RAÚL ZURITA y reporte de cultura en Santiago

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada

Querido Gurudeva

Por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias

Espero que se encuentre muy bien. Acá Bhakta Rodrigo de Santiago de Chile.

ASA - Jaya!

 *Muchas gracias por su última carta en el blog monkey warrior. A mí también me gusta MUCHO cantar Hare Krsna, con Vd!!!  

*Raúl Zurita está muy ocupado, muchas invitaciones en Chile y otros países, pero esperamos verlo muy pronto.

Gurudeva si usted escribe a Raúl Zurita, él se va alegrar mucho.

Su correo personal es: XXX

(por favor no publicar correo de Raúl)

Este es nuestro reporte de cultura:

*Ya está confirmada una conferencia de Usted en la Biblioteca Nacional para el miércoles 13 de enero.

Arjuna, Jagad Guru y yo pensamos que lo mejor es la conferencia sobre Carl Jung, ya que la vez pasada fue todo un éxito.

Claro, nosotros sugerimos el nombre “Carl Jung y la tradición Védica” a las personas de la Biblioteca Nacional. ¿Está bien ese nombre?

ASA - Pienso mejor es: El Proyecto: Psicología y lo Sagrado. Practical projects and Strategic thinking between East and West, Carl Jung and the Bhagavata of India. 

*Hace poco visitó Chile SG. Visuddha Sattva Prabhu, discípulo de Srila Prabhupada. Él es poeta, traductor y miembro del Consejo Directivo del Bhaktivedanta Institute.

Por misericordia de Krishna y Srila Prabhupada, Dharma Comunicaciones pudo organizar conferencia para Prabhu. Conferencia sobre la vida y obra del poeta francés Rene Daumal.

*Este 2015 se cumplieron 150 años de la publicación del libro “Alicia en el país de las maravillas”, un libro muy inspirador para todos los surrealistas. Homenaje en USA.

*Om Bhakti (Lalita Madhava das, Prabhu Juan Elgueda y amigos) dieron un concierto de música de India maravilloso a fines de octubre. Yo tuve la misericordia de poder ir y grabar el concierto. Fue uno de los  conciertos más hermosos a los que he ido en el último tiempo. Muy muy especial, mucha inspiración para escribir poesía.

ASA - Si, Abhirama es en comunicaciones con ellos y Krsna Sambandha acerca de visita Peru en Junio.

Acá está el link de la primera parte:


* Krishna Sambandha dió un concierto en Casa Museo Pablo Neruda en Isla Negra. Muy muy buen concierto, personas muy interesadas y que cantaron  el Maha Mantra!!

*No tenemos mucha fuerza espiritual y pureza para salir a las calles y distribuir los libros de Srila Prabhupada, pero cada vez que podemos regalamos libros a personas del mundo de la cultura.

*En Santiago hay muchas actividades culturales y muchas son gratis. Cada vez que podemos vamos a alguna actividad.

En el último tiempo:

*Conferencia sobre psicoanálisis (Escuela de Freud): Profesor Dr August Ruhs, médico psiquiatra austriaco/alemán.

Organiza: Universidad Anfdrés Bello, lugar: Museo Benjam,ín Vicuña Mackenna. Público: 20 personas.

A él regalamos Bhagavad Gita tal como es, en inglés. Él conocía Bhagavad Gita, pero nunca lo había leído.


*Nuestro amigo el poeta Hernán Ortega Parada (82 años) presentó un libro suyo en la Feria Internacional del Libro (Filsa 2015). Público 12 personas.

*Presentación libro “Viaje de Antón Páez a la ciudad de los Césares y otros textos” Ediciones Biblioteca Nacional de Chile.

 Lugar: Sala Ercilla de la Biblioteca Nacional. Público presente: 24 personas.

*Nuestro querido poeta Raúl Zurita dió una lectura de poesía en la Feria Internacional del Libro de Santiago para presentar su nuevo libro, una antología de 600 páginas.

Esta actividad de Raúl debe ser una de las maravillosas y emotivas lecturas de poesía que he presenciado en mi vida.

Al terminar la actividad, vi salir llorando a muchachas de pura emoción.

Público:  220 personas.

Por suerte nosotros pudimos grabar en video actividad completa de Raúl. Últimos 14 minutos muy místicos.



