De Madrid al cielo.

10 years, 9 months ago by bhaktajosemadrid in Personal Sadhana Reports



   Espero se encuentre bien de salud. Hare Krishna!!!!!!!!!!!

  Perdone por no escribirle antes asi como por mis multiples ofensas, soy peor que un burro. Tendré que aceptar el pagar por ello.

 4 principios burdos ok. 17 rondas minimo. Todos los dias programa de la mañana, (menos un dia).

   Despues de los ultimos acontecimientos, estoy como miembro colaborador en el Templo de Madrid asi no tengo obligación de asistir a reuniones.

  Sigo ocupandome de cuidar a Sus Señorias Sri Sri Gaura Nitai, aunque creo que no estoy capacitado para hacerlo. Estoy planteandome dejar el puesto de Head Pujari, (seguir siendo un simple pujari)  pero solo es un planteamiento. Estos tres-cuatro meses han ido muy bien. Pero maya cuando pega pega fuerte. Algun puñetazo recibido, mente, vista.

Aunque mi deseo es seguir peleando. Creo que no hay otra opción

                 ASA - Si. No hay otro opcion, luchar para marijuana o luchar para satisfaccion de Krsna.

...hasta que salga de maya siempre estaré sufriendo. Aunque ahora puedo predicar un 0,0000000000000001 %

             ASA - Despues de salga de Maya vamos a sufrir tambien, Mire M. Yasoda y Radharani!

  Estoy empezando a tener dudas si es bueno seguir realizando la Adoración de esta manera, sin instalar las Deidades. Los ministros de Adoracion Pankajani Das? respondieron a Maha Laksmi DD que habria que Instalarlas, que asi es como adorar a semi dioses y uno puede ser atacado por fantasmas. Tambien creo que no estoy capacitado para hacerlo, aunque también es un hecho que no puedo vivir sin realizar servicio para Sus Señorias; o si puedo vivir pero con un sentimiento de separación muy grande.

    Algo flojo en la lectura debido a los cambios, a maya etc. Leidos: Sri Nityananda Caritamrita, y ahora leyendo Sri Caytanya Bhagavat, En busca del objetivo Supemo de la vida?, El libro de Krishna, SB.

    Imposible levantarme a las 3,   3,15 demasiado ruido en el Asrama. Preparo el desayuno de las Deidades, devotos con lo cual no puedo cantar las 16 rondas en Brahma Muhurta.

    Mis relacciones con los devotos nuevos de la directiva van mejorando pero no hay el mismo entendimiento que con los anteriores. Puede ser bueno para muchas cosas, ahora y en el futuro. Para mi ha sido una sorpresa, y creo que me alegro de que lo haya sido y asi no ser participe de eso. Pero tambien es cierto que ha sido desagradable y la conciencia de Krishna ha sido afectada, lo cual me da una idea mejor de mi posicion tan caida.

     Le he propuesto a Yasodanandana Prabhu hacer un grupo de musica, y va a comprar una guitarra y espero en breve empecemos a ensayar.

     ¿Puede Hablarme un poco de la iniciación de Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura? Y de los motivos a los que llegó para reestableceer la iniciación brahminica. Caitanya Mahaprabhu recibio esa iniciación. ¿?  ¿los seis Goswamis la recibierón?.

      Su caido intento de sirviente  Jharikhanda-gaura Das. (creo que soy totalmente inutil y muchas veces no puedo comprender lo que me estan diciendo) Deme por favor la misericordia de poder aplicar Su Misericordia Infinita para poder seguir sus instrucciones. Gracias por todo  Gurudeva.

                    ASA - Oooof!  Una carta muy larga! Recibo como 5-6 cada dia y 20 horas mas de otro servicio, pero basicamente puede entender que Vd es un Brahmana. No, Sannyasi o Goswami pero adelantando en esta dirrecccion. Adm. , servicio va a cambiar. Eso es realidad. Solamente certificar que el cambiar es advanza. No va a ser LA ULTIMA CAMBIO. La ADM. perfecto, pero cambio bueno para todos.
Puede tomar su papel de Pujari como su trabajo principal y su papel de Jefe de Pujaris como secndario esperando un Jefe de Pujaris mejor. Busca Satyaraja Khan en Upadesamrta y entonces sigue la enlace de CC para detalles de iniciacion. Gracias.  Super su servicio!!!!


10 years, 9 months ago by Bhaktin Paula Quezada in Personal Sadhana Reports




Hare Krsna Maharaj,

Hope that when you get this report your health is well and your energy has improved.

                HpS - ASA - AGTSP!!!!  We hope the same for you!

