
12 years, 7 months ago by yasoda_ in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaja mis respetuosas Reverencias.

Espero que este bien de salud.

Querido gurumaharaja,hace unos 15 dias le envie una carta a su mail personal(creo que estaba mal la direccion) ayer lo volvi a enviar al mail que me dio usted,espero que lea mi carta,estoy a la espera de intrucciones,y con muchos deseos de servirlo.

Tengo una pregunta Hoy en dia tengo un dilema,cuando a uno se le presenta una situacion determinada como saber si una ilusion o un servicio para Krishna?

Muchas Gracias

Mis respetuosas reverencias a sus pies Bhaktin Carolina Castro.

[email protected]

HpS - ASA  -   TlgaSP    Pfanrh.  Si es casi imposible para nostros responder a cartas al Yahoo.  Como 500 cartas al mes   y todo otro.  Entonces esta blog is cierto.     En la comenza del NOI  Prabhupada dijo que tan pronto que estamos fijados en bondad todo com advanzar ba a ser obvio.  Entonces, si canta 16 entusiastas ronndas cada dia y sigue estrictamente los cuatros principios va ser simple entender cual es su servios.    Clara a veces Krsna misma no se que va a pasar, entonces actuamos acuedo de los que podemos entender y espero ver el resultado, adquierer mos conocimiento.

Canta Hare Krsna y pide a Krsna para inspiracion como actuar.

Sigue el consejo de Prabhupada en sus libros en terminos de sus dilemas.

Habla con 1,2,   6    buen devotos para consejo.

  1, 2, 3  va a tener buen comprehenion como actuar.  Jaya!

Candramoonkey report......

12 years, 7 months ago by candra108_mukhi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva:

Hope this letter meets U in really good health ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡

We are working in our priorities ¡¡¡ always struggling with these... using our intelligence 

we are making our schedule¡¡¡ it starts with Japa joe¡¡¡ then work, then some reading, some pujari...

So we are going to make an effort in order to attend our BV group in Chosica evert friday ¡¡¡¡ starting next week maybe we won't be able to answer all the questions and have the essays on time BUT we NEED their association ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ PLus we do not want to bother M Yugala and Namacarya das.. besides it will be more complicated to try to find some time to study with both of them SO I guess it is better to make an effort and go to chosica ¡¡¡

We want to thank U all so much for being our source of inspiration thank U also so much for your association in LIma, Argentina, Chiclayo, CHosica ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ these are unforgettable moments that are treasured in our HEART for ever¡¡¡¡¡¡

So see  U always on Japa Joe¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡

Your eternal servant 

Candramukhi dd 

 HpS -  Jaya!   The same for us.   AGTSP   pamho.    Finish these Letters to one week and then bath and clothes and Conference Work with Professor.  Internet is too slow during day.  It is 6.00AM in Bengal.  We are in his house.  Lord Caitanya walked in these places.

Nitya Kiśori dd reporting

12 years, 7 months ago by b.Natalia Molina in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Gurudeva,
Please accept my humble obeisances
All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

I am in Uruapá, Mexico. Just before we were in Morelia, this is like 5h away form Mexico DF. We are doing sankirtan, mostly in universities. I am with tree chilean devotees (p. Manibandha, m. Vedavani, m. Gokulesvari) and one devotee from Venezuela (bkn.Elisabeth, we are doing sankirtan together). It is very nice, the student take many book, in one classroom around 50% of the students take a book, some times 70%, the teachers also, even big book like The Cience of Self Realization, and also Bhagavad Gitas! I will have the result at the end of this marathon.

The people is very accesible, you can talk with them and their are friendly. I am learning from the others devotees new form to present the books, I would like to learn to do sankirtan in all kind of situation, open my mind to see a good place to sidtribute book everywhere, but I am far from that yet. For sankirtan you have to work a lot in your own mind, be very practical, to be open to new posibilities... Also you have to be very sensitive to your public. It is idealy a matter of yoga, to be connected with Krsna, and to be an instrument, for me is not so sweet yet, but I like very much this service, and I hope to become more expert with time and experience.

The sadhana is going ok, but it is not easy. My team is very nice, but we are very pasionate, so there is the tendency to sleep late, to eat whatever... I want to make my own sadhana, but it is not easy everyday, beacuse I have the tendency to let me be influenced by the group's energy. I don't want to become relax, it is not the goal of this experience... I hope to become expert in having a good sadhana with whatever service Krsna gives me. This is something I feel concerned now, how not to become more relax, but more serious with the years, and how to take the best of my association...?

Hare Krsna Gurudeva,
Your servant

Nitya Kiśori devī dāsī

HpS - Jaya!    AGTSP   paoho SO sorry it is slow answering your letters.  We are in our own super marathon here in INDIA.   Yes,    get up early and get your rounds done well.   Then we have perspective on what are the other priorities and how to adjust them.   Of course, 90% of the process is the association, so, if like Arjuna, we have to kill, or give up the association of our own family members, institutional family members to serve Krsna and Guru, then we have to do it.

Bhakta david de Bs.As. mandhir, Colegiales

12 years, 7 months ago by bhakta david in Personal Sadhana Reports

 Sigo bien dos proncipios regulativos. Pronto tengo que llegar a tres. Cuatro si Krisna me ata a un poste de luz.

 Empece con un voto de dos rondas hace mucho y fui incrementandolas. Hoy mi voto es de diez rondas diarias. Tengo un altar, ofrezco la comida. Acostumbro leer un poco a Srila Prabhupada cada dia y cantar algun bhajan. 