Wow. Esta carta es demasiado larga, pido disculpas!

La poesía es síntesis, pero me cuesta mucho resumir todo en mis  cartas.

Pensando mucho en regalo de navidad para usted y regalo de Vyasa Puja.

SI Krishna quiere nos vemos este 7 de enero.

*Próxima carta: reporte personal, reporte bipolar y sadhana bipolar

Con mis más humildes reverencias

Un loco más del mundo material

(ss Bhakta Rodrigo)

HpS - ASA -  No es muy larga en absoluto, ni tampoco en la intensidad de continido. Aparece su "burro" esta en su fase manico!   Ja!  Ja!  Jare!

O.K. Titulo de conferencia en la biblioteca nacional y todo otro. Estamos esperandos su cartas, pero no molesta su burro demasiado. Cuando quiere corre, corre, cuando quierre descansar, descanza lo.

chile unoficcial news

Hare krishna querido gurudeva diaculpeme por no comunicar antes ....

ASA - [translate.google.com] O.K. but don't let it happen again.

Estamos bien en el grhasta ashrama es un refugio dificil de mantener , pero sabemos que es el mejor lugar para nosotros servir a krishna.. Estoy haciendo la maraton de distribucion de libros intentando distribuir muchos libros grandes.... General report.

Estamos tratando de organizar su visita y especialmente yo ayudando a los devotos a organizar vyas puja festival y tambien ccongreso de educacion Con rodrigo hernandez , arjuna y jagad guru

ASA - Eso es suficiente, no?

Estamos organizando sus programas en biblioteva nacional, templo iskcon chile, museo , y congreso de educacion ... Hay bastante trabajo y poco tiempo pero eata fluyendo muy bien...disculpenos la poca comunicacion ahora mismo llamare a jagad guru para que él envie un mensaje oficial. Con itinerario y avances.

Por mi parte estoy organizando el sri vyasa puja Que sera el dia 11 enero(lunes) desde las 4 pm en adelante. Con la recomendacion de hermanos mas experientes estamoa organizando los horarios Del programa y asi avanzamos jhaciendo equipos para servir a vyasadeva Por ahora tenemos una pregunta ? Que preparaciones quiere que cocinemos ese dia? Espero informarlo un poco con este mail. Su desadaptado y poco tencnologico intento de dicipulo Nanda nandana dasa

HpS - ASA ---   Super bueno su carta. Sankirtan. Espero Krsna envia muchas personas para sus clientes Y tembien puede convertir ellos en Sankirtaneros. Trata pasar com 5-6 libros a cada persona para compartir con sus amigos etc.

2. V-Puja - Primero, "nuestra VP" es nuestra esfuerza glorificar la succession discipular en terminos de la posicion entre lo por cada uno: Krsna, Vyasa, Senyor Caitanya, Prabhupada, Yo, Vd... Entonces, es interesante, si esta cocinando para nosotros, nos gusta ofrecer todo a Senyor Nrsmhadeva.

El le gusta, todo, variedad. Por que es tarde, es bueno tener buen opcion de preparaciones de papa, una sopa de crema de papa. [no cocinando leche con sal!!]

