Sankirtan en Buenos Aires.

Guru Maharajá quiero comunicarle como estoy hoy

En este momento estamos con los preparativos en el templo del festival del Ratha Yatra con mucho servicio

Las jornadas aquí son intensas. También estoy participando de una jornada de estudios varios que se dictan los viernes por la mañana, que incluye: lectura de las escrituras, música y danza devocional.

En lo personal estoy leyendo el cap 5to del Bhagabad gita.

Lo que mas quiero resaltar de esta carta es comunicarle que el día 19 de este mes los devotos que vivimos en el templo nos vamos a Uruguay para participa de la maratón de Sria Prabhupada del mes de diciembre. Mi servicio va a ser cocinar prasadam para los sankirtaneros  junto con mi hermano espiritual Adiyajña . Vamos a estar 46 día en Uruguay hasta el 5 de enero aprox.

En un principio la maratón iba a ser en Santiago de Chile, pero las autoridades del templo decidieron ir a Uruguay.

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada!!!

GuruMaharaja, espero que se encuentre realmente bien.

Aquí en Bs As estamos muy contentos y con muchas ganas de verlo para que nos brinde su asociación en el mes de enero. Estamos con los preparativos por su llegada con algunos de los hermanos espirituales.

Su sirviente

Lomasa Rsi das

HpS - ASA -  TlgaSP.  Muy, muy bien. Esperamos puede cocinar y aveces va afuera buscar si puede encontrar unos personas amistoso, inteligente motivado pare presentar un poco de nuestra cultural para ellos.   Por favor unas noticias del marathon.

Organizing Sankirtan in Peru

9 years, 2 months ago by hps in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports


Esteemed Jayapataka Swami et al,
Paoho....     We hope this meets you in the best of spirits and good health. First we are writing to try to get the best means of communicating with your good self, especially in these GBC functions for Peru et al. Of course, we are super happy to communicate for any other purpose.

Specifically, Peru, Bolia, Ecuador, we are personally experiencing and hear more and more often some distress from devotees about the administrative situation.
1. We very, very, very, much appreciate the efforts of Yamunesvara, Omkara Das, M. Ganga et al, but in trying to organize things we run up against, among others, a problem in the functioning of the National Council. We have been Temple President three times, organized many Congresses etc. and our mode of work is more bureaucratic than Ksatriya, but been praised by devotees etc. for very efficient work.

To cut directly to the essence, some of the National Council members are approaching us about delaying initiations etc.because of certain Resolutions of the Council. These were supposed to have been passed and communicated years ago. We don't remember ever being informed. We asked for copies of the Resolutions so we could all be working on the same basis. The result was that all the Members present expressed that there is no Record Book for the Council's work and that Minutes of Meetings and Resolutions are scattered everywhere and the present Secretary, Jiva Shakti Das, has expressed concern that he has asked repeatedly for the documents so that they can be put in order and has not received them.

I realize that these are formalities. The basis of our administration is our Vaisnava relations, but without these minimal administrative abilities it seems to us that the work cannot go on in a straight forward fashion and we should admit that the Yatra is not functioning and go from there.

So, just to make it a practical action statement, we are requesting now that the operation of the National Council in Peru be suspended unless a practical copy of its Record of Meetings Book can be made available and the function of the Council be taken over by your good self, Zonal Secretary.

2. O.K. Moving onward to the next parade: What about making Mathuresa Das Regional Secretary for Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador? We have discussed this with many others, proposed it about 5-years ago and think it would be very practical. I feel that Prabhuji would be able to communicate your mood as Zonal Secretary and has been doing a lot of the work already.

3. Individually and with our contacts in Peru we have been developing this academic sankirtan slowly but steadily. The practical result is that the National Library has very enthusiastically agreed to co-sponsor an internaltional symposium in June on "Psychology of the Sacred". We are already in contact with very prominent scholars in India and Europe to participate.

We are keeping this letter short, and we certainly are only proposing things in any strong fashion because we sincerely feel that it will give fantastic help to all the devotees, and heroic administrators in our Peru Yatra. As far as I am concerned ISKCON Peru can be very reasonaly considered one of the most crucial countries in saving the world.
Thank you,
Hanumatpresaka Swami
USA phone +1 209 505 3219

NIOS - Weekly Report

9 years, 2 months ago by hps in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Hare Krsna!

