NIOS Campus Development

Committee Member writes:

Found this interesting page on insta. They bought some land and host clay-building workshops. People pay and learn to build with clay (they pre design a basic structure). Love the natural building material idea, looks and feels stunning:

Just an idea for later stages of our campus development…

HpS/ASA - Yes! Another comment from another Committee Member.

Will ut more thoughts there.

Specifically, this is very nice. Especially if there is proper clay on the site!

Also, we saw straw bale construction!

Krishna Janmastami and Srila Prabhupada's vyasapuja at Iskcon Santiago de Chile

1 year, 5 months ago by Carlos Rold in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Hare Krishna Gurudeva!


I hope you are well and in good health. I still have insomnia and I think it is due to the nervous system, which has 2 basic tones, passive or excited... but I will share this matter and those related to my health in another letter.

HpS/ASA - 👍

The reason for this letter is to tell you that the festivals of Krishna Janmastami and the following day Srila Prabhupada's Vyasapuja were phenomenal and grandiose.

HpS - ASA --- !!!!

For Krishna Janmastami, La Reina Cultural Center (a commune or sector next to Las Condes) was rented, with capacity for 300 people the main hall was full, artistic displays, Om Bhakti, traditional dances, abhishek and all the worship; Srila Prabhupada's Vyasapuja was performed in the large hall at the back of the temple which was also full, more than 100 devotees.

HpS/ASA - Now.... a six story tall, marble temple with gold filagree?

For that day the Chilean spiritual family of H.H. Hanumatpresaka Swami entrusted me with the mission of making the garland that is offered on behalf of You for Srila Prabhupada.

HpS - Wow! Champa flowers from Paraguay??

On Thursday morning I went to buy the flowers at the central market, I chose yellow roses, pink roses for the center of the garland and a type of white chrysanthemums that here they call "mavles or mables", I still can't understand what this flower is about...

I was in coordination for this service with your disciples Havihsara DD, who received the donations from the spiritual family, and Priya Sakhi DD who, like a good elder sister, gave the initiative and was always aware of all the management.

During the feast for our savior and acharya, Srila Prabhupada, the person in charge of offering the garland to Prabhupada was your disciple Manjuali DD, wife of Lalita Madhava D, who was playing instruments during the kirtan.

Our president Jagad Guru Das preaching on the stage very skill presentation. Your disciple Arjuna Das was attending the deities and assisting the pujaris. I attach photos and videos.

At the end of the feast, the representatives of the spiritual family decided to give the garland to David Arancibia, a well-wisher and follower of yours who for years worked on the productions of your public events in Chile doing sound engineering, DJ David ki jay!

HpS - We don't remember him??? 😥

That day I felt that so many garlands were suffocating Prabhupada (later garlands continued to be offered to Him), and I think that perhaps it could be organized that for this special event in the year,

Srila Prabhupada's Vyasapuja, make groups of 2 or 3 spiritual families that everyone pool the money and offer a majestic and opulent garland, then fewer but even more opulent garlands are offered and it is less uncomfortable for Srila Prabhupada, it will also be cheaper for each devotee involved and for each spiritual family, thus it could be requested that each family makes a collective donation for the temple and the production of the festivals (Janmastami + SP Vyasapuja), apart from the individual donation that each one usually makes.

They are just ideas, they may not be good if put into practice.

In a next letter I will tell you about the following issues, I will probably send a single letter for each topic, so they will be shorter letters than I use to write (hope so):

- regular temple service

- bhakta and disciple courses to be able to apply for formal shelter

- music project

- personal life

Thank you very much for everything, Gurudeva, please accept my respecftul obeisances, all glories to Srila Prabhupada!!!

Your aspiring servant,

Carlos Rold

HpS - You are a journalist!!! I'm sure everyone reads these letters with great interest.

What is last Temple President doing!! Cannot remember his names! Aaaaah!

