Hare Krsna Maharaj
Hare Krishna Maharaj
Please accept my humble obeisances at your lotus feet.
HpS - ASA - AGTSP! We don't have lotus feet. Pineapple feet.
All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
Hope your health is doing good and you're able to get some rest.
ASA - Ha! Ha! We are fight with a FEVER and exhausted, but pretty happy with the results.
Maharaj, you may not remember but am one of the many recipients of your mercy from Boise. I have to take my final test for Bhakti sastri next Sunday. I'm far from doing the application of the study. Its only due to the mercy of Srinivasa Pr(Boise) that I was even able to study and continue with my schedule. Ofcourse, his strength comes from you. Thank you so much for everything Maharaj. we follow you through your lectures, notes and hearing from your disciples. Our sadhana is holding on, still long way to do 16 good rounds.
From the study preparations, there was one question - Are Vraja bhaktas superior to Prema bhaktas or is it the other way round.
ASA - Prema bhakti begins at Maha-visnu loka to Vaikuntha to Ayodha to Mathura to Vrndvana and then is more intense in Gopas, Gopis... So Vraja bhakti is the highest form of Prema bhakti.
I check your itinerary to see if you would be even passing via Chicago. We really pray that you may someday come to see Sri Kishore Kishori. Praying to become a nice sadhaka and serve the servants of Srila Prabhupada. Kindly shower your mercy that we may continue our service to please Guru and Krsna.
your aspiring servant
priya carana Dasi
HpS - ASA ---- I think that now we remember you more. We are barely able to travel at all, now but by the mercy of Krsna we cross over mountains, fly in the sky... If Kisor Kisori want, we can go to Chicago.