Todas Las glorias a Srila Prabhupada

11 years, 2 months ago by Linda Janeth in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna!!!

Todas las glorias a sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu

Todas las glorias a usted Gurudeva

Esperando se encuentre bien al recibir el presente reporte.

Seguimos esforzandonos por llevar acabo nuestro Sadhana cada día y como somos tan caidos algunos días cuesta más que otros pero seguimos de pie y adelante con la meta de algun día ser sirivientes esternos de nuestro querido Sri Krishna.

4 principios y 16 rondas fijas día con día, Leyendo libros de Srila Prabhupada. El fin de semana pasado estuvo en Uruapan prabhu Aniruddha dandonos un curso sobre conciencia de Krishna en la sociedad contemporanea, nos ha ayudado bastante para nuestra vida espiritual y como poderla llevar acabo en este mundo material tan caido, él prabhu comento que no solo debemos leer los libros de Srila Prabhupada sino que debemos estudiarlos y ese es mi proposito de ahora en adelante, estudiar cada libro cada pagina...

Estoy empezando una nueva etapa, mi mamá se fue a vivir a otra ciudad y ahora estoy solo con mi hijo, con muchas responsabilidades nuevas pero contenta porque tengo un hogar completamente concuente de Krishna solo cocinando para Krishna, ahora en casa no se cocina nada de carne. humildemente le pido su instrucción para seguir adelante y ser una buena guía para mi hijo.

Le ruego disculpe mis ofensas 

Su aspirante a sirviente

Bhaktin Linda Janeth

P.D. las flores del altar las compro, los vecinos no tienen flores :D :D :D 

HpS - ASA - Jaya!   TlgaSP!   ... Muy bien...   Esta estudiando en la escuela? Es tan deficil para nosotros recordar quienes quien. Vd tiene un hijo, yo tengo mas de cien. Ha! Ha! Ha...    Es bueno estudiar Upadesamrta con asociacion de devotos. Hay un devoto con quien puede estudiar?

Hare Krishna Mar del Plata

11 years, 2 months ago by Panca tattva das in Personal Sadhana Reports


Hare Krishna, Dear Guru maharaja..How are you doing???

            HpS -ASA - AGTSP....  paoh.  Ha!   Ha!   Hare!   HpS/SP=7, Maya=3!

Has being a long time I dont write  you (I´m not a good friend of computers)(I hate them)  ...I,m sorry...This two months has been very intense, we are doing a lot of service in Prabhupads new finca (Govardhana land of Krsna)..a lot of construction and organization...The life at the farm had changed my focus with the study of Prabhupads books ,  with much more entusiast. Good rounds, reading and working...once a week I stay at the temple and worship Goura Nitay and some times give Sundays lectures...

The other bramacaris are moving next month to the farm so we are starting with the full spiritual program: mangala etc...good asociation...

We are very happy with our bramacari asrama..

We are looking forward to have you´r asociation in summer.

I´t would be very nice to have you in Mad del plata for your Vyasa Puya all the devoties of Mardel are praying to have your asociation ..

Har Bol!!!!! Gurudev...

Thank you very much !!!

your eternal servant

Panca tattva das....

                HpS - ASA - Very nice!!   Just for the accessibility seems we will have the Vyasa puja in BsAs.  If we go to Mar de Plata I don't know. We have the tickets now. Info was in other letter. Ambarisa Das and others are doing alot of work on the itenarary.

If now computer then we have to be in touch by mystical powers!

You bring the farm to us!

greetings from dallas

11 years, 3 months ago by aron illo in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Maharaja

please accept my humble obesiances.  all glories to Srila Prabhupada. 

i hope you are well and in good health.  it's nice to know that you returned safely from your travels.  i have been following them closely.

i apologize for the delay in writing you.  every day i think of all i want to write and tell you.

i just returned from sankirtana.  we worked several different lots, met some great souls.  we just returned from the west coast and i have fabulous sankirtana stories to report.  i just wanted to write you a short note first to let you know that i'm still here and working every day to follow.  i'm enjoying my chanting, my service and working hard to keep my self occupied with morning and evening classes- i've starting a 20 week Bhagavad Gita study course.  You keep your self so busy and i only want to follow your great example.

thank you so much Maharaja for taking the time to read my message and taking note of me.  i look forward to meeting you in my japa time, service and meditation and following your wonderful lectures, newletters and spiritual mission. 

your eternal servant in Krishna Consciousness,

aron illo

            HpS - ASA -  Jaya...     SO nixce to hear from you!   Will we see you while we are in Houston?   We will be there from 20th -31st.  Of course, some days we have different meetings.  Maybe you can call us after we get there.

209 505 3219.

