Mi muy recordado Gurudev...

12 years, 1 month ago by Radha Japa in Personal Sadhana Reports

Querido y recordado Gurudev, por favor acepte mis mas humildes y respetuosas reverencias a sus piesceitos de loto, todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada!

 Todas las glorias a Sri Sri Gaura Nitai!

 todas las glorias a Sr Sri Radha Madhana Vihari!

Espero se encuentre muy bien, queria escribirle contandole que no podremos ir a buenos Aires en esta semana, estamos viendo la posibilidad de ir para la ultima semana que Usted este en Bs As, para mi cumpleaños;

ASA - Jaya!   TlgaSP  Pero, no molesta su salud con al bebe!!

nos gustaria mucho, pero mi bebito ya cumplio 7 meses asi que me han recomendado reposo.

ASA -  Si, si, SI...  No viene!!!!!    Llama por telefono.   549 - (11) 36 44 75 41. Eso es el cellular que tenemos en Argentina.     Esperamos su llamada!   Muy bien.

En la ultima ecografia salio que es varoncito y tengo que cuidarme, ya que he viajado bastante. Franco tambien desea verlo, parec que nos queda la oportunidad de verlo cuando ya estemos en peru. Estamos viajando para setiembre - octubre si krsnita nos permite.Argentina no es para  nosotros.. necesitamos la asociacion de los devotos de Peru. Ahora me encuentro haciendo los controles y analisis del embarazo.

Extraño mucho Su asociacion pero Krsnita me dara la fuerza para tolerar Su separacion y de los devotos de Peru. Para fin de año pensamos ir a chiclayo ya que nos estableceremos cerca de ahi, tenemos varios proyectos de predica, uno muy importante es una escuela en casa.Siempre me acuerdo de Madre Arudha y todo lo que nos enseño asi que ahora intentare aplicar sus enseñansas. Gurudev, nos gustaria que nos sugiera un nombre para el devotito. tenemos uno:  Krsnaram Gopal das, que le parece?

ASA - Casi larga!     Porque no solo Gopal Das y Apellidos??

Cuando le di mi reporte le hice tres preguntas, y voya hacer la primera ahora y las otras se las hare tambein por este medio. queria saber si Ustes cree necesario las ceremonias que estan en el libro d elos samskaras, estuve leyendo y me gustaria hacerlas yo misma ya que no tenemos cerca a ningun devoto que lo haga, Usted me da el permiso y tambein queria saber su  valiosa opinion.

ASA - Si hay in sacerdote como Varuthapa o otros es bueno.  Si, no, Harinama yajna es suficiente en Kali-yuga.  Sentir con familia y cantar Hare Krsna juntos y el Bebe y Gopal puede oir!!

 Que pase un hermosa fiesta de Gaura Pournima!!!! voya extrañar Su asociacion, pero al hablar de Usted, lo siento muy cercano!

Su discipula que extraña ver danzar sus piecesitos de loto: Radha japa prati jalpa dd.

HpS - ASA -  Jaya!   Muy bien.  Llegada de una gran Alma.   Quien es??

working outside the temple?

12 years, 2 months ago by BhaktaAdrian in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna

Please accept my most humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

I am having conflicting feelings, and am similarly getting conflicting advice from different people about my current situation. I am looking for employment. But since I have come to Utah, I have been given facility up at the Salt Lake City Temple. Caru Prabhu is hoping that we can spend a lot of time distributing books, looking after the gift shop, harinams, college and other outreach programs, and establishing a solid evening program with kirtana and class. I have become the designated mridanga player at this temple. There are only five devotees here, including myself, Bhaktin Revati, and Bhakta Tracy. All of us are looking for employment. I have actually started training for a position with a health care company, helping care for disabled persons. Today is Gaura Purnima! Ki-Jai!!! The devotees were hoping that I could participate in kirtana for the festival, but my training for this job conflicts with that schedule. I have predicted that this will continue to interfere with the large amount of preacing Caru Prabhu has asked of us. Something to consider is that as long as we do service then we can have a place to stay here and food to eat. Besides that, the only material obligation I have at the moment is to pay a 50 dollar payment for my student loan every month, but while I am unemployed I am not liable to make payments, but can continue to if I do come across some money. With that, Caru Prabhu is saying that whatever difference in money I make from the books over the printing cost, I can keep for myself. That would easily help with my loan payments. I had reached the conclusion that I should strive to focus on serving Caru Prabhu. I would have a full schedule if I did all I would like to do for him and this temple and Caitanya's mission. However, I am feeling pressured from my family and fiance that I should just get outside employment. I do understand that arguement, the temple may not be able to support us forever. We have plans to travel, including making our way Boise to get your association when you go. I have been taught that my best option is to just surrender to the temple. My mood has been that if I surrender and do what service is in front of me, that Krishna will arrange whatever is proper for me. But I do understand that we can't sit idly by and let Krishna do all the work. So, I'm a bit bewildered.