Esteemed Advisors, Directors, Officers and Friends,
We are in ISKCON's Nila-madhava Dhama in Houston Texas.

  1. We have a short meeting scheduled with the accountant for the proposed Goloka Foundation incorporation at 6.30PM. We will try to find out what is the extent of the work he will be doing. We need to know if the Incorporators need be be personally present. We sent him a short e-mail and then had some sharp exchanges by texting.
  2. Dr. Samaresh said that he would read our last letter with Mission Statements for Solaris magazine, and Goloka Foundation, and if there were any comments he felt he should make he would get back to us. We have not got any news from the esteemed Prof. but this may be because of personal inconvenience or failure of the internet from India.
  3. We will call him as scheduled, Sunday at 9PM India hour, 9.30AM Houston hour.
  4. We sent an e-mail to Dr. Mabbett in Australia expressing our solicitations and warm feelings and asking for his current address and phone number so that we can send a copy of "Bharata-samskriti" to him.
  5. We tried a few times to meet by telephone with Rama-giridhari Das about all of the ISKCON and NIOS educational work, but are still trying. We will succeed.
  6. We have tried twice to contact H.H. Bh. Caru Swami's staff to see who in the ISKCON Kolkatta Temple can help us and Dr. Samaresh with NIOS work in Kolkata. One of his disciples is working here in Houston and we will try to get his USA phone number and other contact details from her as soon as we finish this letter.
  7. The Peru Symposium, 'Psychology of the Sacred', has moved ahead with Abhirama Thakur now charged with making up a serious budget in consultation with Miguel and Ramon. Also the Logo competition for Solaris is being published

Still pending is:

  1. HpS's Welcome Address for the "Man Making..." volume.
  2. The Promotional Brochure for "Bharata-samskriti" being edited by Dr. and Sanjaya.
  3. We will see if the first announcement for the Peru event is at the Library Web-page and then we will contact Shonu Shamdasani at University of London and we can start serious arrangement for Dr. Samaresh and Smt. Nandini's visit to USA and participation in Peru event.

Thank you.
Our health is O.K. as long as we are sane in our habits.


Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada.

Querido Gurudeva por favor reciba mis reverencias.

Gurudeva,le escribó para reportarme con usted.  Ahora estamos de visita en Houston por unas semanas, los devotos han sido muy generosos con nosotros, y hemos pasado unos días muy tranquilos asisitiendo a Mangala Arati, cantando japa, govardhana puja, desaparación de Srila Prabhupada y todo esto en compañia de muy buenos devotos. Mis hijos y yo nos sentimos muy felices, la comunidad de grihastas es muy sólida, y en general se da mucho apoyo a los niños. Tuve la oportunidad de estar en una clase con los niños de la escuela dominical, estoy relamente sorprendida por la organización que tienen las devotas, y comprendo que me hace falta mucho por aprender. Estuvimos en un programa organizado por los niños de GOSWAMI ACADEMY,  es muy insiprador ver la buena fortuna que tienen los devotitos de tener una escuela donde pueden desarrollar su conciencia de Krishna, a la par de sus estudios academicos. Me siento muy feliz por usted Gurudeva, por que se que en gran medida, es gracias a usted que GOSWAMI ACADEMY, es ahora ya una escuela en crecimiento. Le podría contar muchas cosas más, pero solo me resta decirle, muchas gracias por todo lo que ha hecho por nosotros, espero poder ayudarle en algo en su servicio. Estaremos unas semanas más por aquí, ya que estamos esperando su visita a Houston. Lo esperamos con gran alegría Gurudeva.

Su sirviente Gopi Radha DD.  

HpS - ASA --- Hemos llegado a Houston. 6.10PM.    Vamos a program en el Templo. Vd. y Govinda lavando los platos.  Ha!  Ha!          Adelantamos!