Ahora que voy a vivir solo creo que voy a dedicarme mas concentradamente a mi alma. A veces pienso que soy un seudo-bhajananandi y que deberia ser al menos un seudo gostianandi. Sri Guru, lo que vivi en mis cortas estadias en el Templo de modo natural en medio de los devotos sagrados, tengo la marcada, desviada tendencia a buscarlo artificialmente en soledad. Imposible. Trato de revertir esto (tambien artificialmente ay Dios!) invitando a los devotos a venir a vivir conmigo y a tomar posecion de mi "ashram". Ya todos en el templo saben que la casa quinta que tengo cerca de ezeiza esta a su dispocicion para hacer programas o quedarse cuanto deseen. Una vez con un dicipulo Suyo que con grande bondad me alento, pensamos en la posivilidad de hacer un programa para Usted. Espero, si Krsna me deja, que en un futuro esto sea viable. 

 Creo que quiero estar solo para olvidar a los no devotos (para olvidar mi karma de no devoto) y quiero estar con devotos para olvidar mi soledad (recordar que soy, al final, un pequeño bhakta): Por favor conozca mi necio ser, corrijame! instruyame y bendiga mi escaso deseo de servir objetivamente (sin artificios) a los devotos de Krisna y por favor: Asepte mis mas humildes reverencias y destruya con Su Poder Amoroso todos los artificios que mi enrredado ser, sin advertirlo, quiere inventar para acercarse a Su Gracia Divina. Espero verLo pronto y postrarme humilde para contrarestar las molestias que mi "no identificado ser" Le pudo haber causado aqui en Su Blog. Solo soy un tonto orgulloso temblando a Sus Pies! porque mi orgullo es poder verLos. No hablo mas hasta no tener buenas preguntas.

HpS -   Jaya!    Es David de BsAs.   Otro carta de Vd.  No!      Muy bien.  Adelante en el sendero.   No hay opcion sin esforzar cantar con mas sinceridad, claridad.  Cantando en el humor de lo que esta leyendo en los libros de Srila Prabhupada!!!!

Muy Querido y Recordado Gurudev!!!

12 years, 7 months ago by Radha Japa in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare krsna querido Gurudev, por favor acepte mis mas humildes y respetuosas reverencias a Sus pieceitos quee xtraño ver!!

todas las glorias a sr sri RADHA MADHANA VIHARI!!

Todas las glorias a Madre SIta y Madre Jhanava devi!! todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada!!

Gracias por Su carta y Sus respuestas, em ayudan mucho, muy feliz de scribirle en este dia tan especial para als madres , que nos recuerda aprender tanto de las cualidades de madre Sita y Madre jhanava devi, estoy solo a mneos de dos semanas que nazca el devotito. Hace dos dias llego mi mama desde peru para conocer a su primer nieto y estamos felices.

 Gracias por Sus bendciiones, simpre Lo recuerdo, y me refugio en sus pies de loto, gracias por permitirme concerlo en esta vida queridismo Gurudev!!

Aspirando se rvirlo de verdad!: radha japa prati jalpa

HpS - ASA - Jaya!   Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada.  Cantando,   Cantando,  Leyendo,  Oyendo para su Bebe!!!!          Puede hacer super servicio para el mundo!!

Hare Ksna Gurudeva!! :)

12 years, 7 months ago by Bhaktina Romi in Personal Sadhana Reports

All Glories to Sri Sri RadheSyama!
All Glories to Srila Prabhupada
All Glories to you!
All glories to devotees!

Please acept my humble bows
Dear Gurudeva:
                                I hope you're ok, always is nice  to hear about you <img alt="" src="" title="" /> I apreciate a lot your holy association <img alt="" src="" title="" /> <img alt="heart" src="" title="heart" />
I'm so happy this weekend I go to a seminar about the Bhakti Vrksa's it's nice, our community need it a lot, krsna hear our prayers and send that kind people to teach us how improve our devotional service and devotion. here was the Ministry LA developmental congregational, and a devotee from Russia teach us about they secessfull bhakti Vrksa, when I knew her, she make me remember about your travel to Russia and these sincere devotees. I learn a lot, tomorrow we will made a reunion about the care of devotees, please gurudeva give us your blessings to can keep on in any situation.
The Program of Social Action go well, devotees keep recibing bhoga, and now we add the program "pro huerta" (pro orchard) where the devotees can cultivate they own vegetables. <img alt="surprise" src="" title="surprise" /><img alt="laugh" src="" title="laugh" />
Gurudev I chanting my 16 rounds! I keep on! everything is for your mercy thanks a lot!! <img alt="" src="" title="" /> And yesterday too I gave my exam of refuge and i approve, i'm so happy about that it's a seriously step for me.
Sorry about my long letter, but i want to tell you how we're growing up because of Caitania's and Srila Prabhupada mercy.


I hope you have a inspiring Nrisimha Catudasi. Jaya Nrisimhdev <img alt="heart" src="" title="heart" /><img alt="heart" src="" title="heart" /><img alt="heart" src="" title="heart" /><img alt="" src="" title="" />
 <img alt="" src="" style="color: rgb(255, 165, 0); line-height: 38px; font-size: 24px;" title="" /> + <img alt="" src="" style="color: rgb(255, 165, 0); line-height: 38px; font-size: 24px;" title="" />  = <img alt="heart" src="" style="color: rgb(255, 165, 0); line-height: 38px; font-size: 24px;" title="heart" /> 

Surrender to Srila Prabhupada's and yours holy loto feets!
please forgive my offenses...

Bna Romi

HpS - ASA  --  Jaya!    AgtSP!   So nice to hear from you with all this news.   We have noted it carefully.  We have been drowning in work for these Seminars in Kolkata and Radhadesa.   This is the last time.  Even now we slow down or willhave risk of a heart attack.    Where do  youhave the Huerta?    Vegetables or also trees?