Should I continue with my training at this job? Or should I back out while I still can and surrender to the temple?

Your lowliest servant, 

Bhakta Adrian-Utah

HpS - AGTSP   paoho.   I don't know all the details, but one strategy might be to stick with the Temple program for six months.  Both you and Revati become Formal Candidates for Initiation.  Then stop to reconsider the situation, with the intention that if there are no emergencies continue for the next six months.  One year total and take first initiation.

At that point if you can see ISKCON as an important part of, or your whole, carreer in life then continue on with a lot of focus on Temple service with goal of Second Initiation after two years.

For example, after First Initiation you may be really inspired to become a teacher and want to go to study at Radhadesa in Belgium with the idea of teaching at the Krsna Avanti Schools in England.   Just an idea.  Be a full time devotee until you are approved by Caru Das as a Formal Candidate and then reconsider stuff, with inclination to stay in the Temple for one year total.

After that maybe tendency is to move to more practical career track and be a super active congregational member.

Discuss it with a lot of people.

Get the final plan in writing signed by a lot of people!   VICTORY!

b.Natalia Reporting

12 years, 2 months ago by b.Natalia Molina in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Gurudeva
Please accept my humble obeisances
All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

I apologize for the delay in my report. Yesterday was a busy day: on Friday we went with the devotees from Franco da Rocha to Nova Gokula (like 4h trip) to see Bhakti Brihat Bhagavat Swami, we attend very nice classes about Caitanya Caritamrta in order to prepare conciousness to Goura Purnima. Then on Sunday  at 4:50am we left Nova Gokula to Franco da Rocha. When we arrived we had to prepare the templo because Maharaja was coming to Franco da Rocha too. Also chanting Japa, serving in the festival... At night when I wanted to do my report the school was closed... 

My sadhana is very good, I chant all my rounds or almost all my rounds in the morning program. I miss your association in the japa course, but because there a conection heart to heart because I remember your association and this inspires me.

I apologise also because I am not there now to help to serve you, I am returning March 10th. I didn´t realized I was missing this days when I took the ticket.

I am helping a little to do some classes to the children in the school, I always remember I am supposed to have some inclination for teaching. I would like to experience my tendency in a natural way, not imposed (...?)

Thank you very much for all the inspiration
Your aspirant servant

A funny detail: When I first came to stay here everybody was coming to mangala aratik because the school was in holidays, but when the school started the service increased and only few devotees went to mangala, especially the matajis. They were going to sleep very late. Every week, all devotees meet on wednesday to do Istagosthi, and to divide the services, so the last week they took the determination to shut down all light of the temple at 9pm. The president goes at 9pm exactly to the general swicth at shut down all lights, I liked a lot this! They are very pratical. (pd: ah, I woke up to managala aratik also those lazy days... :P)

HpS - Jaya.  Very nice to hear from you.   Also, your news is very good for us. We feel happy when we get your association.  Your father and brother are with you?


12 years, 2 months ago by PABLOPARIKRAMA in Personal Sadhana Reports, Other
Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada!
Todas las glorias a Sri Caitanya y Sri Nityananda!
Por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias.
Soy Bhakta Pablo del Parikrama, de España.
He leido sobre su estado de salud en el blog y espero que se recupere pronto y se encuentre muy bien. Se encuentra bien Maharaja? Mis mejores deseos.
ASA -  Jaya!   TlgaSP   Pfanh.  Ya estamos en Argentina. Esta bien. No mas dolor de pecho?   Bastante descansa aun robusto trabajo!
Perdone escribir una carta tan mala la ultima vez, la hice en el momento.
4 principios, 16 rondas con mucha misericordia, programa completo. Lectura, y el estudio segun  voy pudiendo , gracias.
Estoy aqui en el templo de Madrid, con Jayanta, Jagat-mohana y Bhakta Jose. Muy bueno el comedor y la gente, las clases.
Yo sigo con mis cosas, esperando poder solucionarlas. Da gusto asociarse con los devotos.
Me cuesta ser consciente que todo lo que me pasa es lo que necesito, y es misericordia de Krsna, Nityananda. Me cuesta ver a Paramatma en todas las cosas o mejor dicho a todas las cosas en Paramatma, pero lo intento.
Nada mas Maharaja, que lo extraño mucho y por favor cuidese y que se recupere pronto. Me acuerdo mucho de los dias que estuvimos juntos, gracias por Sus enseñanzas.
Su sirviente Bhakta Pablo.
Jaya Govinda!
Jaya Gopal!
HpS - ASA - En la comenza no es posible entender como es abajo control de Paramatma todo. Entonces, seguimos la guia de los libros de Srila Prabhupada en la institucion de su ISKCON y muy bien, mantenemos una vida civil sano. Entonces, casi pronto podemo llegar a entender la Paramatma!

