9 years, 5 months ago by Germán Vegas in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Hare Krishna Gurumaharaja Please, accept my humble obeisances All glories to Srila Prabhupada!!! At last, we're having our NIMSAR meeting this saturday. I hope that all the members come to elect the new board ... After that, new plans. I'll tell you hot news in the next report. I wish you to have a nice rest for a few days Gurudeva Your servant Gandharva dasa

HpS - ASA --- AGTSP Paoho.   Excellent report. 1) We have seen some Education Peru action from Abhinandan Das and Jiva-sakti Das and Rama-giridhari Das indirectly but nothing has reached this Blog yet. "A wise man reacts to only what happens", Canakhya Pandita.   2) We sent a letter to Eduardo enticing him to equisite dialog but no answer yet.   3) We have actually been getting some substantial rest and recuperation after 6-weeks of hard, hard, exhausting work. Our medical advice is that this was the last time we can risk such stress on our body. Do it again and surely we won't recover.

It is a great adventure, what new frontier do we have to break now?  We are getting a pretty steady diet and and work load. It looks like we will do:

Hawaii class on Thursday

Saturday Morning SB/Bh​Vai etc.   English

Saturday Evening Spanish.

Flexible but nominally Wednesday at 7.30PM, BhSastri with NGD (open to all).   FMP Daily  . This is only in so much as our Sankirtan writing finds its natural element in them.


Hare Krsna Gurudev - Janmastami Report, from Vrndavan

Hare Krsna Dear Gurudev,
    Please accept my humble obeisances at your lotus feet.
    All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
    All glories to Guru parampara.

    Gurudev, Thank you so much.

    i was in the team of Janmastami flower decoration for entire Temple. We were total 26 (23 external + 3 internal (ISKCON)) member.

HpS - Krsna-Balarama Mandir!!!

    Continuously, around 54-56 hours of service, with no sleep. We decorated the entire temple, SP Samadhi and all. I was surprise
    even after 56 hours none-stop, i was not feeling tired, sleepy !!

HpS - Hmmm!   Must have been a vaisya in India in you last life time. Managing many people in the town with very religious sentiments.

    To see this, Our one Lead, asked me to come for next day again for whole night....i was happy.

    Actually, we had started service from 4th Sep to till 6th Sep. Double decoration of SP Samadhi Mandir.

    Have collected SB + BG Preparation materials and few thing need to discus with few seniors from temple. Then i will be able to
    Finalize one 15 days preaching schedule for a new location. Once everything fix then i will share the detail with you. As of,
    it is under discussion and planning.

    Eager to meet few more Brajwasi Vaisanava for sadna and want to visit few more bhajan kutir or Bhajan stali of Vaisanava.

    Please let me know if you have any thing for me.

your fallen servant,
Girivaradhari-Gopal Das

HpS - ASA --- Yes, yes. More news as it happens  and  are you going to take second initiation?  Then you can go on the altar!

report from mumbai

9 years, 5 months ago by harsh_horse in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

hare krsna, maharaj, pamho, agtsp.

I will come to point directly
you wrote "We have not heard from the Mumbai, Pradhan. We hope that he has also been able to make some progress in assembling the list of possible consumers for Bharatiya-sanskriti and the wonderful Felicitations volume."
In my understanding I think my work was just to compile list of contributors not consumers. Can  you please guide on the path to distribute these books.

HpS - Always so nice to get the straight news from a real horse. Can you contact Dr. Samaresh and see about updating the list? He says that some of the people have changed. Then we can draft an exciting, motivating promotional letter and sell 500 books in three weeks. Then you can retire to the country with your wife and six servants and invite devotees to come and visit you and make your entire village devotees of Lord Sri Krsna. Then . . .

Hope you have got my second long long letter. Hope it was help.  gradually i am finding writing helps one to see and control one's mind. Become an author become an authority


HpS - Yes, you saw our great appreciation for your letter on sense control. Again thank you. What is happening with your PhD?  Can you give us a little summary of your doctorate? Are you going to write for "Psychology of the Sacred" in Lima, Peru, in June 2016?

Hare Krsna Gurudev - Sankirtan Report - II, from Vrndavan

Hare Krsna Dear Gurudev,
    Please accept my humble obeisances at your lotus feet.
    All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
    All glories to Guru parampara.

    Gurudev, Thank you so much.

    Schedule - Morning Program, SB by HH Radha-Govind Maharaj (Morning & Evening - 2-2 Hours), Office work (from Vrndavan), Temple Services.

    Learning lots of things - Previous and current activity. Like - The real reason behind, why i was not able to join Morning Programs, during your
    last Delhi Visit, where i am lacking in Sadna, where i should focus more and lots of things.
    Will visit Barsana under guidance of senior leaders from ISKCON Vrndavana to see few great Vaisanava and brajwasi so that i can get ignited more
    for sadna.

    Please let me know if you have any thing for me.

your fallen servant,to
Girivaradhari-Gopal Das

HpS - ASA --- Bharata bhumite haile!      Because of your past work you have put your self in Bharata as a Bharata vasi!  Now you have so much opportunity make your own life succesful. Just hearing from you hear in the Pascatya desa is so purifying.   Thank so much for being a real Bharata vasi!   This is our last day in Peru.  Incredible results with the Sankirtan.  Just keep looking for the new ways that Krsnna sends to distribute your knowledge!!!!!!!   Hope to have more time after this week for letters. Please send us reports of the life of Devotee in India like this! 