Concurso para la creación del Logotipo de la Revista SOLARIS

Hare Krishna querido Gurudeva, pfamhr, TLGASP!!, TLGAHpS!! continuando con las actividades de SOLARIS estasmos convocando un concurso internacional para el diseño del Logotipo de la revista, a continuacion el documento respectivo:


Cultural Magazine



The main reason that encourages us to make this publishing project a reality, is that as human beings, we have the ability to develop a level of consciousness higher than the prevailing paradigm, which does not deal with such essential topics as: who am I ?, What is death ?, What is the purpose of life ?, What are the highest achievable aspirations? From this rostrum we hope to help explain these issues.

The vast majority of media that circulates only report material comfort, and they, morbidly emphasize violence, death, social and individual frustrations. Through Solaris we will present reflections that will reveal that all that unhappiness is not only caused by political, social and economic problems, but also the reflection of a world in which the mind and heart of most people support only in worldly values, despising spiritual values.

The name SOLARIS is due to in all classical cultures the sun represents or has been connected with the life, light and wisdom (he is associated as cause motive or reason). Also for its algorithmic sense because in the same way that the rotation of the sun indicates that a day has ended and another is about to begin, in the same way, in SOLARIS we propose to take advantage of the wisdom of the past, not live blindly in the present and build a better future for all, ergo, our aim is to rediscover and tackle, with honesty and sustained knowledge the mystery of: where are we going?

Competition Rules

  1. The logo design is intended to be the representative image of the magazine for its publication and all dissemination of its information (print, video, web page, etc.).
  2.  The logo must represent the direction of the magazine (stated in the introduction) and its reflexive and diffusing nature of the eigenvalues as a tool for cultivation of the human spirit.
  3. Contestants may participate personally or collectively. Participation in the contest implies acceptance of these rules in all respects.
  4. The design is original and unpublished and may be single color, bicolor, tricolor or full color.
  5. The proposals must be sent to this e-mail: [email protected]. The designs will be delivered in JPG or PDF format on A4 size and good resolution (at least 300 dots per inch).
  6.  Deadline for sending the logo is on December 21st, 2015.
  7. The jury is comprised of: • SS Hanumatpresaka Swami, General Secretary of NIOS • Ramón Mujica Pinilla, National Director of the National Library of Peru • Juan Pedro Egoavil trigos, outstanding teacher, professor at the National Fine Arts School of Peru.
  8. The winner will be awarded with a collection of three books by AC Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada: The Bhagavad-gita, The Light of the Bhagavata and the Nectar of instruction, all autographed by the jury.
  9. The winning logo is exclusive and permanent property of the journal, which will have complete freedom to use whole or in part or to modify it in the time and manner it deems necessary. It is therefore required that once the person is winning the contest give the computer version of the logo made with the original application that was designed selected.

Lima, November 12th, 2015.



Revista Cultural



El principal motivo que nos anima a convertir este proyecto editorial en una realidad, es que, como seres humanos, tenemos la capacidad de desarrollar un nivel de conciencia más elevado que el paradigma predominante, el cual no se ocupa de tópicos tan esenciales como: ¿Quién soy?, ¿Qué es la muerte?, ¿Cuál es el propósito de la vida?, ¿Cuáles son las más elevadas aspiraciones alcanzables? Desde esta tribuna esperamos ayudar a explicar estos temas.

La gran mayoría de medios que circulan solo informan del confort material, y ellos, morbosamente enfatizan la violencia, la muerte y las frustraciones sociales e individuales. A través de Solaris presentaremos reflexiones que nos revelarán que toda esa infelicidad no sólo es causada por problemas políticos, sociales y económicos, sino que también es el reflejo de un mundo en el cual la mente y el corazón de la mayoría de las personas se sustentan solo en valores mundanos, menospreciando los valores espirituales. 

El nombre SOLARIS se debe a que en todas las culturas clásicas el sol representa o ha estado conectado con la vida, la luz y la sabiduría (se le relaciona como causa motivo o razón).  También por su sentido algorítmico ya que de la misma forma que la rotación del sol indica que un día ha concluido y otro está por iniciarse, similarmente, en SOLARIS proponemos tomar ventaja de la sabiduría del pasado, para no vivir ciegamente en el presente y  construir un futuro mejor para todos, es decir, nuestra finalidad es redescubrirnos y tratar de resolver, con honestidad y conocimiento sustentado, el misterio de: ¿a dónde vamos?


