[URGENT] - Education exhibition - Mayapura

9 years, 3 months ago by pnd in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Hare Krishna Dear Guru Maharaja,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

You wrote: We are working on the ILS program now. The organizers cancelled the idea of an education exhibition and are going to have some kind of ISKCON exhibition.

How much space, what kind of space, when and how many days would you like for education exhibition? 

We can try to get some space from ISKCON Mayapur if ILS didn't want give. If you like I can try to ask Krishna Vijaya Prabhu, who is now general manager. Heard he is is very nice. He may have some place as around that time as there will be lot of stands built for festival right next to the temple. Devotees could book those last years for festival time.

Please let me know, what do you think.

Your servant Prahlad Nrsimha das

HpS - AGTSP.  Thank you.  I can't make much decision on this, but will put these ideas to Rama-giridhari Das et al. I think we should just focus on your Vedabase.com presentation as a part of the general education presentation. The I think it will be a poster area like two meters x two meters on some wall.
Also, it can be a live part of the Higher Education presentatin that we will be presenting. Then about ten minutes of PPTX and hand outs.
Also, can do hand-outs to people as they are waiting in lines.

Often we think of abandoning all other preaching efforts and just basing in Mayapura and trying to assist you in Vedabase.com.
Hmmmm.   We should have dates for Mayapura, Kolkatta very soon.

LAD is alive and kicking

Hare Krishna, dear GM, Pamho.

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!

I'm just fine. I little fall down. Gettin up late, the flu, weak rounds, lots of ice-cream and cookies, movies, discouranged, depressed...but still alive. Trying to adjust goals, NIMSAR perspective, relationship with ISKCON administration (getting worse), etc.

I want to fix Bhakti BV. My situation and my students situation. I guess first step is applying to BVB Godfather program. So, I'm requesting to participate in that program. Please, we merciful to me as always, and allow me to be part of it. 

Lots of details we can talk later. I still have a few hot topics about temple, sankirtan, and ashrama situation.

This is it for now. Just wanted to say that I'm still here, damaged, wounded, but alive.

Your servant,


HpS - Ooof!   We were very worried about you. Hadn't heard for several days. Called and no answer.   We avoid the cookies (unless cooked by devotees), but at times we have also drowned out sorrow in ice cream (Prasadam).
We have been trying. Three times we were so disturbed by ISKCON politics, administracion that we were ready to leave the management structure (starve to death and go to Srila Prabhupada), but each time we saw that the GBC et al adjusted their programs. For example, Guru tattva after Prabhupada left.

Pretty early, we remember, we were walking up a hill in San Francisco on the way to work. We were living in the Temple and working at a bank corporation 4-12-midnight. We were thinking about hell in the Ashram, devotee conflicts, trying to serve, and at that point we made this committment, we weren't intiated then, that no matter who fell away, even if everyone was crazy, we would not give up trying to help Srila Prabhupada in his mission.

Have you had a similar realization? I guess so. Then, its a matter of seeing how much ice cream you actually need. Kardama needed a wife (very nice wife!). Arjuna needed a manly shoulder to cry on and some good counseling (already had a wife).

Have you read all Six Cantos with our ASA CSGs?  If yes, then you, seems also La Brujita Blanca del Sur (Kumari Yugala kishora Dasi) can join this review, but... can you join us Saturday Night Live?

We need a translator. Actually the PPTX shows could be available each morning and then adjusted by 6PM.   Hmmm.
We asked ART to get Ekanatha-gaura Das to call us about the administration.
1. Who are you?

2. Find your friends in ISKCON.

3. Make some plans.

4. Acquire your tools (typewriters (attack camels (freeze dried ice-cream))).

Please write as often as you can. Make news (and die).

youtube.com (dancing flowers (tra la law, la law la la (good rounds (happy heart (victory over the party of Duryodhana (even if it is us!!!))))