Murari Sevaka Vision

1 year, 5 months ago by nkd1010 in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Dearest Maharaja, 

  Please accept my respectful obeisances unto the dust of Your lotus feet!  All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

HpS - AgtSP! I think we are hoping to have lettuce feet. Maybe after that rose, then lotus.


It is great honor to hear from you.

Our visit to Murari was wonderful

   I have a vision of ISKCON Murari Sevaka Farm Temple being a part of Your vision.  We are here, with land and cows (as well as other wonderful animals),

HpS - What is name of big, slobbering, friendly dog? Bhima, Parasurama??? He was wonderful.

...a few insignificant human servants; Srila Prabhupada and Sri Sri Nitai Gaurachandra are residing here, personally, physically.; by the mercy as well as sanction of our most merciful as well as far-seeing, most well-wishing Srila Prabhupada, Jagat guru.  

     I see super charged cow protection, with cow corridors throughout the land, first class fencing, old barns reinstated to their former beauty and use, new animal shelters strategically placed throughout the Property, 5-10 devotee families purchasing 99 year leases on 5 acre plots, more devotees purchasing home sights within 10-30 miles of Murari Sevaka, Nitai-Gaurachandra’s Home renovated to the grandeur befitting the actual Controllers of Tennessee - chateau style windows dotting the Temple building and elegant french doors coming off Temple room opening onto individual iron balconies facing the courtyard, these balconies will be blessed to hold many Tulasi plants and offer fresh air to the hopeful devotees as they chant their rounds.

HpS - Jananivasa das met Srila Prabhupada in England and then recommended his brother Panchanghri to go see him. He was really impressed.

P'ghri went and Srila Prabhupada was talking like you about the future of KC world movement, and P'anghri thought he was joking and was waiting for the punch line.

Then he realized that Srila Prabhupada was serios, and he thought to himself, "This man is mand!".

Then he examined his heart and said in equal surprise, "...and I am going to help him!!!".

   I see Murari having a simple, beautiful cottage where You can spend several days a week, and that will welcome other Maharajas who are willing to bless the rugged land of Murari Sevaka with Their visits. 

   I see young men becoming enthusiastic to work hard to care for Krishna’s land and cows and devotees.

    I see impressive plots of Marigolds growing, roses climbing up trellises on southernmost wall of Temple building, vegetable amd herb gardens placed here and there, wheatgrass swaying in the breeze, wild bunnies, wild turkeys visiting our peacocks, children laughing as they run through the fields to care for the baby cows, goats, horses, sheep, etc.  Many of the children will be locals as their parents grow attached to spending time and offering service to Sri Sri Nitai Gaurachandra’s holy dhama.  More and more locals-already so many neighbors give service to help us keep Murari’s doors open.  We love our locals, we could not have come this far in 3 years without their kind help.

   I see pujari training, bhakta training, retreats for Bhakti Shastri…, dancing workshops, sewing workshops, cooking workshops, Kirtan workshops, fresh cow’s milk, fresh goat cheese and milk, carpentry workshops; martial arts workshops, dramas being rehearsed, 8+ fulltime Temple devotees, school field trips…

    I see everyone within 150 miles becoming eternally blissful as they engage in preserving and developing what Srila Prabhupada so kindly gifted to all of us in 1975-ISKCON Murari Sevaka.  Srila Prabhupada noted to the devotees, after studying the map of this part of Middle Tennessee, that Moore County is shaped like India!  Srila Prabhupada gave the name Murari (Moore-rari) Sevaka, “Regarding the name of your farm, Murari is a name of Krishna, so Murari Sevaka means a servant of Krishna…”. Letter to Balavanta das.

   Please forgive me for taking up too much space on Your divinely inspiring page.  Thank You for taking time out of Your ‘bursting at the seams’ transcendental schedule to hear my ideas and dreams on Murari Sevaka.  

      Your eternal servant,

Mitravinda gopi devi dasi

HpS - It is wonderful. We had to skim a little, but this is super essential letter.

I have been talking with Abhiesaka Das, NgDas, son, president of our NIOS et al about, getting land, within 30-minutes of the Nashville airport.

