Abhinanda das 1era comunicación

12 years, 3 months ago by oscar eduardo in Personal Sadhana Reports
Hare Krsna Pamho AgtSP
Le estoy muy agradecido querido GuruMaharaja por dejarme tomar Harinam Diksa, todos estamos muy contentos y entusiastas, ahora me estoy preparando para participar más en los servicios, en lo posible de mi horario.
Quiero trabajar un poco más mejor mis relaciones con los devotos, pues creo que alli hay mucho por hacer y tratar de ser más francos, sinceros, transparentes.
No creo poder ir a Chiclayo esta vez pero ya habrá otro momento para renunciar.
Atte el sirviente de los devotos, y de los hijos de Krsna.
Abhinanda das.
ASA - Jaya!   Nanda gopal!   Jaya Nanda Maharaja!     Jaya Abhinanda Gopal!  We are in Chiclayo.  Yes, please send us more news of your Sankirtana.  Krsna has a lot to do, so what is the surprise if he uses even stupid people like us to do nice things!!

Vamos a Radhadesh. Krishna por favor concedeme esa misericordia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

12 years, 3 months ago by bhaktajosemadrid in Personal Sadhana Reports


   Por favor acepte mis más humildes reverencias. Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada.

   Maharaja perdone por favor todas mis ofensas. Mis deseos para que Krishna siempre le proteja y cuide de su salud.

  Estoy haciendo las maletas para irme el sabado a Nueva Vrajamandala a estudiar Bhakti Sastri. Sigo con mis 17 rondas y  cuatro principios.  Estoy super entusiasmado por poder ir a verle a Radhadesh, ya tengo los billetes reservados y tambien he Hablado con Hridaya Caitanya Prabhu, Voy con Bhadra Vardana Prabhu y Sananda DD, y con Bhaktin Giannina desde el dia 3 hasta el dia 8 de Mayo. Estoy ansioso de poder disfrutar de Su asociación. Estoy terminando de leer la Biografia de Srila Prabhupada y tambien estoy leyendo Sri Manah-Siksa De Srila raghunatha dasa-Gosvami que es un libro muy elevado para mi pero como Krishna lo puso en mis manos deseo leerlo con cuidado y regularmente  para que algun dia se me revele algo de su significado y poder tener la misericordia de controlar un poco más la mente.

  Le envio tambien la carta de recomendación. Maharaja ¿cree que puedo recibir iniciación en Radhadesh?. 

  Mi deseo sincero de algun dia poder servirle. Bhakta José.

 HpS - TlgaSP  Pfanrh.   Claro, estamos participando en las programas del Simposium en Radhadesa.   Espero que va a ser traducido en Espanol.   Pero hay tiempo para visitar tambien.     Pienso es posible la initiacion.   Recuerdo la carta.  Tengo que buscar!!!              Pero necesitamos sacrificio de fuego.  Posible podemos entrar de secreto en el sacrificio de Sananda y Bhadra.

Nos Vemos!

details of sadhana

12 years, 3 months ago by harsh_horse in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Maharaj Dandvat Pranam,
We understand that you must be busy in Chicalyo, Peru and would expanding Sankirtana movement.
http://ecovillage.org.in/ this is rural community project under Radha Nath Swami [near mumbai].
it may help you for Chicalyo project {our humble thought].

Japa 16 rounds for last two weeks. two days rounds became 14 we made 18 next. so we are convering up. we are looking to chant quality rounds as compared to quantity,

morning program : 4 days out of 14 we did not do it as we left Kasipu {bed] after braham muhrta.
otherwise we read/sing  guru astaka + nrsimha puja + sistastakam + tulsi  at {430 am, 500 am worst case 530 am}.. we need to be more regulated, but we are improving

1. is it neccessary to do  photo/murti worship in morning program to become formal aspirant?

ASA - AGTSP   Yes, but can be simple.  See that the area for your Photo, Ista devata, Prabhupada, Pancha-tattva, Bhagavan, is clean and then regularly offer little incense and a flower and some bhoga.

Note:we will improve our japa quality also.

Prasdam: we are taking cucumber, carrot, papad and milk products based diet. as we dont know cooking and we dont have time for proper cooking.

ASA - Just think  that now Pancha Tattva (Srila Prabhupada) are now with us on Sankirtana and we eat what we offer to Them.  Then you will learn to everything nicely.

Sankirtana: 1. gifted one gujarati book to shop keeper [5th grade pass].
                 2. Working on thesis but would need more mercy and inteligence to fight [veda-vada-rata and maya-aprihat-gyana] professors. we are realizing that we are not very studious  but we would try to mould ourselves to serve guru parampara to best in this field.
               3. We hope that articles send by our robot are useful to you.

aspiring to be discplined by you,
bhakta harsh

HpS - ASA  ---  SUUUUPER!   Srila Prabhupada also said that he was not a great scholar.    We already looked at the Eco Village link. It is very nice.  Some aspects we are considering in terms of Chiclayo!!

Nitya Kiśori devī dāsī reporting

12 years, 3 months ago by b.Natalia Molina in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Gurudeva, Please accept my humble obeisances All glories to Srila Prabhupada! Gurudeva, my name's meaning is: Nitya= eternal, Kiśori= Radhe in a young age? Like teenager? so servant of Radharani who is eternally in the age of kisori?

HpS - ASA --- AGTSP paoho Yes, Radha-Krsna can exist in many different ages, but the basic one is Kishore, 10-15 years old. I think Radharanis eternal Kishor age is 14-1/2 years old!

Thank you very much for accepting me into the family of Srila Prabhupada. 16 enthusiastic rounds, 4 regulative principles strictly every day! and going back to Krsna is guaranteed, isn't it?