Maraton de sankirtan de diciembre

9 years, 3 months ago by brian tellez in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

pamho AgtSP

Hare Krsna Querido GM

Acabo de llegar de colombia de estar 15 días participando del movimiento de Sankirtan harinama sirviendo a SS Maha Vishnu Swami, fue un néctar poder servirlo personalmente pensaba mucho en Usted querido GM. ahora llegamos a México y SS me invito a acompañarlo a Australia para ser su sirviente personal, sin envargo ahora es la maratón de Sankirntan de diciembre y los devotos me pidieron apoyar aqui en el templo del DF con algunos seminarios para motivar a la comunidad a participar en esta maratón de sankirtan, asi que este año como el año pasado esperamos quedarnos aqui en mexico df a hacer la maraton de sankirtan.

HpS - Jaya!!!

He pensado mucho en la instruccion mas fuerte que usted me dio de levantarme temprano y acabar mis rondas y ahora me doy cuenta q impacto tan grande ha tenido en mi vida seguir esta intruccion todo mi dia es diferente cuando hago caso a su instruccion por sus intruccion mi servicio devocional ha sido muy beneficiado, muchas gracias Gurudeva.

El proximo año nos estan invitando a participar en un sankirtan viajero con maratones que se llevaran acabo en distintos paises de sur america quiciera volver a participar de estos sankirtan viajeros, rollig stong!,¿ que opina usdted querido Gurudeva?

HpS - No se los detalles de su Bhava, conciencia, pero usualmente es bueno viajar mientras esta joven. Prabhupada indica, SB 1.17.38, muchacho tiene tomar opcion ser casado o fijado como Brahmacari/Sannyasi para todo la vida a las 24 anos. Claro, eso es ideal, pero pienso tiene que enfocar en esta decision. Normalment, como Kardama y Devahuti, decision es ser casado, no Sannyasa ni Vanaprastha directo. Entonce, 1, 2, 3 hijos muy robustos y Sankirtan con la familia.

Si tiene Ud. algun plan especial para mi porfavor hagamelo saber mi vida esta rendida a sus instrucciones.

Por favor siga manejandome como ud. quiera y solo asi podre hacer algo por satisfacer a nuestro querido fundador Acarya con una gran actitud de predica en esta maraton de sankirtan 2015!!.

Su Pequeño titere

Vrajendra Kumara Dasa.

<img alt="laugh" height="23" src="http://hps.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/teeth_smile.png" title="laugh" width="23" />sonrisa de fierro 

HpS - ASA ---  Yo soy basicament un tonto, pero por la misericordia de Vd. y Srila Prabhupada y los miembros deISKCON y otros buenos en esta mundo, mantango un poco utilidad. Espero que encuetra muchos personas muy interestantes enviado por Krsna en su Sankirtan.

Espero que Senor Nityananda relaciona con Jagai y Madai, y nostros Pedro y Manuel!

Esperamos mas noticias!

1st Dec NIOS Report

9 years, 3 months ago by hps in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Jaya Sri Krsna!

Esteemed Professor, Harsh, Girivaradhari Das et al,
We tried to call Nil-kamal Ashrama on Sunday at 9PM, IST, but both phones just mournfully rang and rang.
Then yesterday we were talking with Prof. Radhika-raman Das (Ravi Gupta) during that time and missed the call. Today we were little sick from some alergy reaction to cooking oil gas.
O.K. Bad instrument trying to be of some use.
We will try to call again.
The Peru Library Conference still is our first NIOS priority. Is O.K?   We see that all of our other NIOS work can fall in quite naturally behind this.
1. We have been pushing, pushing, pushing Abhirama thakur Das (Alejandro Salazaar), to get the Library to post the event on their Web-site. Then we can start promoting it as a bonafide event. We especially want to start inviting and confirming scholars for the event and the corresponding periodical, Solaris.
2. After that we are pushing for a formal budget agreement between NIOS and the Library (as fiscal agent for NIOS in Peru), then NIOS can contribute $10,000 for the event. Library will supply its prestige, big management infra-structure and continental hotel and travel for about 2-5 scholars.
3. Abhirama has been encountering bureaucracy slow downs and was scheduled to go yesterday, Tuesday, with Ramon's, Director of Museum's, personal secretary to get the announcement posted. When we talked today, he said it was postponed until Thursday. If these delays get to prominent we are inclined to think the production of the event will be too difficult and turn to some other projects.
4. If the event goes ahead, then we certainly want to include, you, Professor Samaresh, and Professor Sonu Shamdasani, as two principal NIOS participants. We would like for you and Mrs. Bandhyopadyay to come to USA and also attend the Conference in Peru, and also collaborate with museum, history and archaelogical groups there.
Of course, in Peru Mataji and you could join television shows that promote culture and speak about the parallels between Peru and Bengal from the time of your Grandparents etc. We feel sure that from a ladies point of view it would be sensational, powerful, eg. how did your Grandmother dress, did she ride in a horse carriage when she would visit relatives, do Bengali girls wear pants now?
The idea would be for your good selves to stop over in USA, but as we were making extensive discussions on the matter with Radhika we realized that this would be June or July, and the USA universities are 87% dead this time!
We thought of individual meetings with scholars you would like to meet. He knows of Prof. Solomann at University of Washington. He thinks Prof. Ludo Rocher has probably retired, but University of Pennsylvania is one of the probably 5-7 schools in USA that have a full Indological studies program. He thinks there is a regular Indological USA meeting in June or July that we could join. He is looking for the dates.
That is about all for now.
Of course, there are many NIOS details going on.
We will try to call.