Build a college.

30 residential students.

accomodations for 30-students for weekend semimars (part of online courses).


six vanaprastha families around the core campus...

Just an idea.

I think from Balarama we got the idea that management means answering four questions:

  1. Who am I?
  2. Who are we?
  3. What's the Plan?
  4. What things do we need?

Your letter describes number four in some detail, no???

What about number one?

How do you see your character, spiritual commitment developing things?

Number one for us predicts leaving this body in about a year. So, we are not making work plans. Just seeing how we can communicate a vision to others.

A teacher training college for ISKCON in Nashville seems pretty good.

Murari seems too far for these week end retreats but O.K. for one week retreat.

See you day after tomorrow!


Sankirtan Montemorelos y monterrey

Por Favor acepte mis Reverencias.

Todas Las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada y al movimiento de sankirtan de Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu.

Gurudeva . estoy muy sorprendido al leer el tava Pache Pache, Prabhu Abhiram nos obsequió 2 copias. texto , 8 SP utiliza la palabra NEGOCIO ( TPP ), estoy leyendo también el libro de OUR FAMILY BUSSINES de ,Vaysesika Prabhu., estamos madurando nuestra comprensión de sankirtan .

  • Nuestra duda al leer Tava Pache Pache ,como un alma condicionada puede experimentar extasis sin seguir los principios regulativo nos sorprendió saber tan grande que es la misericordia de Krishna cuando hay un apego sincero siguiendo vaidhi Bhakti. ISKCON Sri Krsna Bhavana amrta es muy profundo el significado y agradecemos por ampliar nuestra comprensión de las enseñanzas de Rupa Goswami.

.Distribución de los libros 3 días por semana Viernes, Sábado y Domingo. Lo acompañamos con buena asociación sin apego al resultado es nuestra intención. lunes a jueves estamos en casa con la familia

.nuestro principal enfoque desarrollar nueva Goverdan para el servicio de la comunidad vaisnava.

.Tenemos un staff de devotos muy buenos que nos ayudan a tener continuidad en el proceso y tomamos las direcciones necesarias paso a paso y poco a poco , la modalidad de la pasion ya esta mas controlada.

.Ayer nos visito Guru Prasad Swami hablamos sobre nuestro programa de predica y como ser buen ciudadano de la ISKCON - enfatizo la importancia de aceptar siksa Guru con el mismo nivel de importancia del Diksa Guru.también hablamos sobre iniciaciones pidiendo su autorización y consejo.

GPS nos sugirió empezar un NUEVO programa los miércoles en el centro de predica de monterrey .

le presentamos próximos eventos del calendario.

-septiembre. festival EXPOESOTERICA 4 días venta de Prasad , libros y parafernalia .(buen evento grande mas de 5 mil personas visitan)

-octubre. programa con 120 estudiantes UVM universidad valle de Mexico en la finca nueva goverdan.

-noviembre Empezamos cursos en nueva Goverdan

-continuamos avánces diseño e infraestructura (NG) en la huerta gracias a la Gente nativa de la HUASTECA , es una familia de agricultores que están trabajando ellos hablan dialecto TENEK .

- los niños próxima semana todos a la escuela ( estamos cualificandonos para emprender un microproyecto educativo) estudiaremos online pedagogía. ¿esta bien? el tiempo pasa rápido

-Los devotos y devotas hermanos espirituales queremos invitarlo a Mexico Yatra Latino el próximo ,Festival de Vyasapuja en Nueva Goverdan Montemorelos ,esperamos sus indicaciones por favor darnos la oportunidad de poder mejorar nuestro servicio.

-mantenemos el mismo programa y poco a poco se vuelve mas fuerte..

-Bhakta Guillermo ya termino el curso de discípulos y mantiene su Sadhana y 16 Rondas , así como un servicio activo en el centro de predica una vez por semana.