HpS - In NOI Srila Prabhupada says that one is sure to come to the stage of Uttama-adhikari!

I am going to Chiclayo until the 11th (the 18th I have to go to Mexico for my training with P.Aravinda in sankirtan, Bhakti Sastri, very nice for after taking initiation, I guess). During the time I will be in Chiclayo can I have a little interview? I will try to don't give trouble, try to simply follow the process and become your servant, Srila Prabhupada servant, devotees servant, Krsna's servant. Can you ask to Krsna to give me inteligence to become a loving servant? Thank you very much Your eternal servant, Nitya Kiśori devī dāsī

HpS - AGTSP It was very nice to have association of you and your brother here! As we discussed if your spiritual life advances, like Arjuna, you will automatically develop a career that will be obvious both in the spiritual and material world. Arjuna was a Ksatriya from both the Material and Spiritual perspective.
Second point was to be flexible and try different services to see what is your inclination for your Professional Devotional Service.

utah update

12 years, 3 months ago by BhaktaAdrian in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna,

Please accept my most humble obeisances, Gurudeva. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. 

I have been dealing with an issue, and I need your guidance. There is a funny entanglement of relationships and spiritual authority between me and a few other devotees. I will try to be brief, please forgive the "temple drama." My fiance, Bhaktin Revati, she had a friend when she was living in Hawaii, her name is Sharon. Sharon is engaged to a brahmin initiated devotee named Yashoda Dulal Das from Hawaii (maybe you know him, he was once engaged to one of your disciples). The other person involved is Bhakta Tracy. This girl, Sharon, has a deep history of being immodest with other men. Tracy is 37 years old with a strong hankering to get married, and has a strong interest in Sharon. Long story short, Sharon encourages Tracy's attraction with sweet words and physical contact. Now, Rebecca has felt uncomfortable with the situation because she is friends with Tracy, Sharon, and Yashoda. I myself have considered Tracy to be a good friend since I've known him. But with the inappropriate interaction between Sharon and Tracy, it has caused much disturbance in our house. Tracy, Revati, and myself all live in the same house. Revati feels cheated because Sharon uses her as an excuse to visit Tracy, which only propagates the secret relationship of Sharon and Tracy, leaving Yashoda in ignorance. Revati has tried to give advice to Sharon in so many fashions hoping that she will stop betraying Yashoda and causing Tracy more frustration. Since then there have been many arguments with Tracy and Sharon on one side, and Revati and myself on the other. It is making things more difficult in our home. Tracy only continues to argue that he is our superior, by age, and vedic knowledge, however he is only using certain sastric arguments to ultimately support his sense gratification, which is against a brahmin no less. My understanding to be Veda-vata-rata? He also argues that because Revati and myself are on relatively equal platforms with age and devotion to Sharon (meaning uninitiated. I could go on describing why she is actually spiritually inferior to Revati, but will spare dirty details) that we cannot give her any instruction. And that we are also in no position to give instruction to Tracy because he is "superior" to us. (again, could go on why I think he is not our superior... dirty details) So, even though our arguments are based on Srila Prabhupada's own words from various purports, or even the support of the revealed scripture, are we supposed to just ignore the situation and passively allow it to continue? What is our position, and how should we act properly in this situation? This has caused many arguments and much stress in this house. 

ASA -   Jaya!   AGTSP     First option in Kali-yuga is to call for help from Krsna and Balarama by the mercy of Radharani by chanting Hare Krsna Rama.    If there is no immediate result apparent chant louder. Actaully it is the only remedy.  The usually Krsna starts to give you good intelligence or takes charge of your senses like Arjuna or you see Him do something Himself, change someone's heart or drop bird dung from the sky on somebody or...

 ... my intelligence would be that He will tell you to take the issue to higher local authority.   Ask them to help.

IN OTHER NEWS we have just had Festival of Colors. We are just gearing up for another one on the 14th in Salt Lake City. It will be the first one ever. 90 thousand people came. Left a big mess. Lots of service on our part. It has been really great actually. 5 days of solid cleaning. Revati and I played about 6 or so hours of solid Kirtana. I am much better and mridanga than I used to be. Made my fingers bleed in this really uncomfortable way (duh). It's for the Lord's glorification, it is so nice...

I had spoken to Caru Prabhu about what you had instructed in your last letter. He said that we would schedule a meeting after all the festivals are done. We are all doing so much work! I suppose I didn't want you to think that I was neglecting speaking with him and making a formal contract of preparing for initiation. It is in the works. Revati and I are thinking to get legally married now, and have a proper vedic wedding in November around Tulasi Saligram Vivaha as we mentioned earlier. We are waiting for our meeting with Caru Prabhu to get his input. Do you support?

HpS -Sure!     We're all nutz here except for the few Nitya-siddha avatars amongst us, but we are taking our medicine, 16/4  mangala arati, kirtana, SB, Sankirtana, so anybody with 1/2 a brain in his head can use the situation to go ahead!   Caru Das, Ki Jai!

Japa beads broke! :(   getting new ones. I hand carved these japa mala completely from scratch about two and a half years ago. I guess they weren't up to par.  

I looked on the calendar to see your next visit to Boise. It wasn't posted. Do you know when you will be visiting again? With no employment, we may not be able to come up with funds to sponsor you to visit Utah. Our hearts are heavy. 

I eagerly await your guidance and association. We are so fallen. 

Your lowliest servant,

Bhakta Adrian

HpS - AGTSP  last Kapi Dhvaja has the plan.  Visit Boise/SFO to go to the SFO Rathayatra!                O.K.    Ahead.   The DTC has a more general note!!!    Thank you so much for your news!