 I would like to thank you for your visit to Chile. For me, to rely on your instruction and association are an invaluable treasure. Especially because on this occasion I could assist with my mother, who works in European Southern Observatory   and two astronomers, to your conferences on Carl Jung and The light of Bhagavata, and for everybody was a very enriching experience.

Sadhana:  chanting at least 16 rounds in japa beads, but have to recognize that sometimes my enthusiasm is down, but its been better for the last month. Following strictly four principles.

Because of my family responsibilities, im doing mainly house programs and try to assist to at least one program of the day in the temple.

Maharaj, i have a question. In the purport of BG 5.15 it is said that the Vedanta sutras (2.1.34) confirms that “ "The Lord neither hates nor likes anyone, though He appears to." But then in BG 12.14-20 Krsna describes the cualities of the devotee that makes him very dear to him. How can this be???  Was just an illusion of my mind when I have felt loved by Krsna?

Its been some time since the last time I wrote. Sometimes I fell trapped in a maelstrom that difficults my capacity of communicating and I didn´t want to bother you with my issues. This because I pass through some complicated times with my service in the temple. In my last report I told you I was in charge of the flower services, clothes and jewels for the deity and in helping with the decorations offers (mostly of the altar) for the parties. In this I was when the president of the temple P. Amara Gouranga Das asked me if I could take the service of being his assistant, temple secretary, and secretary of the administrative board. Considering that in the temple we were going through a little complicated situation regarding administrative issues, I agree to accept the service. I also helped in the attention and administration of the temple restaurant. Due to the fact that some inconvenient situations arose and considering the advice received by major devotees, that the most important thing was to take care of my spiritual life, is that I talk with my authorities to thank the opportunity and confidence they had on me, but decided to leave this service.

After I re evaluate my situation regarding what service I should realize, and remembering your words about how lucky we are of being able to be in touch with  the deities in kali – yuga and due to the infinite mercy of my beloved Krsna, is that I could take again my services. So im back doing garlands, going for flowers, helping in the service of clothes for the deity and decorating the altar and the temple for special occasions. Krishna is perfect.

Actually lots of service preparing for Goura Purnima. Reading the Teachings of Lord Caitanya for inspiration.  (my sadhana includes everyday lectures on SBh, BG, KB)

Hopping that someday i can get the mercy of the shelter under  your lotus feet. That you can accept me to be your insignificant servant.

Please, bless us so we can continue engaged with service, in the mission of Srila Prabhupada!!

Hare Krsna.

Bhaktin Paula Quezada

               AGTSP! - Krsna likes everyone. He is the Supreme Enjoyer. He likes to enjoy everything. So if someone wants to have a good fight with Him then He enjoys that, Kicks and Screams and Bites like Hell! A good fight, and the Demon feels good, "That was a good fight! I don't feel so angry anymore. Maybe Krsna would like to take a dip in the lake and have a little hot milk after all that!"
From another point of view He is angry at the Demons and favors the devotees. It is a matter of how you look at it.
We should try to be good and do the right thing so that Krsna will be pleased with us and not have to be worrying about us!!!

Dandavats! Hare Krsna!

10 years, 9 months ago by PABLOPARIKRAMA in Personal Sadhana Reports


Agt Guru y Gauranga!

Pamho Maharaja!

Soy Bhakta Pablo del Parikrama, de España.

I wish You are well in all aspects Maharaja.

I write from Madrid Mandir, I am here since Goura Purnima. Today Gaura-Nitay, sevices, class with Akrura Prabhu, Jarikhanda Das, Jara Mara Hari Das, Bhakta Marcos...etc. Sooo nice be here. Now I am happy. Madrid Mandir Ki Jay!!!

I think a lot of You Maharaja. I want to speak with Dandavat Das about be again your formal " aspirante " if You don`t say other think diferent. What I need do for that , etc.

I will go to India since 29 april to 29 of may, Madrid-Bombay, Bombay-Navadvipa and again came back. I want more but I can´t with security in my obligations here.

Today I have had one nice realitation for me, it`s a nonesense, but I have never had like today. Krsna is sooo kind with all of us that give to us all that we want. That make me be " tranquilo ", Krsna is with all of us, taking care of us always. Sooo nice. 

I will go to write to Jayapataka Maharaja Vyasa-puja giving obeisances. Is a big reference for me, like You Maharaja.

Your fool sevant, Bhakta Pablo.

At yours feet.

Hare Krsna.

                    HpS - ASA - Jaya! Thank you for your association in Japa Joe also. We hope your visit to India is very refreshing. Yes, aspiration for Formal Initiation is very very nice!!!!!

Haré krishna!!

