Papa Noel

10 years, 8 months ago by papanoel in Personal Sadhana Reports

SS Hanumat Presaka Maharasa, mis acepte Por favor Humildes reverencias. TODAS las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada. Le escribe un Aspirante a Discípulo (sirviente).

Bien solo soy un mecánico de automóviles con un taller propio y en el trabajan un operario la señorita de la oficina y mi hijo.
En la escuela desde que tenia los ocho años los viernes me hacían dibujar el santo evangelio en la pizarra y creo que desde entonces el amor por Dios me llamo la atención . Cuando tenia catorce años nos hicieron unos examenes para escoger según las notas para un seminario de la religión  cristiana fui uno de los elegidos , pero no estaba convencido y no fui , después con veintiún años, me paso lo siguiente, andando por la calle  Francisco Silvela me cruce con u devoto  vestido con su dotis y unos meses anteriores vi un grupo de cuatro o seis cantando y bailando no recuerdo donde pero me gusto, pues cuando ne cruce con este devoto me los recodo seguí andando pero algo sentí dentro que me decía que le preguntara donde localizarlos, al rato me di la vuelta pero ya no lo vi mas.

Mi nuevo encuentro con los devotos  fue que tuve una visita de un devoto en el taller donde trabajo estuvimos ablando me enseño unos libro le compre uno y me dejo unos dulces no me fiaba de ellos pero los guarde y al tercer día los probé lo cual me gustaron mucho, sobre el libro lo estuve leyendo en verano y eso me hizo dirigirme a la dirección del Templo de Madrid justo 31 de agoto del 2001.
Estando dentro del portal porque el cierre de la calle estaba cerrado. La entrada por el portal me dio mala impresión y retrocedí para marcharme, pero estando en la puerta de la calle para salir pensé si he venido asta aquí a tenido que ser por algo, me volví y llame a la puerta la cual me abrió  Jagamojhan. Bueno no quiero ser pesado otro día le contare mas cosas para que me valla conociendo un poco mas.

Bien aquí me tiene pidiendo si puede aceptarme como Aspirante a Discípulo (sirviente). SS le pido mil disculpas si no se dirigirme para pedirlo. Acepte por favor mis Humildes reverencias. Hare Krisna, Hare Krisna, Krisna Krisna, Hare Hare.
                                                                                       Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare, Hare.    

HpS - TlgaSP. muy bien oir su biografia. Usualmente esta atraccion para Dios es algo que desarrolla durante basante vidas. Ser un Refugiado formal tiene que cumplir seis meces siguiendo todo. Puede leer

Y comunicar si la sistema es claro???

About TPP.PabloParikrama.

10 years, 8 months ago by PABLOPARIKRAMA in Personal Sadhana Reports, Other


Agt Guru y Gauranga!

Agt Radha y Krsna!

Pamho Maharaja.

Hare Krsna!

Soy Bhakta Pablo del Parikrama de España. Espero que este muy bien en todos los aspectos. Leemos los DTC y Tweeter, nectar.

About de TPP Handbook distribution, for me It will be a big honor be able to distribute. But now it is not posible for me becouse I am quite.. In some time I could distribute.

To who must be distributed?. Devotees or posible devotees?

I would like to read a lot!!!!

All is good Maharaja.

Where You must recibe the recomendation letter from Dandavat, Madrid mandir. I want to say to Dandavat.

I am trying to improve my adoration. I have made new dhotis, and I am doing more clothes.

At Your feet.

Hare Krsna.

HpS - AGTSP. So nice to hear from you. I think Dandva Das has our e-mail address. He can send there. Dhotis for who?

Report from Radha Kunda

10 years, 8 months ago by Tungavidya devi dasi in Personal Sadhana Reports



My dear guruji:

First of all, I want to thank you for allowing me to have your association here in Radha Kunda and Vrndavan some weeks ago, it was, as I told you, very inspiring for me. It happens to me like when a device works with batteries, after some time it tells you “battery low”, after some time without having your darshan I feel that something is going not wrong but slower, and when I see you again is like my batteries charge again.

              HpS - Hmmmf!  AGTSP paoho. For us it was one of the most marvelous things in our life. Giridhari Das, your whole family was very kind to all of us.

But sometimes, we try to be too perfect while serving our guru maharaja, that we forget very important things like the basic vaisnava etiquette, and we don’t realize it until someone else tell us, in this case, my daughter told me, ”hey, you have committed a very big offense against your guru, you were very rude when you answer him, that happened when you came home and when you asked me “where do I sit, I answered, wherever you want”, what I did meant was that you choose the place and I would put an asana, but my English is not so good and I spoiled it all, and when I was out of the kitchen again you were already sit, so I did not clear the things up, so I am bowing down to ask for your forgiveness, I am sometimes very dull and don’t know how to serve you, I become very nervous trying to serve you properly, I am very very sorry for that, I hope you give me your mercy and forgive me.