On the ground in Mayapur

Every day is a festival in Sridam Mayapura. Mangal arotik has no less then 2,000 people every day and up to 7,000 on gaura Purnima. There would be more except there is no room. When it is that full you could not get a cat in there. After the morning announcements the many new guests are rounded up and taught to chant the Hare Krishna maha mantra. Two words at a time then one full round together. The announcements are important because they give word of all the great events everyone can attend. As I am writing this the Hare Krishna naga sankirtan party is passing by, headed by Gita Nagari Prabhu and his Indonesian buddy Kamala Kantha Prabhu. It is Sunday, so there are tons of guests. The party with its Gaura Nitai murtis engages the crowd in chanting Hare Krishna and purifies the whole area with transcendental sound. A really good play of the Mahabharata was performed by the members of ISKCON's Mayapur International School. The game of dice was the theme. The story has one part performed every month. It was opened with a dance and a 12 year old girl singing the Vrndavane Ramyastana song. The song is about the divine couple Radha and Krishna in Vrndavan situated on a golden throne in the middle of a lotus flower. the petals of the lotus are none other than the 8 chief gopis surrounding Radha and Krishna. In that assembly of Radha Krishna and Their associates there is a flood of laughter and joke as they address one another. Yesterday I went to Kolkatta to attend Bhakti Charu Swami's seminar. Maharajah talked about how those who are ignorant are attached to the material world. "They think sense gratification brings happiness, but actually it brings misery. They come again and again into the the material world and suffer very much. Those who are intelligent and self realized properly apply the human form of life to get free from from material existence." This was translated to me from Bengali. The seminar was at the Govinda's restaurant a little ways from the Albert Road Sri Sri Radha Govinda Mandir. After telling the self realization message he told Krishna book stories from the last chapters of Krishna living in Dwaraka. Then the seminar finished and Maharajah invited me to take some prasadam. Great feast. Afterwards I went home on local bangala transportation. I took a taxi, a train, a riksha, a boat, and a bus. Under $2 dollars. The taxi got pulled over by the Kolkatta cops for running a red light. The driver had to give the hundred rupees he had just made from me to bribe the officer. Thus I had to walk the rest of the way to the train. Getting on the train to Krishna Nagar city was a brutal rush of humanity all trying to get a seat. Then people started stuffing in for the standing room. It was like a college prank of seeing how many guys can fit into a Volkswagen. Sardine fish in a tin have more space then there was between the people on that train. Arriving in Krishna Nagar I was directed to the motor riksha and squeezed onto that for 20 kilometers. Finally it stopped and the driver pointed down a path into the dark jungle that looked like it went nowhere. He simply said, "Mayapura." Chanting Hare Krishna I went down the dirt passageway for some time. Eventually it ended at the confluence of the Jalangi River going into the Ganga. I boarded a boat, for 1 rupee ($.06). The boat landed on the shore of Mayapura. Next was the local bus for 6 rupees. The adventure ended in front of the wonderful Mayapura Chandrodaya mandir. The city built by our illustrious founder acharya, his divine grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. Sachinanada Maharaj came from Germany and delivered a knockout seminar on how to chant Krishna's holy names. He talked about how Krishna would sit in the pasture grounds of Vrndavan and the cowherd boys would perform kirtan for the Lord's pleasure. "We should think like this when we chant, to direct our kirtan towards Krishna's pleasure. The holy names needs to arise in the heart. You cannot isolate your devotional life from chanting Hare Krishna." I hope this meets you well. Yours, Mishra Bhagavan Das HpS-ASA - Welcome MBD! Misra is our associate since our Brahmacari life in Berkeley. The Mayapura report is off the chart. Thank you so much. Only one comment: More.

Rewarding Experience of Sankirtana

All Glories to Sri Sri Gaura Nitai, Srila Prabhupada and Harinama Sankirtan Movement!

Dear Guru Maharaja, please accept my most humble obeisances, we do not talk a while since your last visit, but since that time, to education symposium, which you directed, I have been concerned to approach the area of ​​education from my perspective and that it could bring it.
Using a little everything I've learned so far, with the invitation of some devotees as Sri Bhakti Das (disciple of His Holiness Dhanvantari Swami) and inspiration that the symposium and all we could see of each of the devotees, around the world, who are providing education for ISKCON, I did a cooking class in a juvenile prison, with around 30 young people between 14 and 18 years imprisoned for robbery with violence and such cases. We were nearly three hours with the guys talking about how we should cook and the importance of offering this to Krishna with love and devotion, was a good result, the group kept quiet and very appreciative of the visit.

And this Friday (11-12-2015) I did "The first cooking class" at a school for children with special educational needs, a group of about 9 children, the teacher in charge and an assistant, I took my deities, we cooked sweet balls of Banana and coconut, they kept the commitment not to try before you offer, and collaborated with the offering, silently, recited the maha mantra and waited patiently to take Kirshna Prasada!!!! it was really rewarding experience, all the time together children school, teachers, administrative and played bhajanas with Sri Bhakti and his wife Indira Jahnava mataji, another major achievement, the children were very quiet and attentive listening to the chanting of The Holy Names.

On the advice of Jagadguru, I send this report to  You know that your work is a constant source of inspiration to us, the idea of ​​having a school in the yatra is something we hope to realize, that all this is to please Srila Prabhupada and continue expanding his legacy.
sending pictures of the last program.