10 years, 9 months ago by Simio madhu in Personal Sadhana Reports



cantando 16 rondas

50% gayatris

leyendo srimad bhagavatam y krishna Book

organizando Bhakti Vriksa, 5 grupos 

trabajando para Krishna West. 

planificando educación. 

4 principios. 

S.s. madhumangala d.

                HpS - ASA -- Jaya! Si, es super tomar tiempo para "tri-sandhyas", gayatri etc. dawn, noon, dusk.   How is your son?

Marco from Monterrey - Touching Fire.

10 years, 9 months ago by marco in Personal Sadhana Reports, Special Category A, Hot Topics

Hare Krishna Maharaj, all glories to Srila Prabhupada!

All glories to Lord Caytania and Lord Nytiananda!

All glories to you Maharaj Hanumatpresaka Swami!

Please accept my humble obeisances. I have been trying to write but I am not sure if I did it right. My name is Marco from Monterrey and I have very little in the Hare Krishna Movement (10 months). I am living in the Monterrey Temple and try to chant 16 rounds every day and to follow the 4 principles but Maya is always seducing me with lustful desires, anger and lack of enthusiasm to perform devotional service.

I had the fortune of doing Sankirtan marathon last december in Mexico City. I survived. After that, January was the best month. I was enthusiastic, getting up early, doing extra service, not complaining...I felt great but this eagerness has been diminising little by little. In the last couple weeks I've failed to get up early, finish rounds, etc.

I have to admit my attention is more focused in a mataji I met and I've been making all sorts of plans to be near her. (Move to DF, etc). Maha Sankarsan invited me to work with him at the farm and I asked him if I can do Sankirtan also. We are still adjusting details. 

Please tell me what you think. 

Please excuse my offenses.

Your humble aspirant,


HpS - AGTSP paoho. I think it's nice to hear from you. In general, your devitional career is normal, but of course also very individual. We cannot give detailed advice from such a separation in distance etc, but in general we can suggest what Canakhya Pandit says:

Victory comes from good advice, and good advice comes from many counselors.

1. So, keep a collection of good advisors who know you, the local situation, your associates.

2. Chant Hare Krsna to get Krsna's advice.

3. Read, read, read Prabhupada's books for general and even detailed advice!

1, 2, 3 you will be successful.

In general, you will not be able to understand what marriage is until you are at the level of second initiation. That takes three years normally. Before that if you experiment before that you will generally all survive alive with no fatal burns if you are all strict with the four principles.

If you break the four principles you can create a situation that can ruin your entire life.

Keep your romance within the associacion of a broader family.

Recordado y querido Gurudev

10 years, 9 months ago by Radha Japa in Personal Sadhana Reports

Por favor acepte mis mas humildes y respetuosas reverencias a sus pies de loto! Todas las glorias  a Srila Prabhupada!Todas las Glorias a parama karuna Sri Sri Gaura Nitai!Todas las glorias a Sri Sri Radha Madhana Vihari!

Hare krsna querido Gurudev! espero se encuentre muy bien. Lo vi muy feliz en su viaje a India.Espero poder tener mas y mas la miseriordia de Asociarme con Usted a travez de japa joe y Sus clases via internet.

Aqui le envio una foto de franco que Usted me pidio cuando estaba en BS AS.

Gracias por su infinta paciencia y tolerancia conmigo.Se que aun no se aprovechar Su presencia personal.  Trato de ser muy sincera con Usted para asi recibir Su ayuda misericordiosa. Estoy tratando de ser mas y mas sincera conmigo misma para ver el fondooo de las cosas que hago y pienso. Se que primero mi servicio y todo se ira rebelando de a poco. estoy siendo paciente conmigo misma y seguir entusiasta...compasion vaisnava.

 Gurudev queria saber si le intereza aun que publique comentarios del tercer canto SB, Kadama Muni y devahuti, como me lo pidio unavez. Ahora que estamos mas organizados de a poco y ya no en el exilio.. jajaj...como Usted nos dijo alguna vez.. ahora puedo hacerlo. Ya empeze a comentar el capitulo 22, si Usted desea comienzo a publicar en este blog,... una vez por mes?

                   HpS - ASA - Jaya! TlgaSP - Si, pero escribir los y despues de un dia revisar, condensar entonces envia! Va a ser muy util.

Esta semana comienzo con la publicidad de mis clases de danza.. estoy feliz. Mi esposo diseño unas tarjetas y volantes. asi que empezamos!

Espero pase un hermoso dia de Gaura Paurnima!Aparicion trascendental de Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu ki jay!!!

Voya seguir orando y pidiendole a nuestro señor Krsna, poder complacerlo a Usted.

Aspirando a complacer su corazon absorto en el experto Flautista: Radha japa prati jalpa dd.