     HpS - Hmmm? It was all very proper for us.

I want also to give you the name of the villages of the astasakhis:

Radharani                           Varsana

Lalita gopi                           Uncagaon

Visakha                                 Kamai

Campakalata                        Karehla

Citra                                      Ciksauli

Tungavidya                          Dabharo

Induleka                               Indrauli

Rangadevi                            Rasoli

Sudevi                                   Sunahara

I also need to ask you some questions about the gayatri mantra:

  1. If you are chanting the gayatri in the temple and your guru maharaja or any other maharaja comes in, you keep on chanting or do you pay obeisances HpS - I guess you can keep chanting unless it causes some disturbance.
  2. If you are chanting the gayatri and the curtains of the deities are opened, you keep on chanting or do you pay obeisances HpS - Karanamrta Das told me that Prabhupada said, that during a lecture if the curtains open it is proper to just touch your folded hands to your head to offer respects. So I guess something similar is proper for this moment.
  3. If you are doing a parikrama and it is time to chant the gayatri, can you chant it while walking or do you have to stop and chant it. HpS - As far as I understand is always best to chant sitting, but if I am sick I sometimes chant while pacing back and forth.

Maybe these are silly questions for many people but I don’t have the answers and I know they will help my godbrothers that have recently got second initiation.

My dear guruji, thank you very much for your mercy, and hope to serve you better in the future and please forgive all my offenses, cause I am only a conditioned and fallen soul.

Your (trying to be humble) servant

Tungavidya dd

           HpS - Are you going to stay in Radha Kunda?

Jay Gurudeva!

10 years, 8 months ago by giannina_dasi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada!

Todas las Glorias a Sri Sri Gaura Nitay!

Por favor acepte nuestras mas humildes y respetuosas reverencias ! 

Hare Krishna Gurumaharaja! 

Querido Gurudeva muchas gracias por no abandonarnos, valoramos enormemente, ahora más que nunca, el poder de la misión de Srila Prabhupada al traer la conciencia de Krsna a occidente y  darnos a conocer la enorme misericordia de tener a un maestro espiritual. Lamentablemente, nos hemos mantenidos muy alejados ultimamente del sendero del bhakti y nuestra conciencia ha ido disminuyendo cada día vez más. 

He perdido casi totalmente el sadhana, desde que empecé a trabajar y estudiar dormía muy tarde y no podiamos levantarnos temprano para mangala arati, luego esto luego se nos hizo costumbre y la mente buscaba cualquier escuza  para no levantarse, de forma que nos costaba cada vez mas estar al día en las rondas, he iba arrastrando rondas siempre, hasta que perdi totalmente el gusto, seguro por las ofensas que cometidas y dejaba de cantar. También Gurudeva por todo esto o no sé porque no pude mantener mi voto de seguir los cuatro principios, en dicciembre conoci a una persona que es muy buena y teniamos muchos intereses en común y compartiamos las mismas ideas sobre la filosofia, Dios, el vegetarianismo, la sociedad y los animales, me apegue mucho a esta persona y no pude mantenerne célibe. Lamentableme o quizás arreglo del Señor no pude seguir la relación con esta persona. 

Apesar de todo, gracias a la misericodia de Gaura Nitay, Srila Prabhupada, Ud Gurumaharaja y Prabhu Gundica, nos hemos podido mantener en el servicio a las deidades y a los devotos, yo sigo manteniendo mi servicio fijo de hacer las guirnaldas para Sus Señorias y lavando sus ropitas y Prabhu Gundica siempre me pone  cualquier otro servicio para la fiesta de domingos o para el sankirtan del templo. Esto ha hecho de que no perdamos del todo el entusiamo y tengamos el deseo de esforzarnos para conseguir denuevo alcanzar el néctar de cantar los Santos  Nombres sin flaquear, aunque mi entusiamo es muy chiquito me inspiro de los devotitos que se mantienen fijos en el servicio.  Además seguir aportaciones en Kapi dvaja, Japa Joe y Twitter son de gran ayuda para nosotros, ya que de alguna forma hacen que no pierda el contacto con Ud. 

No perdemos la esperanza Gurudeva de algun día poder seguir su instrucción fielmente, de  momento queremos retomar los el programa de mangala arati diario en el templo, aunque es compliacado porque no vivo muy cerca del templo y afuera del templo es un sitio un poquito feo, es lo único que puede hacer fortalecer nuestra bhakti lata  y recuperar nuestro entusiamo para cantar todas las rondas completas. 

Gracias eternas por todo Gurudeva, es una fuente infinita de misericordia , perdón una y mil veces por todas las ofensas cometidas son parte de nuestra ignorancia y nuestra inmadurez, por favor manteganos siempre en el fuego del servicio, siempre con nuestra cabeza en sus pies. 