Some of the Sankirtan stories!!!

Hare Krsna

11 years, 3 months ago by Bhaktina Romi in Personal Sadhana Reports
All glories to Sri Sri Gauranga Nitiananda
All Glories to Srila Prabhupada Patita Pavana.
All Glories to you
Please accept my humble obeisances to yours and Srila Prabhupada holy lotus feet.
I keep chanting the holy names to your health improve! 
GuruMaharaja I commence to regularize my sadhana 16 rounds ok, 4 pples ok. 
I have not a lot of things to say more than you know. 
I keep worshipping Sri Sri Nitai Gaura Nataraja, Srila Prabhupada and Srimati Tulasi Devi. Bhakti Sastri (remember, listener mode, no exams) Sankirtana started to occupy my time (Jaya) I always thinking how can expand the movement of Lord Caitanya. My preach is really poor, but Krsna is giving me things where I can be usefull. The devotees have many patience with me, and teach me many things, I’m so grateful from them association. 
NIMITTA MATRAM: far from it, but also very convinced…………….
Please Gurudeva bless me, for use my intelligence for the lord.
The independent business lady ha ha ha……….. keep working like a donkey but trying to spiritualize the job and the conciusness (BG 9.27 Y 9.28 trying so hard………..)
How to act the devotee who see the unhealthy competition among devotees?

In the event that they are new, how is it possible to care?
Thanks GuruMaharaja for your mercy and for occupy me in Devotional Service. Please bless me to stay always close to devotees.
Your aspirant to servant.
RatiManjari DeviDasi
      HpS - ASA - AGTSP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!       paoho.    Tku ur letter...   Always we have to see the individual situation to give individual advice. You have to see each person differently, but in general NOI 4 and 5. There are different levels of devotees and they compete for different reasons.  The Gopis, Srimati Radharani and Candravali also compete, but they feel good after each competition. They like having the competition. It allows them to improve Their own service.
Kanistha adhikari competes for material reasons a lot. He wants fame, mystical powers, mystical sense gratification, position in religious society...   +PEACE+  (Freedom from suffering).  Mukti.
Madhyama adhikari can keep his material desires under control and uses the competition to stimulate his purification, to try and be of some real help.
We have to instruct new devotees like I am instructing you!!


11 years, 3 months ago by Bhakta David II in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Maharaja,

Please accept my humble obeisances.  All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Maharaja, could you please send your address for more confidential discussions?

Hoping to become your servant,
Bhakta David II

HpS - ASA - AGTSP.  paoho....  [email protected] ... If it doesn't work write  here again!

Saranagati Dasi Mexico D.F

11 years, 3 months ago by sarahii in Personal Sadhana Reports

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada!!!!

Todas las glorias a Sri Caitania Mahaprabhu!!!

Todas las glorias a Usted!!!!

Querido Gurudeva me reporto desde Radha Madhan Gopal Dam cantando 16 rondas, 4 principios y Mangalartic casi sin interrupcion soy una vaca a la que no le agrada ahun el echo de levantarce temprano pero por su misericordia lo logramos con exito.

               HpS - TlgaSP! pfanrh.  Mooooo y bien!

Sigo con la atencion a Nitai Caitanya Candra todos los dias manteniendo un estandar adecuado para ellos y atendiendo a Tulasi sin descuidar mi servicio en el templo y la boutique en la que ya es parte de mi servicio tambien, ahun no se como ago para poder hacer todo pero por su misericordia sin causa aunque con errores trato de hacerlo lo mejor pocible Radha Madhan Gopal son muy tolerantes conmigo y me permiten segir aqui tratando de tocar Sus pies de loto diariamente.

Las semanas pasadas estubieron llenas de misericordia y el templo estubo lleno de devotos puros y pude tener una misericordia especial de P Mahatma Das, gracias a una charla con el pude resolver una situacion que me afligia en el corazon desde hace ya tiempo a tras y que me impedia segir avanzando en mi vida espiritual, cuando hable con el senti como si estubiera hablando con Usted y senti una coneccion muy especial no se si eso pueda ser pocible???? o solo sea mi propia especulacion :/ <img alt="frown" src="" title="frown" />

                HpS - Si.

Pero ahora estoy contando los dias para poder verle espero que Krishna me permita poder servirle vida tras vida y nunca alejarme del camino, por su misericordia y la de Srila Prabhupada aferrarme a los pies de  Loto de los Devotos.

Su aspirante a Sirviente Saranagati Dasi

le mando fotos de Nitai Caitanya Candra y mi altar

            HpS - ASA - 13 days   13 hours   38 minutos hasta llegada.   Ja!  Ja!  Ja!

Gracias!!!  Adelante!            ~Super fotos!~