AmD - April's Report - 2015
HpS - ASA - AGTSP. paoho. We are sorry that we were not able to answer this letter earlier. It came just as we were leaving on this intense India, Europe tour.
Dear Gurudeva.
Accept my humble obeisances, All the glories to Srila Prabhupada.
We moved from Chosica, now we are living in Chaclacayo in a house that bought the parents in-law, last year. There they have offered us the airs (???) in the second floor, but they have to build… Karuna mayi has always desired to have something own, and Krsna Balaram have blessed her… I don’t know if we are going to stay there in the future, because Sita and Arjuna will study in Lima. So, at least, we will stay here all 2015…
HpS - Sounds very nice. Seems like it is a place with more trees and gardens. You can meet some neighbors and share your knowledge with them, no?
We are fine, getting used, we get up at 3 am, and we are doing mangal aratik with you in japa Joe and Mayapur Tv, Houston class, from 4:30 am, …
I have to keep traveling to Lima for work, everyday like 5:15 am, and I return between 5:30 and 7 pm…
Karuna and the guys, go to the temple because of their BS classes on Tuesday, with Lakshman Prabhu. And the same day Sita and Karuna do wreaths [garlands]… Sita is still in English, and with Arjuna have retaken to their classes of Violin (Sita) and Guitar (Arjuna). Also we go to the temple on Sundays, since Govinda and then we stay to help in what we can, especially in the kirtans, Bhajans, preaching and sometimes with Srimad Bhagavatam class.
Here we have internet (at home), so we will communicate with you more often.
Thank you so much for your association, we love you so much Gurudeva…
Your foolish disciple Anandamaya das
(Traducción Sita Lalita d.d.)
HpS - ASA ---- Such nice news. We hope that you can find a way to form a Hare Krsna co-operative for transportation to Lima, riding with other devotees, civilized people. How is Krsna Consciousness changing the heart. That is the real thing. Revolution in our heart means revolution in the world.