NitayGoura Premananade! querido y siempre recordado, Gururdev,

por favor acepte mis humildes y respetuosas reverencias,p


HpS - ASA ---  Hare Krsna. Estamos en Mexico manana.   Gracias su pequeno fotos de sus Deidades. Estamos llevando con nosotros. 

                                             en los ultimos tiempos adaptandome a las circunstancias que toca vivir, una mujer con disfunción renal afrontando sus gastos y los de su anciano Padre, Es el Mundo Material, hay que cubrir necesidades inmediatas,  Gtacias a su Misericordia sin causa, la Distribución de Libros  está sembrado en mi Corazón, apesar de realizarlo dentro del poco tiempo que dispongo, es la FELICIDAD DURADERA,  con la Tecnologia ofresco los diferentes temas y colecciones de libros de Srila Prabhupada, en tiendas, Instituciones Culturales, llevo conmigo solo 2 Libros grandes y les digo:   como estos Libros tenemos diferentes temas para Coleccionar, les enseño las fotos en WatsUpp entonces me dicen: ah! y este libro que veo en la foto de que se trata? les explico brevemente , y me dicen:  por favor traeme uno la proxima semana, les digo: Claro que si! Felicidad espiritual es duradera!! de que sirve lamentarse de las miserias de este mundo Material? verdad? actualmente estoy siguiendo una carrera de multinivel en Cosmetico, no me gusta, pero, ofrece Seguro para enfermedades complicadas como la mia, ok, lo voy a hacer tengo que estudiar mucho, practicar, demanda tiempo!! La  Cia. se basa en principios de: Primero Dios, Segundo la Familia y tercero el trabajo, estoy aceptando que Dios me puso en este camino por algo,  circunstancialmente para ganar el Sustento soy como un payaso, desempeñando el papel de una vendedora de Inciesos en un Semaforo o vistiendo de Sastre visitando Sras. elegantes,  etc.... pero su infinita compasión querido Gurudev no me abandona y hace que el Bhajan a Prabhupada esté sonando constantemente en el corazón de esta inútil sirvienta suya!!! Eternamente agradecida  a sus divinos Pies de Loto!!

                                                                                                                                Radhe, Radhe, Radhe.....

su inutil y torpe sirvienta

m. Jambavati d.d.

HpS - Si, eso es una perspectivo commun, bueno!   Dios, Familia, Trabajo.   Y para devoto todo es Dio. Por media de su trabajo puede apprender MUCHO acerca de marketing por libros!  Esforzando visitar a su padre durante esta visita pero no posible. Ayer en Janmastami 4-conferencias, dos iniciancions y hablando con infinita cuantidad de gente.

No vemos manana!!


Querido Gurudev: Pamho. TgSP y sus seguidores fieles.

HpS - ASA - Jaya!

Espero que se encuentre bien al recibir este mensaje. Nosotros por aquí bien gracias a Dios.

Seguimos tratando de asimilar la filosófia y hacer que forme parte de nuestra vida. Este verano hemos utilizado las vacaciones para aumentar nuestra asociación con los devotos y, en consecuencia, con Krisna. Como ya sabe estuvimos en Radhadesh, con Avesa Y Adiras, y varias veces en NVMandala (Festival del Santo Nombre, Festival de la Vaca, etc). Tambien iremos para Janmastami. Es agradable estar en los Festivales con los devotos. Tambien hicimos un programa en Navala Kunda con Yadunandana Maharaja. Vinieron devotos rusos, pero la mayoria de los devotos eran del Templo y congregación de Madrid, entre ellos Dandava y Carcika, Jara Mara y Marta, Janardana y esposa, etc. Pienso que fue un sintoma de que la cooperación entre Madrid y Navalakunda será el estribillo de nuestra aportación a ISKCON. A la hora del prasadam eramos unos cuarenta. Le mando algunas fotos para que las vea.

HpS - Que pasa con el proyecto de los Grhastha Ashramas al lado de Naval Kunda? Como se llama el devoto? Tengo su imagen pero no su nombre???

Lo mas resaltante de mi vida espiritual es que mantengo un gran deseo de ser un buen devoto y ayudar en la misión de Srila Prabhupada. Él me salvo del infierno y ahora vivo cerca de los planetas celestiales. Pero SP no está contento con eso y quiere que nos volvamos devotos puros para ser útiles de verdad. Así que ese es nuestro negocio. Así que mi tiempo esta repartido entre "La Misión", la familia, el trabajo y mi mente.

Espero que cuando vuelva a España (Goura Purnima?) podamos visitar Navala Kunda y se aprecien ya cambios importantes.

Sin mas se despide

su sirviente ( o al menos aspirante)

Jayanta das

HpS - Hmmm.  Aparece 15 March 2016 is Gaura Purnima. Pienso pasamos por Europa posible fin de Febrero en ruta a India y Mayo en regresa.

Srimad Bhagavatam es nuestra verdadero metodo de conquista (tato jayam uddhirayet). Si esperamos ser devotos puros eso es el metodo. Como esta su leer de SB con los devotos? CC? Ndl D?    Todos son basad en SB!!