Reporte de Actividades de Bhaktin Zareth México

12 years, 2 months ago by zareth bhaktin in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Maharaja

Porfavor acepte mis respetuosas reverencias.

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada  y al Señor Gouranga.

Me da mucho gusto escuchar de sus reportes que se encuentra bien de salud.

Aun estoy muy agradecida con usted por permitirnos su asociacion en Mexico querido Maharaja :D que viene y nos comparte su asociacion tan importante, y por todo lo que nos viene a recordar y compartir de conocimiento. Gracias por su eterna e infinita misericordia por permitirme el refugio formal a usted, me considero muy tonta para comprender la magnitud del relacionamiento que empiezo a formar con su persona, pero en cada cosa que espero ofrecer a Krishna esta primero Srila Prabhupada y usted, quiero esforarme mas para lograr complacerlo, me esforzare.

Lamento mucho no haber podido despedirme de usted D:, tuve que ir a la escuela temprano eso me pone triste pero a la vez entiendo que los estudios universitarios no deben ser un problema en la conciencia de Krishna si no todo lo contrario, debe ser una aportacion muy valiosa a el movimiento y que debo aprender a complementar estas dos cosas con mucho esfuerzo.

Estamos cantando 16 rondas diarias utilizando metodos para mantenerme concentrada en el mahamantra como cuidar que cada mahamantra dure 3 segundos, :D, me ayudado muchisimo gracias gurudeva, siguiendo 4 principios, mi sadhana es de levantarme a las 5: 00 todos los dias pero ahora me quedo una vez a la semana en el templo, y realizando los programas mensuales de sadhana con los hermanos espirituales, continuo con el servicio de lavar parafernalias los jueves por la tarde, y  esforzandome en la universidad, pido mucho a Srila Prabhupada para que me de la suficiente inteligencia para poder desarrollar estos conocimientos en el servicio a Sri Krishna.

Hare Krishna Gurumaharaja espero que todos sus proyectos continuen de maravilla, le mando unas fotos de las deidades que por su misericordia estoy sirviendo.

Buscando lograr un sadhana adecuado su sirvienta Bhaktin Zareth.

HpS - ASA -  Super.   TlgaSP  Ya esamos en Argentina.  Muy bien su Sadhana. El resulto de seguir los principios general es que comenzamos sentir un relacion particular con  Krsna.  No dejas solamente en seguir los leyes del Rey, pero advanzar entender el Rey como persona con rasgos!

From Mayapura,Madhavendra Puri Das

12 years, 2 months ago by Madhavendra Puri das in Personal Sadhana Reports


Hare Krishna Gurudev!! hope you re fine, i was just reading many letters in the blog very inspiaring,so nice devotes. I m  now in mayapura since 10 days, we were travelling south india for more than 1 month, it was a very powerful and intense experience,

HpS -  Jaya!!!!!!!!!!

puri,tirupati,chenai,kanchepuram,srirangam,tiruchirapali,madurai,trivandrum,  ending in rameswaram and back to mayapura, arraiving here with a sensation of coming back home,much deep apreciation of the dham...kirtana mela, navadvipa parikrama, lokanatha swami,sacinandana swami, radanatha swami, and much more very inspiaring devotees, very happy for this krsnas gift... We are staying here in mayapura till day 14 march, then varanasi, vrindavana,jaipur and back to argentina in the middlle of april.

ASA - AGTSP   paoho  Incredible.  Impossible!

I ve write to laksmana prabhu to start studyng bhakti vaibhava course,starting 11 march he said me , now waiting for the material to get started.Also going to  take bhakti sastri teacher training course here in the Mihe in these days.......hope your sankirtan in Buenos Aires Go fine with good organization ...Haribol!!! Jaya Sacinandana Gaura Hari!!Visnupriya Prana natha nadia bihari!!


Madhavendra Puri Das

ASA - O. K.  We continue with the DTC!