NIMSAR Report october-2015

Hare Krsna Maharaja. PAMHO.


2nd report NIMSAR October-2015 :

1.-From October 22: President and Academic charge of Laksmana d.

Secretary ans logistics : Isvari dd

Treasury, coordination and implementation of programs: Abhinanda d Communications:

Indira sakti dd Public Realtions and child development area :

Yugala Kisora dd Counseling, health courses and worship:

Gaura Gadhadara dd - Candra Mukhi dd: She is now in charge of the pujari wilson and continues area teachers NIMSAR.

we all suport to each manager and each manager can find partners for your area.

2.-The report on the Educational Congress in Perú Aug-2015 will be sent later this month, the report is in charge of Laksmana d.

3.-We continue the Strategic Planning workshop (which started on sunday October 4). Is a workshop session a week, this is helping us to sort ideas that are then sorted in projects, later also we will receive another workshop on" building projects".

4.-Baladeva P. is in Perú and will endorsement to Laksmana d (NIMSAR) and Jiva Sakti d to dictate the course of Guru Disciple in ISKCON. And also we doing a workshop on Mediation and Conflict resolution and we will send a report on this.

5.-Gandharva d has requested license [leave of absence] for one year and was granted

6.-We want better our association, to training academic and spiritual level (make a more conscious sadhana). And improve our relationship, in order to do a good service group and please to Srila Prabhupada.

Thank you very much for all your support and dedication . His servant and spiritual niece Isvari dd (Secretary NIMSAR)

HpS - Jaya!   AGTSP.   Thank you for the report. It is so hard doing anything in the current epoch. Always manage our own life, Japa, rise early, read books, first. Unless we are strong, how can we help others.
What is happening with Laksmana?  I can't reach him on the phone and neither can Abhirama. Has he become Mayor of Chosica????

Discerning what works and what not

Hare Krsna dear Guru Maharaja. Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

I have a question in connection to what you wrote in last KD.

From last KD :"For us is just as important eliminating programs that are not working as developing plans that are working."


How to discern what is working (what programs, projects) and what not? For example, a Sunday program at the temple (aka Sunday Feast). How to understand if it works in a way that pleases Krsna? Other example,  a Local Yatra project, or National Yatra project? 

Very grateful, 
Namacarya das

HpS - ASA --- AGTSP ... I guess the basic idea is whether Krsna was happy after the Battle of Kuruksetra or not, no?   Did Yuddhistira feel that he had eliminated a government and governors that weren't working?

In the end Bhisma convinced him that he had eliminate the right things.

What do you think of:  ????

Pequeño viaje a Bolivia

Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada!!!!

Hare Krsna Guru Maharaj, reciba mis reverencias desde la ciudad de Puno.  Nuevamente volvimos a viajar a Bolivia por 8 dias, hicimos Sankirtan en la ciudad de Oruro por 3 dias y en la ciudad de La Paz por 4 dias con asociación de Prabhu Adveita.

Llegamos hace 2 dias a la Ciudad de Puno y también estamos haciendo Sankirtan con Prabhu Adveita Thakur.

Nuestro Sankirtan fue el Siguiente:

Nadiya Nivasi Dasi 172 libros pequeños y  3 Bhagavad - Gita Poket, 12 Ciencias de la Autorrealización y 2 Viajes al Autoconocimiento.

Gadai Gauranga Das 216 libros pequeños y 2 Bhagavad - Gita Poket.

En total son 407 libros distribuidos.

Entre Perú y Bolivia, en estas zonas del altiplano ya estan comenzando las lluvias fuertes, pero igual seguimos haciendo Sankirtan, esperemos que las lluvias no sean tan fuertes.

Estaremos por Puno hasta el dia 4 de noviembre (Esperamos comprar nuestros pasajes a India en estos dias).

Despues iremos a la ciudad de Arequipa por una semana del 4 al 10 de noviembre a hacer Sankirtan.

Despues a Lima - Chosica por una semana del 10 al 16 de noviembre (visitando familiares). 

Despues del 17 de noviembre al 31 de diciembre haremos la marathon de Srila Prabhupada entre las ciudades de Huancayo  y  Ayacucho. Esté es el plan que manejamos hasta fines de año 2015, a no ser que el Señor Nityananda cambie los planes.