  1. El Diseño del logotipo está destinado a ser la imagen representativa de la revista para su publicación y toda difusión de información sobre la misma (Impresos, videos, página web, etc).
  2. El logotipo deberá representar el sentido de la revista (expuesto en la introducción) y su naturaleza reflexiva y difusora de los valores propios como herramienta para el cultivo del espíritu humano.
  3. Los concursantes podrán participar de manera personal o colectiva. La participación en el concurso presupone la aceptación de las presentes bases en todos sus términos.
  4. El diseño será original e inédito y puede ser mono color, bicolor, tricolor o a todo color.
  5. Las propuestas se enviarán al e-mail: [email protected].  Los diseños se entregaran en formato JPG o PDF en tamaño A4 y en buena resolución (mínimo 300 puntos por pulgada).
  6. Plazo de entrega: la fecha límite para el envío del logotipo es el 21 de diciembre de 2015.
  7. El jurado calificador está conformado por: • SS Hanumatpresaka Swami, Secretario General de NIOS • Ramón Mujica Pinilla, Director Nacional de la Biblioteca Nacional del Perú • Juan Pedro Egoavil Trigos, maestro destacado, catedrático de la Escuela Nacional de Bellas Artes del Perú.
  8. El ganador obtendrá como premio una colección de tres libros de A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami, Srila Prabhupada: El Bhagavad-gita, La Luz del Bhagavata y el Néctar de la instrucción, todos autografiados por el jurado.
  9. El logotipo premiado quedará en propiedad exclusiva y permanente de la revista, que tendrá completa libertad para utilizarlo total o parcialmente o para modificarlo en el momento y la forma en que lo considere necesario. Por ello es requisito que una vez seleccionada la persona que resulte ganadora del concurso entregue la versión informática del logotipo hecho con la aplicación original con la que diseñó.

Lima, 12 de noviembre de 2015

Vedabase office, etc ... update

Hare Krishna Dear Guru Maharaja,

Please accept my hubmle [humble] obeisances.
All glories to Srila Prabhupada. is getting bigger every month and it seems to move project to next level we will need some physical office space where our team can work on the project. 
So today I had meeting with Gauranga Simha Prabhu, one of deputy managers of ISKCON Mayapur regarding possibility to rent some office space on ISKCON campus. Hopefully managers will be inspired by Krishna to agree to provide the space for Vedabase project.

Also I canceled offer from Mayapur Institute to work on their website, canceled any future service for JPS Archives and will be extremely cautious in taking any other projects.  It seems I took much more than I could handle which led me to too much stress, 'systematically' avoiding morning programs. And also took time I could use on If I will continue like this I will get mad/crazy and my head will explode. :) 

ASA - That happened to us about three lifetimes ago. Wasn't a good thing.

When my service for TOVP will be completed I am planning to do only service on

Last we spoke about ILS you mentioned about place on education table. Do you think it will be possible to get also slot(s) for presentations in main tracks? 

Your servant Prahlad Nrsimha das

HpS - ASA ----  So, so nice to hear from you and your reactions and plans. I think can be considered very best way to help all other projects. Yes, seems to be so much work: A better Welcome page for new people, Index, Increase different languages, Promote knowledge and use of the

We are working on the ILS program now. The organizers cancelled the idea of an education exhibition and are going to have some kind of ISKCON exhibition. Contact Ramgiridhari Das directly if you can. .. [email protected] ...

Other than that the Deadline for proposed ILS Seminars has closed, but I submitted one on Higher Education and if you let us, we could give you a lot of time to present, during that time, and leaflet people in general.

We are of course focusing on this symposium on "Psychology and the Sacred"., June 21-23rd, Lima, Peru, but is an essential part of that.

Thank you so, so, so much for your work. Thank your good wife for loving you even though you must be an intolerable ass at times. Thank your parents who gave us such a half-way sane person.

Thank you in the name of everyone who uses this Blog.
What about getting, "Prabhupada" in Spanish for


Maybe you can't afford Audi, but at least you will be able to walk barefoot around Goloka some day, causing more mischief there, no?