From Mayapur

12 years, 3 months ago by Vrsabhanu Nandani dd in Personal Sadhana Reports

hare krsna gurudev por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada I hope you are well and feeling better. we are in Mayapur continuing with film service.

Now editing. We will make the chapter to present to the Lord Caitanya based on the sisastaka and we will illustrate how the teachings of Caitanya are practical demonstrations of the instructions of Krishna in the BG.

The four principles are OK 80% mangal artik and 20% waking up around 5am The rounds are unstable, sometimes good and sometimes not. I'm trying hard to improve concentration. At present the progress is small, I realize that the determination is fatally debilitated by laziness.  I heard in a class by Burijan Prabhu that he recommended reaffirm the determination of hearing before too chant each maha mantra.

Happily Lakshman Prabhu spoke to us about how continue the BVB. We will finish the essays from the first semestre until the end of this year and we will join again to the systematic study of the second semester in March 2013. I miss a lot the systematic study of SB.

I have a few question Gurudev in a recent class with Urmila Mataji about the 18chaper of first canto of SB. In relation to Pariksit and Sringi, a debate came up about how one can realize that things happen by karma or personal responsibility, and which are for "intervention of Krishna." Urmila said he could not give a final answer to this question.

I have some reflections inspired by the discussion, and wanted to share with you and know what you think and how much is speculation and how much is certain.

Pariksit have an exemplary behavior, everyone is happy with him and his power even stop the progression of Kali. His reaction to the muni, is something 'out of the ordinary' in his behavior. In the verses it is explained that Pariksit was thirsty, tired and that was affecting and even was envious and believed the sage was pretending a trance state.

Even so, in the meanings Srila Prabhupada mentioned many times that a devotee like Pariksit could not be affected by either hunger or thirst. Then. What made Pariksit behave that way? Is that Krsna was "covering" Pariksit intelligence and so he acted badly with the Muni? Or it is a fall of the king by his own anarthas? Or is it both? How we can understand when similar things happen with present devotees, or with myself? it is right to make such comparison? With all these questions in my head...

So as I understand, if a person with a exemplary behavior ( 4 principles, sadhana, 16 rounds engage is sankirtan) commits an error may be that this is an arrangement of Krsna. And if a person without an exemplary behavior makes a error, probably is because his karma Is this correct?

    ASA - HpS - Yes...

 Krsna arrange our karma, if we follow the principles of religion and the instruction of the spiritual master our accion will we direct by Radha in other way will be direct by our own karma?

  ASA - Srila P's books, Krsna's advice through 16/4, Association with Devotees.  Then, yes, it is Krsna's arrangement.

I also want to share a fragment from the book of Mukunda Goswami. It's very inspiring to know such stories, see SP through the eyes of Mukunda Maharaj. This experience impacted my heart because of see the depth of the love of Srila Prabhupada.

“It was warm cloudless evening in late March when six of us set out to the Psychedelic Shop with the Swami. The smell of marijuana and incense wafted through the warm air. On weekend evenings Haight Street had acquires a perpetual background soundtrack of gitars, bells, bongos, recorders, flutes, seaweed horns and rock music that pounded from storefronts and handheld blasters.

Many were smoking pot and hashish or were drinking Olympia beer out of brown stubbies, sharing Gallo wine or swigging Johnny Walker out of bog bottles in brown paper sacks. Others with packs and sleeping bags on their backs strummed on guitars, singing as they walked. Dozens of boys and girls and same-sex couples walked past holding hand or arm in arm. Some embraced and kissed, leaning against storefront windows. Cross-dressers lounged in doorways. People wearing flowers and feathers in their hair set up stall against the building walls and decorated the sidewalk with multi-colored chalk drawings while they sat waiting for customers. It was like a hippy flea-market, a bizarre open-air psychedelic mall.

I walked in silence next to the Swami, while Shamasundar trailed behind with four of the new San francisco devotees: Chidananda, Sankarshana, Lilavati and Gaurasundara. It was seven o'clock. I thought the whole scene before us must appear very decadent to the Swami, and I didn't know what to say about it to him. Finally, I said, "It's a beatiful night". The Swami scrutinized the strees seller, looked at passing smokers, and bongo players, people with painted faces and wild, brightly colored costumes. He appeared to smell the air, taking in the burning odor of marijuana and the sharp putried stench of alcohol, which was tempered by the fragance of roses and carnations. He turned, smiling, and said, "Everything is beautiful".

Thank you very much Gurudev for your patient guidance, by always find ways to inspire us and for make many efforts to give Krsna to all. Trying to be a servant Vrsabhanu nandani dd

   ASA - AgtSP.   Your topic is very big.  Here are some links.

hare krishna( mirabai)

12 years, 3 months ago by mirabai in Personal Sadhana Reports


Acepte mis humildes reverencias,todas las glorias a srila prabhupada!!!!

si maharaj, respondiendo a su carta , me recuerda perfectamente, admiro su memoria porque somos muchos sus aspirantes a sirvientes.

