release.

And where did you stay in Vrindavan. I saw one photo of yours with Dr.Samresh, and I think it is Radha Kund.

HpS - ASA - Cakori Radha, Radha-carana and Tunga-vidya Devi Dasis and Sri Hari Das arranged for us to stay in the MVT rooms. SHD daughter, Sataksi, arrange a quick but very, very professional Odissa dance program in the Temple that night. It was hot but so, so nice to be in Vraja. We read Vrndavana dhama mahimamrta to Professor and his wife and everyone on the way to Vraja. Left Delhi at 3PM and got to Vraja by 5.30PM. New superfast road.
Next morning we left for Radha-kunda by 6AM and had very nice tour led by Giri-dhari Das. The back to Delhi.
There is nothing more merciful than the dust of Vrndavana Dhama.....

Thanks a lot. yours servant, Raktak Das

HpS - Thank you. Excellent questions. You should really start working as a Journalist immediately. I think everyone agrees. Do five interviews with devotees and send the news here to the Blog. Start with the Radha-Gopinatha Pujari in Sydney(?).

Thank you Book Release

9 years, 8 months ago by hps in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Hare Krsna,
AGTSP   paoho.   We want to express our thanks to Bhakta Harsh, Girivaradhari-gopal Das and Bhakta Rtu Mazumdara; Tungavidya Devi Dasi and Radha-carana Dasi for their intense sacrifice for the successfull outcome of the NIOS Book Release and Seminar in Delhi. Tolerating difficult transportation and accomodation circumstances, mismanagment and the big challenge of doing anything on such short term notices we feel they have all advanced their service to Krsna wonderfully and we certainly hope for their association more and more.

Also for Girivara, Radha Carana and Tungavidya we have letters of recomendation to write as soon as we get to the USA. It is on our list.

Thank you!!!

DTC Mo(18)

9 years, 8 months ago by hps in DTC, Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports


paoho.   Here we are in the Restaurant of the Barcelona, ISKCON, Temple at 6.56AM. Brother Ass is little distressed in and lungs and eyes, but pretty good for a 67-year old ass.
The Book Release and Symposium on Education is mostly finished. We just totaled the expenses as best we could and it was $4,500. Details soon.
Now we are arranging to pay for the printing and shipping.

Madrid visit, for six days, was intense and productive. We found the last available copy of "Journey to the West" in excellent, scholarly, translation in Spanish by Editorial Siruela and are now carrying it to Migule Polo in Peru. We have 15-Bharata-samskrtis with us, and went on Hari-nama Sankirtan for two hours.

Of course, MANY meetings with friends and Disciples and classes on NOI etc.

Now, after super-fast train from Madrid to Barcelona. Suffered alot because was tired and could not lie down.
O.K.   Time for class.   Kapi Dhvaja has to go.

Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna.      Are Srila Prabhupada's books going out?   Are the SB classes and Japa going on???

DTC Mo(18)

9 years, 8 months ago by hps in DTC, Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports


paoho.   Here we are in the Restaurant of the Barcelona, ISKCON, Temple at 6.56AM. Brother Ass is little distressed in and lungs and eyes, but pretty good for a 67-year old ass.
The Book Release and Symposium on Education is mostly finished. We just totaled the expenses as best we could and it was $4,500. Details soon.
Now we are arranging to pay for the printing and shipping.

Madrid visit, for six days, was intense and productive. We found the last available copy of "Journey to the West" in excellent, scholarly, translation in Spanish by Editorial Siruela and are now carrying it to Migule Polo in Peru. We have 15-Bharata-samskrtis with us, and went on Hari-nama Sankirtan for two hours.

Of course, MANY meetings with friends and Disciples and classes on NOI etc.

Now, after super-fast train from Madrid to Barcelona. Suffered alot because was tired and could not lie down.
O.K.   Time for class.   Kapi Dhvaja has to go.

Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna.      Are Srila Prabhupada's books going out?   Are the SB classes and Japa going on???