Nuestro Sadhana 5 am Mangal Artik, nuestras rondas de Japa Gadai 16 rondas y un poquito más y Nadiya  Nivasi 25 rondas, 4 principios regulativos, adorando las Silas, estamos leyendo el Srimad - Bhagavatam, cap 7 (El castigo del hijo de Drona) texo 19. 

Por segunda ves estoy leyendo el Nityananda Caritamrta, Cap 2 (Los viajes del Señor Nityananda a los lugares Santos).  Madre Nadiya Nivasi esta leyendo la Ciencia de la Autorrealización.

Cada ves estamos menos tiempo en un lugar, a veces solo 3 ó 5 dias, nos parece interezante como el cuerpo cambia y se adecua a cada ciudad a la que vamos, madre Nadiya Nivasi esta mejorando de salud.

Es mejor viajar por unos dias a cada ciudad, pues asi se mantienen las buenas relaciones con los devotos y personas que nos rodean, eso es lo que experimentamos y en realidad es bueno para nosotros.

Bueno Guru Maharaj me despido y que Nrisimha lo proteja, un abrazo!!!  Hare Krsna.

Gadai Gauranga Das

HpS - ASA -- Su, Su, SUper!!!   TlgaSP.  pfarnh.   Que puedo decir, Los resultados de sus austeridades son la bendicion mas elevado que cualquiere algunos de nosotros pudieran ofrecer!

Muchos libros y tambien convertiendo mas gente a Sankirtaneros. Vendiendo 6-libros a uno como puede compartir con sus amigos???

Va a ir a Bharata varsa con otros devotos??

Videos Sattva y NIMSAR

9 years, 2 months ago by Victoria in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

 Hare Krsna Gurudev, PAMH  _^o_   Jay Prabhupada!<img alt="smiley" height="23" src="" title="smiley" width="23" />

-This is the link to the video about the conference in the National Library of Peru

-And this is the link to the NIMSAR´s video.

I hope you find these useful. If you see something that I can improve please tell me so I can fix it.

Those links are preliminary, because I made a mistake: i upload the videos from my personal account and not from the  ASA Audiovisual´s account. I'll fix it and i will send you the new links. Meanwhile you can use these with the devotees

Muchas gracias por la oportunidad de hacer este servicio

para servirlo

Vrsabhanu Nandini dd


Necesitamos la colaboracion de algun/a devoto/a que pueda traducir las partes de ambos video que estan solo en ESPAÑOL. Necesitamos esa información en INGLES para poder agregar los subtitulos.

Quien este interesado y disponga del tiempo por favor escribir a: [email protected]

Muchas gracias

HpS - Hare Krsna!   Thank you so much for the work that you and The Ambarisa Das are doing, but much more thank you for your association. We will look at the links. Now we are trying to answer the mail and meet with you on Skype for the Claudio Naranjo meeting.


                     HARE KRSNA DEAR GURUDEVA,

                  PAOHO, AGTSP!!


                  17:00 (ITALY).

                  THIS IS GINETTA´S SKYPE (HIS SECRETARY):" ginettapacella", THEY ALLREADY HAVE

                  ALSO YOUR SKYPE NAME.



                   SANANDA DD &  BHADRA VD

ASA - AGTSP     paoho     Thank you all.    We just posted the time and date, and contact address to our calendar with a 15-minute advancve reminder. 

Yes, please join. The more the merrier.

We will research Claudio's ideas and perspective and maybe even send a file.

Ramvijaya festival

Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva:



Gurudeva the Ramvijaya festival was really amazing in wilson. Yugala told us that in Chosik will not be any celebration... ummmm (no comments).

We tried to please Lord Rama, SP, and devotees

I am attaching pictures.., one image more than 1000 words

Thank u for all iur inspiration an advice. We felt really inspired by Namacarya's letter... and following his example i will try not to write too much,.,so I may no be a burden...There are letters more important than ours

Thank u thank u thank u



HpS - Lord Caitanya's mercy goes to the most fallen first. Ja!   Ha!     Ha!     The ducks that come closer get more...      After the battle the victory, and the victory is the opportunity to serve Rama in a nice atmosphere.

We are catching up on the mail now and writing the KDh.  As we write it, it forces us to update everything.

I think we are Madhyama adhikaris: Half sane and half mad. That is pretty good in a world that is 85% mad.

Wow!   Incredible cake for them!