Report NIMSAR November-2015

Hare Krsna Maharaja.


Here I present the 4th NIMSAR report.

ASA - Hare Krsna!!


1.-Nimsar it is seeking to implement the proposals received of the sastra area in Chosica Educational Congress.

Whit short term proposals was organized:

1.1.Monthly classes of December to February (for now)

speakers: Laksmana d,Abinanda d,Isvari dd (these classes are given  in LIma and Chosica.

1.2.-Classes in Chosica  Sunday for guests  to 1.30pm-2.30pm (began in November)

speakers: Karuna Krsna d, Abhirama Thakura d,Abhinanda d,Padmavati dd

Target of this program is to raise the level of understanding of both the guests and speakers.

But it   seems that  this program  will be changed for the actual manager of education of Chosica and  your perspective.

2.-The Proposals of the sastric area are divided into short,medium and long term. In charge of organizing this  are Abhinanda d  and Isvari dd. (soon we will send posters of the programs )

Thank you very much

 The Sri Nrsimhadeva protect you .

with appreciation

ss and spiritual niece

Isvari dd

HpS - ASA --- What happened to the Blue Baboon. Laksmana's friend we have not heard from him for weeks, neither from LAD himself.   Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna.  They only motor for all these things is your good Kirtan, Japa and Sankirtan!   Sankirtan can be to anyone who is passing by. Smile and then look them in the eye.

Winter in Madrid!

Hare Krishna GuruMaharaj!

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Please accept my humble obeisances.

We continue in Madrid,

our services are the same from some months ago:

temple commander and pujari.

In general, all is ok with the services.

We are developing this new program call

Kirtan Pizza from some weeks ago,

the devotees like a lot and

usually some new people join us to chant in the temple and

take prasadam.

The guest can chant one hour and half and

after they can eat all the pizza

that they want!

In addition, Janardana Das Prabhu (temple president) are doing

one program call Cine forum:

we watch one film at month

(very good topics reincarnation, social problems, spirituality) and

we talk around half hour about

some important topics

that we discover in the film.

I was talking with Bhadra Vardhana Das Prabhu

about going out to chant to street one day a week and

maybe we start this Thursday,

now is winter but we can find

some places like subway stations, etc…

I continue with the Bhakti Sastri

(Sri Isopanisad, I hope finish the course in

February-March) and now im reading

second part of third canto (S.B).

In December Jiva (the cooker)

will travel one month to Peru and

one devotee from the ashram

(Bhakta Victor) an me will cover him.

Also Jagamohan Das Prabhu

continue cooking all the Sundays and Mondays.

For me is a new challenge to

cook for all the prasadam program,

for next month I will

delegate part of my services to focus in the kitchen.

No more news now.

Hope to see you soon.

Thanks for your time.

Mantri Rama Das

ASA - Become rich, become famous, become beautiful, become immortal.
Become a devotee of Krsna who walks and skips with His little friends in
transcdental forest of Vraja.

We talked with Yadu Swami for 45-minutes, here in USA yesterday.
He, Sananada Devi Dasi, also told  us about: Pizza night, Cine Forum,
Kirtan in the Metro...  Go-Gopi-Gokulananda.  Just try something and
you will understand how to do better!!!!!!!!
Big results soon to come.