  • hoy estuvimos con la familia en festival Jala Yatra que gracias a su visión este festival se estableció en este Yatra de monterrey.(cada vez que usted viene se establece algún programa increíble)

agradecemos por siempre inspirarnos desde el corazón y ser una guía en la obscuridad de Kali Yuga

att su caído sirviente Gadadhara Gosai Das.

(mi esposa enviara fotos)


Please accept my obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada and Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's sankirtan movement.

Gurudeva. I am very surprised to read Tava Pache Pache, Prabhu Abhiram gifted us 2 copies.

text, 8 SP uses the word BUSINESS (TPP),

I am also reading the book OUR FAMILY BUSINESS by Vaysesika Prabhu., we are maturing our understanding of sankirtan.

Our doubt when reading Tava Pache Pache, how a conditioned soul can experience ecstasy without following the regulative principles, we were surprised to know how great is the mercy of Krishna when there is sincere attachment following Vaidhi Bhakti.

ISKCON, Sri Krsna Bhavana amrta, is very deep in meaning and we thank you for expanding our understanding of Rupa Goswami's teachings.

Distribution of books 3 days a week Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

We accompany you with good association without attachment to the result is our intention.

Monday to Thursday we are at home with the family

Our main focus is to develop New Goverdan for the service of the Vaisnava community.

We have a staff of very good devotees who help us to have continuity in the process and we take the necessary directions step by step and little by little, the mode of passion is already more controlled.

Yesterday Guru Prasad Swami visited us and we talked about our preaching program and how to be a good ISKCON citizen - he emphasized the importance of accepting Siksa Guru with the same level of importance as the Diksa Guru. We also talked about initiations asking for your authorization and advice.

GPS suggested we start a NEW Wednesday program at the Monterrey preaching center.

We present you with upcoming calendar events.

-September. EXPO-ESOTERICA festival 4 days. Sale of Prasad, books and paraphernalia. (good big event more than 5 thousand people visit).

-October. program with 120 UVM students, University Valley of Mexico in the New Goverdan farm.

-November We start courses in New Goverdhan

-We continue to advance design and infrastructure (NG) in the orchard thanks to the native people of the HUASTECA, it is a family of farmers who are working, they speak the TENEK dialect.

- The children will all go to school next week (we are qualifying ourselves to undertake an educational microproject) we will study pedagogy online. Alright? time goes fast

-The devotees and spiritual brothers want to invite you to Mexico Yatra Latino next, Vyasapuja Festival in Nueva Goverdan Montemorelos, we await your indications please give us the opportunity to improve our service.

-We keep the same program and little by little it becomes stronger..

-Bhakta Guillermo has already finished the disciples' course and maintains his Sadhana and 16 Rounds, as well as an active service in the preaching center once a week.

Today we were with the family at the Jala Yatra festival thanks to his vision this festival was established in this Yatra of Monterrey (every time you come an incredible program is established)

we thank you for always inspiring us from the heart and being a guide in the darkness of Kali Yuga

att the fallen servant of him Gadadhara Gosai Das.

(my wife will send photos)

HpS - AgtSP!!! Thank you for the news. You may see from the other Blog posts and Kapi Dhvaja that we are working here in Nashville for like almost five months now. I think it is similar challenges to what you face. We are looking to get land for our own projects etc.

1st is keep your 16/4 strong, up for Mangala arati, SB, Kirtan daily. Then discuss with your Sankirtan partners and do some Sankirtan.

Very simple.

Best way to work.

If people want our product or don't, that is their free will.

There will always be some nice result, but big results depend on Krsna, no?

We have nice dialog with Bh. Guimo.

He will have been doing 16-rounds a day in December.

We are looking at his initiation about that time.

Fotos, Fotos, Fotos with explanations.

You can see the Calendar developing here and the conclusions published every Kapi Dhvaja.

Right now we only have fixed plans until November. Go to Houston.

Basically every day our body gets more and more delicate so travel is a major challenge.

Same happens to everyone.


ASA Encyclopedia and India trip report

Dear Guru Maharaja

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! All glories to you!