Respecto a los estudios van muy bien, es educacion infantil y ahora me ha salido la oportunidad de trabajar en scotland y si krishna quiere me voy para diciembre o enero y no me puedo llevar a tulasi devi y por eso esty muy triste .

gurudev, estoy demasiado apegada a ella. Respecto a mi sadhana va mejorando y me siento mas centrada, sigo los 4 principios y las rondas como siempre hay alguna vez que canto menos de 16 pero intento superarme cada dia, y deseando poder estar iniciada. Deseo que su salud este mejor y nos visite en españa pronto Que krishna lo bendiga muchooo Su fiel sirvienta, mirabai

         >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   TlgaSP    Claro.      16-rondas entusiastas cada dia es su desfio principal!!!      Puede enviar su reportaje de japa, cuanto cada dia, a esta Blog.        Espana fin de Febrero??

Reporte de Sadhana KSDD

12 years, 3 months ago by Cruz Santa in Personal Sadhana Reports

¡Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada!

¡Todas las Glorias a usted Querido Gurudeva!

Querido Gurudeva,  Por favor acepte mis respetuosas reverencias  Seguimos luchando para mantenernos determinados en el servicio a Usted y a Srila Prabhupada. 4 Principios, 16 rondas. Lectura regular del Srimad Bhagavatam.

Este cuerpo continua dando molestias, las radio terapias causan muchos daños, pero mantenemos nuestro Sadhana lo mejor que podemos, también nuestro servicio regular en el templo. Usted es mi inspiración para ello, el solo pensar en usted, en Prabhupada y todo lo que tuvo que soportar por nosotros me hace refrendar mi entusiasmo. Muchas gracias Gurudeva.

En relación a nuestro servicio para los niños, platique con prabhu Aristasena y estaré apoyando ASA Kids, durante programas especiales. 

Gurudeva, Como resultado del contacto con los niños  nació en mi el deseo de realizar un par de servicios… he visto que hay mucho material de estudio para los niños pero en ingles… a mi me gustaría mucho poder trabajar en la emisión de libros en español para niños y he hablado con varios Vaisnavas especialistas en distintas materias y he pensado que quizá pueda ponerme en contacto con madre Priya Sakhi DD solicitando su asesoría. Por ello ruego a usted me diga si considera que sería adecuado que realice este servicio.

Siento que mi Sankirtan ha disminuido mucho, ruego me disculpe por tantas fallas, haré lo posible por mejorar, para que por su misericordia sin causa pueda ser una herramienta transparente en el servicio a  la misión de Srila Prabhupada.

Muchas gracias por todo querido Gurudeva.

Su aspirante a sirviente

Karuna Sakti DD

        ASA -  Jaya!  Si hay MUCHO en Ingles y SI contacto con la Priya Sakti va a ser super yo  pienso.  Es super servicio.      Muy muy buena suerte en su esforza.  Claro teatro es una media super para ninos y todos.  Hay muchas modos muy creativo, asombrante, para presentar la conciencia de Krsna.  !!!

Hare Krsna Respected Guru Maharaj

12 years, 3 months ago by Gopal C Biswas in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Respected Guru Maharaj,
    Please accept my humble obeisances at your lotus feet.
HpS - ASA -  AGTSP!  Our feet are clean but still not lotus..
     All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
    All glories to Guru parampara.

    Guru Dev, What is the schedule of your India Visit, next year.
HpS - ASA -  It seems that Krsna wants India in March with vist to Manipur, Kokatta/Mayapura for sure, then Australia in April and back to India on the way to Europe.   Seems we will buy the tickets with the next few weeks.  Any suggestions?

     Update about me:
     1. Four-regulative principles as usual.
    2. Chanting our fixed rounds.
    3. Study - SB, NOI, Prabhupada's small note from BTG, Isoupnisad, 'Parsad of lord chatinya' - Every
        day one character.
    4. Bhakti Shastri not started yet.
    5. Limited/Reduced temple activity - Just doing Prasadam distribution on Sunday. But visit temple 4-5
        time a week. Spend Saturday & Sunday in temple. Interaction with devotees and all.
    6. Preparing topic for basic level preaching for youth. First Topic - Body & I.
       Remark - Topic contains formation of our body in this material world (as SB - 8 elements and as
       per 'Sankhikyi' 24 elements).
       But not completed the topic yet. Need to do lot of works. There are lots of doubts. Consulting local
       temple Shiksha guru.
    7. Always remember you & Lord for every thing & mercy.
    8. Read your blog every day - Trying to learn from your advice and views.
    9. Visit different ISKCON web site - specially
    10. Spend 9-10 hours at office in working days.
    11. I talk very less with non-devotees.
        Remark: Some time, i don't like to talk to devotee also, if they are not glorifying lord.
    12. Planning to visit Vrindavan in Kartik month for 10 days.
    13. Continuing learning alphabets of Bengali to read Bengali.
    14. Trying to focus more on Study rather temple activity.
            Remark: Nothing planned yet. Still in thinking process.
    15. If any one ask for any seva in temple or outside temple, i accept and do respectfully.
    16. Time-being stopped fund collection activity.
    17. Meeting devotee at office time once in a week, minimum (we have a group of devotee at office -
          some are very very senior in ISKCON).
    18. Breakfast - fruits, lunch - fruits & dinner - rice & boiled vegetable.