HpSwami-ASA. Super. Super way to support Krsna consciousness. Super pictures. Seems like perfect program. Only thing would be how to improve it, expand it, not to change it. So nice! We hope you get great inspiration to expand it in really nice ways conquer Chile with Pradadam.

PTD At your service

AgtSP,PamhOOO.... Haré Krishna Gurú Maharaja...I wish you are very goooood!!! Very wellll!!!! So long since las time....

We had been un Nova Gokula for last tree months (good sadhana,ver y nice programas, book distribution, preaching some bhaktas, giving some lectures in temple ,very niceeee asociación (titiksa karunica das prabhu Néctar!!!, Yamunacarya Swami ))..

We have a lot of service in NG...We are in charge of bcri asram, taking care of bhaktas,book distribución and temple programa... Right know in Skrtn Maratón in Arg.Córdoba...very good!!!!! Getting some documents for Brasilian visa 2years.. Please give us your blessings to satisfy Srila Prabhupads misión... Harinam Sankirtana ki jai!!!!! Your servant Ptd....

HPS-ASA  - Very nice to hear from you and your successful Sankirtan efforts! Also hope your Sankirtan in Cordoba results in good programs for January also.
Will we see you in South America when we are there?

Hare Krishna Gurudeva.



HpS - ASA - Lobo's feet.  AGTSP!

Dear Gurudeva How is your health? I'm so worry about you say stomach cancer.

ASA - Seems more likely gastritis with future of ulcer if we don't slow down, move in.

10 of 16 rounds average, some days chanting 19 ... conciousness of my debt writing delayed like you told me, 4 principles ok. Reading daily SP books.

Keep fixing things of your visit w/Madhavendra P Das and Ambarisa M Das. Thanks to you, them and to all of you disciples to let me help. Guru Maharaja you want to make some particualar program during your visit, beyond of Jungs meeting, I asking something like "Education" like in your latest visit. I know you talk with Ambar and Madha if you answer it to them. Ignore my question.
HpS - Yes, there is letter from the M.puri. We answer it next.
I'm resolving some familiar issues. Is hard began to see my parents getting old. Hope be preparated for this phase.

HpS - Old age is good friend for a philosopher. Good chance for them to become philosophers. They can be very happy. Tell them that because their daughter is a very good girl and first class religious lady they will surely go to heaven and if they are a little industrious they can go hand in hand to meet sit with God and talk about things.

Have to finish to organize my India trip. I will give all of my effort to do everything in a good mood, Cakori is helping me, and so some devotees from Argentina giving me the appropiate guide.

- Ratha Yatra almost kill me, but I realize I have to improve my mood. Jagannatha bless me a lot.

- Kirtan programs keeps on, for pleased [pleasing] Srila Prabhupada. (attached photos) THEY HAVE OFFER CANDLES TO DAMODARA! :) Distribute some books. those are my news for now.

Thanks for encourage me always to improve. Make a few days I had celebrate 3 years from my initiation and I want to thank you. I know I am unable to pay my debt, but you just trust in me, that is why my compromise remains intact and each garland i make, each incense i offer and every service I make, I remember you and try to please. Please accept my humble obeisances at your holy feet. Grant me intelligence necessary not to lose my chance to BACK HOME, BACK TO GODHEAD.

Your daughter.

Rati-Manjari Devi Dasi.

HpS - Thank you for your association. I think many people find your association delightful, intoxicating. You live in a wonderful country, just have to extract the nectar from the poison!
All of your efforts seem nice.
Of course, FORGET EVERYTHING, even organizing our visit if that will help you get 16-nice rounds done daily. When you do that you will discover that EVERYTHING GOES well. What do you want?

1. Marry a pure devotee, incarnation of God?

2. Have God for a Son?

3. Become a Hare Krsna, Monja?  (Santa Rati of BsAs)?

4. Paint super pictures?

5. Have the world's biggest Barbi doll collection?

6. Organize fantastic dramas, movies, on the SB?

7. Become a living example of the Siksastaka and help 25-more devotees do the same?

8. All of the above?

9. Other.

Well, if you just chant 16-enthusiastic rounds a day and follow the 4-principles strictly you can have it all!!!!!