I am still in India. I am in Nagpur now visiting Divya’s parents. Will leave from here on Monday and have my flight back to Dallas on 1-Sep and we’ll reach on 2-Sep. Divya Sri is alone but thankful we have such a nice community of devotees who are taking care of her. Our car was broken into a few days back in the temple parking lot when Divya was dressing Radha Govinda. But she is ok and the car is in the workshop.

In the time I’ve been here, I haven’t been able to work on ASA Encyclopedia. When I arrived, it was the 10th day ritual for my uncle, then there was rituals till day 13 with so many relatives in my home. My uncle didn’t have kids. So my father was performing all the samskaras and then my visa appt.

Somehow managed to squeeze in a trip to Mayapur for a 3 days. Met Mishra Bhagavan prabhu there. He took me to Srila Prabhupada’s quarters in the lotus building and told his memories. He said it was in that very room that Prabhupada asked Tamal Krishna Maharaja to go to China! I went to Mayapur after 5 years and the crowd has increased significantly. They have displays in the Pancatattva courtyard for devotees to take Darsan even during mangala arathi as there is no place inside the temple room. It’s totally packed and so wonderful to sing samsaradhava with about a thousand devotees in unison! We felt your connection so much in Mayapur during the morning program.

I then took my father for his cataract surgery and follow up. It was a successful surgery.

I want to ask for forgiveness to have not started work but state that we are very much interested and willing to work on the ASA Encyclopedia. I should have time after Janmastami and will start work and make some progress.

HpS - Nothing to forgive. It seems to be moving ahead practically. If anyone has any idea how to improve things, then please let us know.

Maybe it will prove to be not really worth doing.

Srila Prabhupada wants us to chant Hare Krsna and then adjust our Sankirtan to that base, no?

I would also like to pass the sound-cloud credentials to the ASA carnival team so that they can maintain all the media. Can you please send me the contact of the devotee I should talk to Guru Maharaja?

ASA - Text us by Whatsapp.

We are hoping to come and see you in Houston in November Guru Maharaja.

Your servant

Srinatha Krsna dasa

HpS - Thank you so much for this news!!

So, much.

Best wishes for everyone to become more and more integrated with Krsna's pastimes.


1 year, 5 months ago by cynthia in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports, Other


Thank you for your prompt communication,

from which I am trying to understand.

We send the information for the publication of the article for Solaris by mail,

a summary with difficulty in 15 pages,

but there was so much information to put together,

according to the format,

devotional content,

we try to be scientifically possible,

due to the shape and theme of the magazine...

and that made we believe that it was prudent to quote Srila Prabhupada and the work that you have always spread,

. . . . . . . . . . . . . which is the 'light of the bhagavata',

and if it is possible to modify the text

with more Quotes from the book,

the better,

or perhaps photographs with some pages

and text

from the book.

Well I don't know...


Because ...

. . . . . . . . . . finally

.. . . ... agriculture. . . .


the basis

of an advanced and spiritual civilization


maybe it's useless or need an English translation....

About of travels; I don't know which way to go now,

I'm so confused and unenthusiastic with all,

with the system...

Perhaps there are possibilities of being able to travel to Madrid next year.

But our focus right now is on Chile...








Last year i was traveling through Nepal and then Paris and Granada... and God gave us the opportunity to contemplate the Arabic writing on the walls of the Alhambra. .................. ..................... ................ ................... ............ ...There was a group of Nasrid wise men who wrote the name of god on the walls...


asa - KRS-NA . KRS-NA . KRS-NA . KRS-NA . krs-na ' krs-na ' KRSNA... HE!


For mental health i am writing some things,

... maybe i can write some texts.

Sometimes i listen to his preaching and what he talks about some things in conferences, and maybe we can do an essay next time in english and show him... Analyze works and art...

thanks for all ,,, Cynthia.


asa - 🐵 all the people in this world are boring

. .. .except NIMAI and His gang

. . of rascals.


make all mistakes into


. 🔔