     Please advise on the above.

    What to do:
    1. I am not able to seek the actual expression of vaishanava git (songs). But I like very much, if any
         one sing.
    2. I am very straight forward in terms of following any thing so some time it creates problem in the
        execution of temple activities.
       Remark: I speck very very straight forward, it is creating problem.
    3. Some temple bramachari asking that to be under any senior bramachari - for class & temple
    4. Don't know the path to improvement of my sadhan.
    5. I am always stopped at Kesi Ghat.
    6. How can i make my sadhana stronger.
your servant,
Girivaradhari-Gopal Das

             HpS - ASA ---    Some good advice about some of your points.      Of course, a lot of Sadhana is association - with local devotees, by different media.   Your report in this Blog is very nice association for everyone. Thus you can look and see how your next report can be better and that will help you advance!        Seems like you are doing O.K.    Of course the Kesi demon is still in the heart.  Make some little mistake and he can still come out and start to kill people!

  Hare Krsna   /    Hare Rama     ...  So tell us what you think about BG 17.15 and Puport and how it applys in your daily life.

Saranagati Dasi Mexico Reporte de Sadhana

12 years, 3 months ago by sarahii in Personal Sadhana Reports

Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada¡¡¡¡

Todas las Glorias a Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu¡¡¡¡

Todas las Glorias a Usted¡¡¡¡

Querido Guru Maharaja por favor acepte mis respetuosas reverencias a sus pies de loto; escribo para reportarme ya que tiene varios meses que no lo hago, segimos con: sadhana, rondas y 4 principios, y   nuestro servicio de preparar las 2 primeras ofrendas  en la Cocina de Sus Señorias de Lunes a Viernes, el servicio es muy lindo pero muy agotador a si que por ende me quedo en el templo en la semana y los fines de semana voy a visitar a mi familia , estamos haciendo arreglos para visitar Dallas en unos meses y tal vez poder quedarme ahi un tiempo en lo que decidimos cuando seria el momento adecuado para casarnos Nama Ruci Prabhu y Yo  todo depende de los areglos que Krshna tenga para nosotros .

Espero poder verlo muy pronto y poder tener de su asociacion ya que la necesito, ahora no he podido conectarme a Japa Joe por mi servicio termino muy agotada pero espero pronto poder acomodar mis horarios de tal manera que pueda tener de su asociacion :) <img alt="" src="" title="" />

Su Aspirante a sirviente Saranagati Dasi 

              HpS - ASA -  Gracias.   Gracas.   Gracias!!    TlgaSP...   Pfanrh...      Espero su Sankirtana adelanatar muy muy bien.......     Eso es por que Vd esta viviendo en esta mundo.      O.K.   NOs vemos pronto!


12 years, 3 months ago by giannina_dasi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada

Todas las glorias a Sri Guru y Gouranga!!!

Jayy Gurudeva Por favor acepte mis humildes y respetuosas reverencias a sus pies de loto

Hare Krishna Gurudeva

Sabemos que su salud no esta muy fuerte, estamos pidiendo al señor Nrisimhadeva que siempre lo este protegiendo e estamos intentado hacer lo mejor posible mejorando mi sadhana y teniendo una mejor conciencia sabemos que asi no le aliviamos ninguna pesar fisico pero al menos no le damos disgustos :D Aunque sabemos que Krishna siempre lo esta protegiendo y que Radharani lo asiste en su servicio eterno a Srila Prabhupada!!!!.

Gurudeva estamos muy contentos de haver conocido a sus maravillosos discipulos en lima y chosica estoy eternamente endeudada por el amor y el cariño con que me recibieron ya me quedan pocos dias en lima y me voy muy feliz. agradecida por el servicio tan lindo que hice y todas las realizaciones que vivi realmente mis estadia en chosica fue muy estatica gracias a la misericordia de la madre Gaura Gadhadara pudimos aprender a servir a Radha Madhana Vihari y a sus devotos por mucho amor.

Gurudeva acabo de empezar el estudio de bhakti sastri de Nimsar con la madre Yugala Kishora, estoy muy entusiasta con este nuevo servicio, la madre Yugala Kishora me dio buenos consejos de como estudiar los sastras sin volverte loca jajaja.

Muchas gracias maharaja por ser tan misericordioso y una fuente eterna de inspiracion para mi servicio a Krishna gracias por su asociacion a la asociacion de todos sus hijos espirituales.

Su aspirante a sirviente


HpS - ASA --------------AaaaaaaaaaaaaH! TlgaSP Estamos pensando en que ha pasado con Vd. para semanas, no? Ooff. O.K. Muy bien. Preguntando de Vd. Sr. Nrsmhadeva es utilizando su collar casi cada semana y nosotros sus cuenta para la Japa. O.K. Muy bien. Aun esta listo para la primero iniciacion??? Muchas gracias su carta...