Su mas ofensora pero bienqueriente aspirante

Gandha-manjari dd

                HpS - Jaya! TlgaSP. Usted es en Maya!!!<img alt="smiley" height="24" src="" title="smiley" width="24" /> (Posible 80%), pero, claro, puede ver que Krsna siempre recordando su servicio antes (y ahora).

Tiene que luchar para hacer lo que puede hacer. Cada paso en esta sendero es eterno. Tiene que tomar apoyo de sus experiencias. Mi vida es feliz? No, por que?

Entonces puede adelantar poco a poco por experimentando cosas. Claro, mas que puede aplicar los instrucciones de Srila Prabhupada puede adelantar mas rapido.

Fija un cuantidad de Japa que Vd. puede hacer sin duda para tiempo fijado, como Ekadasi a Ekadasi, y lo hace. Entonces puede ver los resultados en adjustar su vota.
Muy bien.

level from NOI

10 years, 8 months ago by AKD in Personal Sadhana Reports

All Glory to Srila Prabhupada

Please accept my humbles obeisances

Dear Gurudeva:

Now I tray to take good asosiation for chanting, and studying more about the way to hold in Krishna counsisness, just chanting and try to make a litter Shaddana, about the level I'm try to make some activities with devotees, and my sraddha it's yet small.

I keep reading the Noi, Nod, and ISO, BG and SB canto 1 one more time

of course I have not good qualities but I try to keep the association, talking with good devotees, and taking prasadam, and givenig all that I can.

On Monterrey we studed the Rupa Siksa, and on Durango we studed about Krishna book, and ISO.

on Aguascalientes we take the siksa program on the guide of 64 weeks, we stared Krishna sevaka level.

on DF we participe on house program and reading BG with some devotees.

I need leard more about how can I use all that I can do and all That I have, on the service to the devotees.

now I staring to write some compositions for kid's program, and about team work.

Prabhu Druta Karma write about the Anunnakis  that today is a topic very common.

What do yo thing abut that me are doing?

what I need to change and keep to can aspirate to the prabhupada's service?

how can I keep good asosiation, througth I have small things to give?

I keeping the basic standard, don't sleepng on Brhma muhurta, reading, try to follow the 4 principles.

Maharaj guru Prasada say that i need keep on preaching and sankirtan programs.

Here many devotees like make some changes on the way to participe on the Sankirtan, as the definition of sankirtan (not oly book distribution) till the properly presentation of the devotees to society. I hear all this every time, and just I try to keep the basic standard and keep the asosiation, and helping on outreach program.

Thaks a lot for your mercy, and for your visit that was very inspiring. your crew member Aniruddha Krishna Das

HpS - ASA - AGTSP! Very nice letter of course, the most central thing is not to just "try to follow 4 principles" but to follow them strictly. Of course, everybody is different and so we all have different challenges. There have been big demons who have been strict followers of the Vedic rules. They followed austerities to kill God and his devotees, but in general if we don't follow the four principles it is like trying to wake up and still be intoxicated with sleep. We won't be able to have a clear intelligence about what our place in Krsna consciousness is.

So, use your intelligence: What are the things that help me be strong in chanting good rounds and following the four principles strictly and what are the things that cause me problems.

Tell us the results of your investigation.

Hare Krsna Gurudeva

10 years, 8 months ago by sarad-bihari-dasi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Gurudeva  Please accept my obeisances to your lotus feet , All glories to Srila Prabhupada , all glories to you .

 How are you Gurudeva? i hope your physical heath is ok .

             HpS - ASA -- We are taking care to not kill ourselves from too much work or too much recreation.

First of all; i wanted to thank you again for listen to me in the phone call, i feel very protected by you , this is a very hard time for me , i asume it was my choice but  being a woman its a difficult situation , i feel that Krsna is taking care of me  gving me your shelter . So far 16 rounds, 4 principles , trying to do some translations ,and i started to cook for the deities on wednesday , i hope is ok  for you , it was lovely , belen help me cleaning everything , if you think its ok, i will continue doing it ones a week

            HpS - Seems very nice.

 Having big troubles with my ex husband , trying to calm everything down , but realizing its not possible for me , i cant control anything so hoping that everything with calm on time, understanding that its a reaction of my desition but still feeling frustrated about it,  on the other hand im happy to be able to connect myself on japa joe , hope i can allways do it, thank you so much ones again Gurudeva  , who wants to serve you , Sarad Bihari Dasi

            HpS - ASA --- A husband is a husband. If we try to make him and "ex-husband" its like trying to pretend you never were 9-years old. You were.

Yes, we have to adjust in terms of our psycho-social nature, spiritual development etc. The we can ALL be happy.

Prabhupada, Parasara Muni even admit a lady to accept a second husband under certain circumstances in Kali yuga, there is a way the world works. You are nine years old and then you are ten years old. If you work with sincere best wishes for EVERYONE and proper understanding then it will be very, very nice for everyone and when you are an old lady and about to die EVERYONE will come to you and say, "Thank you Mama, hermana, hija, eposa... you did the right thing. We owe you a big debt."